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Author Topic: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.  (Read 70090 times)


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #135 on: February 07, 2012, 06:57:23 AM »

Anyone know the details on why Volpe was not allowed as an expert witness?
Chicken farm, pig farm, cow farm, fish farm.


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #136 on: February 07, 2012, 07:21:44 AM »

Staniford has made it his mission to stoop pretty low to discredit people in the fish farm industry and governmental scientists.  He has been running his mouth off for awhile now and it finally has caught up with him.  Sorry, I don't feel too bad for the position he is in.  I actually feel sorry for Norway who might have to put up with him.  Why can't we find a job for Don at our country's embassy in Syria and give Norway a break?

Who's pure movtivation is the preservation of BC's wild salmon?  Oh pleeeese!  If he is so committent to preserving BC's wild salmon then he should try considering the possibility that his narrow view is not consistent with what went on at the Cohen Inquiry (the whole inquiry - not just what happened after August).  More like preservation of his own butt.  Free the new Teflon!

The movement to stop the ocean feedlots is much bigger than one person. I'm sure others will carry on from where he leaves off. And last time I checked the internet seems to be available in most parts of the world....

Time to support new and much better initiatives such as the one proposed by Dr. Welch.

Why don't you get your bosses to write a cheque?

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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #137 on: February 07, 2012, 12:41:27 PM »

Why does Don Staniford say salmon farms are like the tobacco industry? Here is just a fraction of what has been reveled in courtroom #52, Vancouver Law Courts, corner of Nelson and Hornby:

2002 – Scientific paper published in Chemosphere reports: “relatively high concentrations of PCBs” in Scottish farm salmon warning, “…high consumption of salmon, particularly by children under 4 years, could lead to intakes above the tolerable daily intake …. Of these chemicals.” (Download Jacobs.pdf (146.0K))

2002 – A second scientific paper in Chemosphere found because farmed salmon are intentionally fattened, PCBS collect in the fat at 5 – 10 times the levels found in average wild salmon. It was suggested that “Frequent farmed salmon eaters may exceed government health limits for these pollutants, which are linked to immune system damage, fetal brain damage, and cancer” (paper)

2004 – Scientific paper in the journal of SCIENCE analyzed over 2 metric tons of farmed and wild salmon from around the world and reported consumption of farmed Atlantic salmon may pose a health risk.

2007 – Salmon of the Americas, a non-profit trade organization, whose mission is to educate consumers recommends pregnant mothers eat farm salmon suggesting it will make their babies more healthy and intelligent!!!

The Pure Salmon Campaign retaliates with a N.Y. Times Download nyt_ad copy.pdf (151.0K)

2011 – BC Salmon farming corporations join forces to pay for a multi-million dollar ad campaign that suggests farm salmon are free of contaminants.Download NoAddedChemicalsMHBCSalmon4C300.jpg (2983.9K)
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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #138 on: February 07, 2012, 01:07:11 PM »

If we did not have people willing to speak up, stand up for our environment, our fish and wildlife they, as well as the human race would be a lot worse off than what we are faced with now, in British Columbia, Canada and around our planet. There is so many examples of that and I donot have to list them as most of us personally know what some of them are as we have all seen and read about them during our life time and during the past century.

It certainly is a disappointing state of affairs that human apathy, in too many cases let this all happen without questioning decisions made by some levels of government and those that gain financially, all at the expense of the environment and those that rely on a pristine environment to survive.

History proves that, I think you would agree, I hope you do.

I've posted this in hope that some will reread it. I think we must do what we can to mitigate the damage done by any industry whether it be; Aqua/agriculture, resource extraction, manufacturing or heavy industries.

So why is it, that common sense is oftem ignored by both sides? One side seems to deny that they affect anyone or anything else in their attaining their goal of making profit, a Neo-liberal view? .

Unfortunately, the other side often garners groups that say no-way and no-how the cost is too much accept, others reason that there may be room in the system for a particular industry in a particular local, providing that certain condition are followed.

Those arguments will never end, Fact! We all have our own pre-programming on what we think is right and wrong and therefore we have a supposedly democratic process where society is supposed to set the rules of acceptable behavior to balance those preprograms for the good of the General public.

Some will accept those rules, but others on the periphery of the Pro/against spectrum will always be there forcing the issue and those people very often they do have input! They force us to look at the issues and make a decision on if we accept the status quo or do we get involved ,again Pro or against.

I have not always been mindful of Environmental causes, especially so when I made my living in the Mining business and history has proven that many industries have had to change their methods when often solutions are there, and a bit of profit is all that is required along with the acceptance by some that we need to encourage industry, but certainly not at the cost to the environment. That I think is something we do not have the right to give away.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 08:50:16 PM by Sandy »
finding your limits is fun, it can also be VERY painful.

If you care about Canada's future, get involved by holding your MLA's & MP's accountable!! don't just be sheep!!


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #139 on: February 07, 2012, 02:18:14 PM »

A good point Sandy, but I'll add just two things:

First, commercial fishing and salmon ranching both fall into that category of potentially causing damage and need to be included in your list of things that should be examined closely.

Second, the responses to those speaking out also require serious consideration. Just because some people speak up doesn't necessarily mean they are correct in their understanding or their interpretations. Consideration of the responses is essential to ensure that it is actually a problem being addressed by speaking up rather than the speaking up being done to further an agenda.

Just because someone says they represent the best interests of all of us doesn't indicate that they do. People need to understand that both sides of an issue require examination if they are to arrive at a correct perception.


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #142 on: February 09, 2012, 09:27:00 AM »

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".

I am glad that there are people that have the balls to speak out against the atrocities of fish farming. Without people like Chris and alwayfishn and others like them we would be a silenced voice perpetuating the same mistakes made where ever fish farms are put.
It has been a huge mistake for Cermaq to take Staniford to trial because it brings even more into the limelight the horrors of fish farming. And even if he loses what will stay in the minds of those that watched this fiasco is the damage inflicted on our environment and the species therein.

I have been watching with interest all the news alerts brought to us by Chris and also news emailed to me from other sites concerning fish farming. I haven't bothered to reply here before because I didn't want to get caught up in a never ending spiral of debate, discoveries and then more debating. I have a wife and children, work and then play if I can find time and you won't see me putting in many minutes with those for or against. But I have thrown my hat in the ring just to let it be known where I stand.

What is so very surprising to me that on the Best fishing site on the web, on an issue that should be so important to all sportsmen concerning our habitat that there are more proponents speaking for the fish farming industry than against it. Perhaps there are many more people like me that don't want to get involved and caught in the net of debate. But it is surprising to me.

But it surprises me even more that there are actually sportsmen ??? that support the farms because everywhere the farms have been
placed tragedy occurrs and will continue to occurr. This industry truly has a Licence To Kill and there is so much money to be made by those involved to just stay blind to the truth and allow the pesticide to flow from their mouths that it shouldn't surprise me.

Afterall, Marine Harvest's owner John Fredriksen is the 72nd richest man in the world, worth $10.7 Billion dollars. That should tell
us all a bit about this industry and the money that is to be had, by all involved.


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #143 on: February 09, 2012, 10:40:04 AM »

Excellent post Athezone. I was also wondering why more fishermen haven't contributed to the discussions on fish farming. I'm not concerned about that, because based on the number of times the threads have been read, there is a following of fishermen who are getting educated on the issue. They will in turn educate their friends and families on the subject.

It's seems that most of the posters that support fish farms are or were in some way compensated in their work relating to fish farms. I'm sure if I was dependent on a fish farm for my living that I would also look for ever argument possible to rationalize the income I was relying on. It's the same reason why you won't hear the fish farms admitting any negative effects of their operations on the environment. And as Staniford has demonstrated, it's similar to the tobacco industry who in spite of all the scientific evidence, maintains it's products are not a problem.

We need to be encouraged however that with continued discussion, changes will happen. 30 years ago no one would have thought that smoking would be banned in public places. Hopefully in less than 30 years salmon feedlots will be banned from the oceans.
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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #144 on: February 09, 2012, 11:56:23 AM »

Its funny how some one so against fishfarms is in favor of the Enbridge pipeline to Kitimat.
Take the T out of Morton.


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #145 on: February 09, 2012, 12:41:54 PM »

Its funny how some one so against fishfarms is in favor of the Enbridge pipeline to Kitimat.

Don't interpret being in favor of the economic benefits of selling oil to China with being in favor of the project.

I also appreciate the economic benefits that the fish farms provide to the BC economy and to the pro-fish farmers on this board, and that's why I've never proposed getting rid of fish farms......  just get them out of our oceans!

P.S. I'm also opposed to smoking but I wouldn't suggest for a moment that we ban tobacco companies.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:44:58 PM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #146 on: February 09, 2012, 12:46:34 PM »

I am an employee of the salmon farming industry in bc and have been for just about 20 years.  Over those years I have seen drastic changes to industry for the better.  In the last 10 years I have seen the idea and tactics the anti salmon farming movement have been using.  From my own observations while at work as a diver I have seen the opposite of what the morton camp have been claiming.  Claims such as salmon farms are dead zones, farm salmon take growth hormones, farms use high volumes of antibiotics, farms are lice infested,  farms kill the sea life under the farm,  farms cause algae blooms.  Farms destroy community's.  These are only a few items I have found to be totally not true where I have worked for so long.  Yes the bottom under a farm can be altered.   Yes I have seen sealions and seals die accidentally in nets.  Yes I have seen fish densities that were to high IMO.  And yes I have seen these issues change. 
  I have followed these threads closely for a while now an for the most part I think I am the only one employeed by a salmon farm.
Why do I participate?  Basically in my day to day life the majority of the persons I can have a similar discussion with on the topic are so emotionally brainwashed that for the most part it is pointless.  Then there are those who know fair well that the anti group has an agenda and that is to get rid of salmon farms regardless of facts.

Chicken farm, pig farm, cow farm, fish farm.


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #147 on: February 09, 2012, 01:51:54 PM »

It's seems that most of the posters that support fish farms are or were in some way compensated in their work relating to fish farms.
For the record,  I'm not one them.  I support fish farms because it is a natural progression in our evolution of what we were, hunter-gatherers.  Until I see evidence to the contrary I also support salmon farming in properly located net pens/cages.

chris gadsden

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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #148 on: February 09, 2012, 01:57:20 PM »

For the record,  I'm not one them.  I support fish farms because it is a natural progression in our evolution of what we were, hunter-gatherers.  Until I see evidence to the contrary I also support salmon farming in properly located net pens/cages.
That means you are not happy with some places they are presently located?


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Re: Border guards met Don Staniford today with plans to deport him.
« Reply #149 on: February 09, 2012, 02:34:48 PM »

That means you are not happy with some places they are presently located?
Sorrry Chris, I meant for the inevitable expansion of the industry :D