Fishing in British Columbia > The Fish Kitchen

how to cook trout

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Joe Fish:
Otto, another method I use is similar to yours, except I drizzle some lemon juice over the outside, wrap the whole thing in tin foil, cook on my BBQ on medium to medium-high heat for about 8 minutes, turn the foil pack over, cook another 8 minutes, then dig in!

The skin peels away really easy, and the easiest way I find to take it off the spine is to start at the back tail, and pull the spine out after I've picked off one side from the bones.

i would do the same, or sear a steak, but the "strata" council in my building prohibits BBQ's due to the building having wooden balconies....... >:( :'( :(

however i have done the tinfoil method on hot embers while camping. very nice!!! delicate flavour, goes well with beer and a after dinner pipe of dark smoky Latakia pipe tobacco!!!

The Gilly:
I like them filleted (skin on).  Place lemon or lime slices over the flesh side and BBQ with the lid on.  I prefer the lime as it goes better with Corona.  
p.s. Bring a pair of tweezers to remove the latteral line bones for boneless trout.  It takes a little time, but better than the gag reflex.


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