Fishing in British Columbia > Fly Fishing Cafe
Tying our own jigs, for fly fishers and others
I am just passing on a few videos from Peter Charles' You tube channel Hooked For life.
Peter is well known and respected authority on many types of fishing. He is a known as a expert spey caster and instructor, salt water beach fishing in New England and fishing in his home Province of Ontario. His home river is the Grande known for it's steelhead, salmon, smallmouth Bass and trout fishing
I can't say I know peter but I remember him from the pre-WWW days on which often more resembled the wild west than a fishing discussion forum. Peter was always a true Gentleman. His advice is always sound and I think many here will find these videos useful for jig fishing for salmon and trout.
There are 4 videos so far and are listed here from episode 1 to 4:
Tying a Bucktail jig:
Tying a Marabou jig:
Tying a Smallmouth bass jig:
here is the link to his channel:
he does a variety of fly fishing and tying topics plus tips on photography
Hurtin Albertan:
After a 20 year break I'm getting back into tying flies and jigs so thanks for the links!
Since moving to northern Alberta from the Fraser Valley I almost gave up on fishing altogether but after sitting around since retirement 4 years ago have dove back in with a passion. Pike are a lot more fun on the fly rod and there is a small trout lake just 25 min down the road that I've been having some fun at this past summer in my little 12' tinny.
Tight lines!
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