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Author Topic: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season  (Read 184148 times)


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #405 on: April 15, 2020, 11:33:36 AM »

Yeah, we didn't have any tornadoes near us but the possibility was there.  Had a lot of watches and some really bad weather.  Just no tornadoes thankfully.  Hit south of us on the TN/MS border though.  It is rough enough having to stay inside most of the time but then to deal with weather on top of it, super scary.  Luckily work is keeping me busy although wish that would let up a little as well.  I would be ok being more bored than I am right now.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #406 on: April 15, 2020, 12:13:06 PM »

Ya I just miss going into stores or riding a pedal bike in the community and yes watching sporting events on the boob tube.
I mainly have Telus tv because of the various sports channels and for the local news ..
And Nashville has that double crazy ness of the tornados and now virus...
Plus in the last day of so...tornados / winds hit the the south eastern USA I believe...did not catch the full report.
FA says he should become an evangelist and get people to send him $$$ and he will pray and get rid of this virus ( $ racket. )  ;D
Commented I'm too wise to fall for that one!!! Not a penny he 'do get from me!

Hrs hrs hrs later...a great and mighty Evangelist FA Canuck is coming to town.
Well that changes everything ...does this ministry have an address ? Like to send in a grand ! $1000.00

Oh think I'll pass on evangelist Chris Bo dine T bone Maple Leaf the 3rd.
He sounds fishy to me !!!
Guess will just have to get my fix that Nova put a link to.
This virus is like that alien in the Predator movie...with Arnold S.
Car 54 where are you?
Are you ok...not sick I hope.
Miss your inputs .
Do not let this Covid 19 mutate you to........submarine FA  ;D

Yes I know this dam virus has been very hard on all of us.
Just hope a medicine / vaccine is found. Seems to be our only hope.

TNA glad your safe.
( foul scary weather )


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #407 on: April 16, 2020, 07:27:32 AM »

Hopefully he is so busy working and disinfecting businesses and working so much he can't even think about hockey.

Our schools generally end in the middle of May.  They decided yesterday they are not going back to school this school year.  We have been out since the end of February.  They have missed half a semester.  For those still in school next year they will probably be alright although those taking AP classes still have to take the AP tests.  Not sure how they are going to do that although heard they might just limit the test but now you have kids out there getting credit for stuff that is only 3/4 of what is expected to be learned.  How is that going to affect them in future classes?  Seniors are going to have an issue too.  They aren't even sure how they are going to do graduation, whether it is in person, virtually, or a mixture of both.  Just strange times.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 07:33:25 AM by TNAngler »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #408 on: April 16, 2020, 09:15:22 AM »

Ya TNA the schools have been closed up here too.
Possibly if this dam virus is still here in 6 mos 12 mos and longer ...everything will just have to start up again would think.
All public sinks with sensor to turn on and off...
Hand sanitizer stations....
Masks for everyone ( masks that work that actually filter ) ...but the best would be findings of a drug that gives 100% recovery if and when a person gets sick.
And of course a vaccine would be the very best!!!!
Or hopefully this virus will just run it's course and go away.
Their is rumor this virus escaped from that micro lab or whatever it's called in Wuhan.
Military germ warfare product.
By mistake a wkr did not get dis infected 100% ...bit of virus on arm or hair etc???
From there like a genie in the bottle escaped.
Who knows.
But how does one play football?
The trenches ..running plays ...guys lined up at the line breathing hard ?
Or hockey games ?
Players wearing masks ?

As for FA it is obvious he is getting cranky.
A few of us members shared our faith out of love....and I bet it just does not line up with his belief system.
Well I'm from Adam and Eve and he I assume thinks he's from cheeta ( the ape in Tarzan movies  ;D)
God bless him anyways.
Blind as a bat regards to certain areas. ( think I better send myself a poo stir stick ...mix batter for cupcakes or poo stirrer ! )  ;D. Submarine FA ....Car 54 where are you?  :)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 09:42:47 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #409 on: April 17, 2020, 07:48:04 AM »

Yeah, it got too heated for me so I avoided that discussion.

The Pred's GM had an interview yesterday.  Said that he thinks we will be playing hockey a lot sooner than people think, just without fans.  That they are looking into sending all the teams to North Dakota, all players getting tested before going, completely isolated once there inside the group of hockey players so no one then can get exposed.  Would be interesting.  I would be ok with that.

Wife and I discussed who the TV personalities would be.  Do they only allow one group in and they do all the games?  Do all of the teams bring their own team of coverage people and they are isolated as well?

Also, for those players who went home, wherever that is (Preds have 3 that are not in Nashville but don't know who and where they are), how do they get them to North Dakota?  Private jet I assume but could be interesting logistics.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #410 on: April 17, 2020, 10:10:07 AM »

Learned one thing when it comes to arguing on forums about religious / politics the taboo topics is it can either be discussed in a heated emotional I'm right your wrong piss on you go to hell Jack my friend OR ya say your point view and they say theirs no problem !
We agree to disagree goes on.
I do not avoid you or black ball a person because we dis agree on something  ;D
But not once in the discussions did I think I'm better or they are nuts for having their view...
Me I'm saved only by grace mercy so cannot brag or feel better than anyone. Plus this ? about Jesus can only be settled by a heart prayer to Him.
He responds then people know He's real and not BS. 
Lots of people have not come to the realization or wanting to pray from the heart. Maybe they think God hates them so they feel scared to approach Him. Me literally have felt the presence of the demonic so that really motivates me to share the gospel ..but hopefully not in an arm twisting way.
But at the CFL games ( pro ball ) FA has season end of the game the Christian football players from both teams form a circle at centre field ..hold hands and have a prayer.
Even in the Oh Canada anthem we have God in the your coin ..In God we trust.
But lots of people put that heart prayer off ...till another day month year ...sweep it under the rug.
My job is to encourage a person to say that prayer before it's too late.
I tell them if ya do not want to go to church no problem....but that prayer is needed if ya make it to heaven.
God is loving forgiving so why not?

But WOW that would be great if hockey starts up !!!
Play the games in one area ...a few rinks...isolation. Finish off the season ...then playoffs.
The teams playing in one -two rinks in one area playoff travelling city to city so the games will possibly be even better. Player rest up better.
But isolation will have to be for everyone reporters cooks refs media players ...because if not the virus can sneak in just by one person and screw it all up.
The games on tv can bring advertising $$$ to the league.
Shorter commercials but more of them bring in the $$$$ !
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 10:19:24 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #411 on: April 17, 2020, 10:41:42 AM »

Yeah, I would imagine you are either in the area with everyone or out, there is no crossing except for people delivering food and supplies.  I would also imagine there would be daily testing for players or something similar.  You test positive you are out sick until you are clear.  Would definitely be interesting but would love some good hockey on TV.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #412 on: April 19, 2020, 10:59:26 AM »

Yeah, I would imagine you are either in the area with everyone or out, there is no crossing except for people delivering food and supplies.  I would also imagine there would be daily testing for players or something similar.  You test positive you are out sick until you are clear.  Would definitely be interesting but would love some good hockey on TV.
Honestly even food and supplies should stop.
Have milk / food in freezers ..or powered milk...frozen veg. ...get tons of potatoes in dark cool area..spaghetti ...big supply of hockey sticks stored...
Because if delivery guys can bring in the virus...even virus can be on outside of boxes for 2-3 days...
Total quarantine around some ice rink....fenced off....all personnel ....refs coaches players cooks every food every hockey equipment "everything" ...beds ....gyms...inside a fenced off area.
Finish season...playoffs we watch on tv.
Hey maybe even the CFL can do the pay per view...

Side note: Dustin Byfuglien given his outright release from the jets.
Hope he returns to Chicago.
It seems he had his heart Bobby Clarke a flyer.
Wayne G. I think would of finished with much better stats if he stayed with Edmonton.
That team should of stayed intact.
Hogged the Cup too in the 90s as well if they stayed together.
The Eskimos CFL team back yonder won 4-5 Grey Cups in a row. They stuck together as a team !!!
( on the most part ) ....never to be done again...cup after cup.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #413 on: April 20, 2020, 07:56:39 AM »

I guess if you do it right, you don't need deliveries.  I could see bringing in a bunch of livestock and having some butchers on site so they can get fresh meat.  No fresh veggies though could be a problem.  Suppose you could set something up where deliveries of fresh vegetables comes in, get put on a conveyor belt and go through a cleaning process before it gets inside the compound.  Otherwise it could just be a lot of canned stuff.  They do it in the navy for long periods of time so it is possible but it might be quite a sacrifice.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #414 on: April 20, 2020, 09:21:46 AM »

Ya I like that idea...cattle and fresh meat. !  ;D
Also conveyor belt bringing in the boxes....better put security where they load boxes ..some hockey fans who want to watch live hockey games in person may try to get on the belt and sneak in...

Watching the game on tv we hear the crowd cheering /boos...
So with no crowd there the games will be kinda different....maybe put a mic on each player coach and leave all mics on at same time...
5 sec delay ..because lots of beeping out bad language ...
Or have a tunnel and fully contained fan section totally air tight ...100 seats.
No virus can escape to players.
Highest bidder gets seat ticket for each game.
The very rich hockey fans the who of who in business ...maybe spend 1 million per ticket...and in playoffs ...Stanley Cup finals .... 5 - 10 million per ticket. ;D
Just put the live mike in the sealed off fan section ...and they can do the booing cheering for tv ...
Maybe they will have to be beeped too.
Actually have a rule if anyone swears they get ejected ...this way they will not in turn no tape delay...I want to watch game live baby oh ya !


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #415 on: April 22, 2020, 07:26:59 AM »

I think without crowds you wouldn't even need any additional mikes to pick up the swearing, not just from the players but from the refs as well.  I actually wouldn't mind being able to hear the players more.  Listening to some of the miked up sessions we have gotten, some of the yelling they do during plays is really interesting.  A slight delay for beeping would be acceptable to me.  It would at least be hockey.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #416 on: April 22, 2020, 11:26:28 AM »

No no no even 5 sec delay means we are watching re play  ;D
The 100 billionaires who bought game woo hayyyy oh....then they say things like T-bone steak please....$500 bottle of wine please...I want to buy so and so player's game stick and jersey...
$25 grand no problem.

Heard Gallant sp? Ex Vegas coach in talks with the NJ Devils.
Plus football player un retiring TE and rejoining QB Brady on their new Florida team.

So TNA when buying your future dream home...maybe a place where a low % of Covid 19 exist.
Mind you the locals may think your bringing the virus to their community and they say: Go back to Nashville friend. Outsiders not welcome.  :) who knows what the virus situation will be in a few months or years...still here or ???
Or another new virus just as deadly ...shoot !! Crap!! Well guess we all gotta kick the bucket some time.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 11:28:36 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #417 on: April 23, 2020, 12:23:27 PM »

Markstrom knee is 100% ...
He's our #1 stopper for sure. He's steady....not up and down.
Let's go for the Cup.
Canucks hopefully are exercising daily and hopefully Toronto and Nashville players lazy...and pigging out.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #418 on: April 24, 2020, 08:25:33 AM »

Commish said yesterday that they would not be able to play in a non-NHL stadium because of all of the facility and replay needs.  Instead they will likely have one designated stadium in each division where all games will be played.  Not sure how they will handle travel between stadiums but seems they are focusing in on a plan of some sort.

And I sure hope the next bug that comes around doesn't cause us to crap.  Coughing and breathing issues are bad enough.  We don't need to add diarrhea to the list.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #419 on: April 24, 2020, 11:09:00 AM »

Commish said yesterday that they would not be able to play in a non-NHL stadium because of all of the facility and replay needs.  Instead they will likely have one designated stadium in each division where all games will be played.  Not sure how they will handle travel between stadiums but seems they are focusing in on a plan of some sort.

And I sure hope the next bug that comes around doesn't cause us to crap.  Coughing and breathing issues are bad enough.  We don't need to add diarrhea to the list.
TNA do you have a flu or do you have Covid 19 ( maybe you got tested )
Imagine you have the normal flu as never heard Covid 19 gives people diarrhea.
But hope you are improving day by day.
2 summers ago got hit really hard by a flu.
First time in many yrs.
Since then I get my yrly flu shot.
But it knocked me off my feet for 5 weeks at least and 2-3 months till my lungs felt normal.

Sounds like the NHL will bringing us hockey. Hope they can get 2 arenas open up to get games in.

On our sports channel each night they are showing 2 past NHL games.
Nice to see past stars.
Some good hockey.