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Author Topic: Spring#3, Fishing June 17  (Read 3030 times)

chris gadsden

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Spring#3, Fishing June 17
« on: June 17, 2004, 04:36:40 PM »

Awoke to another lovely day in the Valley as the songs of the robins is always great to get your day off on the right foot as you look forward to a day in the outdoors.

Talking of songs this report may be shorter than usual as my wife are off to the big city to the Shania Twain concert in a few minutes. ;D

Talk about going from solitude to a loud concert in the space of a few hours. ::)

I load Leaf Craft 2 in a hurry with the time shorter than usual because of the concert date with Shania. L. C. as wellas I were both happy to be able to get on the flow for the second time in a week although we came back empty of fish on Tuesday but Gary picked up a nice one of 10 pounds.

With fresh bugs nicely packaged in the cooler the confidence level was high as I quickly found the highway that was fairly quiet except for the poor guys and gals heading to their work place.

Hey their time will come as did mine 6 years ago after doing what they are doing for 35 years working at some type of job. Mine was surveying the same road I am driving today, so I know ever curve as I waste no time on route to the fishing spot that I had chosen for the day.. ;D

Got to keep working to preserve our environment and fish for those still working so they too can enjoy after I have made my last cast. 2 sons and now 2 grandsons make my resolve stronger each day to preserve our great sport of angling.

Got to type faster as have only 10 minutes left before I leave. ::)

Leaf Craft #2 is loaded with way too much stuff as usual, you would think I was on a 2 day trip instead of a few hours.

I have the spot to myself which may be a bit selfish but I have spent many years locating these spots as I am sure lots of other anglers do, as that is part of the fun finding new and exciting uncrowded areas.

I quickly settle in soaking in nature and in short order see a spring boil but it seems to not to be interested in the fresh White Rock bug.

A snack of a sandwich and I am just working on a coffee and another fish boils. As my Thompson red topped float nears the spot were the spring indicated his presence the float shakes slightly. then goes under a little, I hold off making sure he has it before firmly setting the hook.

As I strike my Thompson balsa float comes loose. The weight of the fish and the force of my strike had seen the line cut right throught the balsa wood. :o

No worries as the fish is "ON" as I see the main current catch the float and sends it down river heading for the ocean.

I often wonder what some boater in the ocean thinks seeing these guys bobbing around in the waves. ;D

The fish seems firmly hooked so grab the video camera to film the action as the same time as playing the fish, no easy task. :P

After a good battle the fish tires and surrenders to the net. I look at the watch and I have been on the river for a little over an hour. ;D

I take the 8 pound buck for the table as they are so good to eat these early springs. After marking my license I pull the pole apart, no thought too continue fishing. There is always the possibility of hooking another fish to just play it and then release it that will hinder its migration timing to its spawning destination,Instead I load every thing back up in the truck and make an slow trip home and do a little video taping of the scenery and make a side trip to pick some Sask. berries.

Partway home on a stop I see one of L.C.'s oars has blown out of my truck. I retrace my path but no luck in finding it. It was either picked up by a passing motorist or blew out of my sight in the ditch.

A excuse to go back to try and fine it tomorrow and of course to try for spring number 4. How lucky will I be but I am just lucky to be able to get out as often as I do.

On arriving home received the news my neice just had their second child, a girl who may join our fast growing family of fishers. It was a double good day indeed.

But then on the other hand my neice's husband works at the Pacific Coliseum and was working the concert tonight and here I was hoping he was going to get me to Shania so I could give give her a couple of fresh salmon steaks, could have got me a hug or two. ;D ;D

New baby Kate will change his work schedule but hey she is cuter than Shania anyway and I will give her the hug instead as we will do a quick stop at the hospital on the way to the concert. ;D ;D

Excuse the Grammer and spelling got to go and roll to the big city. ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: June 18, 2004, 12:37:51 AM by chris gadsden »

chris gadsden

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Re:Spring#3, Fishing June 17
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2004, 04:51:54 PM »

Yes, I made the error and the moderators will change it as I am away. ;D


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Re:Spring#3, Fishing June 17
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2004, 04:54:03 PM »

It _IS_ in the reports section  ::)

chris gadsden

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Re:Spring#3, Fishing June 17
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2004, 12:38:53 AM »

It _IS_ in the reports section  ::)
Thanks very much

chris gadsden

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Re:Spring#3, Fishing June 17
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2004, 07:13:09 AM »

So uh... how about a report on Shania's costumes?  ;D

Well this is not really a fishing report but should continue yesterday's story as I try to answer most questions on this forum. ;D

On arriving home after visiting with Gwyn and was luckly he cleaned the fish for me so he too could have a couple a couple of fresh steaks for supper. At 5 pm I was on the road again heading west to join the moving masses for our date with Shania. :-\

Clicked on radio 1130 and heard there was traffic grid lock everwhere so planned my route, I thought would get me around it. Remember I surveyed most of these road and knew the shortcuts. ;)

As I wanted to visit new baby Kate and her family on the way to the concert we took a side trip off the freeway. Glad we did as she is every a sweetheart of a girl, the first in our immediate family after 3 boys in a row and all were doing well.

 After a too short a visit back in the traffic we go. As the Port Mann was backed all the way back to 232  we stay on the Fraser Hwy. then we turn North down 152th heading to the Trans Canada.

Looked good until Guilford and it seemed everyone else knew the shortcuts also as it took 30 minutes to reach the freeway and onto the bridge. ::)

As I crossed over the bridge I thought of the spring I had caught a few hours earlier and wondered how long he had swam by this point of the Fraser. Traffic movement was so slow looked to see if any fish were jumping. ;D

Finally movement, but wow do the people drive so fast in these parts, no wonder there is so many accidents. Now my stress level begins to rise. O what I would give to the solitude I left behind a few hours ago. However I was only 12 hours away from another fishing trip so that gave me some comfort. As well it was good to be with my wife who looked as beautiful as I knew Shania would be. ;D ;D

Here I am as I type this early morming report I am not but a hour away from heading out on a trip again, this time with Gwyn. ;D ;D

Back to last night's tale of woe.

When we reach Wellington more slow downs, is everyone heading to the concert? It is now 7 and the opening act is on stage. When will the main act start I ask my wife as I have never attented at show of this size.

"Maybe got 45 minutes more" she says with a bit of a frown as she had suggested to me several times "I told you we should have left earlier than we did". Yes dear but I had to file my fishing report on FWR. ::)

I try another shortcut after reaching First Ave that works ok until I reach the Pacific Coliseum area at Hastings and am just ready to turn in and parking full sign suddenly appears. They wave me further down the street and it takes us 25 more minutes to reach the next empty lot were the race track people park. Brings back memories of when we parked there when we had horses at the track Those days I had a parking pass which I wish I still had as it cost us 12 loonies to park, ouch.

We get one of the few parking stalls left and begin the long hike towards the show. No shuttle buses which I thought they could provide after hitting us for the $12.

The walk takes us about 15 minutes uphill and see a few guys selling and wanting tickets. I briefly thought of cutting our losses and heading home so would not have to face the traffic jam home. But it has taken us 3 hours to get here and it would be foolish to waste the $200 and I do not know how much the guys buying would pay. :D

Finally the door and as I give my ticket I start to head to find someone that could tell me where our seats are. Shania is on stage belting out one of my favorites "I am a women" ;D  I just get a glimise of her and some guy is chasing me down and asking if that is a camera on my belt. "Got to check it in over here he tells me. I forgot that no cameras are allowed but I got a video camera into a Leaf - Canuck game a couple of years back as I told them I freelance for BCTV which I do and they allowed it. Should have told them I freelance for the Chilliwack Progress but they most likley had never heard of them. Where was my niece's husband Mark who works here. O forgot back with baby Kate in Langley.

I turn around to find my wife and someone else is going through her purse looking for a terrorist bomb I guess as they examine her cel phone. I am starting to think we are a bit like the Beverley Hillbillies. :-[

After this introduction to my first concert I find our seats and find someone is in them and with all the noise it was hard to get them to understand that.

Finally we are settled in and enjoy the show very much as Shania puts on a very good show and appears to me to be a very good person that enjoys here work.
Around 10 the show ends with a bang up song and light display and we head back to claim my camera. Appears every one else is there is to get theirs also so we just sit and wait another 20 minutes until the line ends. ::)

We then head for the exit and as we pass the race track it is still open. "want to go in for a pop" I ask my wife and let the traffic clear. Good plan is the reply.

We just make the order in time as the server says closing time in 5 minutes, last call I think he called it.

To pass the time spend $4 on pull tabs which we share and of course nothing, more money to the Government.

I look at the blanket of TV screens and see the last race is 10 minutes away in Austrialia so put #2 on a 12 to 1 long shot called Dambusters, something to do with water should be a good choice I think. ::) Got to pay for the pops and the parking I tell my wife.

Well my bad luck of the day continues except for the fish I had caught earlier and Dambusters looks like he is running through water from start to the end and finishes dead last out of a field of 12. :'(

Time to cut the losses and we head for the parking lot that is now empty, good move I think and I find 10 cents on the ground, things are improving. ;D

We move steadly along on the drive down Hasting and onto the freeway and I tell my wife 1 hour from the comfort of our bed.

But no, another accident at 200th which uses up another 20 minutes. 3 cars are stalled from overheating and my wife gets out of our the car to give one of them her water bottle for his radiator.

Finally we clear the zone and arrive homwe at 12:10, quite a day of experiencing the slow life of fishing to the fast life of the big city.

O yes Fulcum_29 the answer to your question above, Shaina was looking great as will the fish I am on my way to catch right now. ;D

Let the good times continue to Roll. ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: June 18, 2004, 11:44:42 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re:Spring#3, Fishing June 17
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2004, 11:09:32 PM »

Chris you did it again. You made me smile and laugh. I wish I could write like that. It sounds like in everything you do, even if some obstacle occurrs, you still manage
to have fun. Personality and perspective, you've definitely got it. Glad you're on our team.