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Author Topic: Salmon In the Legislature tomorrow  (Read 5121 times)


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Salmon In the Legislature tomorrow
« on: March 25, 2009, 08:59:05 PM »

Alexandra Morton sent out this important update today. 
Please read this now because YOU can do something today to help Alex.


Tomorrow our Letter will be tabled in the BC Legislature. I will continue to collect signatures, but this is our debut on the political scale.  I have everyone’s name posted at:   THE PETITION  at the bottom of the page, click on the link

If you are not there please re-sign, but please do not sign more than once! Ask anyone who might be interested. There are links to the Letter on THE Petition and the HOME pages

We are at 9,000.

Standing by with a thankful heart for all of you,


Here's what I have just done - I have sent the following email to my MLA.  Please feel free to use it, modify it, or copy it and get it to your MLA ASAP
Hi xxxxxx,
As I predicted earlier, this issue is gaining attention here and abroad and becoming an increasingly bigger issue.  A letter regarding this serious situation will be tabled in the Legislature tomorrow.  I hope I can count on your thoughtful consideration of the importance this brings to many facets of life in this province.
OUR Salmon provide commercial fishing employment
OUR Salmon provide export business
OUR Salmon provide for ceremonial, food and economic benefits to our aboriginal peoples
OUR Salmon provide an important food source for dozens of species of BC animals including: bears, eagles, Killer whales.
OUR Salmon provide much needed nutrients to the plants, bushes, and trees growing along our rivers and streams when they die.
OUR Salmon provide excellent outdoor opportunities for thousands of recreational fishermen
OUR Salmon provide millions of dollars in economic benefits by attracting tourists for ocean trophy fishing, whale & grizzly bear watching
OUR Salmon provide millions of dollars in economic benefits from recreational fishers spending at tackle shops, coffee shops, motels, gas stations and other small businesses throughout the province
OUR Salmon provide several million more in economic benefits by way of recreational fishermen hiring river and stream guides and their  boats
Many of these apply right in your riding!
Getting our native BC salmon populations built back up to healthy sustainable levels as soon as possible is now a critical issue.
Thanks for reading, and hopefully being a voice for the cause

Doing what I can
"What are YOU going to DO about the salmon crisis?"