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Author Topic: Chilliwack River upper fishing boundary update  (Read 44696 times)


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Re: Chilliwack River upper fishing boundary update
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2008, 11:40:18 PM »

One must wonder why we all seem to discuss issues that when we look at the situation from the fishes perspective we seem to want to enforce our own needs with little regard for the fish.  The reality is this is the last major staging hole in the river before fish commit to continuing into the closed area or entering the hathery.  We have had open access to these fish from the far reaches of the Pacific up to this one little area and we seem to wonder why are we being shut out on a productive pool.  Give the fish a break,  Let them stage into either area in peace and accept that on most hatchery rivers the last staging pool in usually off limits to anglers.  I think it makes sense to leave it closed.  We have had a good run on them up to this point.

 Lets work on the bigger issues with respect to fishing with honor and integrity.  Each of us has it in us to recognise right from wrong.  I always smirk when we talk about the need for more enforcement.  I would hope everyone would agree the key ingredient is money to hire more enforcement.  I witnessed the discord over a sturgeon fee to help with issues related the them and wonder how many os us would step forward with increased fees for more enforcement on issues we face in areas like the limits hole or any fish trap pool where ethics and honor are replaced by the need to feed in many cases. 

chris gadsden

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Re: Chilliwack River upper fishing boundary update
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2008, 04:03:42 PM »

Heard today FOC is presently reviewing their decision to implement a permanent closure at the Limits Hole.

Meetings will be held to discuss this early in 2009.