Name - Bill ( W.R. )
Age - 44
Birthday - June2/59
Language - English
SpokenResidence - Born in Vancouver , Moved to Maple Ridge (Whonnock ) Bought and lived in Langley for 10 years
and now live in Abbotsford ( closer to the waters that
haunt me. )
Favorite food(s) - My wifes,My moms, My mother in laws
Greek is good ect...
Martial stat - Hooked to the wife(one that actually understands my need to be near the water " A KEEPER") I'm also married to the sport.
Favorite fish -
Steelhead - then rainbows
Favorite spot- Little Qualicum Bay (just off the mouth of the river where in a 12 ft. aluminum with my wife and 3 little girls caught my biggest fish a 20 lb. Spring) What a memory

Vedder is my favorite River. Nothing beats walking this River and seeing it for the spot it really is.
Misc. - Have coached girls softball (oldest daughter) for
about 12 years.Was lucky enough to have my picture on the front page of the Steelheader Magazine (last issue ) holding my biggest Steelhead yet . (16lber ,, picture taken just below the crossing,not where it was caught though

) Work in Corrections .
Oh ya , have an addiction