Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: RalphH on September 09, 2023, 06:44:00 PM

Title: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 09, 2023, 06:44:00 PM
The Conservative Party held it's national Policy convention lately and it concluded today. The party overwhelming voted for a number of social policy objectives regarding medical policy, gender rights issues consistent with socially conservative ideology such as some may be familiar with those in many Southern and Rocky Mountain states in the US.

One policy decision that may be of interest to those of us who love sport fishing, salmon and trout:

" was a commitment that a Conservative government would establish a priority inventory if natural surface and ground water systems that would be protected and, where necessary, restored to states that ensure clean water supplies to all Canadians, also maintaining healthy populations of fish and wildlife."

was rejected by the Party membership.

Source from today's Globe and Mail:
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 09, 2023, 06:54:29 PM
I do find that unfortunate, but at this point, JT could put thousands of 10lb Pennasks in every lake I fish, 10s of thousands of Coho, Steelhead, and Red Springs in every river I fish....I still won't vote for him. He is a treasonous narcistic lunatic that has systematically destroyed our country. I'm not sure Canada is repairable at this point.

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 09, 2023, 08:48:09 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 10, 2023, 07:42:05 AM
Housing costs, particularly of single family dwellings (SFDs), otherwise called 'houses' looks like a big issue for the next election. I think what has happened in Ontario is illustrative of what a Conservative Government may do, namely development more focused on 'opportunity' for well heeled developers who likely put a fair bit of coin into the pockets of the governing party. It all has the appearance of corruption. A focus in SFDs alone is unlikely to make much difference. Over a third of Canadians are renters and there is a massive shortage of that kind of living space. Condos and similar strata housing is also now very large, particularly in cities. A good portion of which is diverted to investors running short term accommodations like Air BnB. Canada is the only G20 country without a social housing policy. It's going to take a much broader focus on all 3 sectors to make even a modest change.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: bigblockfox on September 10, 2023, 01:16:49 PM
it does not look good for justin. very few prime minsters make it past a second term if you look at the historical average. then inflation and housing will put the last few nail in the coffin. the only shot he's got is on climate change which i think will be on tops of peoples minds as well but behind inflation and housing. this wild fire season was like nothing we have seen before and is affecting more people every year from coast to coast. alberta had wildfires in may this year. our water sheds are the lowest we've seen in decades. something is definalty changing.

pierre has done an extremely good job marketing him self. hes taping into that populism on the right thats been there for the taking for a while. my only fear is he's saying all the right words with no actual substance. where i grew in richmond, real estate was expensive before justin even took office. i was priced out of the market i grew up in by 2008. did i blame stephen harper for that? of course not. that would be ridiculous. my mother was priced out of the vancouver real estate market in the early 80's. now the rest of canada is catching up to what people in the lower mainland and the greater gta have been dealing with for 25 years.

inflation and interest rates have really hit the working poor hard. rent here in cloverdale and langley has sky rocketed. $2200 for 2 bedroom. let alone the $1100 damage deposit. just to get your foot in the door its $3300. i remember a time where you could rent to save money. i would struggle affording that on my red seal tradesman wage. my first mortgage payments in 2009 were less than that. the harder you make it on these people, the more open they are for change regardless of the political party

i share the same fears as ralph about federal lands as well. we all witnessed the back room deal for the greenbelt in ontario that doug fords government is involved in. ford said he wouldnt touch the greenbelt, where pierre has openly talked about the selling of federal land. im not against the selling of federal lands in a way that make sense like housing coops and more rental stock. what i have a problem with is him selling it to developers who turn around and make more 650sqft garbage that now dominates the land scape in the lower mainland and fraser valley.

if the conseratives had some plan on actually climate policy i would consider voting for the torries for the first time. i watched jasraj singh hallan (conserative mp) interview after the conservative convention, and it was crickets on any real policy aside from selling natural gas to asian and european markets which i agree with and already happening with the hub in kitimat. i worry that sometimes consertives have to cater to the far right on issues that turns people in the middle to the left. i would really like to hear pierres view on abortion is as well. abortion is the one issue that is hurting repulicans even in deeply red states. i would imagine it would be very unpopular here as well.

should be an interesting election cycle on both sides of the border.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 10, 2023, 01:50:24 PM
As one commentator said his weekend, many PMs in the last 50 years would have felt like they were in political nirvana if they had to face voters  with 3.3% inflation and 5.5% unemployment. It' practically unheard of since 1970. I think since the pandemic ended the government has lost all sense of direction. They've failed to deliver on major promises like proportional representation and adding dental care and pharmaceuticals to the Nation Health plan. Their  slippery directionless response to Chinese intelligence operations in Canada made them look incompetent even though the public expectations on that issue is naive. Trudeau should have gone or announced he was going since he failed to win a majority government in his 3rd election. The party needs a fresh perspective and that requires a new leader. Unfortunately there seems to be no group of senior people who have the clout to make him see it's time to go.

A far as housing goes, Poilievre and his wife own homes they rent out for income. Nothing wrong with that eh?
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: bigblockfox on September 10, 2023, 02:09:26 PM
As one commentator said his weekend, many PMs in the last 50 years would have felt like they were in political nirvana if they had to face voters  with 3.3% inflation and 5.5% unemployment. It' practically unheard of since 1970. I think since the pandemic ended the government has lost all sense of direction. They've failed to deliver on major promises like proportional representation and adding dental care and pharmaceuticals to the Nation Health plan. Their  slippery directionless response to Chinese intelligence operations in Canada made them look incompetent even though the public expectations on that issue is naive. Trudeau should have gone or announced he was going since he failed to win a majority government in his 3rd election. The party needs a fresh perspective and that requires a new leader. Unfortunately there seems to be no group of senior people who have the clout to make him see it's time to go.

A far as housing goes, Poilievre and his wife own homes they rent out for income. Nothing wrong with that eh?

im sure jagmeet tried hard to lobby for dental care and pharmaceuticals which he did get some success with dental for kids with parents who don't make enough income. in his conference last week he made clear that those would be top priorities for his party.

I dont see a problem with owning more than one home. what gets me is when people start hording. my fathers landlord owns 10 plus properties which is where the problem lies. i think are tax law structure should dis incentivize owning more than 2 or 3 residential properties. alot of corporations are buying up real estate trying to make forever renters which is definitely another part of the problem. there are only two ways to build generational wealth. real estate and education.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Roderick on September 10, 2023, 02:14:26 PM
Yep PP is definitely one of the elite 1%ers, no doubt about it.  And if he has a plan to address any of the issues Canada faces, he has yet to mention it.  But he is really good at being Captain Obvious re the housing crisis. 
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Roderick on September 10, 2023, 02:18:49 PM
The major issue on the macro level is that the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger every year, and not just in Canada.  At this rate, eventually the middle class will disappear and it will be a few insanely wealthy families ownings 99% of everything, with he rest of us peasants owning the last 1%.  The only answer at that point will be revolution or we will all be left just eating cake.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 10, 2023, 02:28:05 PM
what's fine for your average Canadian is often not for the PM. Trudeau quickly blundered into conflict of interest guidelines that wouldn't apply to Joe or Jane average. The income inequality gap is certainly the elephant in the room no politician wants to talk about. What would PP say if asked about it?  The market will fix it like it is fixing climate change?
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: ynot on September 10, 2023, 03:39:07 PM
i just want a doctor say no more.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 10, 2023, 05:40:47 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 10, 2023, 05:46:21 PM
I really want to see an election where nobody shows up to vote and not out of apathy, but by choosing to no longer participate in a system that gives no duck about people. I don't think I'll vote cause I don't want to give any more credit to the system. The system looks legit so long as you - voters - take part in this sharade.

I agree.   This election all leaders are really choices i am not prepared to make.

JT - seems to have lost the plot on housing
Pierre - well the guy has never had a real job in his life.  Zero work experience.     Basically a professional politician.   
Jag -  well he seems to stand for nothing .

So i agree.  No chance i will support the current CDN electoral system.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 10, 2023, 05:55:52 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 10, 2023, 06:52:27 PM
I really want to see an election where nobody shows up to vote and not out of apathy, but by choosing to no longer participate in a system that gives no duck about people. I don't think I'll vote cause I don't want to give any more credit to the system. The system looks legit so long as you - voters - take part in this sharade.

many times my B-inlaw has scribbled on his ballot - none of these choices are acceptable and handed it in.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: 4x4 on September 10, 2023, 08:00:49 PM
I will be plugging my nose when I vote in the next fed election.
I think to many people drink the social media Kool-Aid and believe everything they hear and are not educated on the facts and how things work.

I was talking to a couple of younger people (mid 30's) last week who were whining about interest rates, lack of jobs (news flash there are no lack of jobs), housing, drug addicts, price of food. When we asked them questions what they didn't like and why, we got the who farted look. They didn't know. They just repeated what they hear. What does the federal govt have to do with large food stores gouging us. Didn't they bring them to task on that about 3 months ago.

My point is we are very fortunate to live in Canada no matter if the Libs, Cons or NDP are in power. Do people really think a new gov't is going to be any different? They won't. There are way worse countries to live in by far. If people don't like it here go somewhere else and see how much you like it. Much of our economy, interest rates, carbo tax, inflation.... are a world wide problem. Things go in cycles and will get better. Covid threw a big curve ball into so much and the world is still feeling the effects.

Imo JT's time is up. Would be nice to see the Libs get a new person in.

I can't bring myself to vote for PP. He comes across slimey and changed his look, how he dressed and approach to try and fix his persona. Seems to be working for now. He's to extreme right and seems power hungry. If he doesn't like a question your not getting an answer and he walks away. That's not a leader. If he cuts the carbon tax we will be paying for that somewhere else. The money has to come from somewhere. This weekend in Quebec his party was not agreeing with him on certain policies. Not a good look.

He constantly criticizes but never offers actual solutions. He makes simple comments with no depth. Typical career politician.
Didn't he reject a proposal from his own party when he was housing minister about building approx 800,000 homes and now he's whining about housing.

Jt's time is up, can't trust PP and Jag would have us broke in a year and don't forget we are a rich country.

At the end of the day I don't like our options but sometimes you go with the devil you know than the one you don't but again no matter who's going to be in power, after the first year or 2 love fest politicians are all the same.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 10, 2023, 08:21:55 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: 4x4 on September 10, 2023, 08:30:04 PM

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: 4x4 on September 10, 2023, 08:30:53 PM

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: santefe on September 11, 2023, 09:07:14 AM
I have started emailing politicians voicing my concerns over different subjects that I read or hear about in the media.  It only takes a few minutes to email them or phone their constituency office.  Does it do any good, who knows but it is better than talking about it amongst ourselves.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: redside1 on September 11, 2023, 03:22:56 PM
Best part about political discussion, everyone voting for the incumbent because the other party leaders look, could ,might, may do something bad while the party in power has done so many of the exact same thing already. Reward bad actors by keeping them in power and telling them it's all ok to do so. Steal, cheat, thieve, lie, it just doesn't matter.

No government should be voted back in after breaking all the ethics violations amongst other things, Trudeau 3 times, Leblanc, Morneau, Ng, Hussen, Fergus, Dion to name just a few.
But don't worry PP or Jagmeet are untrustworthy to run the country.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Bavarian Raven on September 11, 2023, 06:05:15 PM
Basically what redside said. I'll hold my nose and vote for the Cons.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 11, 2023, 07:15:50 PM
Seems like a great election to sit out.  Zero quality. 

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: redside1 on September 12, 2023, 07:42:39 AM
Seems like a great election to sit out.  Zero quality.

go vote but destroy your ballot. Then it's counted. Too many died in too many wars in the name of freedom to just sit at home and and say screw it.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dennisK on September 12, 2023, 08:00:04 AM
Many more people would vote if it was available online. I always wonder why the refusal to have online voting on elections. I'm allowed to do my taxes online and access my CRA account but I cannot vote? Security is clearly not the issue.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 12, 2023, 09:28:15 AM
Many more people would vote if it was available online. I always wonder why the refusal to have online voting on elections. I'm allowed to do my taxes online and access my CRA account but I cannot vote? Security is clearly not the issue.

Online voting just breeds corruption and dishonesty.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 12, 2023, 09:31:21 AM
As one commentator said his weekend, many PMs in the last 50 years would have felt like they were in political nirvana if they had to face voters  with 3.3% inflation

What is really scary is that millions actually believe the BS numbers fed to them by MSM and Stats Can. If you think inflation is at 3.3 right now, then you are living with your head in the sand.

A far as housing goes, Poilievre and his wife own homes they rent out for income. Nothing wrong with that eh?

Your post is a perfect example of socialist illogical insanity....but not surprising coming from you.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Darko on September 12, 2023, 01:30:51 PM
What is really scary is that millions actually believe the BS numbers fed to them by MSM and Stats Can. If you think inflation is at 3.3 right now, then you are living with your head in the sand.

I agree, they keep manipulating whats considered in the inflation basket to lower the apparent inflation rate even though we can all feel what the real rate is...
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 12, 2023, 01:51:15 PM
cite an example of logical insanity of any type. What a mumble jumble of qualifiers and modifiers! LOL!

we already know that Poilievre is both a both a liar and a charlatan.

stories like his Mustafa tale have a highly questionable provenience

Polievre's blanket statement he would reduce the money supply to stop inflation and fire the Governor the Bank of Canada omits the fact the PM has little power to do either. Reducing the money supply would also have the effect of increasing interest rates (which has heightened the housing crisis0 and is in fact what the BOCs rate increases signal is happening.

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 12, 2023, 02:24:49 PM
cite an example of logical insanity of any type.

I said 'illogical'....not 'logical'.
'You' and 'logical' mix like oil and water....and cannot coexist with each other.

As for your challenge to me....Did you not take the self appointed authoritive moral high road with your comment about Poilievre owning some rental property? Of course you did.
Typical left wing ideals lacking anything resembling common sense.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 12, 2023, 02:35:56 PM
Let's see now how you are doing.

I do not hate sports anglers

I am not a socialist.

You may as well call me a woman or a transsexual. Labeling people like you do is no sort of logical argument if you get my drift.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 12, 2023, 03:01:01 PM
Let's see now how you are doing.

I do not hate sports anglers

I am not a socialist.

You absolutely revel in the loss of opportunities for sports fishermen....especially in regards to the Fraser River salmon fisheries. Your posts over the last 2 decades prove it. It's sad that you deny it here as I am far from the only one who has called you out for it.

As for being a socialist....your posts also prove that.....your most recent one being about the PP owning rental property. You obviously morally scoff at the idea of someone owning rental property....something that pretty much all socialists would agree with you on. There are many more reasons why I have labeled you a socialist, but I don't need to rehash it all again because you'll just deny it even though your posts prove otherwise.

You may as well call me a woman or a transsexual.

This is what we call exaggeration and delusion.
I've never once implied or have ever called you a woman or a transexual.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: roseph on September 13, 2023, 09:18:32 AM
What is really scary is that millions actually believe the BS numbers fed to them by MSM and Stats Can. If you think inflation is at 3.3 right now, then you are living with your head in the sand.

The whole idea that MSM, Stats Can, the CBC, Science, universities, all government in general are out to get us by 'feeding' us fake news for some dark crazy reason is a very sad position to be in.  Once that distrust has been established, then the right wing conspiracy theorists can plant anything they want in their followers. 

This has caused so much damage that will take generations to resolve.  I don't know how to be honest, all I can do is influence those close to me by encouraging them to get a good education so they aren't so easily fooled.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 13, 2023, 11:01:57 AM
The whole idea that MSM, Stats Can, the CBC, Science, universities, all government in general are out to get us by 'feeding' us fake news for some dark crazy reason is a very sad position to be in.  Once that distrust has been established, then the right wing conspiracy theorists can plant anything they want in their followers. 

This has caused so much damage that will take generations to resolve.  I don't know how to be honest, all I can do is influence those close to me by encouraging them to get a good education so they aren't so easily fooled.

The fact you just posted scary. I'll say it again. Anyone who has finished grade 4 math and then actually goes out and buys things/pays bills knows that we are being lied to when they say that inflation is at 3.3%.
What is even scarier is watching people turn on the TV and read the newspaper believing everything put in front of them. The people who protect themselves the best are what we call free thinkers.
Way back when, they used to teach you in school how to think for yourself. That is no longer the case as the proof is in posts like the one you made here that you are happy to let others do all the critical thinking for you.....thus leaving you in a state of left wing/woke indoctrination.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: roseph on September 13, 2023, 11:28:28 AM
So next time you need to visit a hospital, instead you will use common sense instead of 'mainstream medicine'.   For sure don't let these mainstream trained doctors give you those big pharma meds. 

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: roseph on September 13, 2023, 11:37:02 AM
Also, every person I've ever met that says university is worthless, left-wing brainwashing, a piece of paper that does nothing, etc never actually attended much less completed university themselves.  It would be nice if you could buck that trend Bobby.

I liken it to someone telling me that steelhead are completely over-rated, but coming from a person who has never  caught one.  You can imagine how much value I place on that opinion.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 13, 2023, 02:16:52 PM
So next time you need to visit a hospital, instead you will use common sense instead of 'mainstream medicine'.   For sure don't let these mainstream trained doctors give you those big pharma meds.

No issue with meds....I just won't touch the ones that come out rushed with no long term testing coupled with a threat on my job and my entire well being if I don't take it.

Also, every person I've ever met that says university is worthless, left-wing brainwashing, a piece of paper that does nothing, etc never actually attended much less completed university themselves.  It would be nice if you could buck that trend Bobby.

I have never even implied that university is worthless. I don't have a degree, but I have somewhere between 4-5 years of post secondary education. I value what I learned very highly. With that said, I haven't had any official post secondary education since 2007. Unfortunately, more and more universities are becoming a breeding ground for left wing indoctrination. That is a fact. Even the left themselves admit that it's true.

I liken it to someone telling me that steelhead are completely over-rated, but coming from a person who has never  caught one.  You can imagine how much value I place on that opinion.

I can promise you that I'm the last person who would ever suggest that Steelhead fishing is overrated.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: clarki on September 13, 2023, 03:08:19 PM
Yes, the inflation rate has been eye watering high. Almost every month of 2022 was well north of 6%. We all felt it.

But since mid 2022 the rate has been steadily declining to the current posted rate of 3.3%.

Personal experience is valuable. However I’m curious what you think the current real inflation rate is, and do you have a source to corroborate?

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Bavarian Raven on September 13, 2023, 03:32:37 PM
Dont forget, the inflation rate calculation does not take the price of certain commodities into effect (like food and housing, for example  :P ).
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 13, 2023, 04:35:27 PM
Dont forget, the inflation rate calculation does not take the price of certain commodities into effect (like food and housing, for example  :P ).

Let me expand on that. The posted inflation rate is tone deaf of the average working middle class family.
The real inflation rate is about 4 to 5 times higher then what is posted.
Something most people don't realize either is that since the 80s, they have manipulated the way inflation is calculated. That is a well known unarguable fact. Every government since the 80s (and yes...that includes conservative parties too) has had the inflation calculation method adjusted to make government appear more responsible than they really are.

Let me give you another example....and this is also 100% fact.
Stats can reported that the Trudeau Liberals created 40k jobs in Aug 2023 alone. What they didn't tell you was that Canada brought in 100k immigrants in the month of August 2023. That's a net deficit of 60k jobs. Again....grade 2 math....but MSM is bought and paid for so you never get the real numbers.

You have to be a free thinker and willing to ask questions and do your research in the world we live in these days...or you will be taken advantage of over and over again without knowing.....but then again....for many people, ignorance is why bother to find out....right?

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 13, 2023, 05:34:15 PM
Dont forget, the inflation rate calculation does not take the price of certain commodities into effect (like food and housing, for example  :P ).

Absolutely false. Stop telling lies!  8)

The goods and services in the CPI basket are divided into 8 major components: Food; Shelter; Household operations, furnishings and equipment; Clothing and footwear; Transportation; Health and personal care; Recreation, education and reading, and Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and recreational cannabis.

FWIW many of my age lived through double digit inflation (up to 14%) and double digit mortgage rates (18% to 20+%). To me much of what has happened lately is whining by people who never learned to balance their bank account or live within their means.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: 4x4 on September 13, 2023, 06:40:25 PM
Absolutely false. Stop telling lies!  8)

FWIW many of my age lived through double digit inflation (up to 14%) and double digit mortgage rates (18% to 20+%). To me much of what has happened lately is whining by people who never learned to balance their bak account or live within their means.

That is very true. Ex - a few months ago at Starbucks there was a woman with her 2 year old and friend. She had received a cheque from the Feds (many people did) I don't remember if it was a one time cost of living cheque (food pricing) or something else. She was complaining that it wasn't enough. She did order 37.00 of fancy coffees and pastries and sat outside chain smoking. Yeah nice way to spend your money. There's a lot to be said to live within your means.

Out of the G7 nations we are doing quite well but our problems are world wide problem that most countries have.

 I like to look at the bigger picture and to me it's not as bad as many people think but there are definitely problems and there always will be NO MATTER WHO iS IN GOVT. There is no savour that can wave their magic wand and make everything better and people will find out after the next election. If people think PP gets rid of the carbon tax that he won't find another way to gouge us out of our money. They will because they have to.

I'm at the point with all this division to accept individuals choices and move on. I have many friends that disagree with mine but we still get along because of respect.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 13, 2023, 06:44:28 PM
The FreeDumb crowd in Canada blame JT for inflation and high housing costs. 

FreeDUMBers  shout about high inflation numbers and  shout from overpasses about covid conspiracy / put flags on hockey sticks in their pickups.....

More intelligent Canadians get educated , travel and understand inflation and housing costs are prevalent across all western nations.
CDN inflation rates are actually below many countries.

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Blood_Orange on September 13, 2023, 06:57:42 PM
Let me give you another example....and this is also 100% fact.

Ah, the internet ::)
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 13, 2023, 07:02:33 PM
Ah, the internet ::)

Yupp.... LOL.....   
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: 4x4 on September 13, 2023, 07:03:23 PM
The FreeDumb crowd in Canada blame JT for inflation and high housing costs. 

FreeDUMBers  shout about high inflation numbers and  shout from overpasses about covid conspiracy / put flags on hockey sticks in their pickups.....

More intelligent Canadians get educated , travel and understand inflation and housing costs are prevalent across all western nations.
CDN inflation rates are actually below many countries.

Well said.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 13, 2023, 07:05:22 PM
The FreeDumb crowd in Canada blame JT for inflation and high housing costs. 

FreeDUMBers  shout about high inflation numbers and  shout from overpasses about covid conspiracy / put flags on hockey sticks in their pickups.....

More intelligent Canadians get educated , travel and understand inflation and housing costs are prevalent across all western nations.
CDN inflation rates are actually below many countries.

Facts are facts. Some people just can't stomach facts when it goes against their narrative.
Canada is bringing in more immigrants than they are building the appropriate amount of housing. That is a fact. Even MSM and Stats can will agree with me.
That buck stops with our Liberal government. You can't make the 'all the western nations are in the same boat' excuse, and you can't bring in more immigrants than the amount of new additional housing provided. Again....grade 2 math. Why do so many here fail basic math?
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 13, 2023, 07:07:26 PM
Ah, the internet ::)

Why don't you prove that what I said was incorrect instead of your stupid catch phrases? You can't do it because you know what I said is true and there is documentation to back it up.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 13, 2023, 08:30:28 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 13, 2023, 08:34:09 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 13, 2023, 08:57:51 PM
Well said.

Yes, but the FreeDumb supporters will stiill want to invade our cities and disrupt people lives...... break our CDN laws.....
Argue with our top scientists ....  blame JT for all Canada's problems.

Any person that is able to travel / visit other countries fully understands that inflation and  super high housing costs are crippling all western nations.

Blaming immigrants is another simple solution to a complex problem.   

Not sure why i would post a link but have a look at this....
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: uliwon on September 14, 2023, 12:36:04 PM
it does not look good for justin. very few prime minsters make it past a second term if you look at the historical average. then inflation and housing will put the last few nail in the coffin. the only shot he's got is on climate change which i think will be on tops of peoples minds as well but behind inflation and housing. this wild fire season was like nothing we have seen before and is affecting more people every year from coast to coast. alberta had wildfires in may this year. our water sheds are the lowest we've seen in decades. something is definalty changing.

pierre has done an extremely good job marketing him self. hes taping into that populism on the right thats been there for the taking for a while. my only fear is he's saying all the right words with no actual substance. where i grew in richmond, real estate was expensive before justin even took office. i was priced out of the market i grew up in by 2008. did i blame stephen harper for that? of course not. that would be ridiculous. my mother was priced out of the vancouver real estate market in the early 80's. now the rest of canada is catching up to what people in the lower mainland and the greater gta have been dealing with for 25 years.

inflation and interest rates have really hit the working poor hard. rent here in cloverdale and langley has sky rocketed. $2200 for 2 bedroom. let alone the $1100 damage deposit. just to get your foot in the door its $3300. i remember a time where you could rent to save money. i would struggle affording that on my red seal tradesman wage. my first mortgage payments in 2009 were less than that. the harder you make it on these people, the more open they are for change regardless of the political party

i share the same fears as ralph about federal lands as well. we all witnessed the back room deal for the greenbelt in ontario that doug fords government is involved in. ford said he wouldnt touch the greenbelt, where pierre has openly talked about the selling of federal land. im not against the selling of federal lands in a way that make sense like housing coops and more rental stock. what i have a problem with is him selling it to developers who turn around and make more 650sqft garbage that now dominates the land scape in the lower mainland and fraser valley.

if the conseratives had some plan on actually climate policy i would consider voting for the torries for the first time. i watched jasraj singh hallan (conserative mp) interview after the conservative convention, and it was crickets on any real policy aside from selling natural gas to asian and european markets which i agree with and already happening with the hub in kitimat. i worry that sometimes consertives have to cater to the far right on issues that turns people in the middle to the left. i would really like to hear pierres view on abortion is as well. abortion is the one issue that is hurting repulicans even in deeply red states. i would imagine it would be very unpopular here as well.

should be an interesting election cycle on both sides of the border.

Pretty spot-on observation of the housing issue.

How does PP think he will just bulldozer private interests for cheaper housing? sell Federal land? to who? Further for the highest bidder only, that's what taxpayers expect, then he goes on about 'Gatekeeper's and building redtape...OK smarty-pants, how so? You going to change the building codes and inspection process? The permitting process? that's all Muni's, none of his jurisdiction or business frankly. He is going to fire the BOC chair because of high interest rates and because he doesn't like their policy? Is he an economist? What is his solution? He never offers one, zero, zip...its all be angry, be a victim, its all somebodies else's fault.

Even Harper, who actually had a degree in the subject of economics, wasn't that stupid. Inflation is global right now but PP will have you believe its JT's fault...Under PP, NOBODY would have received CERB during CV-19, so if you took the money or support, then reserve comment on JT

Don't forget the recent Cons have never been protectors of fisheries, the environment or even can agree on Climate issues. They'll tell you they'll bring back our fisheries but don't offer how? Harper et all before JT slashed DFO, Pipelines get special permits to skip environmental oversight, and heir mantra is to kill carbon taxes and kick the issue down the road for our kids to deal with. (Carbon taxes were recently pointed out to be .02% of inflation, so total red-herring argument)

Reality is JT is a smuck but this guy PP pushes all the populist hot buttons without offering any solutions, his party of far-right wing nuts can't help themselves and moving to the middle, as O'Toole suggested during his exit, is such a foreign concept that they can't fathom its benefit. PP just makes us all feel like its all Governments fault we face increased costs and he is going to fix it all...B/ he won't, how can a free enterprise party start dictating costs and margins to private business to lower prices? Demand Oil companies lower the price of gas and diesel? Demand freight costs are lowered? Raise the price of oil so our dollar is stronger and lower prices of foreign goods? good luck PP.

I can't wait for him to put out his platform on how he will actually do everything he says.

we need a new Party without the extreme right and left screwing everything up.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 14, 2023, 01:57:59 PM

Pretty spot-on observation of the housing issue.

How does PP think he will just bulldozer private interests for cheaper housing? sell Federal land? to who? Further for the highest bidder only, that's what taxpayers expect, then he goes on about 'Gatekeeper's and building redtape...OK smarty-pants, how so? You going to change the building codes and inspection process? The permitting process? that's all Muni's, none of his jurisdiction or business frankly. He is going to fire the BOC chair because of high interest rates and because he doesn't like their policy? Is he an economist? What is his solution? He never offers one, zero, zip...its all be angry, be a victim, its all somebodies else's fault.

Even Harper, who actually had a degree in the subject of economics, wasn't that stupid. Inflation is global right now but PP will have you believe its JT's fault...Under PP, NOBODY would have received CERB during CV-19, so if you took the money or support, then reserve comment on JT

Don't forget the recent Cons have never been protectors of fisheries, the environment or even can agree on Climate issues. They'll tell you they'll bring back our fisheries but don't offer how? Harper et all before JT slashed DFO, Pipelines get special permits to skip environmental oversight, and heir mantra is to kill carbon taxes and kick the issue down the road for our kids to deal with. (Carbon taxes were recently pointed out to be .02% of inflation, so total red-herring argument)

Reality is JT is a smuck but this guy PP pushes all the populist hot buttons without offering any solutions, his party of far-right wing nuts can't help themselves and moving to the middle, as O'Toole suggested during his exit, is such a foreign concept that they can't fathom its benefit. PP just makes us all feel like its all Governments fault we face increased costs and he is going to fix it all...B/ he won't, how can a free enterprise party start dictating costs and margins to private business to lower prices? Demand Oil companies lower the price of gas and diesel? Demand freight costs are lowered? Raise the price of oil so our dollar is stronger and lower prices of foreign goods? good luck PP.

I can't wait for him to put out his platform on how he will actually do everything he says.

we need a new Party without the extreme right and left screwing everything up.

Solid post.  Great until the next post about the FACTS..... LOL.....
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 14, 2023, 03:20:35 PM

How does PP think he will just bulldozer private interests for cheaper housing? sell Federal land? to who? Further for the highest bidder only, that's what taxpayers expect, then he goes on about 'Gatekeeper's and building redtape...OK smarty-pants, how so? You going to change the building codes and inspection process? The permitting process? that's all Muni's, none of his jurisdiction or business frankly. He is going to fire the BOC chair because of high interest rates and because he doesn't like their policy? Is he an economist? What is his solution? He never offers one, zero, zip...its all be angry, be a victim, its all somebodies else's fault.

Actually if you were paying attention, PP said he would stop the insanity of 100k immigrants per month....and yes...he also said that wasn't going to immediately fix the whole problem...but it will sure help.
Again....basic grade 2 math. You can't have 100k immigrants per month when you are only building enough housing for 20k per month. It's a housing deficit of 80k per month. Again....I realize that isn't the only problem, and PP understands that, but an 80k deficit per month is astronomical over a long period of time.
Lowering of the immigration will give builders time to catch up....whereas a continued immigrant deficit will just make things worse.
How is it that so many people suck at basic math?
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: roseph on September 14, 2023, 03:38:53 PM
Cons absolutely love to talk about cutting immigration.  It works for them in so many ways.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 14, 2023, 04:39:00 PM
Both JT and PP have announced measures to improve housing situation - JTs will come into force well before PPs, if the laters ever do.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 14, 2023, 05:17:31 PM
Cons absolutely love to talk about cutting immigration.  It works for them in so many ways.

Yes , so simple to blame newcomers to our country.  Its easy because it allows everyone here to absolve themselves from any part of the problem.

Super high housing costs are now happening in all Western nations..... Canada is not special....  we have the same issues all countries have.

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: 4x4 on September 14, 2023, 05:34:32 PM

Pretty spot-on observation of the housing issue.

How does PP think he will just bulldozer private interests for cheaper housing? sell Federal land? to who? Further for the highest bidder only, that's what taxpayers expect, then he goes on about 'Gatekeeper's and building redtape...OK smarty-pants, how so? You going to change the building codes and inspection process? The permitting process? that's all Muni's, none of his jurisdiction or business frankly. He is going to fire the BOC chair because of high interest rates and because he doesn't like their policy? Is he an economist? What is his solution? He never offers one, zero, zip...its all be angry, be a victim, its all somebodies else's fault.

Even Harper, who actually had a degree in the subject of economics, wasn't that stupid. Inflation is global right now but PP will have you believe its JT's fault...Under PP, NOBODY would have received CERB during CV-19, so if you took the money or support, then reserve comment on JT

Don't forget the recent Cons have never been protectors of fisheries, the environment or even can agree on Climate issues. They'll tell you they'll bring back our fisheries but don't offer how? Harper et all before JT slashed DFO, Pipelines get special permits to skip environmental oversight, and heir mantra is to kill carbon taxes and kick the issue down the road for our kids to deal with. (Carbon taxes were recently pointed out to be .02% of inflation, so total red-herring argument)

Reality is JT is a smuck but this guy PP pushes all the populist hot buttons without offering any solutions, his party of far-right wing nuts can't help themselves and moving to the middle, as O'Toole suggested during his exit, is such a foreign concept that they can't fathom its benefit. PP just makes us all feel like its all Governments fault we face increased costs and he is going to fix it all...B/ he won't, how can a free enterprise party start dictating costs and margins to private business to lower prices? Demand Oil companies lower the price of gas and diesel? Demand freight costs are lowered? Raise the price of oil so our dollar is stronger and lower prices of foreign goods? good luck PP.

I can't wait for him to put out his platform on how he will actually do everything he says.

we need a new Party without the extreme right and left screwing everything up.

Awesome post.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 14, 2023, 06:42:55 PM
Cons absolutely love to talk about cutting immigration.  It works for them in so many ways.

Libs love to encourage immigration as long as it isn't in their neighborhood...oh the hypocrisy.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: uliwon on September 14, 2023, 07:37:08 PM
Facts are facts. Some people just can't stomach facts when it goes against their narrative.
Canada is bringing in more immigrants than they are building the appropriate amount of housing. That is a fact. Even MSM and Stats can will agree with me.
That buck stops with our Liberal government. You can't make the 'all the western nations are in the same boat' excuse, and you can't bring in more immigrants than the amount of new additional housing provided. Again....grade 2 math. Why do so many here fail basic math?

We also have a significant aging-out population and few people available to fill the basic jobs that need filling, the jobs the resident entitled millennials can't be seen dead doing, so what do you suggest Government do? Build cheap housing first? Dictate to private property owners, municipalities and corporate Canada to sell land for less?, Rona and Home depot to sell materials for less? Build for cheaper? Then open your doors to immigration?

Funny how you rarely see new immigrants homeless, at food banks and on the dole...sure they see initial Government support, but they largely hit the ground running because their bloody happy for the opportunities.

I have a friend with multiple fast food outlets, he can barely get locals to work there, so he solicits in the Philippines, and they are great employees, he has businesses to run. 

its a slippery slope blaming Governments for everything wrong, today PP was grand-standing about poor housing density near rapid transit stations...of course he chooses as transit site without matching housing construction, but they don't happen simultaneously..clearly he isn't a city planner or have any idea of urban planning...he is politician, and simplistic one at that.

Hey Pierre, look at Joyce station, Metrotown, Brentwood, or Oakridge now there skippy...hows that for density near rapid transit, and it took years to get that way.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: SuperBobby on September 14, 2023, 08:41:44 PM
We also have a significant aging-out population and few people available to fill the basic jobs that need filling, the jobs the resident entitled millennials can't be seen dead doing, so what do you suggest Government do? Build cheap housing first? Dictate to private property owners, municipalities and corporate Canada to sell land for less?, Rona and Home depot to sell materials for less? Build for cheaper? Then open your doors to immigration?

I don't disagree with what you posted here, but you simply cannot bring in people from other countries if there is no where for them to live. It's common sense.

As for the entitled millennials? Yes it's strange. Half of them want to be tik tok influencers, and it seems that more and more young women who are even reasonably attractive are making their fortunes on OnlyFans. I'm not sure what is so bad about a little hard work. I actually enjoy it. Keeps me in good shape.
My son got into trades right out of high school and makes very good money. He works hard and is good with his money, but he has no chance at a getting a house.

As for the aging population....well....that is another can of worms.
You only have to look at history to know that the strongest most complete nations are the countries with the strongest families. Again....that is a fact. History has proven it time and time again.
Canada and America were very good examples of that in the early/mid 20th century....and then it all started to go downhill with feminism and birth control in the 60s. This is when much of the indoctrination started.
Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family. What happened next? It was obvious what would happen. So many women were having fewer babies or not having children at all.....and what was the result? Well duh....of course you are going to have an aging population. And now it's a world wide disaster.
The nuclear family has been systematically destroyed and now every developed nation on the globe is paying dearly for it.
You must have strong families to have a strong society. It's not arguable.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 14, 2023, 09:25:35 PM

Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family.

Utter hogwash. They are entitled to having a career just like men. What a chauvinistic comment.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: sumasriver on September 14, 2023, 09:30:57 PM
blaming women now..... really......

Claiming your  ridiculous posts are factual or not arguable... LOL does not make it so.......
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dobrolub on September 14, 2023, 11:10:47 PM
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 15, 2023, 08:32:39 AM
The last time I checked, a couple in a long term committed relationship were a nuclear family. Historically we did not have nuclear families, we had extended families. Those families included grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Some of these would often, perhaps more often than not, lived with the so called nuclear family. Sometimes that family would include cousins of the young children who for whatever reason may no longer have parents to care for them.

Yes that is mostly gone from a segment of our society. However not so for many recent immigrants. Next door the household has 4 generations under the same roof. The adult children live with their parent and grandmother. The young women have careers and a family because their are older adults for care for them Life is pretty diverse.

One problem I see with the reactionary conservatives is they make up myths and then claim history proves their point when it does nothing of the sort. That's another myth. Anyone who knows much about history will tell you it is doubtful history can prove anything.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: wildmanyeah on September 15, 2023, 10:10:14 AM
NDP/Liberal Coalition is set to have a dynasty.

A few years ago i joined the conservative party just to try and vote to get peter mckey in. Unfortunately the radical right alberta wing of the party pretty much killed all hopes of have a more progressive conservative party.

Some of the BC conservative MP's are more left leaning, for the environment ect ect ect... but they are not in control of the party.

The whole trucker convoy stuff has damaged the party considerable and they are not doing a good job of separating themselves from it. Some of the stuff they are being hit with are Liberal talking points (con party being against abortions ect..) meant to make them look like right wing crazies. Some of it is most definitely there own doing. 

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: Blood_Orange on September 16, 2023, 06:18:36 PM
and then it all started to go downhill with feminism and birth control in the 60s. This is when much of the indoctrination started.
Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family.

Lol, this isn't a person expressing genuine ideas. The troll is too strong ::) Reminds me of RobertG, who was banned a couple of years ago for incendiary posts.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: bigblockfox on September 17, 2023, 01:30:39 AM
I don't disagree with what you posted here, but you simply cannot bring in people from other countries if there is no where for them to live. It's common sense.

As for the entitled millennials? Yes it's strange. Half of them want to be tik tok influencers, and it seems that more and more young women who are even reasonably attractive are making their fortunes on OnlyFans. I'm not sure what is so bad about a little hard work. I actually enjoy it. Keeps me in good shape.
My son got into trades right out of high school and makes very good money. He works hard and is good with his money, but he has no chance at a getting a house.

As for the aging population....well....that is another can of worms.
You only have to look at history to know that the strongest most complete nations are the countries with the strongest families. Again....that is a fact. History has proven it time and time again.
Canada and America were very good examples of that in the early/mid 20th century....and then it all started to go downhill with feminism and birth control in the 60s. This is when much of the indoctrination started.
Women were deceived into thinking that they should prioritize their careers over family. What happened next? It was obvious what would happen. So many women were having fewer babies or not having children at all.....and what was the result? Well duh....of course you are going to have an aging population. And now it's a world wide disaster.
The nuclear family has been systematically destroyed and now every developed nation on the globe is paying dearly for it.
You must have strong families to have a strong society. It's not arguable.

I don't believe he is trolling. Their is some merit to his arguments.

We need a certain amount of immigration. Enough to fill vacant jobs and add to the tax base but not to much that it puts a strain on government services. Too much also adds to inflation. Only a certain amount of goods and services to go around including housing. That's exactly why the liberals have pulled back with future targets.

I also feel for your son about buying a home. I think alot of the frustration young people are feeling is that they were sold a lie. Get a good education and you can enter the middle class which now takes a doctor's salary instead of a tradesmen salary. Wish I had the answer.

I also agree about strong families. Data shows this without question. I just disagree on how we got here. I don't believe birth control or feminism cased this. Inflation has caused this. My parents mothers both did not work. The majority of women didn't have to work because the salary men made were enough to support a family and middle class life style. Now a days multiple incomes are needed just to stay a float let alone enter the middle class. Mom and dad are to busy grinding to provide for the family that it's left the family unit weaker and stressed to the point where it breaks down and doesn't function as well. Also the harder you make it economically on young people, the less chance they will have children off their own.

I believe right and left are alot closer on issues than it appears. Silly social issues get in the way of having civil discussions. We need to put these aside and come together united as workers and take on the real threats. Huge corporations like black rock and vanguard. These two corporations have 16 trillion in market cap. Thats unacceptable. we also need to eliminate or cap donations to political parties by corporations and sharpen the tax code to a more progressive one for both individuals and businesses on both sides of the border.

I think Thomas Jefferson had said it best

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
Still has merit till this day and was said in 19th century.

Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 17, 2023, 08:02:50 AM
The decline of the birth rate is by no means unique to Canada. It is a feature of modernity. Radically better medical care, education and birth control leads to smaller families. Once women have a choice, on average they choose to have far fewer children. It  has happened in Europe and North America now it is happening in Asia particularly in Japan and the so called Asian Tigers. It  is also happening in China which some say may see it's population drop by close to 50% by the end of the century. The birth rate is also rapidly slowing down in India as it modernizes it's social-economic system. The population in the US and Canada will continue to grow as both allow immigration and are attractive places for people from other countries. You can compare that to Japan and now China where as their birth rates dropped have seen their economies stagnate since they are not attractive to immigrants nor do they permit it.

Housing is expensive but no impossible to obtain. My son and his spouse recently bought a condo in downtown Vancouver. It cost as much or more than a house in the valley. My daughter otoh who is self employed, lives with us and can't find an affordable rental place. The real crisis is in rental housing and solving the problem will rely more on building rental housing and affordable strata dwellings that are accessible and by that I mean not bought by investors and run as sub-lets or air bnb style operations. Not talked about by PP is that most of the cost of a single family dwelling is the land and it will be very hard for any policy to lower the value of land.


PS Andrew Coyne has a good column in the Opinion section of the Globe and Mail. Basically he argues that both parties are fooled if they think housing prices can be budged lower over the course of 5 years or so. He also points out that millions of home owners have a vested interest in the current price structure and one of the causes of it - namely the Capital Gain tax exemption on residential housing. Requires a subscription, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: bigblockfox on September 17, 2023, 11:26:02 AM
The decline of the birth rate is by no means unique to Canada. It is a feature of modernity. Radically better medical care, education and birth control leads to smaller families. Once women have a choice, on average they choose to have far fewer children. It  has happened in Europe and North America now it is happening in Asia particularly in Japan and the so called Asian Tigers. It  is also happening in China which some say may see it's population drop by close to 50% by the end of the century. The birth rate is also rapidly slowing down in India as it modernizes it's social-economic system. The population in the US and Canada will continue to grow as both allow immigration and are attractive places for people from other countries. You can compare that to Japan and now China where as their birth rates dropped have seen their economies stagnate since they are not attractive to immigrants nor do they permit it.

Housing is expensive but no impossible to obtain. My son and his spouse recently bought a condo in downtown Vancouver. It cost as much or more than a house in the valley. My daughter otoh who is self employed, lives with us and can't find an affordable rental place. The real crisis is in rental housing and solving the problem will rely more on building rental housing and affordable strata dwellings that are accessible and by that I mean not bought by investors and run as sub-lets or air bnb style operations. Not talked about by PP is that most of the cost of a single family dwelling is the land and it will be very hard for any policy to lower the value of land.


PS Andrew Coyne has a good column in the Opinion section of the Globe and Mail. Basically he argues that both parties are fooled if they think housing prices can be budged lower over the course of 5 years or so. He also points out that millions of home owners have a vested interest in the current price structure and one of the causes of it - namely the Capital Gain tax exemption on residential housing. Requires a subscription, unfortunately.

China's falling birth rate has more to do with the one child policy than anything else. Which was around for 35 years till 2016.

Rental prices are a direct correlation to real estate prices and interest rates. When land lords feel economic pain it's passed on to the rental market. Air b&b are also a problem. They are very attractive to landlords for high monthly incomes with out the baggage that can come with long term renting. I was a land lord from 2009 till 2019. The pandemic scared me enough not to rent in fear my tenant loosing their income. Also that evictions were banned for a few years. All of this put even more pressure on rental prices.

I agree with the article you posted. Governments can do very little to fix the real estate issues we are facing. That's why the bank of Canada has raised interest rates so quickly. Even though they are to blame for this mess for leaving them to low for to long. Its the last tool in the tool box to control housing. I believe these interest rates are here to stay for long term which by historical average, are still not all that high.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 17, 2023, 02:25:53 PM

China's falling birth rate has more to do with the one child policy than anything else. Which was around for 35 years till 2016.

No. China's fertility rate currently ranks 198th in the world, among the lowest of all countries.  The rate hasn't gone up since 2016 and is projected to stay low plus it now has a 2 child policy though the current birth rate is about 1.2 per couple. A birth rate of 2 will not maintain a population at a stable level. Chinese women are still required to wear IUDs

I also should mention that another outcome of China's fertility policy is a gender imbalance as male children were favored. There will be a mate available for many men who want to marry and have a family.

Rental prices are a direct correlation to real estate prices and interest rates. When land lords feel economic pain it's passed on to the rental market. Air b&b are also a problem.

In BC the Province caps rent increases:

ditto for Manitoba, Ontario, PEI and Nova Scotia
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: bigblockfox on September 17, 2023, 10:41:08 PM
No. China's fertility rate currently ranks 198th in the world, among the lowest of all countries.  The rate hasn't gone up since 2016 and is projected to stay low plus it now has a 2 child policy though the current birth rate is about 1.2 per couple. A birth rate of 2 will not maintain a population at a stable level. Chinese women are still required to wear IUDs

I also should mention that another outcome of China's fertility policy is a gender imbalance as male children were favored. There will be a mate available for many men who want to marry and have a family.

In BC the Province caps rent increases:

ditto for Manitoba, Ontario, PEI and Nova Scotia

What do you think I ment by a one child policy? Males were preferred by most Asian countries.

You can post what ever article you want on rent. Their % mean nothing. Once one gets evicted they have to bare the market reality which is far behind those figures the government wants you to believe. Right now in the lower mainland it's $1100 per bedroom. At least from langley to Vancouver. Could be less further east.

I fear the day my dad gets evicted from his house in Richmond where he's been paying 2k. 2k gets nothing in today's market.
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: RalphH on September 18, 2023, 07:15:47 AM
What do you think I ment by a one child policy?

I don't know
Title: Re: Next Federal election
Post by: dennisK on September 18, 2023, 09:45:21 AM
Dialogue is always good; but there won't be an election until Oct 2025