Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: scouterjames on September 07, 2013, 08:59:12 PM

Title: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: scouterjames on September 07, 2013, 08:59:12 PM
OK, fishing for 45 mins in Glen Valley today.  There was a family(?) there with 3 rods in the water fishing with worms and pulling out pike minnows, dropping them into safeway bags alive.  In the short time I was there, they pulled out over 40 fish that I saw (and I wasn't watching them intently, just counting when I noticed for something to do).

I asked them what they do with them on my way out but got 'no english'. 

So, two questions.

First the lazy question - is there limits on those things - qty &/or size (didn't matter if they were 3", they went into the bags).

Second, are they edible?  Thought they'd be bony and not so yummy for the table....  OK Answered this by searching the site.... doesn't sound too yummy for me, but I guess they were headed to the table!

Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rantalot on September 07, 2013, 09:47:02 PM
I do believe there is a bait(oops) ban first of all? Second the limit is 15 and  have you ever T&T market?
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 07, 2013, 09:52:42 PM
I believe the bait ban applies to fishing for salmon.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: zap brannigan on September 07, 2013, 09:55:20 PM
'no english' is a pretty common way of saying no license or care for regs around here.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rantalot on September 07, 2013, 10:26:12 PM
Um I do believe you can catch coho using dew worms? So I would think bait ban means no bait?
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: chronic_topdawg on September 07, 2013, 10:51:47 PM
meh ;)
Shiny Fish, need more fishing for em.
But is it true that they are more of a burden on salmon than their value to the ecosystem?
Ive always heard throw em on the bank, but personal I throw what I need in a bucket for dino's
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Chuck on September 07, 2013, 11:39:42 PM
If I see anyone throw anything "on the bank", or in a bush, they'll get some abuse off me.  Release it or eat it.  If you're going to kill anything then I firmly believe you need to not waste a single part of it.
but personal I throw what I need in a bucket for dino's

Not entirely sure what Dino's is, but sounds like they're not dying for the hell of it  ;)
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Fishawn on September 07, 2013, 11:52:42 PM
'no english' is a pretty common way of saying no license or care for regs around here.
Last I checked, "no English" means that this person doesn't speak the language. So if you're fishing in Mexico and some locals come up to talk to you and you say "no Spanish," I take it you're automatically a poacher then?
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rodney on September 07, 2013, 11:53:03 PM
- The current bait ban only applies to salmon fishing.

- Plenty of non-English speakers in this country have their fishing licenses and know the regulations, so don't generalize please, it's offensive. There are active non-Englsh speaking online discussion forums where regulations are emphasized like this one.

- In freshwater, there are no daily quotas for species that are not listed (carp, northern pikeminnow, peamouth chub, etc). In tidal waters, if a species is not listed, then its daily quota is 20.

- Northern pikeminnow, peamouth chub and other similar minnows species are edible and can be very good table fare when prepared correctly. Their white flesh is delicate but are full of fine bones. They are often made into fish cakes, soup or simply pan fried.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rodney on September 07, 2013, 11:54:48 PM
But is it true that they are more of a burden on salmon than their value to the ecosystem?

Human are the biggest burden on salmon. Pikeminnow and chub do just fine in their native ecosystem.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Bently on September 07, 2013, 11:57:01 PM
Um I do believe you can catch coho using dew worms? So I would think bait ban means no bait?

So what are all the Sturgeon fishermen using.....lures ??  ;D ::)

I think Rodney was talking to the DFO about this to see if it could be rectified because the way they have it written as of now the bait ban would apply to ALL finfish so in reality they were breaking the law using bait in the Fraser even t hough they were targeting PM and chub.

Saw a guy out today using salmon roe and asked what he was fishing for...."salmon salmon" is what he said, I couldn't help but laugh and then tried to tell him the bait ban was in effect, he looked me straight in the eye and said, that okay that okay i catch one already, hope more 3.  :o

It never ends around here I tell ya. :P

edit to add, sorry Rodney, I was typing while you posted
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Johnny Canuck on September 08, 2013, 01:15:48 AM
Why eat NPM when they could go to some of the bass infested lakes and kill way more meat for the table and help get rid of the invasive species at the same time
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Ian Forbes on September 08, 2013, 01:16:04 AM
Asians eat anything that slithers, slides, hops, flops walks, runs, flies or swims. Even if it lies there inert it gets eaten if it is remotely edible. As Rodney says, just because a coarse fish is not what we normally associate with edible fish, they can still be processed many ways and eaten. Look no further than the Asian market for bear and tiger gall bladder, rhino horn and shark fins. There is no concern at all for environmental damage or extinction of animal species.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: KingOfEastVan on September 08, 2013, 01:48:15 AM
Asians eat anything that slithers, slides, hops, flops walks, runs, flies or swims.

So do I, and I am a white guy. My wife, who is asian, does not. Imagine that. Any time anyone here wants to learn more about this outrageous canundrum, PM me and I will be glad to meet you somewhere and personally teach you a lesson on the topic of racial harmony and coarse fish cooking.

I'd confront a racist with a lot more zeal than I would someone who was limiting out on pikeminnows. A LOT more.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: mojo7 on September 08, 2013, 07:18:06 AM
So do I, and I am a white guy. My wife, who is asian, does not. Imagine that. Any time anyone here wants to learn more about this outrageous canundrum, PM me and I will be glad to meet you somewhere and personally teach you a lesson on the topic of racial harmony and coarse fish cooking.

I'd confront a racist with a lot more zeal than I would someone who was limiting out on pikeminnows. A LOT more.

Although I don't know Mr Forbes personally I have lurked the online fishing forums for a long time and have seen many of his fishing and "other" pursuits posts and can vouch that he is definitely NOT a racist.

Actually I have seen many accuse him of being the 180' opposite of racist, with an abundant (some say overly abundant) appreciation of the Asian race. He is a god amongst men and fisherMEN. ;) You go girl!

 He used to, I don't know if he still does, spend half the year in Thailand and half in BC. He is speaking from many years of experience living in East Asia so I'm sure he is just stating a fact he sees every day.

Environmental destruction is a color/race blind world issue, it affects us all and proper criticism must NOT be usurped by racial sensitivities. Every race/culture is guilty and every race/culture must be taken to task for it's share of violations. I have seen Ian make plenty of criticism for the folks here at home about our own sins so he is only singling out a particular race here because it is pertinent to this thread.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: alwaysfishn on September 08, 2013, 07:29:36 AM
Although I don't know Mr Forbes personally I have lurked the online fishing forums for a long time and have seen many of his fishing and "other" pursuits posts and can vouch that he is definitely NOT a racist.

Actually I have seen many accuse him of being the 180' opposite of racist, with an abundant (some say overly abundant) appreciation of the Asian race. He is a god amongst men and fisherMEN. ;) You go girl!

 He used to, I don't know if he still does, spend half the year in Thailand and half in BC. He is speaking from many years of experience living in East Asia so I'm sure he is just stating a fact he sees every day.

Environmental destruction is a color/race blind world issue, it affects us all and proper criticism must NOT be usurped by racial sensitivities. Every race/culture is guilty and every race/culture must be taken to task for it's share of violations. I have seen Ian make plenty of criticism for the folks here at home about our own sins so he is only singling out a particular race here because it is pertinent to this thread.

x2 well said!
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rantalot on September 08, 2013, 07:44:30 AM
So what are all the Sturgeon fishermen using.....lures ??  ;D ::)

I think Rodney was talking to the DFO about this to see if it could be rectified because the way they have it written as of now the bait ban would apply to ALL finfish so in reality they were breaking the law using bait in the Fraser even t hough they were targeting PM and chub.

Saw a guy out today using salmon roe and asked what he was fishing for...."salmon salmon" is what he said, I couldn't help but laugh and then tried to tell him the bait ban was in effect, he looked me straight in the eye and said, that okay that okay i catch one already, hope more 3.  :o

It never ends around here I tell ya. :P

edit to add, sorry Rodney, I was typing while you posted
Sorry Bentley but you don't float fish for sturg !If your using roe for sturg does that mean that you are fishing for salmon ? Geesh
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: scouterjames on September 08, 2013, 10:51:21 AM
WHAO there, little doggies - the post wasn't about race at all - the no English comment I made was simply to state that I tried asking them what they were doing with them (I would have asked how to cook etc. if they spoke English).  My comment simply meant that I tried to ask directly, they couldn't (or wouldn't, I really don't have any idea) tell me, so thought I'd ask here.

Rodney, and any others, I hope there was no offence taken by my initial post, because it certainly wasn't meant to offend, take issue with, or upset anyone!!

Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: scouterjames on September 08, 2013, 11:00:59 AM
I just got back from the same spot and had to clean up after them - an entire kitchen garbage back STUFFED full of worm containers, pop cans, A&M bags, shrimp crisp bags, chicken bones, juice boxes and more - leftover from their family BBQ.

Why can't people pick up after themselves?  If I see them again, they will hear from me, whether they understand or not!  I JUST took 2 full size black garbage bags off that beach 5 days ago and you wouldn't know it - not just their mess, EVERYWHERE down the beach.

Maybe I should start wearing my Scout uniform while I pick up in FRONT of people.

Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Johnny Canuck on September 08, 2013, 11:13:44 AM
Maybe I should start wearing my Scout uniform while I pick up in FRONT of people.

Not really sure what that will do. Why not wait for them to go to their vehicles and get pics of their vehicles plates. Then report them and say you would be willing to help in anyway in having charges laid against them.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rodney on September 08, 2013, 11:18:58 AM
Rodney, and any others, I hope there was no offence taken by my initial post, because it certainly wasn't meant to offend, take issue with, or upset anyone!!

No offence taken. It was the following post (no English = no license) that was not appropriate.

Pity about the mess left behind...
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 08, 2013, 04:24:31 PM
So do I, and I am a white guy. My wife, who is asian, does not.

Asia is a continent not a 'race'. The whole idea of race was thought up by dead white men and is long out dated.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: TheFishingLad on September 08, 2013, 05:21:39 PM
Asia is a continent not a 'race'. The whole idea of race was thought up by dead white men and is long out dated.

Main Entry: race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
Date: 1580

c : a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Seems relevant.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 08, 2013, 06:01:18 PM
Main Entry: race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
Date: 1580

c : a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits

Seems relevant.

relevant to what? Tell me what traits Turks, Persians, Kurds, Georgians people from the Indian sub-continent share with with people from South East Asia or Mongolia as opposed what they don't share with people from Europe or Iceland.

1580, France - as I said thought up by dead white guys.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Fillibert on September 08, 2013, 06:41:34 PM
So do I, and I am a white guy. My wife, who is asian, does not. Imagine that. Any time anyone here wants to learn more about this outrageous canundrum, PM me and I will be glad to meet you somewhere and personally teach you a lesson on the topic of racial harmony and coarse fish cooking.

I'd confront a racist with a lot more zeal than I would someone who was limiting out on pikeminnows. A LOT more.

There's a thread here somewhere on racism and we concluded that for it to be racist it has to be derogatory and assume that one race is inferior in some way. I do not believe that GENERALIZING falls under that category.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: brownmancheng on September 08, 2013, 06:50:50 PM
Although I don't know Mr Forbes personally I have lurked the online fishing forums for a long time and have seen many of his fishing and "other" pursuits posts and can vouch that he is definitely NOT a racist.

Actually I have seen many accuse him of being the 180' opposite of racist, with an abundant (some say overly abundant) appreciation of the Asian race. He is a god amongst men and fisherMEN. ;) You go girl!

 He used to, I don't know if he still does, spend half the year in Thailand and half in BC. He is speaking from many years of experience living in East Asia so I'm sure he is just stating a fact he sees every day.

Environmental destruction is a color/race blind world issue, it affects us all and proper criticism must NOT be usurped by racial sensitivities. Every race/culture is guilty and every race/culture must be taken to task for it's share of violations. I have seen Ian make plenty of criticism for the folks here at home about our own sins so he is only singling out a particular race here because it is pertinent to this thread.

Totally off topic and probably immature but...... 

Sounds like somebody has a crush!  :-* :-*

(Sorry couldn't resist, thought this thread needed some humor no matter how juvenile)
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Sandman on September 08, 2013, 07:47:55 PM
I just got back from the same spot and had to clean up after them - an entire kitchen garbage back STUFFED full of worm containers, pop cans, A&M bags, shrimp crisp bags, chicken bones, juice boxes and more - leftover from their family BBQ.

Why can't people pick up after themselves?  If I see them again, they will hear from me, whether they understand or not!  I JUST took 2 full size black garbage bags off that beach 5 days ago and you wouldn't know it - not just their mess, EVERYWHERE down the beach.

Maybe I should start wearing my Scout uniform while I pick up in FRONT of people.

Were you just below the Poplar Bar?  If so, I have seen that family there before, so you will undoubtedly see them again.  I had to explain to them that what they were catching were Peamouth Chub, not Whitefish.  The folks I saw had some English though.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RyanB on September 08, 2013, 07:55:27 PM
I've seen people keeping a lot of very small flounder, in the 4" to 6" range.  They don't go over the limit (eight) but I guess if they catch enough of them they can cut them into chunks for soup.  Definitely too small to filet.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: scouterjames on September 08, 2013, 07:55:59 PM
Were you just below the Poplar Bar?  If so, I have seen that family there before, so you will undoubtedly see them again.  I had to explain to them that what they were catching were Peamouth Chub, not Whitefish.  The folks I saw had some English though.

Yup, that would be where I was.  dunno if that was them them, or maybe they didn't want to hear what you already told them? LOL

Next time explain to them to CLEAN UP THEIR CRAP!  and if you see which vehicle they are in, picture time...
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: TheFishingLad on September 08, 2013, 10:10:59 PM
relevant to what? Tell me what traits Turks, Persians, Kurds, Georgians people from the Indian sub-continent share with with people from South East Asia or Mongolia as opposed what they don't share with people from Europe or Iceland.

1580, France - as I said thought up by dead white guys.

I don't live there so I can't tell.

However, I can notice a difference from Eastern European folk, to African, to North American. Usually accents but to satisfy your incoming knee-jerk reaction, the main distinction is skin colour.

Keep doing your thing, but I know when I deal with the police and they ask what race they were, I'm not saying "Human", I'm telling it how it is.

Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: tlatmdeh on September 08, 2013, 10:33:58 PM
Asians eat anything that slithers, slides, hops, flops walks, runs, flies or swims. Even if it lies there inert it gets eaten if it is remotely edible. As Rodney says, just because a coarse fish is not what we normally associate with edible fish, they can still be processed many ways and eaten. Look no further than the Asian market for bear and tiger gall bladder, rhino horn and shark fins. There is no concern at all for environmental damage or extinction of animal species.

That is a stereotype that certainly does apply to some, but obviously not all, Asian people. For example, some Koreans eat dogs. Some Chinese eat monkey brains. Some Thais eat frogs. Some Japanese eat frogs. But not ALL Asians eat dogs, monkey brains, or frogs. And they definitely do not eat "anything that slithers, slides, hops, flops walks, runs, flies or swims."

That's like saying "all Black people do drugs, ruining the level of education and social justice in Canada" or "all White people suck at math, or are generally dumb, slowing down the progress of humanity," or "all Americans are fat, lessening the efficiency of work and causing inflation of wages and production costs around the world" which we all know are stereotypes that are certainly not true for all, or are none-sense that came from nowhere.

In direct comparison, just because SOME Europeans eat slugs or foei gras, or intestinal parts of animals, it doesn't justify people who generalize Europeans as people who eat "anything that slithers, slides, hops, flops walks, runs, flies or swims."

Comment about the "environmental damage" and "Extinction of animal species," I'm just in pure awe from your impudence.  Think about why so many countries got industrialized, and why so many forests are destroyed, and why so many animals went extinct. You really think anyone in continent of America or Europe, or in this century, any continent or country, have anything to say about "environmental damage" and "Extinction of animal species"? Environmental problems are humans' fault, not Asians', Americans', or any other single group's fault. We should try to fix these global environmental problems, but not by faulting a specific group. Everyone on this planet has somewhat contributed to the loss of tigers, rhinos, and sharks, while some has contributed more and some has contributed less, just like in other environmental issues.

Go outside, look at people riding cars, hopping on airplanes, using dish washers, using tv's, using sofa(made out of cows, ehem), eating meat, fishing and polluting rivers/lakes, building needless buildings and airports in place of forests, wasting water, etc. Look no further than out your window.

Hmmmmm, I guess no one really cares about the environment or the extinction of animals?? Uhh.. noo.. Just as SOME people eat meat(eating meat is environmentally so much more costly than eating veges or some kind of wheat), fish fish, burn forests, SOME(I repeat, some) Asians eat shark fins, tiger gall bladders, and bear paws and other disgusting stuff that I would never eat. But it does NOT mean that people who do all those things above don't care about the environment AT ALL, it just means that they're valuing whatever they're doing over saving the environment. And this applies to everyone, as you value using your computer and driving cars over saving electricity and walking everywhere without clothes, saving the earth.

So none of the issues or none-sense stereotypes that you have mentioned really should be specified towards any group other than "humans on earth."

I'm not the kind of person who gets mad at these stereotypes or jokes. I make fun of Asians who suck at driving and Asians who eat dogs. But a stereotype is a stereotype, something that we can sometimes feel during our daily lives or hear about and make fun of, but not something that could be supportive of any serious argument. That becomes a serious criticism of a specific group one that is really ludicrous and baseless, and one that should not be endorsed by anyone who is learned enough to know what a "stereotype" is.

Long, fun writing time before bed. Thanks for the opportunity!
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 09, 2013, 06:14:01 AM
Hundreds of millions of people in Asia are vegan. Asia is a geographic place not a race.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 09, 2013, 06:20:20 AM
I don't live there so I can't tell.

However, I can notice a difference from Eastern European folk, to African, to North American. Usually accents but to satisfy your incoming knee-jerk reaction, the main distinction is skin colour.

Keep doing your thing, but I know when I deal with the police and they ask what race they were, I'm not saying "Human", I'm telling it how it is.

under the traditional racial model:

North African =  Caucasian

European = Caucasian

Mongolian = Oriental

North American Indian = Oriental

Indian Sub-continent = Caucasian

skin colour is not the main means of distinguishing race.

do you even know what 'race' you are?
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: TheFishingLad on September 09, 2013, 07:34:41 AM
under the traditional racial model:

North African =  Caucasian

European = Caucasian

Mongolian = Oriental

North American Indian = Oriental

Indian Sub-continent = Caucasian

skin colour is not the main means of distinguishing race.

do you even know what 'race' you are?

The "traditional" method is gone, and replaced with one that works on a broad scale of identification.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: chronic_topdawg on September 09, 2013, 12:35:49 PM
Your all tunas
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: scouterjames on September 09, 2013, 12:52:16 PM
Your all tunas

or dogfish - they're biting on all the crap floating around!  :P :P :P
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Ian Forbes on September 09, 2013, 01:40:11 PM
How much time do you spend in Asia? I spend 5 months each winter traveling all over the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and with brief stops in Japan and China. I just go by what I observe. I've been doing that for the past 20 years. Before they were stopped by international pressure, the Japanese commercial fishermen used mile long nets to scour the Pacific ocean of all species before they even reached maturity. That was one of the reasons why our salmonids plummeted in the 1990s.  Myanmar fishermen clean out all the saltwater species all along the Andaman Sea. and right down into Thailand. Rivers in Asia are almost devoid of fish wherever they come close to any civilization. All the reservoirs get cleaned out by electric shockers and gill nets. The shorelines are littered with abandoned nets. The rivers of Nepal are cesspools of floating plastic garbage. It's even worse in India. Philippine commercial fishermen used dynamite to kill every saltwater species they could find, and the coral reefs have barely recovered after international pressure was brought to bear. Those little crabs that are so prevalent on our rocky beaches get killed by the bucket full in Asian beaches. You are lucky to find one or two. Tiny little clams the size of your little fingernail get seined out of the sand and used for cooking. It is only the richness of the soil that allows the land to recover.

Vietnamese did the same thing when they came to Canada during and after the Vietnam war. They scoured the beaches and cleaned out the oyster and clam beds. They just did what they were used to doing back home. They seldom followed our Canadian laws because they were trained by the crooked police in their own country not to trust the law. It is only the second generation Vietnamese that slowly adjusted to Canadian law and order.

Even though it was a generalization, I'll stand behind what I posted. And, I'm not the slightest bit racist. I just tell the truth. Our record in western civilization isn't a whole lot better.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: liketofish on September 09, 2013, 03:31:28 PM
No offence taken. It was the following post (no English = no license) that was not appropriate.

Pity about the mess left behind...

Yeup. We saw these kind mess left behind all over the Vedder and they were not the dirty work of some 'no English' folks.  ;D  Not justifying these scums for screwing up public places. But they come in all colours of skin or language background.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: tlatmdeh on September 09, 2013, 04:33:20 PM
How much time do you spend in Asia? I spend 5 months each winter traveling all over the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and with brief stops in Japan and China. I just go by what I observe. I've been doing that for the past 20 years. Before they were stopped by international pressure, the Japanese commercial fishermen used mile long nets to scour the Pacific ocean of all species before they even reached maturity. That was one of the reasons why our salmonids plummeted in the 1990s.  Myanmar fishermen clean out all the saltwater species all along the Andaman Sea. and right down into Thailand. Rivers in Asia are almost devoid of fish wherever they come close to any civilization. All the reservoirs get cleaned out by electric shockers and gill nets. The shorelines are littered with abandoned nets. The rivers of Nepal are cesspools of floating plastic garbage. It's even worse in India. Philippine commercial fishermen used dynamite to kill every saltwater species they could find, and the coral reefs have barely recovered after international pressure was brought to bear. Those little crabs that are so prevalent on our rocky beaches get killed by the bucket full in Asian beaches. You are lucky to find one or two. Tiny little clams the size of your little fingernail get seined out of the sand and used for cooking. It is only the richness of the soil that allows the land to recover.

Vietnamese did the same thing when they came to Canada during and after the Vietnam war. They scoured the beaches and cleaned out the oyster and clam beds. They just did what they were used to doing back home. They seldom followed our Canadian laws because they were trained by the crooked police in their own country not to trust the law. It is only the second generation Vietnamese that slowly adjusted to Canadian law and order.

Even though it was a generalization, I'll stand behind what I posted. And, I'm not the slightest bit racist. I just tell the truth. Our record in western civilization isn't a whole lot better.

I'm an Asian but I've lived in Canada/US half of my life. I lived in Korea for 10 years, Japan for 4, China for 3, and I FREQUENTLY visit Singapore, Philipines and other South East Asian countries to meet my friends.

I do not get the point in the argument you're making. The only part I was really upset about was the part that said we basically eat anything. I hope you have something to say about that, because I hope you can explain why your generalization should be stood behind. It'd be funny if you really did stand behind your generalization, because that would allow me to say that "All black people do drugs and don't want to work" or "All white people are dumb and fat," which is really not true at all, and discriminating. It's not "racism," but it's certainly discrimination that has false information as its backup--like Nazis who discriminated rest of the world.

The environmental issue, as I've stated in my previous post, does apply to Asians, but not just Asians, everyone on this planet, which is why you should not mention a specific group and make it look like it's a group's fault. "Look no further than the Asian market for bear and tiger gall bladder, rhino horn and shark fins." This make it seem like only Asians harm the environment and endangered species, which we all know is not even near the truth. Yes, I know Japanese kill a huge number of sharks. I've watched many documentaries and I'm donating monthly to stop it. Yet, same things with different species happen all over the world. For example, poaching lions and elephants--do only Asians have responsibility in this? How about the poachers, the traders, the smugglers, the sellers, the middlemen? And I know for a fact that many of these people, including the ones who buy the poached endangered species, are not Asians.

You added "Our record in western civilization isn't a whole lot better," which makes it seem like you've been saying that the whole time, but the truth is, you only mentioned one group(Asians) specifically in your previous post. As I've said before, you can generalize Asians as people who don't care about the environment, but you can't point to them like it's only our(Asians) fault. Because, uhh.. Looking back at recent history, Wester civilizations have done more harm to earth, if not by a whole lot, than Asians have.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 09, 2013, 04:55:20 PM
The "traditional" method is gone, and replaced with one that works on a broad scale of identification.

which is what?
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 09, 2013, 05:06:22 PM
How much time do you spend in Asia? I spend 5 months each winter traveling all over the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and with brief stops in Japan and China. I just go by what I observe.

That's just a relatively small part of Asia. Other than that I have no problem with what you posted.

My family comes from Eastern Europe , though I was born here. My father fished in Europe and the fish he first caught in Canada all looked fine to him. I remember eating chub, sucker, carp, catfish (brown bullhead) crappie etc. Not a big deal and all very edible. After we learned the local prejudice about trout and salmon versus anything else we stopped eating ' trash fish'.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Dennis.t on September 09, 2013, 05:10:38 PM
pop,pop,pop, munch, munch ,munch... ::)
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: chronic_topdawg on September 09, 2013, 06:27:21 PM
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: RalphH on September 09, 2013, 06:29:43 PM

Bottom feeder! :o
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Fillibert on September 09, 2013, 07:06:26 PM
BTW most of the posts that are longer than a few lines don't get read... by me at least so if you want to be heard don't write a novel
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rantalot on September 09, 2013, 07:13:37 PM
.........The End
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 09, 2013, 07:15:38 PM
Speaking of a thread going sidewards
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: DanJohn on September 09, 2013, 07:16:49 PM
BTW most of the posts that are longer than a few lines don't get read... by me at least so if you want to be heard don't write a novel
Intelligence and reading comprehension are horrible things to posses these days!

I kid, I kid. We all appreciate your apathy.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: mojo7 on September 09, 2013, 07:37:44 PM
Intelligence and reading comprehension are horrible things to posses these days!

I kid, I kid. We all appreciate your apathy.

This IS a fishing forum you know. Sociological theory and environmental issues don't really help catch pinks unless it's at the business end of a 12' leader and pink in color bouncing along the bottom of any river in the lower mainland.

Although I've heard the color of the theory doesn't really matter much, so says the fly fishers.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: DanJohn on September 09, 2013, 07:53:08 PM
This IS a fishing forum you know. Sociological theory and environmental issues don't really help catch pinks unless it's at the business end of a 12' leader and pink in color bouncing along the bottom of any river in the lower mainland.

Although I've heard the color of the theory doesn't really matter much, so says the fly fishers.

I agree, lets never ever talk about anything aside from actual fishing! Next time I read anything that wont help me catch salmon, I will report it, and let Rodney know whats happening on the forum! Discussion, especially civil discussion about discrimination (On the internet? Holy!) should be absolutely avoided! We should now only post about the gear we use, or if you have posted that in the past 24 hours, the gear you will purchase next to try! Thanks for everyones cooperation.

Dont forget to keep it less than a couple lines so Fillibert may join in as well!
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Ian Forbes on September 09, 2013, 08:58:35 PM
Speaking of a thread going sidewards

The thread isn't going sideways, it just explains why certain people collect bags full of Squawfish and Peamouth chub. They either want them to eat or use as bait in crab traps. It's probably better than why certain locals kill a net full of Pink salmon and Chum, but only keep the roe and toss the remainder away to rot. Just because us spoiled westerners only eat prime salmon and halibut doesn't take away from the fact that people from other, poorer countries eat anything and everything available. I'm quite certain that the wealthy Asian people living in Singapore or Hong Kong dine on the finest of everything, just as they do in Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Tokyo, Manila, Seoul or Bangalore. But, the great majority of Asian people in their home countries survive on very little and they make use of any food available. When you are hungry you don't think about the environment. The separation between the wealthy and the poor is far greater in Asian countries than it is in Canada.

I have many Asian friends, both in Thailand and here, and many of my parents close personal friends were second generation Japanese and Chinese. We can't compare second generation Asians in Canada with those who have survived hardships in their own countries and managed to make it to the riches of Canada. I'm sorry if some people take offence with what I say, but I only speak from my own experiences and what I have observed over the past 70 years. I can back up everything I say with photographs and personal experiences. I'm not afraid to discuss hot topics. And, in every topic we all learn something. If we just stick with fishing it quickly becomes boring.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Fillibert on September 09, 2013, 11:13:21 PM
↑↑↑↑     ↑↑↑↑     ↑↑↑↑
Dont forget to keep it less than a couple lines so Fillibert may join in as well!
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Ian Forbes on September 10, 2013, 12:08:46 AM
Anything less than a 2 sentence reply is not worth typing.
Title: Re: What to do with bags full of pike minnows and/or chub?
Post by: Rodney on September 10, 2013, 12:19:33 AM
Alright everyone, back to fishing!

Hey, did you know that pikeminnow grab lures? If you cannot catch one of those 26 million pinks, here's an alternative! ;D