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Author Topic: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?  (Read 73872 times)


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2009, 02:31:23 PM »

Managing wildlife is critical to their survival. If political decisions were made more on science and economics rather than garnering votes, politicians would gain a little more credibility. That my friend is reality, not pessimism.

You're making a huge assumption that there was no science backing the decisions regarding bears/seals.  Wildlife biologists are usually the ones making those recommendations, not politicians.

salmon river

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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2009, 07:05:59 PM »

I will be voting NDP unless a Marxist candiadte is running. I really do not like Carole James that much but she is a heck of a lot better than the convicted criminal we have now running the province.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #47 on: April 20, 2009, 02:33:12 PM »

 Gov. & bussiness MUST be run FAIRLY & HONESTLY as the opposite is FAVORITISM & LIES .................. The world economy is in bad shape because of DIS HONESTY in investment field & in the buissness world. IF THINGS WERE RUN HONESTLY & FAIRLY the world economy would be THRIVING !!!!! ----------------------- Reaped what they sowed.... everything fell like a "house of cards". Sure some got caught BUT only after people have been victimized...................(LOSS OF SAVINGS) ------------ FAIRNESS & HONESTY is what a leader or party has to be... "good for ALL THE PEOPLE" ....  bb2000 I agree with you on alot of issues... BUT ... Is it fair that drivers have to pay $4 on new bridges... when the Sea to Sky hwy where millions are also being spent...but there's NO TOLL ? ---------- Some drivers get punished but others do not pay.------ Sure we have to pay for bridges but it has to be done fairly.... $4 each way is nothing to some BUT people making $13 an hr.... that toll is alot....... my guess many in BC make wages like that... paying their ICBC insurance monthly too I bet.(maybe a dollar each way...still would bring alot of money daily as 1000's & 1000's use that route.... They still would pull in possibly $150,000 daily at a $1 per crossing ------------------- Is it fair that 1000's lost their jobs even with 20 yrs senority by Bill 19.... SUPREME CT SAID IT WAS UN FAIR !!!! ------- PLus after 1000's lost their jobs.... & they had to beg for their job back at lower pay... plus many were not accepted back....... Also right after these workers were affected... Cambell comes along & INCREASES THE PAY of others (teachers & nurses etc...)------------------ Where is the FAIRNESS IN THAT ??? Also he went on to increase his pay 2x also..........(NOTICE HE ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE OUT OF THE PROVINCE WHEN HE GIVES HIMSELF A RAISE as to AVOID QUESTIONS) ---------  So much for FAIR NESS..... As for HONESTY ... He said he would not sell BC RAIL .... He then got our votes.... He then sold BC RAIL.  Now they are silent on the $300,000 payment "consulting fees " or whatever... Why the silence ??? Unless your hiding something ???  Cambell maybe is a good guy with good intentions WHO KNOWS... but I've seen too much to make me not to trust.......The Average Joe was complaining about the cost of gas ...then he goes & ups the price !!!!!!!!!!!--------------------------------Does he want to control green house gas then build an 8 lane hwy & bridge over the Fraser near Boundry road... down to #10 hwy ... 8 lanes then right into the valley( 4 lanes each way)..........that should take alot of traffic flow ...& less use on other routes......... traffic jams cause alot of un needed pollution----------------  When anyone LIES to me.... after that whenever they talk.................  always wonder ARE THEY TELLING THE TRUTH ??? -------- To me politics have gotten so corrupt....... Just happy I have a faith as  know ONE DAY the  EYE IN THE SKY will sort it all out... a ball will be a ball & a strike will be a strike............................ all the CORRUPTION will be answered for AND ALOT OF POLITIANS & BUISSNESS PEOPLE WILL HAVE RED FACES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need HONESTY & FAIRNESS & hopefully Carole James will bring that to Victoria.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #48 on: April 20, 2009, 03:34:48 PM »

What ever happened to 'None of the Above!!!'  ;D
Save the Whales - Collect the Whole Set!!!


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #49 on: April 20, 2009, 04:02:11 PM »

arima i feel your frustration.  When some unlucky mother gave birth to the very first politician is when they first became corrupt.  It's par for the course really.  I don't trust any political party, to me its a vote for the lesser of evils.  I had a discussion yesterday with a good friend about "how" we placed our votes and it was disappointing to me to hear what is a truth for so many people come out of his mouth, that basically he was going to vote for whichever party forwarded his own best interests rather than thinking about which party would move us in a positive direction, as a whole.

We are not desperate enough in Canada to force sweeping changes yet.  I'm curious how many people here would vote for an "Obama" here.  He has done more for the US in two months than Bush did in two terms.  We will never get that sort of progression with the liberals in power, IMO.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #50 on: April 20, 2009, 04:40:31 PM »

I can't remember a time when we had such a well run province, with good ideas and open mindedness as the current liberals. Mike Harcourt was pretty good, but he was submarined by his own party, shame.
Glen Clarke, OOjall Dosange(sp?) were absolute crooks! Vandersaam was a crook. I'm sorry, but it just seems like Carol James doesn't understand anything.
King Gordo and the liberals for me.
I am always surprised at the varying views of this province and the passion involved when the rhetoric starts to fly. :o Very entertaining.
I'ts either a fish or the bottom!

chris gadsden

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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2009, 03:59:09 PM »

More info re the election.


A BC Rail time bomb is still ticking for B.C. taxpayers
Campbell Liberals left us on the hook for half a billion
By Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver SunApril 21, 2009
More than five years after Premier Gordon Campbell announced "$1 billion in cash" for the Canadian National takeover of BC Rail, the province is still on the hook for a potential payback to CN of half a billion dollars.

The obligation, regarded as purely hypothetical by the B.C. Liberals, though no less legally binding for all that, is recorded in the fine print of the provincial government books. It was $505 million in 2008, the last year for which the accounts have been made public.

The dollars relate to one of the controversial aspects of a controversial deal, namely the decision to put the accumulated losses of the BCR on the auction block along with the freight business, rolling stock and other assets of the government-owned railway.

The Liberals famously promised not to sell or privatize any part of BCR. Then they did.

Source: Blair Lekstrom, now a Liberal cabinet minister. "Did we break that promise?" he asked on the eve of the last provincial election. "Yes, we did, plain and simple."

Once the Liberal promise-breakers got into the swing of the selling game, they became quite creative, particularly in the way they made use of the railway's estimated $2 billion worth of accumulated losses over the years.

The losses didn't have any value so long as the railway was publicly owned and thus not obliged to pay taxes. But the Liberals realized that if the business were acquired by a private operator, the losses could be mobilized as write offs against corporate and other taxes, and over a number of years.

Only CN, among four initial contenders for the BCR, was prepared to bid on the value of the losses and did so "aggressively."

The giant railway, with operations across the continent, figured it could realize savings of about a quarter of a billion dollars in taxes paid to the federal government as well as several Canadian provinces.

"We're quite good at pushing out the envelope," as the CN chief financial officer Claude Mongeau put it in a conference call to investors after the deal was announced.

But Mongeau and his colleagues were nobody's fools. In case the tax collectors didn't go for their envelope-pushing interpretation, they insisted that the province indemnify their company for every penny of the anticipated reductions in corporate and other taxes.

The Liberals, desperately wanting to make the deal look as rich as possible and confident that there was little risk in making the indemnity, agreed.

When the deal was announced in November 2003, it saw CN pay $750 million to "buy the business" (as CEO Hunter Harrison put it) and another $250 million for the putative value of tax credits.

In return, the province supplied the indemnity, pegged to the "maximum present value" of the credits in the year in which they could be claimed, plus a hefty annual escalator clause, lately reckoned at nine per cent.

The indemnity has grown dramatically since it was first recorded on the provincial books after the deal closed in July 2004. From $367 million for the 2005-05 financial year to $505 million for the year ended Mar. 31 2008.

"These indemnities remain in effect until 90 days after the last date on which a tax assessment or reassessment can be issued in respect of the income tax attributes," according to the statement on page 71 of the most recent edition of the public accounts.

The Liberals have not said when that is likely to occur. But I'm advised that the tax question was not settled in the financial year just concluded. So the indemnity will again be there in the public accounts when the books are made public in June of this year -- alas, after the election.

Another nine per cent atop last year's figure would boost the indemnity to about $550 million, more than half the value of Campbell's original such-a-deal for the railway, albeit in today's dollars.

Not to worry, say the Liberals. "Management believes it is unlikely that the province or BCR will ultimately be held liable for any amounts under the tax indemnities."

Management being what is left of the executive suite at BC Rail following the sale of most of its assets. A well-paid bunch, according to a couple of columns by my colleague Les Leyne published in the Victoria Times Colonist last summer.

He noted how the once-proud railway has been reduced to about 40 kilometres of track serving the Roberts Bank superport, an underperforming real estate portfolio, and fewer than three dozen full-time employees.

Nevertheless, the CEO was paid $570,000 last year, and Leyne was able to cite a trio of other executives in the $300,000 range.

With all that time, not to say money, on their hands, one can only hope that they've figured right about the tax indemnity. Otherwise, provincial taxpayers could be headed for one more unhappy surprise in this scandal-racked deal.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2009, 04:31:28 PM »

It's only because the Liberals have the support of the popular press that stories like the BC Rail deal aren't made into major daily news items. Instead we hear about some guy's from the NDP's pictures on his website. That deal if we had all the facts would make the Fast Ferries or Glenn Clarks deck look trivial. Kinsella gets a lot more than a deck on his property.   

"He noted how the once-proud railway has been reduced to about 40 kilometres of track serving the Roberts Bank superport, an underperforming real estate portfolio, and fewer than three dozen full-time employees.

Nevertheless, the CEO was paid $570,000 last year, and Leyne was able to cite a trio of other executives in the $300,000 range."

There being paid hush money so that they don't let more details out of the bag. But really how do they justify that salary for those responsibilities.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2009, 09:39:10 PM »

Lets not forget how the NDP left this province before the Liberals got in and I don't believe we were in a global recession back then either.  I cant imagine what they would do to it now and I don't think James is the person to take this provice out of the recession either.  Definitely Liberals for me.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2009, 11:11:31 PM »

Lets not forget how the NDP left this province before the Liberals got in and I don't believe we were in a global recession back then either.  I cant imagine what they would do to it now and I don't think James is the person to take this provice out of the recession either.  Definitely Liberals for me.

Maybe you can explain how this province was left?

Always interesting too get different perspectives.



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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2009, 11:52:36 PM »

In Delta, we have an independent running:  Vickie Huntington.  She was a former longtime city councilperson.  She was courted by both the Liberals and NDP to run for them.  She turned them both down.  The current incumbent Liberal Val Roddick is retiring (I think quite a few are glad to see her go).  The Liberals are running big name former Judge current cabinet minister Wally Oppal in her place and have pulled out all the stops to win this riding..  It is going to be an interesting fight.  I'm going to vote for Huntington.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #56 on: April 22, 2009, 12:49:27 AM »



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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #57 on: April 22, 2009, 06:28:10 AM »

As mentioned in an earlier post, I do recall the Bingo Gates and fast ferry fiasco's.  I also recall some scandals that plagued that government during their time in power.  All governments will have their own issues while in power, I just think now is not the time to go back to that.  For me personally now is the time for job creation and helping our economy recover the global recession and not an inexperienced gov't.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2009, 06:47:00 AM »

Whatever happened to the 600 jobs CN was going to bring to the Prince George area as part of the price of buying BC rail, just more Liberal lies, and as much as I hate to bring it up I'm a little tired of hearing how the NDP ruined BC's finances, in 1999 the price of oil fell to $16 a barrel and there was still fairly well jobs for everyone in BC, Cambell's government has only touched the unemployment numbers that were in place when he took over once during his reign as king of BC, if he has created all these jobs why has the percentage of unemployed people in BC risen in the last 8 years.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #59 on: April 22, 2009, 08:28:46 AM »

I will not vote for a pathological liar.
Liberal supporters, watch this and think about how many times we've been conned or outright LIED to.

BTW- This was released after the city manager said the whole project was in trouble.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 08:30:21 AM by Novabonker »