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Author Topic: Whining!  (Read 10328 times)


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2006, 09:53:19 AM »

Very nice Bill !!!!  LMFAO   


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2006, 10:27:11 AM »

This is the whiniest topic so far :)

With so much cheese on this site (dudes flexing muscles?! hahaha ),  a little whine is needed to properly balance it out...;)  I havent seen any evidence of racism on the site at all...maybe thats because im a racially insensitive honky? Ah wait, it must be the anti-bass sentiment some share with me...Shame on us!


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2006, 10:37:41 AM »

This is the whiniest topic so far :)

With so much cheese on this site (dudes flexing muscles?! hahaha ), 

Just had to get that jab in there eh ????   ::)
damn skinny guys  ;D ;D

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Re: Whining!
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2006, 11:08:57 AM »

Hehe, all in fun dude!  You guys have a good time posting those pics and we have a good time giving you a light ribbing for it :) 


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2006, 11:51:12 AM »

Absolutely all in fun !!!!!   :D

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XG Flosses with his Spey !!


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2006, 02:30:56 PM »

What about the one you blocked on Fishing Reports?   Read " Silver Bars",  come on Rod I am not blind and neither are you!  I didn't say it was just today, I said recently or at least that is what I meant!  It is funny that others can see it but you can't!

You know I started reading this I figured you were talking about me...So ill answer the state you haven't been on the vedder but you CAN make the calls on who is doing what...If your calling what I'm saying Racist then YOUR a joke...your political correctness is a prime example of what is wrong and going wrong in your country...Oop's another special or social interest group doing wrong..oh just look the other way and don't offend anyone...What crap...I was reporting what I saw, I didn't exaggerate or make up any of it...Unless your out there to see for yourself how can you make such a statement??? I grew up in and went to school where 35% of the population was Black, I went through riots and whole lot of bad sh*t....Was fun going to school with a pipe in the back of your boot...funny thing was in time we all learned to get along and deal with one another...Respect is earned not given..No one looked away and made excuses which to me is what your saying....Oh stop the whining and racists attacks, What and lay down and give your rivers away to group(s) of people who don't give a crap about your country and its resources???? It doesn't matter what color your skin is or religion, what matters is I'm seeing a whole group of guys who seem to think the number one priority is to kill everything they land and by whatever means is possible...Why? Maybe because they can and it's free and no one is stopping them because you are to worried about "offending" someone...

I constantly read on these forums how ONE guy will actually make a stand by telling someone..."Hey, this river isn't open to bait fishing" or "You caught your limit, why are you still fishing?" and everyone rewards them with "Hooray" and "Great job"....You should be saying "About time" and all of us stop making excuses and being so damn afraid of the "bad guys" because they could be carrying bear spray or were born with balls, how bout using them for a change!!!! We ALL need to do something to change it or it's going to be gone...period..and don't for a second think your government wouldn't be happy letting it happen so they could dam the Fraser!!!...That's probably not to far down the road either....

I've said enough....I wrote what I wrote and half expected a reply like yours...and I'm more then willing to defend what I said and ask you something to...Is it offending you because your included in that group? Because if it is, I would like to ask how come your countryman all seem to think that is an accepted way to fish? How come no one in your community is stepping up and telling them to stop the rape of your adopted country???? To sensitive of an issue for you??? Either deal with it on your feet or welcome it on your knees....THAT's HOW I REALLY FEEL!!!!


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2006, 03:46:15 PM »

Great BigGuy now you've gone and pissed off the XGolfman!!!! ::)

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Re: Whining!
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2006, 03:47:35 PM »

Golfman, when I read your last report, I was quite surprised that your were giving the ethnic origin (or whatever you want to call it) of the "bad" fishermen you saw. I did not want to write it, but giving your previous post, I changed my mind. I remember a recent report where someone was speaking about American guys for one reason or another (snagging, keeping dark fish, I do not remember). If I remember correctly, You were not really happy about what you thought was a generalization of the American fishing behavior. So if you know how it hurts, why do you write this kind of things? If there are some people from Eastern Europe (or Asia or even the US  :D, depending on the origins cited) reading this and really interested in fishing, you know they will feel bad. I just do not get it.


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2006, 03:59:33 PM »

He kinda caught you with your pants down behind the sheep on that one dude  ;D!!  Hey we all make mistakes guys...people say things they don't mean all the time.  Earlier this week I mentioned in a post that BigSteels goat was getting out of control, and I didnt really mean it...well, ya i did but thats besides the point..

Im sure everyone here deep down has no real issues with people of different race (if thats even a valid "category"...i prefer the adaptation concept)... ok ...except maybe the french  ;) kidding.

Relax guys!


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2006, 04:05:51 PM »

You are right.

It is crazy how I become susceptible with this kind of subject now that I am a stranger.



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Re: Whining!
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2006, 04:28:22 PM »

All "strangeness" aside frenchy....I still think you're a good guy... ;) ;D

But in all seriousness guys...obviously by posts like these and others, recent trends on our local rivers have been noticed...and even more obvious is that a vast majority of people are upset and disturbed by the changes we have all begun to notice on the it whatever you want, it is a problem that people here, including myself, have spoken up on. It is the bringing of issues like these out into the open that leads to discussion, and the voicing of support, (or discent), and inevitably to action. In my opinion even a thread like this is a good one to pull's like the old adage: any publicity is good publicity...

So keep talking, keep debating, keep thinking about it...sooner or later this will lead to action. Whatever action that may be, I am sure contributions will vary from one person to the next, but as long as people keep discussing it, it stays in the forefront of our long as it does, people will think of it when the opportunity for action presents itself and that's a start.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 04:38:27 PM by Ribwart »


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2006, 05:24:23 PM »

IMO its "overflow" of hostility about the fraser flossery and how the practice itself has overflown into our other streams.  Lots of negative energy on both sides of that debate, it isn't surprising to me that we're still feeling the shockwaves from this summers gong show (which for me was MUCH more evident this year).  I still think we all need to relax and focus on constructive forms of criticizing each others methods...and not get on the defense so quickly when our own practices are concerned, after all, we're all here to learn and share.  All too easy to get swept up in the frustration.


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2006, 06:19:50 PM »

Okay, here is my whine.

Some of the posts here are kind of unpleasant to read.  I like this forum.  I have learned alot about equipment, techniques and in particular fishing conditions.  And I enjoy the exchange of ideas and the debates.  However, some people get too preachy for my taste.   In particular, I almost get the feeling that you have to be a member of the United Church of Short Floaters to post here or to fish the Vedder without getting criticized. 

For example, I like to flyfish on the Vedder and I like reading the flyfishing posts, but a lot of times I feel very defensive when I read all those accusations that flyfishing is just flossing.  FYI, I have tried flyfishing with a bare hook, but I have never hooked a fish in the mouth that way.  Not very scientific, but it leads me to believe that bit of wool or feathers must make them bite and that I am not just flossing them.  Sure, I get the occasional snag while flyfishing, but if I keep my adreneline in check and resist the urge to yank on a bump this rarely happens.  Also, because I use small hooks, the hooks will usually bend and pull out. 

Another example of the effect that this forum has on me:  I stay away from fishing at Keith Wilson Bridge.  Quite frankly, I am afraid one of you guys will take a picture of me in that crowd and post it with "snagger" in the description.  Or some of you may lump me in with some Eastern European, Asian or American group of allegedly "unethical" fisherman.

My final example is related to bottom bouncing.  Some people here are very narrowminded and rant to much about this method of fishing.  It is not illegal.  It is not unethical.  People have written books on it (Bill Herzog - Drift Fishing)  I would say that this is the predominant method in Washington and Oregon (go to;  interestingly, some of the American drift fishers are of the opinion that a long leader is necessary to avoid snagging and that a person using a leader less than 2 feet makes it easier to belly snag a fish).  I haven't tried bottom bouncing, but I appreciate that flyfishing with a sink tip is a comparable method.  Personally, I like the direct feel to the hook;  I like feeling the bottom of the river;  I get excited when my line bump into fish (let's me know they are there, but will also scare them away; forces me to adjust my drift);  I get exhilarated when they take the hook and I feel the immediate tug of the line in my fingers (IMO, beats watching a bobber all day). 

BTW, have you ever considered that short floating may be contributing to some of the problems in the Vedder.  Bottom bouncing, flyfishing and no doubt spey fishing all require alot of space to do properly.  Only float fishing permits you to fish shoulder to shoulder and to cast over each other.  Read the posts of the American anglers on when they come to the Vedder.  When they come up, they have to go to Fred's to pick up the gear and techniques so that they can fish in the combat fishing conditions.

FYI, I do float fish.  I even cured some roe recently.  I think that float fishing can be more productive than fly fishing.  However, I just enjoy fighting a fish on a fly rod more(cheap reel which requires palming, a series of lines, knots and loops which could give way any second and an 8 wt rod which will make me proud the day it blows up while fighting a big chum).  Maybe my next casting rod needs to be lighter weight for me to enjoy baitcasting.

Anyways,  I hope I didn't offend anybody.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 06:34:51 PM by funpig »


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Re: Whining!
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2006, 07:23:58 PM »

i've met alot of members from this forum. all decent people, unfortunately from time to time we forget about the human aspect when we communicate through a computer screen.  we try not to offend one other because we share a common bond, but unfortunately it happens.

words written don't always show true context and can be misconstrued. i'm guilty of this as is everyone else.

big guy i understand where you're coming from and i respect that.  where as i respect xgolfman's anger because he spoke the truth.



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Re: Whining!
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2006, 10:36:14 PM »

I was gonna take the weekend off the forum and told Rodney I would because I hate blowing up on any of these...I'm not a guy who will just say anything and hide behind my computer screen..I tend to wear my feelings on my sleeves maybe a little too much...but I will say this,,When I ever see an American up on your rivers and they are fishing un ethically ..i.e. snagging etc. I will say something to them...I won't be nice or polite...I tell them they are guest in another country and to pull their heads out of their asses and respect where they are...I HATE seeing these kind of idiots come up and give the rest of us a bad name.....
So, at times I will call a spade a spade...and if I'm wrong on some account I'll hold myself accountable and apologize...What I'm seeing is what I was reporting...and to me, this year it seems a whole lot more of it and them then I've seen before...Yes, I think the sockeye season is to blame in part..but I'm not going to paint all the valid fisherman with the same brush...I don't have a problem with a guy learning to fish and not knowing any better...These guys do know better but don't care...I was amazed at how sophisticated their equipment was and commented on it to my buddy...these guys are mercenary's to the fishing world, they are out to catch and kill anything they can and don't give a rats a$$ if you like it or not...That has to stop!!!
Sorry for preaching so much in one day, bigguy if I came off as an ******* to you it's because I find it extremely offensive to be called a racist...I hate everyone equally...goodnight!!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 02:44:35 PM by Xgolfman »