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Author Topic: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.  (Read 6869 times)


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"Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« on: July 28, 2009, 03:23:54 PM »

Since I see that the sockeye update thread is starting to get side tracked I thought it would be a good way to start this thread. I have read some great things and I have read that people dont care about sockeye because they do not fish for them. Just because I do not fish for a species does not mean I do not care, in fact I spend countless hours volunteering at a hatchery on a river that I will not fish because I care for the species.

  My solution is tougher enforcement on illigal fishing, closing down the sockeye fishery for sectors until the stocks have rebounded enough to sustain a fishery.

  Lets here your solutions or thoughts.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 03:51:15 PM by fly_guy »

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Re: "Solutions" to stop the decline.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 03:26:22 PM »

How do you plan to implement your solutions? Or how do you plan to make your government implement those solutions?


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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 03:33:09 PM »

Lobby the government to implement, although I am sure it will fall on deaf ears. Until then I will continue to do my part making sure that at least one river will at least have some fish returning and for those that do happen to return they will have a river to spawn in.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 03:51:42 PM by fly_guy »

<*((((((><                        <*(((((((><                       <*(((((((><Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will phone in sick to work and fish all day

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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 04:01:40 PM »

Before anything concrete gets done there must first be the political will. Come election there always seem to be a thread with regards to which political party is best for the fish, Liberals, Conservatives, Green or NDP. The fact of the matter is that all the parties with the exception of the Green has had their opportunities and none has demonstrated the political will. They'll promise you anything and everything until they get into office and you know what happens then.


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Re: "Solutions" to stop the decline.
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2009, 04:04:36 PM »

I'm pretty sure that illegal fishing is far less of a concern to the decline of salmon stocks then other factors that are much harder to control or reverse!  Perhaps it is due to low water flow in the rivers or the rising temperatures in the ocean and in the rivers?!  Perhaps sea lice is to blame or the poor management of commercial openings in years past.... i think its easier to point the finger at something that we can see like unethical fishing methods or drift netting at night rather than sit and think what the real problems are!  i don't like the idea of having to close down fishing areas in order to see fish return in large numbers but i think we are heading down that road....  unless our government pulls their head out of the sand and gives this issue some attention, i fear that salmon stocks will continue to deteriorate!

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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2009, 05:03:08 PM »

1 world is over populated so stop having babies (i was told this rock can support 4.5 billion and we are at 6.5ish)
2 clean up all the trash (before it hits the rivers and oceans) including dumping of toxic (and other) chemicals
3 stop gravel removal, fish farms and the like
4 balanced environment (keep seal's and other predators in check)
5 take the decisions out of the hands of the government  ( DFO)  and put them in the hands of a private company with one objective "to maintain and preserve the health of fish stocks"
6 do everything we can to minimize the amount of green house gasses we dump into the environment.

a few examples of what should be happening. currently how many of these do you have control over and actually do? most of us know what to do.

we all know about Mr.cambell and all of his wonderful ideas about giving away our resources ,basically for free which have a direct outcome on our fish stocks! that guy is all about the $ and does not seem do give a chit. ???

a lot of us type on here about how it aint right blah blah blah. >:(

get of your my friend and do something about you belong to any of the clubs trying to make some changes? if not why not!? put your money where your mouth is and give to these organizations , or go out there and get your hands dirty doing float counts or habitat work. :)

don't get me wrong! getting the word out is good. but i m certain that everyone on these forums knows there is a problem.

so now i think is the time to get organized and get out there and do!

write letters about the new project in squamish, call your MLA go out and rattle some cages, but be nice about it, persuasion is better than force.

ps great idea for this thread!

girls suck throw rocks at them!


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Re: "Solutions" to stop the decline.
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2009, 06:45:01 PM »

How do you plan to implement your solutions? Or how do you plan to make your government implement those solutions?

I think fly_guy is on the right track already, donates tons of time to the local hatchery. it will only get better or change if more care about whats going away. Not caring about sockeye because you dont fish for them is silly. sockeye are an important part to the food chain.

its all the small things that make the difference, like clipping several thousand coho.....

Terry D

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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2009, 08:13:10 PM »

You need to become a politician yourself.  As we all know, it's very difficult to change things from the outside and petitions etc seem to fall on deaf ears.  You can only influence policy when you're sat at the table, you can persuade your colleagues to join you and your vote counts for something.


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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 12:46:38 PM »

Copied from my e-mail:


This week the Fraser River sockeye run was critically downgraded.  This was no surprise to me as I looked at this generation of Fraser sockeye and they were infected with sea lice near the fish farms from Campbell River to eastern Johnstone Strait.  While they are bigger than pink and chum salmon when they enter the sea, they are damaged by the lice, you can see an image on the website  The pattern keeps repeating. If they caught farm lice when they were young, they never come home. As soon as the farm salmon are removed, they do come home.

Actor William Shatner is lending his star power to our efforts and wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.  His letter is on our website.

One of the signatories on our letter to the Minister of Fisheries generously donated his services to produce a full page information ad on salmon farms.  You can see Gary Dunham, of Mercury Graphics in Langley BC's work on the "Action" page at Thank you Gary for your patience and talent.

Many people have heard about the salmon farming controversy, but they don’t know the specifics. I have included some of the many issues that are causing the problems with this industry. I would really like to hear from you about which local newspapers this should appear in. If you could send me a link to the paper that would be really great.  Any financial assistance in running this ad in your community would also be welcome.

The downgrade of the Fraser sockeye is a warning we can choose to ignore or react to. Alaska is seeing huge sockeye returns and they do not allow Atlantic salmon to be penned on their salmon migration routes.  We can make many guesses as to what happened to our sockeye, but it does not make sense to ignore the one that has been researched and published and seen worldwide.  Commercial, sport and tourism operators are taking losses to protect our wild salmon and yet the fish farms just keep getting bigger and more numerous. 

There is something very wrong here and if we want our wild salmon we need to speak now or forever lose our fish.

Standing by,

Alexandra Morton

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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2009, 06:39:37 PM »

swine flu, sars, aids, cancers. Mother nature will take care of us before we break her. I just hope she hits the very overpopulated places like china, india, and the like before she takes me out. Like someone else pointed out there is just to many people around. Where is the plague when you need it. If only it would target the greedy first that would be good. Less people = more fish.  I know its a twisted view on things but its just the bigger picture
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 06:44:44 PM by yamadirt 426 »


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Re: "Solutions" or thoughts on the decline.
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2009, 11:40:10 PM »

Sorry to burst your bubble yamadirt.  Not more people translates to more pollution.

CO2 Emissions (per capita) (most recent) by country
#1 Qatar: 40.6735 per 1,000 people
#2 United Arab Emirates: 28.213 per 1,000 people
#3 Kuwait: 25.0499 per 1,000 people
#4 Bahrain: 20.0253 per 1,000 people
#5 United States: 19.4839 per 1,000 people

Waste generation (most recent) by country
#1 Denmark: 560 kgs per person per year
#2 Netherlands: 530 kgs per person per year
#3 United Kingdom: 480 kgs per person per year
#4 United States: 460 kgs per person per year
#5 Belgium: 450 kgs per person per year

Pollution > Carbon dioxide 1999 (most recent) by country
#1 United States: 1,499,850
#2 Russia: 392,287
#3 Japan: 315,274
#4 India: 293,938
#5 Germany: 216,213

Pollution > Nuclear waste (most recent) by country
#1 United States: 2,100
#2 Canada: 1,340
#3 France: 1,130
#4 Japan: 964
#5 United Kingdom: