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Author Topic: Pipeline Bar - private property  (Read 33054 times)


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #75 on: August 11, 2013, 04:57:07 PM »

Not really, the owner just needs to start calling the RCMP. I myself would walk down there with a rifle and tell them to GTFO if I owned the land lol
Would you shoot to kill or just maybe shoot them in the leg to seriously maim?? Or just blowing hot air? If you pointed a rifle at me I'd make sure you did jail time . I'd be snapping plenty of pics with the cell phone to prove it .
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 05:00:14 PM by penn »

Johnny Canuck

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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #76 on: August 11, 2013, 05:00:22 PM »

Would you shoot to kill or just maybe shoot them in the leg to seriously maim?? Or just blowing hot air? If you pointed a rifle at me I'd make sure you did jail time .

Who said anything about aiming at anyone. Just the rifle alone and yelling at them to get out would scare most away.
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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #77 on: August 11, 2013, 05:06:49 PM »

I would like to thank all the fisherman who have been hiking in from further down and walking down the beach. Also would like to thank them for giving people crap for still hiking through my property.
Thank you Solruua for the conciliatory tone of you posts . Better then some of the extremist responses this thread is getting .I was one of those three guys you met last week Saturday And I posted this thread because I told you I would , even though I knew of the type of replies it would likely get . You are more likely to get better responses with a reasoned approach .


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #78 on: August 11, 2013, 05:16:47 PM »

Who said anything about aiming at anyone. Just the rifle alone and yelling at them to get out would scare most away.
What's a rifle for ???? I'd only take plenty of pics of you and would not leave the scene as I would be waiting for the RCMP next. It would still get you jail time .
This is why there is so little co-operation on so many issues because of so many extremist factions in the fishing community. I posted this thread to help the land owner out , not to start some divisive anti- flossing / pro-flossing downward spiraling thread . The issue was about respecting private property and keeping the place clean ,  you don't get much co-operation if you fly off the handle the wrong way and use an issue to promote a secondary agenda .
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 05:18:23 PM by penn »

Johnny Canuck

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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #79 on: August 11, 2013, 05:57:33 PM »

What's a rifle for ???? I'd only take plenty of pics of you and would not leave the scene as I would be waiting for the RCMP next. It would still get you jail time .
This is why there is so little co-operation on so many issues because of so many extremist factions in the fishing community. I posted this thread to help the land owner out , not to start some divisive anti- flossing / pro-flossing downward spiraling thread . The issue was about respecting private property and keeping the place clean ,  you don't get much co-operation if you fly off the handle the wrong way and use an issue to promote a secondary agenda .

Rifle could be for target practice with the cans, if it's even loaded. It isn't illegal to carry an unloaded rifle around on your own property. You're the one twisting stuff about and assuming stuff. If you disobeyed the signs stating private property and no trespassing I would love for you to call the cops and wait for them because you would be arrested.
Common sense is so rare it should be considered a superpower.


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #80 on: August 11, 2013, 06:18:48 PM »

Rifle could be for target practice with the cans, if it's even loaded. It isn't illegal to carry an unloaded rifle around on your own property. You're the one twisting stuff about and assuming stuff. If you disobeyed the signs stating private property and no trespassing I would love for you to call the cops and wait for them because you would be arrested.
What ever... ::) have fun explaining that to a judge . Personally , I don't believe you would even do it . Sounds like hot air to me, but if not whatever, have fun explaining it to a judge . Jail time for threatening people with a rifle ,  a fine for trespassing  . Bad idea threatening people with a rifle  , not matter how you try to rationalize it . Have a good one , I got better things to do .

Johnny Canuck

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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #81 on: August 11, 2013, 06:20:52 PM »

What ever... ::) have fun explaining that to a judge . Personally , I don't believe you would even do it . Sounds like hot air to me, but if not whatever, have fun explaining it to a judge . Jail time for threatening people with a rifle ,  a fine for trespassing  . Bad idea threatening people with a rifle  , not matter how you try to rationalize it . Have a good one , I got better things to do .

My original post about the rifle was if I owned the land but I guess you forgot. So how would I get charged for trespassing on my own land then?
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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #82 on: August 11, 2013, 07:08:36 PM »

Ok so today I went to check things out and noticed one car parked at the trail. So we drove and  after finding the owner and asking him if he could read? He said it was his first time on the trail blah blah blah, so we warned him next time the cops would be called.We walk back and after I helped one guy land a huge spring we ended up talking to another fellow who had fished there all week and taking the long trail to the beach,turns out the guy parked up on the trail head was talking crap as this guy he had been there all week parking in the same spot!

 We  just told everyone that if it continues that my kid would be talking to the rest of the landowners to block access all the way back as far as they could ! It only takes one dick head to start all this crap.


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #83 on: August 11, 2013, 07:39:54 PM »

Also pasted scale bar today to see about 30 cars parked in clear view of the no parking signs! Where are the cops who are suppose to be handing out no parking tickets ???


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #84 on: August 11, 2013, 11:25:42 PM »

While I think the owners of the private land has the rights to their privacy but I do think the fishermen are also being kicked around and be deprived of enough parking space at Scale Bar. There are spots by the truck scale closed out for parking unnecessarily. The closing of Pipeline or Snaggy Bar will mean over-crowding at the Scale Bar and Seabird Bar, and yet these bars had closed off parking close to the entry trails to the bars unnecessarily.

While some members here are hammering their fellow fishermen for not respecting posted signs, since when DFO and whoever selling us fishing licenses respect their customers and do their part to provide reasonable parking for known popular fishing areas. Selling large number of licenses and not providing enough legal parking spots will force people to park illegally.

Ian Forbes posted here that in the State, authorities do their share to provide boat launches for fishermen. We are not evening talking boat launches, just some parking spots during the brief fishing season of about one month in those known popular locations, parking spots that are costing nothing to DFO and whoever the authorities are. These were parking spots there already but just closed off with poor excuses from the authority. Yet some members here seem to think fishermen are deliberate in breaking the law. Those poor souls just happened to drive up to 2 hours from town and spent $$$ in gas, then finding no spots to park. Many don't know where else to fish if their intended spot is closed off or running out room to park (in this case due to closure of the Snaggy Bar). Don't expect them to head back to town and forgo fishing.

I don't agree people should break the law deliberately, but the authority is making life very difficult for Fraser fishermen (unless you own a boat). I won't cheer the authority for so doing. There will be more people dropping out of fishing if they get ticketed repeatedly. I personally had friends dropping out just because of their car broken in. So getting parking ticket often when they have no where to park will frustrate people enough to just exit the hobby and just happy to buy cheap from illegal source. I guess some members will be happy to see less people fishing, but fish license fees do help DFO keeping up their stocking program and services. If less people fish, less license revenue, and less funding for fish projects. It goes both ways.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 11:57:12 PM by liketofish »


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #85 on: August 11, 2013, 11:44:17 PM »

I went to Snaggy accessing from the top end the first time this year. Bad idea. It is a dangerous route. I don't recommend people with family and children or those not fit enough to try this route at all. Don't try it if you have ankle problem or with bad back. Besides the long, uneven and sloping walk over endless rocks and gravels, there is also a log jam blocking the shoreline, forcing people to climb the steep slope on slippery loose soil, climb over the fallen log, tip toeing among dead branches and descend sharply without good footing spots. One wrong step they will be falling down to fast fast current and risk drowning. If some one just saw off the log, then it will be safer. Until then, it may be a death trap waiting to happen. The owner has the right to close the popular trail off, but the strong fishing desire of fishermen who used to fish there may force them to take the unnecessary risk to try to catch a fish. I don't blame many people staying off to other bars. Seabird and Scales are now the other close by choices to consider. If only they provide enough legal parking spots for all these extra fishermen who now abandon Snaggy or Lower Pipeline Bar.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 11:46:44 PM by liketofish »


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #86 on: August 12, 2013, 06:46:27 AM »

Wow so your saying the people fishing should not hrld accountable? A few years back there was lots of parking at scale bar but then stupidity took over ! People were parking in a very insafe manner and making it hard for scale access to the trucks.maybe if people observed the rules instead lose im a flosser and i can do want mentality then it might change. Soon enough there will be little access to the lougheed side of the Fraser. People who use will have no one to blame but themselves!


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #87 on: August 12, 2013, 09:55:58 AM »

Rules are rules, and I have no sympathy for people breaking them to fish these places. Hopefully it will reduce the gong show.


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #88 on: August 12, 2013, 10:01:45 AM »

^^ Yuup, totally agree, and although it's unfortunate I can't say I mind at all since I personally never venture over that way except when going to the Stave, and last year I started taking my mountain bike in the back of my truck so I can ride in and not have to worry about parking there either. I just hide it in the bush somewhere and go walking.


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Re: Pipeline Bar - private property
« Reply #89 on: August 15, 2013, 12:59:20 PM »

Ian Forbes posted here that in the State, authorities do their share to provide boat launches for fishermen. We are not evening talking boat launches, just some parking spots during the brief fishing season of about one month in those known popular locations, parking spots that are costing nothing to DFO and whoever the authorities are. These were parking spots there already but just closed off with poor excuses from the authority. Yet some members here seem to think fishermen are deliberate in breaking the law. Those poor souls just happened to drive up to 2 hours from town and spent $$$ in gas, then finding no spots to park. Many don't know where else to fish if their intended spot is closed off or running out room to park (in this case due to closure of the Snaggy Bar). Don't expect them to head back to town and forgo fishing.
