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Author Topic: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?  (Read 73871 times)


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BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« on: April 17, 2009, 09:32:51 AM »

Who are you voting for on May 12th?

I have a dilemma here in Chilliwack as my Liberal candidate is John Les. While I'm well aware that it is only an ongoing investigation into his dealings as a municipal councilor, I am quite aware of the reasons for the investigation. While I really believe he didn't break any laws, he certainly used his position to influence and profit from it. I have a hard time voting for someone who does that. If we condone his actions aren't we saying that all politicians should be able to use their influence to profit from their position.

I used to admire Mulroney but the stories coming out show that he used his influence and profited from his position. Of course there are no charges currently against him. Mulroney took the whole thing a step further and when the federal liberals tried to have Mulroney convicted on influence charges, he sued them, they caved and settled with him out of court for I believe 2 million dollars!

That has left a bad taste in my mouth. Coupled with the BC Liberals lack of care for BC's natural resources I will have a hard time voting Liberal. Voting NDP I'm afraid is not an option. They are again showing that they will promise anything to get elected even if it means compromising what they've said before... ???  The Green Party is a "nice idea" but let's be real!!  ::) I like the sound of the BC Conservatives but they are obviously brand new...... :-\
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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2009, 10:30:02 AM »

I think alot of us are in the same spot here.  I can't vote for the Liberals, as I am upset with the whole privatization of our rivers.  My lifestyle is possible because of our use of electricity, however, when it comes to things as essential as water and power resources....I believe they should remain with PUBLIC utilities, and I am insulted that we would be obligated to pay for their product at prices above that which would be available on the open market.  The NDP...well I can't bring myself to trust them either...kind of unpredictable, they seem to swing back and forth.  I hate how Gordo thinks most of the time...but at least he is consistent and predictable.  As for the other parties, well they have no experience or hope.

Can't remember the last time I voted where I felt good about my choice (provincialy or federally).  I wonder what it would be like to vote for a charismatic, leader, we believed in, trusted, and felt actually had the public interest in mind.  I imagine the people who voted for Obama felt this way. 

No matter who I vote for, I believe it is important to please...let's all cast a vote.

In particular, I AM hopeful the STV (single transferable vote) proposition will pass this time.  I believe that it will make our representatives more accountable to their ridings, instead of their parties.  This will also give some members of those smaller parties a chance to get some government experience, and show their skills.   It will make every vote count, and create a government that better represents the diversity of our communities.  I encourage everyone to learn about this and make your own decision. 

Here are some links:
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 10:42:22 AM by fishersak »

chris gadsden

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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 11:04:47 AM »

All that read my posts regarding this issue know who I am voting for even after I have voted and worked for the Liberals for 2 elections. Now I am willing to give another party a chance.

I will give you a hint who. ;D A very short journal. ;D

Yesterday we had a police incident in our area and I got called home to it while heading to the Vedder to fish and give Dion a river update. After being home dealing with the issue for a bit the Chilliwack Progress photo journalist stopped by for a picture of the incident but was too late as it was over.

 As I was taking to her the NDP candidate, only 20 years old was putting up a lawn sign across the street. I called him over and said he could put two on my lawn if he liked. As we did Jenna started snapping pictures, not sure if they will run one but because I was a known Liberal supporter they may. If they do I will be called photo op Chris and get kidded that I am bad as Barry Penner the Environment Minister who is always running around trying to get his smiling face in the papers or on TV.

Anyway I talked to the young NDP candidate for a while and was impressed with his fresh attitude. I feel a change is needed and a young chap like this should be supported, get rid of the old guard in Victoria and start to put the future in the hands of more of our young people.

The main thing in my mind is for everyone to study the issues, attend an all candidate meetings and then make your choice so you can exercise your franchise, thats the important thing. Many of those that came before us and even now as I type this people are risking and giving their lives to protect our democratic process.

Honour these people by making sure you vote, for the party of your choice of course but please mark your X on a ballot on May 12.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2009, 11:20:43 AM »

this is a no win scenario but i will be voting liberals.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2009, 11:51:03 AM »

Well I can indeed tell you all who I will be voting AGAINST this time!
I have simply had enough of the sheer arrogance, the lying, the transfer of public resources into the hands of the already rich so they can get richer, the wanton waste of resources disguised (not too effectively that is) as "necessary", and the ongoing lies and shell game designed to confuse the voting public. Any guesses at this point?  :D

And while I ain't all that fond of the NDP (having never voted for them thus far) and their history leaves quite a bit to be desired, they have become an option directly due to Gordo and his Clowns shenaningans. The Greens are another option, however they are not too likely to succeed. Enough folks vote that way though, the other 2 parties may realize that the environment and resources of this Province rank a LOT higher than they currently perceive. I know a great many ex-LIEberal voters that are going this route with that hope in mind.

Personally I cannot stomach Gordo and his motley crew at all. Gone beyond simple politics for me, and I now have taken the dislike to a personal level. ANYONE but them!

If you do vote for the idiots currently in power, do NOT come crying when your favorite little river/creek becomes OFF LIMITS as it has been sold to the highest bidder. Do NOT whine when the last salmon swims the Fraser. Do NOT whine when your hydro bill jumps 400 %. Do NOT whine when your taxes jump to pay for the excessively expensive Olympics. Do NOT whine when you, as the parent of school-age children end up paying more and more for increasingly crowded classrooms and busing to and fro to these. Do NOT whine when your aging parents are separated and sent to differing care facilities to while away without their soul-mate beside them. For THIS, and MORE is exactly what you are supporting.

As for me, there is NO damn way I could ever consider voting for The Town Drunk ever again!

Clear enough? ;D


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 12:30:59 PM »

Well not the Liberals for reasons as mentioned and I'm no big fan of the NDP but it'll have to be them.

Local Greens I have met are little more than idiots. ::)


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 12:43:27 PM »

do you guys really think the NDP cares any more about the environment than the liberals? When the NDP pushes British Columbia further into recession do you think they will care about the environment then?


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2009, 01:41:02 PM »

Seeing their is no one running for the Rhino's in my area, I will pinch my nose and vote NDP. I'm not too worried about them making the recession worse. If the Liberals get in they know it will be their last swill from the trough for awhile. They will sell us right out to there backers for a buck. I wouldn't doubt that the Liberals are helping to fund the Green Party as they helped the Liberals get in last time by splitting the vote. I wish the Greens well but they are too green as in inexpierenced. Also newer parties tend to get tenderflake for candidates.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2009, 02:11:40 PM »

I was reading through the policies of the BC Conservatives and I like what I saw. The question always is will they do what they say? They are politicians after all..... 

I highly doubt that they would make an impact, but voting for someone other than the BC Liberals will hopefully send the Liberals a message...

On the other hand, the thought of voting for the NDP makes me want to throw up a little.  :-\
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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 03:37:48 PM »

Does anyone remember the dozens of NDP scandals when they were in power? Moe Sihota? Glen Clarke? Fudgit-Budget? Fast Ferries? Bingo-gate?

Wake-up -- both parties will have lies and scandals.  But don't sink the economy by putting the NDP back in power -- NDP's are famous for killing provincial economies.

Have you seen Carole James' resume? No university, school board, middle level government bureaucrat for a few years.  That's it.  You want her to lead this $40 billion enterprise?  Crazy. 

I hate them all because ultimately they all act the same.  So I vote for the party who won't drive business out of this province.  Drive out business and drive out jobs and economic growth.  Socialism does not work.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2009, 04:04:24 PM »

I am extremely anti liberal now, with the lack of success we've been having against IPPs, gravel extraction, cuts to environmental protection, the gateway expansion, and the like. The list goes on and on.

I'll be voting NDP, and smiling as I mark my X... Don't split the left vote by voting green, it's a wasted vote and could result in a liberal win.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2009, 04:20:53 PM »

Does anyone remember the dozens of NDP scandals when they were in power? Moe Sihota? Glen Clarke? Fudgit-Budget? Fast Ferries? Bingo-gate?

Wake-up -- both parties will have lies and scandals.  But don't sink the economy by putting the NDP back in power -- NDP's are famous for killing provincial economies.

Have you seen Carole James' resume? No university, school board, middle level government bureaucrat for a few years.  That's it.  You want her to lead this $40 billion enterprise?  Crazy. 

I hate them all because ultimately they all act the same.  So I vote for the party who won't drive business out of this province.  Drive out business and drive out jobs and economic growth.  Socialism does not work.

People have very short memories at election time. The NDP has been and will be a distaster for this province.

Like it or not the Liberals during their 2 terms have put the Prov in a strong economic position (including our property values...) Are they perfect? Far from it but they are imo by far the best party to carry us through these tough economic times. We are in global economic recession. What BC is going through everyone is going through and it's not the Liberals fault.

I can't bring myself to vote just for fish. In the scheme of things there are much larger issues that need to be dealt with. That is the reality of the times we live in.

 As for voting for the Green could split the vote and result in a Liberal win. No way. The Liberals are going to win this election either way.


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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2009, 05:52:39 PM »

Does anyone remember the dozens of NDP scandals when they were in power? Moe Sihota? Glen Clarke? Fudgit-Budget? Fast Ferries? Bingo-gate?

Wake-up -- both parties will have lies and scandals.  But don't sink the economy by putting the NDP back in power -- NDP's are famous for killing provincial economies.

Have you seen Carole James' resume? No university, school board, middle level government bureaucrat for a few years.  That's it.  You want her to lead this $40 billion enterprise?  Crazy. 

I hate them all because ultimately they all act the same.  So I vote for the party who won't drive business out of this province.  Drive out business and drive out jobs and economic growth.  Socialism does not work.

People have very short memories at election time. The NDP has been and will be a distaster for this province.

Like it or not the Liberals during their 2 terms have put the Prov in a strong economic position (including our property values...) Are they perfect? Far from it but they are imo by far the best party to carry us through these tough economic times. We are in global economic recession. What BC is going through everyone is going through and it's not the Liberals fault.

I can't bring myself to vote just for fish. In the scheme of things there are much larger issues that need to be dealt with. That is the reality of the times we live in.

 As for voting for the Green could split the vote and result in a Liberal win. No way. The Liberals are going to win this election either way.

Couldnt have said it better myself. 

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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2009, 07:03:07 PM »

Totally lost respect for Cambell ... he has out-right lied so mant times.... Going to get tolls on bridges... I thought our gas tax was to pay for roads & bridges ???? ------- When 1000's lost their jobs by BILL 19 then he turned around & gave himself a RAISE ... 2x now...... Plus Liberals do not want to answer why one chap recieved $300,000 over the sale of BC Rail ??????????? I'm going with NDP. ---------------------------  Cambell face expressions always give me the feeling he's hiding something....OR not telling us the true story OR complete story..... Carol James seems honest looking enough......NDP should try to get the whole Canucks team in a tv commercial.... saying VOTE NDP ....... with Canuck fever right now their ad would give the NDP the win !!!!! ( just joking) --- NDP GO CANUCKS NDP GO CANUCKS .....

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Re: BC Election - Who ya gonna vote for?
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2009, 07:25:48 PM »

We had previous NDP governments under Dave Barrett, Mike Harcourt, Glen Clarke and they've been all disasters. No way I'm voting for them.