British Columbia Fishing Blog

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Archive for April, 2008

Steelhead spawning almost complete

Published on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Yesterday we spent several hours at the Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery to finish up some footages needed for an upcoming video on the hatchery steelhead program. The winter steelhead spawning at the hatchery will be wrapped up in a couple of weeks from now. Here are some photos taken from yesterday.

Some remaining cutthroat trout that are waiting to be spawned for the rest of this season.

A Chehalis River winter steelhead that has just been spawned.

Sleepy steelhead in the recovery tank after being spawned.

Disinfecting fertilized eggs with iodine.

Starting today, Lower Mainland lakes will receive their second stockings of rainbow trout of the season. The bulk of the stockings will be done next week. On Saturday April 12th, the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC will kick off its “Fishing in the City” program at Rice Lake, North Vancouver. I will have more information on it in the near future.

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