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Author Topic: Define locally  (Read 26306 times)


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2020, 11:40:39 AM »

If I lived in the valley and felt I needed to go fish the ocean, I would personal refrain from doing that. Of course the use of "Valley" in its self leaves your question open to interpretation if you where someone looking to find a way around the suggestive rules. Oh right they are suggestive requests not actual lock downs or enforceable rules. 

You do what you want if it makes you feel better............

It all comes down to common sense. If I get in my car and drive 50 kms by myself to a remote location and practice physical distancing why wouldn't that be acceptable?  Essential travel should specifically refer to going to places where people gather.  Right now, I can't even do things I normally do by myself because of the lack of accessibility. Let's not get the two confused...and some people on this board are just too quick to judge.

I would worry more about going to the grocery store than going somewhere outdoors where I can practice physical distancing.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 11:51:38 AM by blaydRnr »


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2020, 12:08:16 PM »

If I lived in the valley and felt I needed to go fish the ocean, I would personal refrain from doing that. Of course the use of "Valley" in its self leaves your question open to interpretation if you where someone looking to find a way around the suggestive rules. Oh right they are suggestive requests not actual lock downs or enforceable rules. 

You do what you want if it makes you feel better............

I believe they are provincial health officer orders actually.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2020, 12:50:38 PM »

Look folks my comment about being reasonable vs an irrational world was meant as a joke.

There isn't much that is subjective about the definition of local but what is subjective is how to balance their desire to do something like go fishing where it requires travel, with the need for a community response to this public emergency. This may be one reason why the Provincial Health Officer's office has not decided not put hard numbers to its' use of the term "local area".

blaydRnr since you specifically used 50k as an example, I don't particularly take issue with that though I may not do it myself. But after that exactly where do we as a community do we start top draw a line as what can be accepted or what can not? I honestly get the feeling that many of the people who ask to question are looking for assurance they can travel some distance  to fish when in their gut they know it's not going to meet a 'local area' test. The more people hear of other people breaking rules, the more likely they are to do so themselves. So perhaps if you have to ask maybe don't go.

Local is also only half the issue. There's been many problems documented within a local area. Some of the crowds on the Sea Wall a few weeks ago. VPD has subsequently done road checks  & patrols on the public beaches to ensure compliance. Even within the block of 2 of my house I have seen stuff which clearly doesn't meet physical distancing directives. A neighbor says they know of a residence that has had large gatherings of friends and family on a regular basis.

The larger issue is the more "subjectiveness" that is accepted, the more tolerance for bending or breaking directives, the less effective they will be in controlling the outbreak. Just this morning it was announced that the number of cases at the recently closed Cargill Meat plant in Alberta was 480. It's an example of just quickly this thing can gte out of control and maybe lead to tighter restrictions than we have now.

So far we have had some good luck in BC, let's not blow it.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 04:48:36 PM by RalphH »
"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2020, 01:43:04 PM »

Just for the record. I truly believe in physical distancing and have no intentions of doing any unnecessary travel whether it be fishing or equivalent.  My responsibility is to my family to whom I would never put at risk. What I stated were mere examples of how vague the minister's guidelines were in defining what is acceptable and what is prohibited. I like to beach comb during low tide close to where I live, but because of closures I can't access the areas below the tide line. It's not to say I'm intending to go beach combing now, but would like clarity for the near future.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2020, 01:59:19 PM »

It all comes down to common sense. If I get in my car and drive 50 kms by myself to a remote location and practice physical distancing why wouldn't that be acceptable?  Essential travel should specifically refer to going to places where people gather.  Right now, I can't even do things I normally do by myself because of the lack of accessibility. Let's not get the two confused...and some people on this board are just too quick to judge.

I would worry more about going to the grocery store than going somewhere outdoors where I can practice physical distancing.

Not judging nor am I confused actually, like you said everyone need to use some common sense and think about the big picture, rather than what suits their WANTS, not needs.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2020, 02:18:53 PM »

I believe they are provincial health officer orders actually.
Yes of course, we can spin this conversation right back to where it started. Not taking the bait, I already know where you stand on this matter.

This really is unreal. I have refrained from commenting on any covid topic on all fronts since the beginning. I have stayed at home for 14 days on isolation because I had a family member return form another country, precautionary reason and ORDERS only. My isolation was only a no work isolation implemented by my employer who was trying to be part of the solution rather the have things go south. Since this isolation my employer has implemented a rotational schedule for the employees to limit contact with others. It appears to be working with 0 employees or their families having any issues.

Anyways this has been ongoing since March 18th, and like most Canadians has not considered the need to put my selfish needs to fish first opting to forgo any fishing other than 1 time, which was done LOCALLY. I honestly could be fishing locally everyday of the week using nothing but my feet to get me there and back but I have a hard time justifying the NEED. Do I care that I am not fishing everyday? No because I have other things in my life that are important to me, like my family and friends who I hope all get through this in relatively good shape.

Now, everyone else can use their own opinion or put their own twist on what they consider appropriate or not, but please use your brain and stop trying to twist everything to suit a WANT.

Enough ranting on my end, and please do not try and provoke a reply because you will not get it. 


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2020, 03:29:07 PM »

The definition of local doesn't matter if you're going to go into towns or through towns that don't want us there at this time.

 It should be quite easy, if they don't want us going through their town or stopping there, respect their wishes. It just takes one carrier that doesn't know they are sick (spreader) to start a possible outbreak. Just look at the outbreaks BC has had in the last 10 days. 2 poultry plants, prisons, infected oilsands workers coming back home from Alta (this is a big one)....

Btw, coming over the Port Mann Bridge a few days ago I counted 7 boats. Going over the Golden Ears a day later saw 4 boats. I'd like to hear their social distancing advice when on a boat because unless you have a big boat it's not happening .


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2020, 05:22:59 PM »

So say you had a cabin on a lake up country, and you packed enough supply’s and gas so you would not need to use out of town resources. How many of you would go?


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2020, 05:47:38 PM »

I would say most.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2020, 06:13:31 PM »

"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity... though I am not completely sure about the Universe" ...Einstein as related to F.S. Perls.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2020, 06:42:59 AM »

So say you had a cabin on a lake up country, and you packed enough supply’s and gas so you would not need to use out of town resources. How many of you would go?

Well, let's say someone is just as prepared as you are BUT it's not your own Cabin but a resort cabin. The supply situation is the same. The resort is open and willing to take customers during the pandemic. Is this any different?


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2020, 10:23:53 AM »

Anyways this has been ongoing since March 18th, and like most Canadians has not considered the need to put my selfish needs to fish first opting to forgo any fishing other than 1 time, which was done LOCALLY. I honestly could be fishing locally everyday of the week using nothing but my feet to get me there and back but I have a hard time justifying the NEED. Do I care that I am not fishing everyday? No because I have other things in my life that are important to me, like my family and friends who I hope all get through this in relatively good shape.

Now, everyone else can use their own opinion or put their own twist on what they consider appropriate or not, but please use your brain and stop trying to twist everything to suit a WANT.

Well stated! The people that want to go fishing focus solely on the 6-foot distancing rule, as though it's the only consideration. Here's a quote I posted in another thread. It's from an article about how people disregard all the advice (other than the 6-foot rule) in order to justify non-essential outdoor activities.

"It’s really this simple:
    Stay the F home
    Don’t hang out with people you don’t live with
    Avoid non-essential travel
    Get outdoors in your neighbourhood for exercise
    Keep your distance from people outside your household
    Wash your hands
Remember: we’re all in this together. Your favourite hike lake isn’t going anywhere."


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2020, 08:03:51 PM »

I'm thinking that while I may want to travel 50/100/200 km to fish in a nice spot away from people, I need to stay local- in my case, Abbotsford. I don't think I should be fishing the Cap, Squamish, or Kawkawa because even though I am careful, I don't need to inadvertally spread the virus to those communities, nor bring back anything because of some encounter while I'm there. This virus needs to be isolated. That's the whole point regarding staying home, avoiding non-essential travel (is fishing really essential, as STS put so well?), and all that.

Incidentally, places like White Rock want people that aren't local to stay away. That was meant to mean anyone who was a non- resident of White Rock. The statements the officials made were pretty stern. So it was interesting that last week I was fishing my local lake and talking to a really nice guy from- you guessed it- White Rock. Just kinda ironic.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2020, 03:29:44 AM »

Well I'll probably just stay around my area of Vancouver and do a little more beach fishing this season, don't exactly want to have any issues in terms of spreading or catching the virus. I get what they mean by the definition of "locally" cause honestly travelling from where I live all the way to Chilliwack wouldn't be seen as locally by any terms, but I guarantee there will be those who will still try to challenge the definition of "locally" unless we get more provincial clarity or wording put in like "No further than the boundry of one district to another such as Vancouver to Burnaby" or a km distancing parameter.
I can do without a year of salmon fishing on the Vedder as it's just a hobby and not a need, some people should understand this but rather take the definition of a hobby and make it sound like a neccesity as if their life depended on it. But once again I can imagine there will be some that will argue that it's a way of supplementing food on their table so that they can justify travelling out of their own local area.


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Re: Define locally
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2020, 11:40:24 AM »

I didn't notice anyone mentioning this on this thread so I'm not sure if people understand that this virus is spread by physical contact (even touching something an infected person touched), droplet spread (coughing, sneezing, farting, crapping, etc), as well as probably AEROSOL spread (supported by New England Journal of Medicine published study, and the spread patterns and rapidity of spread).  The NEJofM study says that (infectious) viral particles can remain in the air of a room for up to three hours and on a steel or wood surface for up to three days. You know; like measles. Therefore; your very presence in another community could spread pathogen to others; just by breathing. Additionally; the only PPE that works is N-95 masking and a face shield or glasses; the other masks help to some degree but not guaranteed to filter pathogen. To me, these are the items to weigh against going ANYWHERE right now.