Fishing in British Columbia > The Fish Kitchen



Fish Assassin:
Anybody got any good recipe for ceviche?

FA - sorry for my ignorance but what is "Ceviche"  ???

Fish Assassin:
It's a fish dish originating in South America. It uses raw fish marinaded in some citrus juices and herbs. Generally served as an appetizer. The chemical process which occurs when the citrus juices come in contact with the fish is similar to when the fish becomes cooked ie becomes firm and opague.  Absolutely delicious !

Keep it simple.  Some fresh good quality fish, some lime juice, salt, freshly ground pepper, a little finely diced shallot.  Tomatoes, some heat in the form of peppers, cilantro or other fresh herbs are also typical features.  I suggest serving with crackers or those little melba toast things with a small dollop of creme fraiche to help round out some of the acidity.  


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