2 years old and this says it all "About this blog.We are unashamedly pro-aquaculture."
And so are most critical thinking Canadians Chris. The sooner we stop killing wild salmon the closer we will be to salvaging the remnants of what we have left. I think we have a slight chance of righting this ship and that would be to curtail commercial harvesting of all Pacific salmon. All sports fisherman and fish advocates would embrace that but we also know it won’t happen soon enough to change the eventual outcome.
When you consider there are no measureable impacts of salmon farming on the Pacific coast to wild stocks, it makes social and economic sense to change directions. Humans have evolved into farmers and gardeners; the gathering days will soon be over due to anthropogenic reasons, so it makes sense, imo, to bring on more farmed salmon to fill the need of consumers. Seems like our newly elected government agrees and is about to do that.