I can honestly say, that the best part of receiving my BC Outdoors fishing magazine was the last page. Dave Steele would write an article every month that would always make me laugh. He would write in a very articulate manner, sometimes using words I didn't understand, but it seemed to flow and always leave me on the edge of my seat. I hope Dave is just out on a fishing trip somewhere and wasn't able to meet the deadline for the magazine, hence the missing article, but if I find out that BC Outdoors magazine decided not to renew the mans contract, I will spearhead a campaign to raise awareness about one of BC's top story tellers. When the people in charge see a cancellation of a majority of their subscription holders because of Dave's column no longer being in the magazine, I am sure they will scrape up the bucket loads of money the man deserves and deliver to his front door step with an apology note.