I don't care about integrity. This is pure entertainment for me. I am not here to make friends or worry about what people think about me because my posts are stupid, don't make sense and are contradictory. It is on purpose, to see how other people will respond. I live to fish, I care about our streams and environment and the effects that people have on the water systems of this province. I don't like crowds, mostly always fish by myself and will most likely not get any awards for being a friendly person.( But I am trying). People irritate me pretty quickly. I am actually a useless member of all these forums. I don't believe people should be posting anything about where they caught fish at all. I am usually not going to give advice(though I am trying)I think the internet has ruined alot of water ways for local fisherman from all over. Where we grew up and worked hard and learned by ourselves( and with help from the local old timers) to catch fish consistently are now swarmed with fisherman that are only there for the meat. And will do anything to get it. Places like the Vedder are considered a commercial fishery as far as I am concerned so leave the meat fishery for those places. There are ways of sharing experiences without telling people where it was you experienced it.