Fishing in British Columbia > The Fish Kitchen
I am disturbed - smoked salmon question
aquaboy24: was not...I smoked it fresh....but I assume the freezing now will have a similar effect....its not like smoked worms become more tolerant to freezing.
Then again...never makes an my friend of U and Me
canoe man:
i hope non of your imediate family read this report lol
but i do no all professional smoke houses require all fish to be frozen when braught in
may i suggest that you now take your fish after freezing them for a few days
and puree the crap (no pun intended) out of them and turn it into salmon pate ;)
vacum bag and dress accordingly for the approaching festive season
keeping a close track of just who exactly you donate this delicacy to
take the worms, put em on a #24 fly hook, go trout fishing in one of the stocked lakes.... ;D ;D
I ALWAYS feeze before brining and smoking for two, really three reasons. 1) does in any parasites as mentioned, 2) breaks down the cell walls such that the brine and smoke penetrate deeper, more efficiently, and 3) who the hell has time to smoke when the fishin's hot?
I'm with you on #3 ;D
Get up, fish, Get home, sleep.
Rinse, Lather, Repeat :)
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