Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fly Fishing Cafe => Topic started by: Rodney on December 11, 2005, 07:32:55 AM

Title: How far can you cast?
Post by: Rodney on December 11, 2005, 07:32:55 AM
Have you checked out this month's photo on the front page? :) Chrome Mykiss displays his casting skill. Photos always exaggerate... ;)


So how far can you cast?
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Stone on December 11, 2005, 09:55:47 AM
Carlo looks like a good flyfisherman, and that's a nice cast he's got going in that pic.

More specifically, you'll have to include the rod's line weight and what type of flyline being used when you ask how far someone can cast...and I ain't about to brag.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Rodney on December 11, 2005, 10:42:46 AM
The photographer should also be credited for the above photo as casting shots are very difficult to capture. ;D
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Fish Assassin on December 11, 2005, 12:56:25 PM
Have you checked out this month's photo on the front page? :) Chrome Mykiss displays his casting skill. Photos always exaggerate... ;)


So how far can you cast?

Amazing what you can do with Photoshop right Rodney ? ;)
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Steelhead King on December 11, 2005, 04:13:27 PM
The rod he used that day is a loop blue line 6/7wt switch rod.. and the line is a Rio Outbound.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: BwiBwi on December 11, 2005, 06:23:01 PM
Speaking of fly line. Do you like RIO or Airoflo better? for multi tip that is....
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Steelhead King on December 11, 2005, 09:34:35 PM
I have use both Airflo and Rio.. I like them both.  Airflo got the best warrenty (5 years)and the line shoot really well... On the other hand, Rio makes the best connector system and you hardly feel anything when they go though the guides. 
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: BwiBwi on December 11, 2005, 09:54:44 PM
Hmmm, casting wise sounds like you like Airflo better?
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Steelhead King on December 11, 2005, 10:24:53 PM
Well. i got many lines at home and i like them all... But for multi-tip, i would go for Rio...
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: DionJL on December 11, 2005, 10:39:21 PM
The rod he used that day is a loop blue line 6/7wt switch rod.. and the line is a Rio Outbound.

LMAO that doesn't count then. i was casting 100ft with a 5wt and a Rio outbound. However with my 5wt and a Rio Mainstream 6wt floating line i can cast so that the backing is at the first guide. ;D pretty good for a youngin' though
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Steelhead King on December 11, 2005, 11:43:08 PM
[with my 5wt and a Rio Mainstream 6wt floating line i can cast so that the backing is at the first guide. [/quote]

But is your fly perfectly turn over??
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: BwiBwi on December 12, 2005, 01:44:11 AM
Thank you SK
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: mojoman on December 12, 2005, 06:21:58 AM
I find I rarly need to cast more than bout 40 ft.....I fish mostly out of a toon so any further I kin move closer.....that bein' said I have tossed out mebbe 65-70 ft on a fluke cast with a freak wind at my back.... ;D ;D ;D

mojo don' need no steeken 100 ft casts thats for those who need to prove something....hehehe
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: BwiBwi on December 12, 2005, 11:51:59 AM
40 ft give or take on floating line.

Sinking tips 33ft
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Stone on December 12, 2005, 12:27:36 PM
Speaking of fly line. Do you like RIO or Airoflo better? for multi tip that is....

I have several RIO Versitips in the single hand and spey versions, and one Airflo Multitip in a WF6.  I like the RIO waaay better than the Airflo any day.  Several reasons why: 1) RIO's tips are 15' long compared to Airflo's 12'.  2) RIO provides 5 tips including a Type VIII for WF7 and up, while Airflo only provides 4.  3) RIO has a nicer taper profile on the belly and running line than Airflo, which I find too fat for my liking.  4) RIO's welded loop connectors are nicer (as already mentioned).  I find Airflo's loops a little tough to take apart when they've been put under pressure.  5) Even though Airflo has a nice 5 year no-crack warranty, I've never had an issue of having lines replaced due to cracking whether by Airflo, RIO, Cortland or Scientific Anglers.  If you deal with a good flyshop, they'll take care of you.

But when it comes to conventional lines (non-multitip), then there are some lines by Airflo that I really like.  I have a WF4F River and Stream that I love to use on my soft 4wt for chironomid fishing.  The Forty Plus line is a great distance line.  And I'm liking my new Delta Spey line that I just bought for my 7wt spey.  So Airflo does put out some good lines, I just don't like their multitips.

And the RIO Outbound is definitely a distance line with almost a shooting taper performance.  Easy to look like a hero with one of those.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: BwiBwi on December 12, 2005, 12:32:03 PM
Looks like RIO it is then. Thanks guys.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on December 12, 2005, 01:15:58 PM
I am with Mojo on this one. I dont need to cast 100ft either. The small flows I normally fish I dont need to cast more than 40feet since its never more than 40 feet across the river. Well except for the Stave, but even on the Stave I wouldnt need to cast more than 40 feet. With a decent line I can consistantly cast 60-70 feet if I want to. I dont think I have ever casted more than 80 feet.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Chrome Mykiss on December 12, 2005, 10:09:19 PM
I find I rarely need to cast more than bout 40 ft.....I fish mostly out of a toon so any further I kin move closer.....that bein' said I have tossed out mebbe 65-70 ft on a fluke cast with a freak wind at my back.... ;D ;D ;D

mojo don' need no steeken 100 ft casts thats for those who need to prove something....hehehe

It depends on the situation you are encountering. I think having competant casting skills will allow an angler to fish in a variety of environments for a variety of foray species ::)  For example, a crystal clear lake with vast marl shoals where fly educated monster trout cruise will usually require a long cast of 50-80ft to avoid being detected by the trout. Learning the proper casting techniques will allow an angler to achieve greater distances easier. These techniques include timing, double hauling and line management.

( (
This trout was taken with a 80ft cast on a tiny scud in a crystal clear lake ;D
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: flyfisherman on December 13, 2005, 12:16:54 AM
Most times i dont care how far i cast, there are times you dont need to.

Then there are the other times when a brute bow is cruising the shallows but your out of range, the fish does not see you. and a well placed fly may grab his attention, big trout will see you if your too close, the flyline splashing the water.

Distance is not everything.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Stone on December 13, 2005, 05:44:49 AM
Carlo:  Like I said in a previous post...looks like you're a pretty darn good flyfisherman.  You've got nothing to prove to these guys.  ;D

Flyfisherman: Ablsolutely right.  Distance is not everything.  In fact, I find that my hook-up/landing ratio declines the further out I hook the fish.  40-50' is the ideal distance that I like to work most situations...but there are certain rare occassions that you have to bomb out the 80-90' casts.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Fishingbum on December 13, 2005, 08:33:09 PM
How far do I cast, not as far as I did 20 years ago. But an angler that can throw a fly in excess of 100 feet  has learned to let the rod and line do the work for them. Do they need to throw that far, no for most situations but the ability to throw a long line lets older  fisherman fish all day every day through an entire Coho season without fatigue and most importantly pain. Learn to throw the long line when you are young that way when you retire and arthritis sets in you will still be able to be out there all day every day.

Tight lines

Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Bone Cross on December 19, 2005, 05:43:30 PM
Went out for a few casts in my field. My best cast measured 97ft! I'm happy with that. I'm with eddie99 on this one. The majority of the time a cast like that isn't needed. But there is always a place and time for things like that.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: Stone on December 19, 2005, 09:10:13 PM
It's always harder in real fishing conditions.  Great to practice on the lawn, but 100' on the grass doesn't always translate to 100' on the water.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: RalphH on December 20, 2005, 04:35:14 PM
Casting far when you wading deep is relatively difficult. As soon as you cast from any postition your line starts to fall. Reduce your height relative to the surface and your maximum distance suffers. Two things can help. Most important is line speed. A faster rod and good form on your double haul will speed things up. If you typically go up a line weight or two return to the rated line for the rod or even go one down. That way the rod will bend less into the mid and butt sections and will unload quicker. Last raise your arm a bit - not too much make sure you are still comfortable. Finally recognize the limitations of the position you've put yourself. If you could still reach the spot you want to hit when only up to your waist or knees, perhaps you've gone too deep.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on December 26, 2005, 11:44:20 PM
Right now im running airflow and love it.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: newsman on December 27, 2005, 11:28:49 PM
If distance is your thing there are a few carny tricks you can pull. #1 go to a silk line the thin flat profile cutts through the air like nothing else. #2 change the collector eyelit on your rod. Go with one with an inside diameter of 1 to 11/2 inches. A large diameter collector will increase your line speed. #3 to further increase your line speed treat the eyelits of your rod with a silicon based lubricant. #4 go with a top quality high tec. fast action rod.  That's if distance is what you are after. If fish are what you are after concentrate on form and accuracy.
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: CDone on December 28, 2005, 10:40:59 AM
How far can I cast?

About 5 feet short of where the fish are  :-\

Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: kellya on December 28, 2005, 01:10:09 PM
Doesnt that always seem to be the case beach fishing :P
Title: Re: How far can you cast?
Post by: newsman on December 28, 2005, 03:29:01 PM
Here's a beach fishing trick I got from Dwane Morris. Take a step ladder wade out then place your ladder then climb up the ladder to where you can cast better. Dwane told me this trick is applied quite often in the southern US.