Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: scobo on August 09, 2005, 04:49:06 PM

Title: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: scobo on August 09, 2005, 04:49:06 PM
There you have it:

I think at this point they would be better off to open it.  Guys I know are catching over 20 per day and having to  release.  It will be easier on the fish to let everyone take two home and get off the river to leave the fish alone. :'(
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Floater on August 09, 2005, 06:11:57 PM
WHAT the hell is it ever gona be open or is it gona be a FN fishery only this year.
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Geff_t on August 09, 2005, 06:20:25 PM
hey scobo. Where did you find this info. I have been checking the dfo website right upto when I came here and they still do not have anything posted. Just wondering because dfo usually do not have openings for the USA on theirs.
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Trout Slayer on August 09, 2005, 06:22:53 PM
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: scruffy on August 09, 2005, 06:52:26 PM
20 socks in a day yeah rite  ???
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Bantam_50 on August 09, 2005, 07:08:22 PM
 :D :D

Everyone would save themselves a ton of aggravation if they just forgot about "When can we fish sockeye on the Fraser'.

Let the SDA and other organizations do what they can.

In the mean time sit back ....  watch the Cheam decimate what returning sockeye we have coming back.  ::)

In a short time, DFO will gladly let you all have your blood lusting on endless pinks. Your aggravation will be soothed and it'll be time to hit the Vedder for more. All will be well.  :P

Not to sure about the Fraser sockeye ....but all will be well.  :-[
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: 2:40 on August 09, 2005, 10:01:37 PM
20 socks a day?? Ouch!

They should probably consider lowering that number considerably and target fish that are open using a different method and save the method you are using for when and if the sockeye open.

Bantam 50 is right on
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Sterling C on August 09, 2005, 10:33:36 PM
i agree that they should open it by catching nd releasing them puts alot of stress on a fish and also could casue the fish to die

So why not go barfishing or go fishsome where else if this is the way you feel  ???
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: chris gadsden on August 09, 2005, 11:24:43 PM
As I stated a few days ago I will be very surprised if there will be a sockeye fishery on the Fraser River this year so I would not plan your holidays around it.

FOC are saying the numbers are low but I question that as it seems they are still allowing illegal fishing to go on, reports are coming in daily of these activities. As well FN fisheries are being planned for the weekend but please correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is if there is conservation concerns there should be no one fishing.

The real driver of course of not allowing a rec sockeye fishery is the injunction launched last week by Cheam. The only chance of a sockeye fishery is if the injunction is denied. If it is granted it will time for some legal action of our own. It will mean all of us setting our differences aside and work as a team. We will need the commercial sector, BC Wildlife Federation, Driftfishers, FVSS, flyfishers, BB and yes of course short floaters to all join the SDA and mount an opposition that has never been seen in British Columbia to protect our great sport that is being threatend. If groups stay on the outside they will be picked off one by one.

It is too bad FOC and all levels of government have not done more to protect the right to fish for all Canadians. When our fish stocks are decimated they will be the ones to hold responsible, not the recreational angler who is working so hard to preserve our precious fish stocks in so many ways.

FOC and the Fed's as it has been said so many times before have not learnt at all from the East Coast fisheries that they let slip to such dangerous levels. I wonder how any of them they can sleep at night with a clear conscious, I know I could not.

Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Old Black Dog on August 10, 2005, 09:08:27 AM
Fraser sockeye aren't returning
Hopes for bountiful harvest dashed, commercial fishery in jeopardy
Peter O'Neil
Vancouver Sun

August 10, 2005

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OTTAWA -- A projected banner year for the Fraser River sockeye is failing to materialize, raising questions about whether there will even be a commercial sockeye fishery this year, industry and government officials confirmed Tuesday.

"It is cause for concern," federal Fisheries Minister Geoff Regan told reporters in a conference call as industry leaders discussed the increasingly grim outlook for what was originally forecast to be a bountiful season.

"According to what we're seeing in terms of returns, we have to adjust our actions and act accordingly."

The Pacific Salmon Commission said Tuesday the summer run, originally estimated at 11 million, is now expected to number in the two to five million range.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) may consider cancelling the Fraser River sockeye commercial fishery this year, dashing expectations of the most bountiful summer sockeye harvest in close to a decade, said Ernie Crey of the Sto:lo Tribal Council.

Ken Connolly, spokesman for the Area E Gillnetters' Association that fishes the Fraser, agreed the PSC estimate raises questions about whether commercial vessels will be on the water this summer.

If there is a commercial fishery "it would be quite small," he predicted.

A shutdown of the commercial sector would also prevent commercial fishing in the aboriginal sector and would lead to further restrictions on the native food fishery, Crey said.

"There's going to be enormous hardship" along the Fraser River watershed if the 94 bands can't fish for food, Crey said.

Connolly said he hopes the DFO waits as long as possible in hopes the salmon will return in large numbers, allowing a commercial fishery.

"It's a horrible thing to look at, seeing some of these fishing families and communities and the impacts on them. I'm lucky I've got a job," Connolly said.

If Tuesday's PSC estimate turns out to be accurate, it would be the lowest summer run of sockeye since the 1970s, PSC chief biologist Mike Lapointe said after a conference call with commission members representing commercial, sport, and aboriginal fishing interests.

Lapointe said higher ocean water temperatures could be delaying the run, or the lower return numbers could be the result of DFO allowing too many sockeye to reach spawning grounds, especially in Quesnel Lake, in 2001.

The juvenile salmon produced from that run faced too much competition for food and were unusually small when they started their trek to the ocean in 2002, he said, likely reducing their survival rates.

DFO had estimated a total of 12.5 million sockeye returning this year, of which 11 million were part of the summer run and the remainder from the Early Stuart, the Early Summer, and the Late Summer runs.

The department had projected 718,000 Early Summer sockeye, but now say that number will be in the 250,000 range. About 260,000 Early Stuarts were expected, but that number has been lowered to 205,000. About 534,000 Late Summer sockeye are projected and that number hasn't been revised.

Officials point out that the main summer run has arrived as late as Aug. 16-19.

Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Fish Assassin on August 10, 2005, 09:15:58 AM
Haven't we all seen this film before ? At the beginning of the year DFO makes a forecast of so many sockeyes coming back only to see the numbers decrease as the season nears. Closures ensues to "protect" the low returns only to find out later that the returns were greater than what was forecasted. Meanwhile the natives are going full bore with their food fishery.
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: DragonSpeed on August 10, 2005, 09:19:55 AM
I had to get a kick of out Ernie being so concerned aobut the other native bands.  He doesn't give a flying Foo about them when he's taking the fish that they need, before they can get them  ::)
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Fish Assassin on August 10, 2005, 09:29:33 AM
I find it quite incredulous that other bands are not voicing their displeasure with the Cheam Band's antics. Where does the Seabird Island, Musqueam, Yale and other bands' view on this ?
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: DragonSpeed on August 10, 2005, 09:40:34 AM
I think they are hoping that the Cheam will take all the heat, but pave the way for them to drift, and controll access to the river as well. 

It's like the military sending out a scout unit to get info, or get decimated, before the rest of the troops come up and take the battlefield :)
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Gooey on August 10, 2005, 11:14:21 AM
#1 Dragonspeed is dead on, if Cheam gets its way, many more tribes will follow.

#2 Everyone should get the hell ouutta the water NOW...fishfreak your attitude is B***S***: " i agree that they should open it by (because??) catching nd releasing them puts alot of stress on a fish and also could casue the fish to die, they should open it now keep the limit to 2 sockeye and be done with it "

So what you are saying is: who cares there isnt enough stocks to justify a soc opeing, because we are going to be flossing springs ANYWAYS, they might as well open socs too... because after I get my 2 socs, I obvisously will stop trying to floss a spring  and go home with my 2 socs... Thats your story right...did I misinterpret something????

HOW ABOUT THINKING ABOUT THE RESOURCE FIRST AND NOT EXPOSING THE SOCS TO UNDUE HARDSHIP ... HANG UP YOUR F****** GEAR and wait for the socs to be open before you kill anymore (self admittedly, you dont have to retain a soc to kill it)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Gooey on August 10, 2005, 07:08:22 PM
#1 - I dont recall hooking a single soc on the vedder this year

#2 - the pic I posted of me a bug as an 18 lb doe (mine) and his 7-8 lbspring buck...bugs did C&R a soc that day tho.
#3 - an incedental hook up with a soc while FLOATING ROE in a river that is running cold does not compare to FLOSSING what ever swims up river infront of you on the fraser, in a river thats temp is floating around 18C, and a fish probably has another 500km to go before it hits the spawning ground.... ZERO COMPARISON CHUMP.

#4 you say " im hopeing to catch a spring" but hook into 5 socs ... did you hook a spring: NO.  I really dont care what your "trying to catch", the fact of the matter is you are hooking more socs then anything else...AM I RIGHT OR WRONG!   You then admit the socs may not make it to spawn because of energy used in that fight may be too much for them, but you justify it (endangering socs) to "try and hook a spring"...sorry bud, I find that disgusting.

You actions ar so "bottom of the barrel", TAKE WHAT EVER YOU CAN REGARDLESS OF THE CONCEQUENCES.  Frankly this site and our  sport will be better of without that type of a fisher participating.

#5  Since most of the reds in the vedder turned I havent been fishing (3 weeks now) so I have practiced what I preach and I have put my gear away until DFO opens the socs up.

Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: redtide on August 10, 2005, 07:21:31 PM
every year i wonder how accurate dfo's counting system is. so many fish move up during the evening hours in the fraser. i was barfishing last night around river road and noticed amazingly at the large school of sockeye that made their way up river spashing and jumping.large fish  too. maybe the runs are late so lets be patient and wait.
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: freddy2596 on August 10, 2005, 07:40:46 PM
Once again we see that selective angling really works!! Because thats the only way I could explain how someone would get on the internet and brag about catching five sockeye while bottom bouncing for springs........give your head a shake freak.....the more crap that is posted the better, because DFO loves to read this crap on the net as much as the concerned angler does and the more he sees of the abuse by people who think a betty with a leader(and it does not matter how long it is) is selective the less chance any one will see an opening..........the only solution as I see it is simple..........Main stem fraser>stationary angling only during non sockeye flossing = less anglers which means DFO can spend more of there time catching the real culperts who are poaching and fishing in non open times(I wonder who that might be)....So to all you so called fishermen that say your flossing springs and not sockeye seek help!! because deep down you know that when the sockeye out number the springs chances are your going to hook a sockeye........

ps. I hope that was contructive enough for you allwaysfishing and if not "oh well"
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Gooey on August 10, 2005, 08:48:26 PM
I am sorry if you took mesingling you out as picking on you...its nothing personal.  Your statement about the socs should be open for a retention of 2...because some probably die after C&R...that statement BLEW MY MIND!!!!  How can you justify "hooking" one spring, when you hit 5 sockeye  lessening their chance of spawning. 

A shot gun is as selective as flossing.  If you were hunting mallards, would you take a pot shot at 1 mallard surround by canadian geese?  The fact that you would see the goose slain right before your very eyes probably would be enuff for you not to take that shot...with sockeye, you slip them back into the water and your conscience is clean...who knows if they die 5 minutes later in the murky waters of the fraser or 500km up stream on the doorstep of their birth river. 

Your last post says "I didnt intend on hooking 5 socs"..." im hopeing to catch a spring"... bottom line is this shot gun approach in a time when sockeye numbers are questionable...its simply unacceptable.

DFO has asked us not to floss until socs are open and if the numbers are there, they will open it for us.  Can I take on every beak on the bar right, can I change your mind....probably not.  But if my ranting makes 1 or 2 other guys on this board change their minds and not floss when they are endangering socs they cant even keep...well then I think I have made 1 small step forward.

What have you done lately???

PS during the stanley cup riots, would you have looted one of the stores that the rest of the mob was plundering?  If your answer is no, then you cant justify flossing now by saying Cheam is out there raping the system.
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Gooey on August 10, 2005, 08:55:04 PM
oh ya, one more thing...should gun manufactures stop making guns because some my friend wipe criminal commits a robbery with a gun of theirs or shoots someone up?

Please, I make a tool for harvesting sockeye (one that is redilly available at any tackle store), its the users responbsibility to use that tool in an appropriate manner, at an appropriate time. 
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Fish Assassin on August 10, 2005, 10:04:55 PM
Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's be civil here. If FishFreak is using 4 feet leaders, he is hardly flossing considering some people use 12 feet leaders. My .02
Title: Re: Sockeye update for Aug 9th
Post by: Rodney on August 10, 2005, 10:21:46 PM
Thread is temporary locked until the mods have some time to read over what have been posted. Play nice people, we're talking about FISHING, a RECREATIONAL activity that's supposed to make you HAPPY and RELAXED.