Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rodney on March 12, 2005, 01:09:13 AM

Title: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Rodney on March 12, 2005, 01:09:13 AM
Just when you think we have had enough sportfishing-related issues to deal with this year, here's another one for you to tackle:

Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle ( - PDF file

Comments please.
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Sam Salmon on March 12, 2005, 07:10:10 AM
The group opposing the Lead ban is going to have to do a helluva lot better job of promoting their cause than just saying "no it doesn't" and "not it isn't ".
I see no science in their denial just the same bald faced assertions and tired arguments.
The narrow view that the ban won't remove 500 tonnes of lead from the environment is nonsense-it's not meant to.
Now if  the ban stops additional lead from being added to the aquatic environment then it will have achieved it's goal.
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: blueback on March 12, 2005, 12:09:17 PM
Go ahead, ban the lead!! ;D The stuff is toxic, don't even touch it, if possible. Once looked at an area near Campbell river where lots of cannon balls from downriggers were lost (area littered with old lead) and the area was a biological wasteland. 
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Steelhawk on March 12, 2005, 10:57:14 PM
It would be nice if they come up with an alternative that is just as effective to replace lead and not cost a fortune.  I will say, recycle the spark plugs& use it instead. Do they contain lead?   ;D
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Gooey on March 15, 2005, 06:21:20 AM
I am not aware of any "cheap" alternatives to lead.   I am not sure how it would affect us.  Split shot would be out but most times when I fish penci lead, it would be over the 2 cm size suggested in the document.

I wonder how many loons dies from lead poisioning in BC last year anyhow?  Betchya its wasnt a large number.

Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Headstone on March 16, 2005, 01:40:27 AM
Same resistance... moaning and groaning came when lead birdshot was banned.   Hunters insisted steel shot was too hard on the shotgun barrels.  The industry adapted, improvised and overcame and I predict the same will happen with the tackle industry.  We can talk loons all we want, fact of the matter is various waterfowl here in BC are poisoned after ingesting split shot and bird shot (from yesture years).   If you read up on detrimental impact lead causes to your health think about the other creatures... you'll realize its a no brainer.  Why introduce a toxic substance into our (their) equatic eco-system when so many other environmentally friendly substitutes are available?
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: 2:40 on March 16, 2005, 03:44:04 PM
Im definately open to alternatives, and open to bait restrictions so long as they are based on sound science and fact proving a conservation concern.

This includes fishing in a manner that limits the amount of break-offs and snags...  ;)

What does a coil of pencil lead cost these days? I havnt bought one for years.
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Steelhawk on March 16, 2005, 06:29:09 PM
.  Why introduce a toxic substance into our (their) equatic eco-system when so many other environmentally friendly substitutes are available?

So what are these many environmentally friendly substitutes?  Where do we buy them?  I will stop using lead if they are available at a reasonable cost.  That is a no brainer.  I think most environmentally conscious fishermen will do the same.
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: 2:40 on March 16, 2005, 10:18:49 PM
it always boils down to money. They want you to drive environmentall friendly cars, but the dang things cost so much more then regular cars. Steel shot for hunting...more expensive. Can only guess, what ever subsitute for lead weights (sorry birdman) they choose wont be cheap either.

Sure will make guys be careful about their weights getting too close to the rocks!!!
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Gooey on March 17, 2005, 09:14:31 AM
There are alternatives for lead.  Tin Bismuth was one that leads the pack for spinners and jigs.  Problem is that it more expensive pound for pound, I have also been told that it has a high melting temperature hence current production lines would need to be modified (manufacturer's level).

One thing nice about lead is that it si soft.  I already wonder if lead split shot cuts into my mono, a harder material definitely would pinch too much.

This link has a list of alternative: - none of which seem that applicable to me.
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: casinoJim on March 17, 2005, 10:53:42 AM
I am amazed that it took so long for this to become an issue. I for one would support such a ban as when you consider the science of lead in the food chain ...its obvious :o

Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Matuka Jack on March 18, 2005, 09:31:38 AM
Is there any other substance you could make split shots out of?I dont believe my question has been answered.

There are split shots made out of tin.  They have been available for quite sometime now.  Every fly tackle shop have them.
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Matuka Jack on March 18, 2005, 08:58:40 PM
There are tungsten slip sinkers available now.  They are quite a bit more expensive than lead.
I imagine that they will become available if a complete lead ban came to be.  At this time I do not think we have to be concern about larger pieces of lead being ban.  The commercial fishing industry will not allow it. ;) 
Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: dlaw52 on March 20, 2005, 09:15:14 AM
I agree that lead should be banned outright.  In the meantime I have been trying the short floating techniques outlined elsewhere on this website.  The result for me has been fewer losses of my terminal tackle (including the pencil lead) without any noticable change in the number of hook-ups.
As such I consider the purchase of weights to be a minor overall expense in fishing and I am sure it will remain so even if the cost of weights made out of another material are more expensive. 

I will also be pleased when they remove lead from jensen eggs.  I fail to understand why the manufacture of jensen eggs requires lead.  If you lose your terminal tackle and you were fishing with a jensen egg I am sure that something will eventualy eat the egg.  If a steelhead smolt eats it I am certain it will be injurious or fatal for the fish involved.   

Title: Re: Proposed Regulations Restricting Lead Fishing Tackle
Post by: Randog on March 21, 2005, 05:57:35 PM
Good Points Derek, Welcome to the site.