Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fishing Reports => Members' Fishing Reports => Topic started by: chris gadsden on February 02, 2005, 08:04:45 PM

Title: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: chris gadsden on February 02, 2005, 08:04:45 PM
After yesterday's fiasco I was anxious to try and break my 3 week no fish to the beach record and try to improve on a dismal 3 for 15 record. I took bug pumper's suggestion and put on a drennan, a 40 gram one which I thought maybe a bit large as I had to add so much weight to get it to sit at the corect level in the water. It was the replacement for the old Maple Leaf Balsa float that ended its life span on a snag in the Diving Board Run yesterday. ;D

I also took off my old Avon Supreme and put on my other Avon that Nick had loaded up with 12 pound Maxima line at the start of the steelhead season.

Being anxious to get to the flow I got an earlier than usual start and arrived at the DBR at 6:55 and I see the Master's truck there. ??? I knew he was considering going there as he had to take Fred from Dart and Tackle out. As Fred had only 2 hours to fish I decided to leave the run to them even though I was keen to fish it after seeing 2 fish taken there yesterday and my loss there as well. Also I knew where they were laying, right at the tail out of the run.

Lots of time to relocate as 15 minutes to show time so I was off to some uncharted waters. ;D My first stop is a run I fished a year or two ago and I am delighted to see the run even better than before. A few drifts nothing, then float down and once again I am a bit slow to react, no wonder my average is what it is. ::)
My strike once again is half hearted but I feel weight, I see a flash of chrome, a boil, followed by the familar feeling of late, slack as my average is now 3 for 16, disgusted and deflated once again. :'(

Numerous drifts more in the same spot the fish was laying hoping for a second chance so to redeem but the fish had learned his lesson well feeling the pinch of a # 1 gammy. Then all of a suddenl in another part of the run float down, a good strike this time and a small trout is flipping about but of course it also falls off, cannot even land a trout. After 20 minutes of non action move to run number 2, still no one in sight. ;D

When I am fishing this run for no apparent reason I start to think about the Avon reel I just put on last night. It was the reel my late dad who passed away in September had bought for me during a trip he made with my mother many years ago in a trip to England. On his return  he was so proud to have got it for me as he chased all over London for it, finally getting it at the factory where they made them.  I believe it was in Christchurch, Dorset England that he located it.

As I continue to fish this run I also continue to think of my dad and this treasure of a reel he gave me as my eyes brim with emotion as they do now as I type this. :( Life is so short at times so always give that extra hug to your love ones often.

As I try to concentate on the fishing as I know my dad would want me to I see another angler with a fish on and I scramble towards him in hope of a wild for the tube. I must be a real jinx as I arrive at this angler's spot the fish falls off. ::)

As I start moving back up to ther spot of my earlier loss I hook and finally land, yes land a 12 inch rainbow, ;D will this change my luck?

I see up at the old "Hot Spot" a fish being hauled ashore. Is the bite coming on? As the trout I landed had used up my last roe bag even though I have bugs to use they are not producing so I tie up 6 more bags with last year's pro cured coho bait.

I head up river to check things up and run into Dick and Peter who have not seen much happening. I sit on a log and chat to Dick and ask him if there is much water above us a bit. He says "a couple of spots'. Just then another angler walks by us on the right bank with a nice one with its tail dragging on the ground, must be around 14 or so. ;D Dick asks me how many steelhead has the volunteer anglers taken. I say not sure and I tell him I have given the hatchery none. As I want to find out the exact number I phone the Hatchery and talk to Lynne. She gives me a bad time for not tubing any. She tells me that they have 10 females and 3 bucks. We have aways to go to reach the target as they take 35 to 40 of each gender.

Lynne's remarks gets me going so I take Dick's advice and head upstream a bit. I wade a side stream and work a run and bypass another. I run into Stan also on the right side of the river and we have a talk about this year's fishing, we exchange stat's he is 18 for 21 so I am embarrased to say mine. He adds Joe P. has been into 51, but Stan did not say the Joe's landing average is but to hook that many already is impressive. That is a Commercial fisherman for you, always thinking like a fish. ;D

We say our goodbyes and as I reach the little slot I had walked by on the way up I notice a completly sunken log, just off the edge of the water in about 4 to 5 feet of water. I know fish will lay next to these logs for protection. First drift by it, just off to the side of this log most likely brought down by the recent high water the Drennan floats just pass the log, then down it goes, I feel something that I think may be a bite, a branch or whatever, the roe bag is intact. Next cast same spot the Drennan goes down big time, for once I strike like I mean it. This time it is real solid for a split second and then a good sized fish is thrashing on the top of the water as it heads mid river. Finally I have a fish on for more than a few seconds, yes.  ;D The fish sulks in the heavy current and for a bit I think it may have tangled into a root or something. I apply a little pressure and off the bar of chrome goes, downstream in a big hurry. Peter by this time has come up to take in the action. This happy angler is pleased to tell him this is the longest I have had a fish on in some time. Just then my cell phone rings deep in my pocket. I know it will be Nick checking in or did he know I had a fish finally on. ;D I hand the phone to Peter but by the time he figures it out it stops ringing. By now I see the fish is a hatchery and it surrenders to my urging as I slip it ashore to end a losing streak of about 10 in a row. Needless to say I will take this 12 to 13 pound doe. Dick had gone before I had hooked it so I did not have a chance to thank him for the tip. ;D

I phone Nick and I tell him the story and he says "finally got one hey". He tells me he lost one in the DBR and I should also have thanked him for going there as it made me go to where I got the fish. ;D ;D

Stan then slips by, still on the other side of the river and on seeing my fish he says "now you have to stop fishing" which I answer that I am more than happy to do with the monkey now off my back.

I fill out my license and proudly start my mile walk back to the Leaf Mobile fish in tow. I pass many other anglers asking all the regular questions, were, what on etc.. I then run into Bill who got the one in the DBR yesterday and he tells me his son Steve when cleaning his fish also from the DBR he found a bug in its stomack. Steve wondered if it might have been mine. ::) Did I miss another fish I did not even know about? That is past history no need to worry now as the curse has been broken, finally.

I then run into Dave and Richard who had found nothing so far after they had got into 2 yesterday that I forgot to mention in yesterday's report.

I head to Riverside to weight in the fish and Brad pulls in behind me so I am happy to display my hatchery to him as I will be collecting for the second year in a row on our bet for the first hatchery. I will enjoy a breakfast on him, I think I will drag him to Cookies of course. ;D The fish hits the scales at 13 even. Brad snaps a couple of pictures of me with my first hatchery of the season. I also take some with just the fish, the luckly Drennan and the Avon dad had bought for me.

It was then off to a Chilliwack River Action Committee meeting to discuss the Tolmie Slide and the program for repair of this slide for 2005.

O yes, Brad just phoned and he wishes me to post he found a rod and reel today at Tamahi. He can be reached at 604-819-0007 and describe your lost outfit to him.

Excuse the spelling errors etc. in this report, will fix later as off to badminton. Rodney will post a picture later I believe and maybe correct the spelling and grammer. ;D

This ends todays fishing journal and a losing streak I have never that long for a long time.

I thank dad as I am sure he was watching from above cheering me on today as I played this trophy of a steelhead and saying "son it was about time you put that Avon reel back on, after all I spent a good part of a day in England finding it for you."


Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: BigFisher on February 02, 2005, 08:23:43 PM
You got one!. Are you joking, did that guy hook into 51 or so steelys already? Thats amazing. Dont forget to post that picture.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: summersteel on February 02, 2005, 08:26:05 PM
Allright!!!!  Way to go Chris, I knew the drennen would break the curse. Now don't go re curseing yourself by putting another Balsa float back on! LOL I always use the smaller drennens myself. Are you going to post the picture?
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Steelhawk on February 02, 2005, 08:45:45 PM
Congratulation Chris. Like I said yesterday, the fishing gods will load you up with hatcheries before you know it. You have done so much for the river and the fish, so you deserve to keep a prized trophy. Way to go.  I am still trying to figure out these hot runs of the lower river. What side you guys usually fish from?   ;D
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Rodney on February 02, 2005, 09:29:15 PM
Chris' fish from today


Very nice. :)
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: 2:40 on February 02, 2005, 09:48:13 PM
Beak-o be gone.  ;D

Nicely done, good report.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: BigFisher on February 02, 2005, 09:50:46 PM
Ok, so all i have to do is find those same rocks in the background and the fish are somewhere Near. Nice Fish.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Trout Slayer on February 02, 2005, 09:54:03 PM
Nicely done Chris.

Thanks for the read.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Steelhead King on February 02, 2005, 10:35:27 PM
Nice one Chris.. You luck should change from now on!!!  goodluck fishing
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: chris gadsden on February 02, 2005, 11:18:24 PM
Chris   wrong # for Riverwatcher,   good job,  glad to see your using hooks again with shrp points,  will be there Thursday also
He gave me his cell number and I think I had it correct.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Bantam_50 on February 03, 2005, 12:56:03 AM
Nice chrome Chris...well done....finally  :P
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Fish Assassin on February 03, 2005, 01:03:40 AM
Chris   wrong # for Riverwatcher,   good job,  glad to see your using hooks again with shrp points,  will be there Thursday also
He gave me his cell number and I think I had it correct.

Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Athezone on February 03, 2005, 05:29:31 AM
Good going Chris, its great to see you get that monkey off your back because if any one on FWR deserves a fish it's you. You put in countless hours helping many causes of this sport, you write wonderful reports for us to read and learn from and you also spend hour after hour on the river doing what you love to do. Plus, you're an honest to goodness, good guy. Congratulations! :D Now that
the fish God's have spoken you'll probably go 15 for 18 in the next month.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Fishin Freak on February 03, 2005, 07:29:02 AM
How do we know this fish isn't someone elses or from a while back  ;D? Good job Chris!
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: fishersak on February 03, 2005, 08:43:09 AM


Oh, btw, you keep talking about Cookies....all that free advertising has peaked my interest...where is it, we will try it next time. 
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: ahans on February 03, 2005, 08:47:21 AM
Nice fish Chris  :), Congrats.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Sterling C on February 03, 2005, 11:06:35 AM
Ok, so all i have to do is find those same rocks in the background and the fish are somewhere Near. Nice Fish.

Remeber how Rodney did that all fall with his coho. It took me until yesterday to figure out where he was fishing.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: BigFisher on February 03, 2005, 05:47:53 PM
The rivers totally changed. Fished Behind On-WAY-store saw nothing, touched nothing and left with nothing. Still looking for my first.....
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: chris gadsden on February 03, 2005, 06:39:48 PM
The rivers totally changed. Fished Behind On-WAY-store saw nothing, touched nothing and left with nothing. Still looking for my first.....
Do not get discouraged as it takes time sometimes to get that first steelhead but once you hook that first one you will be hooked for life.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: chris gadsden on February 03, 2005, 06:47:14 PM


Oh, btw, you keep talking about Cookies....all that free advertising has peaked my interest...where is it, we will try it next time. 
It is on Old Yale West just east of Lickman Road, just before HY Louies. It is on the North side of Yale. Open 5:30 am to 3pm every day but Sunday, breakfast to 11.

Tell them Chris sent them and you are a fisherman and get the best of service. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: marshal on February 04, 2005, 02:41:03 PM
Congrats on the fish, Chris.  Your posts are a most worthwhie read.

...It was the replacement for the old Maple Leaf Balsa float that ended its life span on a snag in the Diving Board Run yesterday. ;D

I don't recognize the name of this run. With all the changes to the river, and the fact I haven't been able to get out yet this season, where is this run?
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: chris gadsden on February 04, 2005, 04:05:57 PM
Congrats on the fish, Chris.  Your posts are a most worthwhie read.

...It was the replacement for the old Maple Leaf Balsa float that ended its life span on a snag in the Diving Board Run yesterday. ;D

I don't recognize the name of this run. With all the changes to the river, and the fact I haven't been able to get out yet this season, where is this run?
I got reprimanded severly a few weeks ago as I was told on the forum I gave a way a "secret" spot on the Vedder which I believe there is no such thing on this river. I told this person that fact and everyone knows I fish from the Vedder Crossing area down 90% of the time as I do not enjoy fishing the top part in Fulcrum Country. ;D There is nothing wrong at all fishing up there as it is a personal choice on the types of water different anglers like to angle in.

I was taught most of my river fishing from the Master in the 70's and it was instilled in me the lower is the area to fish in so that has stuck with me for some unknown reason other than you have fresh fish coming in there all of the time and a lot of them have not seen a bait. This morning Nick and I saw the dirty water at Lickman (a hint for you  ;D) and there was no talk to head up river where we could of fished, instead we go to Cookies for lunch. ;D

I may be avoiding answering your direct question but the best is if you like to fish the lower part park anywhere and just start walking and exploring. As water levels rise and fall nearly daily good fishing areas will come an go as will the fish that you are sure to catch.  ;D ;D Enjoy and hope this helps you find a fish or two.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: marshal on February 04, 2005, 08:54:59 PM
I don't usually see names of runs in your well written posts (understandable).... so when you named the DB run, I assumed it was a well known run (you know, like Rangers, On the Way, etc.)  It wasn't my intention to ask you to take the big risk  ;) of naming names........

Thanks for your reply and as I haven't been able to get out for SH yet, your posts are most welcome.   :D
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Fish Assassin on February 04, 2005, 09:07:33 PM
Chris, I wouldn't worry about what others think or say. There is no secret spot on the Vedder or any other rivers. Matter of whether the fisherman is too lazy to walk or hike to these more inaccessible spots.
Title: Re: Home Early Today Because...... Vedder Report, Feb. 2
Post by: Bantam_50 on February 05, 2005, 12:48:28 AM
Well....I believe I've got the best advise for most neophytes checking these boards looking for that 'secret hole or killer technique.'   ??? You say!

You'll find yourself chasing more unknowns, than discovery the answers by trial and error YOURSELF. Is there a secret spot on the Vedder?...sure there is.  :D  As with every other river one angles. There's a difference from being successful to being frustrates (due to lack of results)'s called finding that secret spot.

"But that's what I keep asking here" your reply. The answer lies in YOU finding that secret spot. Every successful angler posting on these fishing boards has FOUND a secret spot. Maybe not the same spot as someone else but they think of it as a secret spot because they were able to do everything right and hook a fish.

So with all the good free advise that is being offered....short-floating, roe bags, submerged logs, tail out of runs, hooks, line ect ect....arm yourself with this overwhelming powerkeg of info and enjoy becoming one who can post a report with a SECRET SPOT.  ;D

If you still need added help....I'm on the river Sunday. Blue Explorer, black STH hat, Camo vest and blue neo's. I can show you all kinds of's up to you to make them a SECRET. ;D

btw - Did I mention that I'm also free for breaky at the PV. On you. :P