Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: Simon2 on November 10, 2004, 12:27:42 PM

Title: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Simon2 on November 10, 2004, 12:27:42 PM
I was wondering if anyone here has actually eaten a boot (salmon)?  What does it taste like? 
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on November 10, 2004, 12:33:22 PM
I havent but I imagine it probably actually tastes like a dirty roten boot....
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Gooey on November 10, 2004, 02:06:51 PM
in my earlier years I have taken less than desirable fish and its an absolute waste.  The flesh gets pale and almost falls apart ... in your mouth after chewed on for a second its like a bunch of wood chips, dry and tasteless. And that was a coho...dont even think about it for a spring!

I have bonked chum and coho that were not good enough for the bbq but seasoned up nicely for salmon jerky.  that said these were not boot fish either semi clean, semi colored.

hope this post save you wasting some fish!
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Rieber on November 10, 2004, 02:28:05 PM
I remember my first year targeting Coho. I took one home that pretty coloured, not full red but non the less, today I'd call it a tomato. The meat was opaque and tasted old, bland, musty. I didn't really know what to expect and after tasting it, I felt bad that I killed it. A couple of years ago I ended up taking a Coho that started to get that purplish hue to it and it too tasted old. My son was with me when we killed that fish and we both turned off by its taste. I'll never kill another salmon that's not chrome. My 8-year old son says the same so I'm glad at least, that he's already come to appreciate that killing a fresh salmon for the table is a special privelage that we have by living in the Lower Mainland and the only way he's going to keep that privelage is by people protecting the spawning salmon.
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Spudcote on November 10, 2004, 04:12:27 PM
A boot tastes like what it looks like...

Some of them are more vegetative than meat anyways with the amount of fungus on them.

My dad and I took a coho from the cap a few years ago that was purplish, this was when we were just getting into salmon fihsing and thought that the cap was the only salmon river in the general area (kinda funny when I think about it now). Apparently it tasted pretty bad and we both recieved a hard time from mum for bringing it home, also felt guilty for taking the life of a crap-tasting pre-spawning fish.
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Oliver on November 10, 2004, 06:02:57 PM
One year when I was living the poor life I kept a couple old pinks and a couple purple barred monsters later on. I had to scrounge hooks off the river bank and cut apart my socks for some red wool, really. I was piss poor and starving but I wasn't going to stoop to snagging fish. Anyways, they tasted like crap but at the time, I didn't really care. True story.
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Jonny 5 on November 10, 2004, 07:50:12 PM
Once I drank a glass of bleach thinking it was water.  It wasn't very tasty.   :-X but I don't think that boot would tast much better.
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Rodney on November 10, 2004, 08:00:40 PM
But if you bleach the boots and then smoke them.......... ;)
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: clarki on November 10, 2004, 09:20:03 PM
Just soak the fillets in milk...

My buddy has taken a colleague from work out on a few occasions. His colleague hails fom eastern Europe, kills the skankiest chum you can find, and swears that soaking the fillets in milk helps.

And just when I thought olive and lemon was a good marinade.
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: TtotheE on November 10, 2004, 11:53:27 PM
Actually,  a friend of mine did this with some black bass.  Claims that the milk will get rid of the "stink".  Not just a fisherman's tale  ;)
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Fish Assassin on November 11, 2004, 12:29:30 AM
Soaking calf's liver in milk also gets rid of the smell. It's true
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: Hohummm on November 11, 2004, 08:27:28 AM
Wrap them in a plaster made from hay-fed cow manure. Bake for about 2 hours on a low temperature. In a pit works best, but a barbeque will do (just don't cook it in the house!). Crack open the plaster (should be quite hard). Throw away the fish. Makes the manure taste not half-bad!
Title: Re: Anyone eaten a "boot"?
Post by: aquaboy24 on November 11, 2004, 11:27:47 AM
hey Clarki..I think I have seen your work friend, and a few of his "comrades" at work on the Stave.