Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fishing Reports => Members' Fishing Reports => Topic started by: chris gadsden on October 07, 2004, 03:37:50 PM

Title: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: chris gadsden on October 07, 2004, 03:37:50 PM
Starting to sound like a broken record but Gwyn and I came up empty today again. :-[

 We arrived at 6:30am but 6 fellows had the same idea as us and were heading up to the spot we had hoped to fish. So instead of getting trampled in a stampede we decided to reload our equipment into the trucks and drive to the head of the Vedder Canal.

We had the spot to ourselves but maybe that should have told us something as there was no fish there either, so we were once again on the move to hot spot #3, Gwyn's choice this time. ;D

About 10 other anglers there and as we moved to the top of the line of mostly liners we only saw one jack coho laying in the sand.

We both had a few take downs in the 45 minutes we were there but they mostly likely were smolts of some sort as we could not make any solid contact.

A few fish were showing themselves but not as many as there should be at this time of year.

 I mentioned  to Gwyn if breakfast would be more interesting than this futile attempt to break my fishless streak and he agreeded if I do the  buying. ::)

 We break down our rods admitting defeat once again as we pick our way past the now disminished line of also dejected anglers with the lone jack still the only fish on the beach.

During breakfast we had to admit to several inquires on how our fishing was going, or not going.

After we have a good and filling breakfast of eggs, hot cakes, farmers sausage and 4 cups of coffee Gwyn decides to head home.

To escape work on the renovations at home I decide to do some exploring and walk from Lickman Road to Peach Road on the Rotary Trail side but find no water to my liking. Found a couple of floats and 5 beer cans so the walk was not a total loss and good exercise after that hearty breakfast.

Long linning going on big time just above Lickman and saw about 5 or 6 springs and chum hooked on the way up and on the walk back, all foul hooked.

Stopped for 5 minutes on the way back and watched the show, and wondered what enjoyment they were getting out of hooking fish this way.  The fellows there shouted with excitement each time they made contact with all parts of the fish's anatomy with more losses than landed.

It is always good for a giggle or two as a fish on meant on more than one occassions they had a couple of other anglers from the far side on as well as the fish with tangled lines and floats. They seem to take it all in stride.

Should take the video camera down one day and get a clip for America's Funnest Video's.

Leaving the show behind I am interviewed by the creel survey person at the parking lot and she has checked very few fish since daylight including only 2 coho. Her report made me feel a little better.

I head for KWB for a look see and more foul hooked fish including one angler I had to remind to release his chum hooked in the dorsal fin after he had another angler net for him. I had to inform them as well to not bring it up on the beach to take out the hook.

So much education is needed for these new anglers.

He mumbled something about others taking fouled hooked fish yesterday, because of all the illegal netting that was going on, this was his reasoning.

I said that does not make it allright for sports anglers to take foul hooked fish as I left  him to untangle the buck's teeth from the net.

Checking the watch it was 12:30 and time to head home and hope for better days ahead, they can not get much worse.

As I tell Lew, after each cast you are always one cast closer to a fish, hopefully it will be tomorow, even if it means I have to head to Rodney's hot spot. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: The Gilly on October 07, 2004, 04:27:20 PM
Oh well, at least it didn't rain on you! ::)

I watched a great progran on the knowlegde network last night in Williams Lake.  It was about a native guy showing his son about the river and the fish.  All about the history of his people (Chilcotin).  He fishes the same spot as his father and his before etc. etc.  They dip net they same way they used to.  The only modern equipment is a safety harness secured to the rocks and a synthetic net (built into his homemade frame).  The program was sure interesting and positive.  A nice change from what went on this summer.
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 07, 2004, 07:19:49 PM
So much for your preaching about keeping your teabags dry :D
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: pepsitrev on October 07, 2004, 07:26:38 PM
glad ya made it across safe and sound and yep safety first fish second :D :D
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Athezone on October 07, 2004, 09:38:38 PM
I can't say thanks to just one person posting when I've read lot's of posts and learned many things. So Thank's to Everyone on this site. :).
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: TrophyHunter on October 07, 2004, 09:52:15 PM
I was out on the river with Norm at first light this morning
and we had better results than most, Norm landed a beauty wild coho at least 10 lbs , I also had a gorgeous though not as big wild to the shore and I lost a sweet 5-6 lb hatchery, we also hooked into several springs, after we moved from our first spot I got into 5 springs one after the other and then that was it, we moved once more ,Norm got a nice spring and I got nadda.
seems as though the numbers are down quite a bit from last year,  we should be at a peak for salmon right now but the fish just don't seem to be there
anyways I'm off to Calgary for the weekend and I'll be back on Monday. Is anyone looking for a fishing partner on Tuesday or Wednesday or both?? I have both days off but all my fishing buddies will be working, message me if you wanna go
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Matuka Jack on October 07, 2004, 10:12:52 PM
Fished from approximately 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM above the Vedder BR. 
3 hookup 3 landed. 1 chum, 1 wild coho and 1 hatchery coho.   They are all caught by dead floating technique. The hatchery coho is approximately 12.5 lbs. This is the largest coho I ever caught on the Vedder. It was a good afternoon fishing, I get to keep 1.  I would have stayed till 6 but, I attracted people and it became crowded.
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: 2:40 on October 07, 2004, 10:57:24 PM
Fished the mid-lower this morning before work.  Saw a small school of coho working up the shallows.  One was either a tank coho or small spring.
Two burials of my float prompted the only two motions of my rod all morning whilst engaged in short floating.  ;)

Soon people...soon it must pick up!!!

Fulcrum, who happily still walks among us, might be right...some rain to shake things up please!!
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: funruh on October 08, 2004, 12:21:10 AM
Glad to hear you're okay.  Sometimes I scare myself just looking at spots I would like to get to.

How big a rain dance should we do?  I don't want last year all over again.

Let's remember to bring out our garbage.  I picked up a whole bag the other day, people started feeling guilty and helped pitch in.  After this little garbage cleaning comraderie, right in front of me this guy takes his float off his line, looks at it and throws it in the river. >:(

Definite OFFSIDE!!

nuf said
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: MERC on October 08, 2004, 01:42:54 AM
Fulcrum: good thing you didn't fall in...would've damage some nice cigars, I bet!  More importantly you're safe.   Thickrick: I've got Tuesday off but am still iffy if I can go.  If I can get a definite confirmation, I will pm you.  Chris:  you'll get a fish, you always do.  On the other hand, if you had an enjoyable day it's never a wasted day.  Still, it's always nice to get that particular monkey off your back.  I still haven't got my first coho  yet either but I still have a good time fishing so what the heck.  Let's hope for some more rain, but not too much.
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Aurora on October 08, 2004, 06:28:00 AM
Got to our first spot at mid river at about 7am to find it was crowded.  Must have been over 20 people in that area.  So my buddy heads to a quieter place and I as usual follow because he is showing me the ropes.  After a discouraging 30 minutes or so I start wandering about looking for other opportunities.  Eventually he convinces me to join the crowd.  I usually avoid these situations but decided to join him.

After a little more wandering about around the crowd my buddy comes across a school of fishing holding and no one was fishing there.  He calls me over and away we go.  We stayed there for the rest of the day watching wave after wave of fish come and go.  Maybe they were just the same group moving up and down.  Every once in a while you would see a spooked fish ripping downstream. 

I wasn't having much success until someone beside me offered some advice regarding what to use as a lure and even offered me some of his.  Soon after, Fish On :D!!!!  Sorry I can't share with you what I used because he swore me to secrecy. :-X

Eventually my buddy and I got our limit, first time that ever happened to me.  :)
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: dennisK on October 08, 2004, 07:06:40 AM
??They are all caught by dead floating technique"??

what is it?
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Koho on October 08, 2004, 08:05:03 AM
Glad you made it fine Fulcrum.  Would not want to read about you or anyone on this board being a victim on the river in the morning newspaper. 

Chris: you'll get your first coho after all this rain, and good to hear about you informing the guy about the foul hooked fish. 
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Matuka Jack on October 08, 2004, 09:03:02 AM
dennisk, dead floating technique is covered int the following article:
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: chris gadsden on October 08, 2004, 09:05:07 AM
Nice fish Matuka Jack. In nearly 30 years of fishing the Vedder I have only caught one that big out of hundred's of coho I have landed.

Maybe this year if I can catch a coho, that is. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: The Gilly on October 08, 2004, 09:11:40 AM
Lets all be carefull on the river, we don't want to revise the "DEAD FLOATING TECHNIQUE".  Glad you made it Fulcrum.  I refused to wade across the Chehalis and watched 3 of my freinds all go down on the way across.  They all made it, but wet and cold.  2 of them still do it, but my best freind now likes his tea bags dry.  Some people won't learn.
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: Matuka Jack on October 08, 2004, 11:20:58 AM
Thanks Chris.  This is why I still think that I had an excellent day --even thogh I got crowded out.  I think you are due to be catching some of those bright chrome cohos.  Best of luck to you next fishing trip.
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: habzrule on October 08, 2004, 02:57:51 PM
Careful all...we don't need to lose anyone else to this 'extreme fishing' sport. If you fall in and drown, the fish win.  They are down there looking up and saying "c'mon pansy, cross that log" or "c'mon jamtart, try wading over here", to try and bait us into going under.  We'll it's us vs. them.  By the amount of fish I've caught this year some may accuse me of playing for the other team...but rest assured I'm gonna bonk one of those little bassturds the second I get the chance.  It's war.

Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: habzrule on October 08, 2004, 03:00:03 PM
btw matuka Jack, that is an awesome fish!!
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: chris gadsden on October 09, 2004, 08:44:14 AM
chris,  i know u fish a lot,   u should have zero problem finding coho in the vedder,   go to peach   get there early and fish the upper run on the bank with roe    coho skunk will be over
Thanks very much for the tip but I believe this is a very populated fishing area so will stick to my old stomping grounds as the fish will come sooner or later. I hope. ;D
Title: Re: Oct. 7th Skunked Again On The Vedder
Post by: pepsitrev on October 09, 2004, 09:11:36 AM
use the force chris and the fish will come to you. ;) ;) ;D ;D