Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: bigguy on September 26, 2004, 09:52:14 PM

Title: Weirdest?
Post by: bigguy on September 26, 2004, 09:52:14 PM
Would be interested in hearing some comments regarding the weirdest way that you have pulled in a fish!  For me it was on the Fraser, hooking my first Fraser spring.  After fighting for 10 minutes or so I finally pulled him into some dead water down at the scale bar.  I could see two bouncing betties!!!  Well to make it short my hook was hooked in the swivel of another bouncing bettie which was still hooked in the mouth of the spring!  Now was that a legal catch?????  I did keep it, and it tasted so good! 
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: Joe Fish on September 26, 2004, 10:02:28 PM
Mine was last year at Buntzen on the dock.  I was sharing the dock that day with about 3 or 4 other guys, and suddenly me and one other guy got bites at the same time.  Well, we're both really excited and are reeling in like crazy when we realize that the fish took both our Power Egg offerings (I guess we cast into pretty much the same spot so they were next to one another). Well, I had 10 pound test and he had 6 lb., so when it was time to start pulling it in by the dock, his line snapped before mine did.  He was pretty good natured about it and let me have it.  When I was cleaning it, we discovered that it had taken my entire hook and two eggs deep down its throat and his was up in the lip.  Weirdest catch I've ever had.
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: bigguy on September 26, 2004, 10:06:33 PM
Pocession goes to the deepest hook! ;)
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: FishiN AddicT on September 26, 2004, 10:17:47 PM
Hey BigGuy.....i did the same thing on the Vedder.  I didn't hook on a betty, but my line somehow tangled on another line that had a spring on it.  It almost looked like i hooked on the fish, until i saw the end of my hook ???  I didn't keep the fish cuz i thought it wasn't a fair catch.  

Another time at Laidlaw......i hooked on a "BIG" fish.  Boy was it tugging and i couldn't get it to come in.  After a few minutes, i started walking it down the river, yelling "fish on".  From a distance.....i see another person fighting a fish.   Now i'm getting closer to this guy, thinking maybe we caught each other's line.  It felt like i was in a tug a war.  Anyways.....finally the fish surfaces and takes a  leap out of the water.  To our amaze....we didn't tangle on each other's line, but hooked on the same sockeye in the mouth.  At the end....the sockeye won the fight and escaped.  Maybe that was the best for all of us......i wouldn't want to know what might have happened if we landed this fish  ::) ::) ;D
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: bigguy on September 26, 2004, 10:23:25 PM
Hey Assasin, I think it takes more talent to catch fish our way!!! ;)  but i do wonder if it is legal! 
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: flyguy44 on September 27, 2004, 05:19:14 AM
While steelheadig the vedder one day with a local I called Felix the roofer. he hooked a fish after a minute or two it snapped off above the float. while he was tying up I hooked a fish , it was his Steelhead he quickly ran over and grabbed his line off my hook and played this fish with his bare hands getting it to shore only to lose it there

  It was like watching Fred Flinstone :) :)
   I don't see him out there anymore too bad
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: Koho on September 27, 2004, 08:38:32 AM
While fishing as a kid, I once caught a 3" stickleback on a worm.  I think it was at Rolley Lake, I can't remember.  Notice I didn't write 'hooked' as it was not hooked at all.  The stickleback had bit on the dangling worm tail and as I retrieved the line, it didn't let go.  It was an interesting looking fish and was an easy CnR.
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: The Gilly on September 27, 2004, 09:20:05 AM
I was 8 or 9 years old, fishing with my dad in the canoe on Duffy Lake near Kamloops.  My dad hooks a nice sized fish.  Big for Duffy (3lbs.).  The fish manages to break off my dad's line and take his favorite flat fish with him.  First time I heard my dad curse  :o  Moments (seconds) later, I get a bite and the fight is on.  It's the biggest fish I've ever had on.  I get it to the boat and dad nets it :D  Well, I didn't really hook it.  My line was wrapped arround it's gills a hundred times.  I guess I should have pulled my line in when dad hooked his fish ???  My dad bonked it, and we smoked it with the rest of the catch.  To top it all off, my dad's favorite flat fish was still in it's mouth.  He gave it to me and said that it was finders keepers.  I was shocked :o  His favorite flat fish :o  I gave it to him for Christmas ;D
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: Koho on September 27, 2004, 11:12:51 AM
Also landed a nice sized 14" flounder at the mouth of the Cap.  I caught it while jigging and retrieving a 2.5" buzz bomb meant for salmon.  ???  :o
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: pinkwool on September 27, 2004, 12:13:47 PM
Here is my version of a double hooked fish, a mixture of bigguy's and FishiN AddicT's stories.

It was good old times on the Scale Bar. I had a blast that day and hooked  :o :o  8  :o :o Springs in a row. As you might guess did not land any, as they were pulling the line out and, every time I followed down the river, the line got tangled on the HUGE snag (somebody told me it was a car body). One of the times I walked down with the "SPRING ON" some guy said he regrets he left his video camera at home. Imagine forcing 50 guys out of the water 8 times in a row  :o :o :o.
Anyway, this is not the story, the entree is here. Now, the guy up the river walks down with the spring, and I was slow in pulling my line out and got the FISH ON too. Quickly I realised it was the same fish. This time we both reeled in and the Spring did not have a chance to go behind the snag. Down below, I pulled harder and my hook left the fish and I said "I'm off". This guy now battles the fish himself and his line BREAKS OFF without the betty. And I, suddenly realised, still have that fish on. In a few seconds the Spring was beached, and my hook was in this guy's swivel. He asked for his gear back and allowed me to keep the fish, which was a beauty 25 lb white Spring.
I was so exited for the remainder of that day, and did not realised how quickly I got the fisheries warning for not putting the fish into my licence (I almost had the pen in my hands when this lady appeared from nowhere).
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: CAPTAIN BONK on September 27, 2004, 12:32:38 PM
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: lucky on September 27, 2004, 06:11:17 PM
while fishing off a peir on lake erie when I was younger, I hooked into a small perch and as I was reeling in a huge northern pike about 3 and a half feet long comes up from bottom and engulfs the perch I had almost landed. It suprised the heck out of me but i pulled hard on the rod and my buddy quickly scooped it up in a net. we tied the fish from one end of my bmx's handlebars to the other in order to get the fish home, got some strange looks as we peddled through town with a fish tied to the front of my bike
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: kellya on September 27, 2004, 06:48:54 PM
A small coho cut itself up on someones engine in the port ablerni canal. I netted the half dead fish but after looking at its mangled head i threw it back. I also saw a flasher swim by while fighting a 30 pound spring. ignored it and caught my fish. Latter that trip the next day the some hooligans had all the rods up and they were doing a bunch of uies with the net out???????? ??? Idiots goofin off. they stop and continue fishing. Then a see a flasher going along shore!!!!!!! thats what they were doin. Up comes the gear. The fish was so tired it couldnt keep the flasher under water. It was a monster easy 40. I get the flasher in the net and the fish gets a second life and dives. Almost pulls me in. We wait for him to resurface. He surfaces but i was not happy. He was in the mouth of a sea lion. &(&^(%^&$%   >:(  We continue fishing!
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: Bone Cross on September 27, 2004, 08:53:12 PM
Well last year I was fishing grassy bar and this guy hooks onto a sockeye and well I hooked what I thought to be another fish but then later realized it was the same fish. I seen him hook into it before me so I gave it some slack but kept my line tight just incase I had the fish in the mouth to. Well when the fish came within ten yards of shore the guy broke his line and low and behold I still had the fish on so I pull the fish on the beach and me as well was hooked onto this guys swivel. Well before I had the chance to do anything the guy runs over takes my hook out of his gear and runs back to his boat with the fish. I had no idea what to do. This was my first time ever sockeye fishing and this guy stole my fish. Was it my fish?

Another story happened on the Alouette river 4 years ago fishing for coho. A buddy and I were chucking crocs and we snagged each other hook to hook. well we realized what was going on when a coho grabs our lures. We were nearly falling over laughing so hard. We could barely believe this fish grabbed both of our lures. Unfortunatly the battle only lasted a few seconds and he was back on his spawning route.
Title: Re: Weirdest?
Post by: summersteel on September 27, 2004, 09:17:03 PM
I was fishing the scalebar and got a sockeye on. As I was was getting it near shore GOOEY was fishing beside me. The lazy bugger was carelessly leaveing his leader in the water while fiddeling with his drag, sure enough his hook snagges my leader, his hook follows my leader down into the fishes mouth. While I'm giving him heck about this my fish tosses my hook!! Now Gooey's got my fish on which is now totally played out, he lands it and keeps it!