Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: kellya on August 30, 2004, 06:31:44 PM

Title: salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on August 30, 2004, 06:31:44 PM
I want to work at a fishing resort and i have no clue where to start someone must know something? How old do you have to be and how much experience do you need? i have fished for 8 years on vancouver island but am only 15 years old <_<  thanks if anyone can help :D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Fish Assassin on August 30, 2004, 07:14:28 PM
I think it's a little late for this year. For next year, I would suggest you start sending out your resume in March, April to the various fishing resorts.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on August 30, 2004, 07:43:01 PM
I started work at a lodge when I was 15, I'm 16 now and just ended my second season. March, April is usually too late as they have hired most of the staff. As far as experience is concerned, I had been in Vancouver for 2 years and landed my first salmon about a year before by the time I had the job, so fishing experience is not all that much important as a good work ethic, and be able to back up this ethic. This is not the same if you intend on being a guide though, you need as much fishing experience as possible, but just about no one guides full time at the age of 15, I guided a few guests last year with some results. At your age, you would most likely be a deck-hand, that's what I am and was last year too. It's pretty good, get to go fishing quite a bit in pristine wilderness locations and paid to do it !!!

Also, you need to decide if you want to be at a salt-water resort, or fresh-water. I chose salt because that is where I've fished the most oin the past, and I just like the ocean (not to say one type is better than the other). Stick with something that you are more experienced in, this is because guests will be asking you questions constantly and you need to be able to answer them, and not just BS your way through it.

The most important thing you need is to be is mentally strong as well physically strong, the work you would be doing can be quite draining, but at the same time, living in isolation for a few months can hurt too. I've done this for 2 seasons and have no regrets. It's a great way to spend a summer, especially at your age, make some money, catch some fish, meet some really cool people.

Hope it helps, and tell me what lodge you end up at if get into one.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Bantam_50 on August 30, 2004, 07:55:14 PM
Kellya here's one link....Just use Google and keep applying.

Good Luck.

btw- Spudcote you lucky DAWG!  :P
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: DaN ThE MaN on August 30, 2004, 11:36:34 PM
spudcote wat resort do u work at?
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on August 31, 2004, 03:57:37 AM
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on August 31, 2004, 07:23:32 AM
Thats so cool yah i wasnt expecting to really guide at least not for a couple years i just love being around the ocean and fishing!!!!! Spudcote were do you live? and does the resort just fly you there?how much do you make(not really important) and do they give you all your acommidations/meals free?
oh yah and i would definatly be at a saltwater resort! i liiiiive on the water and on out in it every day in fact im goin 2 set a prwan trap in a minute ;D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on August 31, 2004, 11:15:41 AM
I live in Vancouver, and they just fly me up there when I can go, and fly me back just before school starts, I was there for 8 weeks this year. Food and accomadation is deducted from your pay, but is not a significant amount.

Do you have any ideas about where you would like to go, or what resort ?
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on August 31, 2004, 04:26:57 PM
That sounds great how much typically would you make a month im curios. a friend of ours own a resort and i emailed hom about working there ;D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: DaN ThE MaN on August 31, 2004, 07:07:54 PM
i think next season im goin to head up to langara... :)
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on August 31, 2004, 08:03:20 PM
I sent an email to langara earlyer today asking what the minimum age requirement was but i havent got a response ???
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Rodney on August 31, 2004, 08:32:25 PM
Don't expect a reply so fast, they can be rather lay back on the cyber space when there are big fish to catch. 8) You seem pretty keen, but don't forget you still have half a year before next season rolls around so take your time. When Steelhead King from the forum gets back from Langara, you can ask him more questions about it as he has been working up there for two seasons now.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on August 31, 2004, 09:37:07 PM
Thanks rodney i will do that do you when he gets back? october? ???
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Rodney on August 31, 2004, 09:37:52 PM
He'll be back on September 11th. I'll remind him to read this.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 01, 2004, 07:02:35 AM
ok that sounds great. since i have been fishing so long and getting up at 5 i cant sleep in :'( i woke up at 545 yesterday and 600 today and then i have my after fishing nap at noon ;D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: DragonSpeed on September 01, 2004, 07:19:01 AM
LOL - starting to sound like an old man :D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 01, 2004, 08:07:56 AM
Hey spudcote
I looked at the website for you lodge and its soooooooo nice. Should i apply for there do you know if they are and if so when?
ps did u see that 77 lber?
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: The Gilly on September 01, 2004, 08:08:06 AM
That's not funny DS.  That's my life :P
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 01, 2004, 08:38:41 AM
 I emailed langara and they do not accept highschool students :'( but i think i will try QCL
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: The Gilly on September 01, 2004, 09:04:00 AM
Tell them that you dropped out. ;)

Find out who the Lodge Manager is and call him direct.  They'll tell you to call someone else and then you can say that you talked to "?" and he/she recommended that you discuss employment with them.  It never hurts to be able to name drop even if you don't realy know them.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 01, 2004, 10:04:36 AM
ok thanks for the advice
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on September 01, 2004, 10:41:46 AM
Hey Kellya, I never saw the 77 lber last year, but I was the first person to see the 76 lber this year. I work on the Driftwood, and it was caught by a guest on the Driftwood. He brought it into the DW at about 8:30, I didn't trust myself to weigh it on a moving boat, so we sent it into the lodge to be weighed.

As for applying, QCL recieves a lot of applications, so you might as well submit it early, but the season isn't even over yet, leave it maybe 3 more weeks, or so, and then apply.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Sam Salmon on September 01, 2004, 11:45:54 AM
I was on the Driftwood years ago-a great old ship it is.
Right there in the grounds no running back & forth-sometimes a person can literally catch Coho off the back deck.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on September 01, 2004, 12:05:49 PM
Hey Sam, in a 45 minute period, fishing two rods off of the back deck, we caught 3 springs, 4 coho, and a 24 lb hali, and that was anchored at bird rock 2. On another night, we landed a 33 lb chinook, and I landed a 42 lb hali on another night, all from the back deck of the boat.

If you go up again in the future, give me the heads up, and maybe go fishing...
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 01, 2004, 12:33:52 PM
That sounds like heaven ;D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 02, 2004, 11:41:20 AM
From the sounds of it the youngest resorts accept is 16. spudcote  :'( Oh well i guess i still have 2 more years of experience. Next year i will try to get a job at a resort near me or a marina.spudcote if you hear of any openings post something and ill email them or send in a resame. but thx for your help
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on September 02, 2004, 09:07:41 PM
You got it, good luck.
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 04, 2004, 03:02:23 PM
i have done my resume now the question is the picture. School picture with me dressed up or me with 2 30 pounders in my hands wearing a floater suit  
 ??? ;D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: casinoJim on September 04, 2004, 04:07:02 PM
I would hire the kid with the 30 pounders in each hand over a school pic in a minute! At least I know she can handle 2 fish...
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 04, 2004, 04:50:54 PM
im a guy ;D yah its irish sounds like a girl
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: casinoJim on September 04, 2004, 06:46:19 PM
Sorry Dude!

Thought you were a wee asian girl  ;D
Title: Re:salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 04, 2004, 06:50:59 PM
haha not quite but np
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 22, 2004, 08:21:47 PM
Got a good looking response from pacific safaries. Its a cool looking resort. The guy said he would call me this week ;D
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: The Gilly on September 23, 2004, 08:18:40 AM
 ;D  Kelly with a "Y" not an "I"  ;D  Who woulda known?  ASS_U_ME. 

If it be known, I assumed the same.  I guess we're getting to used to the girls entering our traditional domain.  Not that there's anything wrong with that :)

Sorry Kelly with a "Y".

Good luck at the resort(s).
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 23, 2004, 09:27:54 AM
Thanks norm

500$ :o
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: Koho on September 23, 2004, 09:40:20 AM
$500?  Must have land some real BIG ones.   :o
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 23, 2004, 05:12:09 PM
Hmm catching fish boring maybe if your crazy ;D That would definatly be a nice haul!
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: Steelhead King on September 24, 2004, 01:40:41 AM
Guys, $500 tips is nothing... its still below average.  And let me get it stright, you don't have to get a big fish to get a big tip...  Sometimes is totally opposite, like my buddy, guilded a guy with a nice 71lb chinook and the guy only tipped him $200!!! what is that all about. And sometimes fishing is slow, you can only get them few fish here and there, but they ended up giving you a big big tips ( i mean really big)  that you actually feel guilty to recieve it.  From my experiences, you just have to be yourslef, make sure they feel comfortable fishing with you and the rest, just go with the flow.   Sometimes, fishing do get really boring up at Langara. When the coho and chinook are in thick. Like myself i run 4 rods on the boat,  if you hit a school of fish, you will be running around baiting hooks, dropping line, landing fish all day long. i have days that i go though one full case of herrings, thats 32 packs. And i have guest asked me to go fish some where, that fishing will slow down a bit, so that they can take a break.  Yes, i might sound really cocky now, but if you have a chance to fish there when the fish are in. prepare a few days of hard work.    goodluck fishing
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: Steelhead King on September 24, 2004, 10:37:49 AM
Norm, there is no cash tips anymore like before. Most of the guest use their credit card instead and we usually claim it on our holiday/ season end at the Vancouver office.  As for your buddy's fish.. he most likely caught me at the wrong time...
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 24, 2004, 11:27:29 AM
I hope the guides claim their gratuities on their income tax return. I know an auditor with Revenue Canada. I'll make sure he audits Marco's return.
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: kellya on September 24, 2004, 07:53:02 PM
Hmm 500$ that would only be the most money i have ever had(i am a horrible saver make excuses to buy fishing gear)
Title: Re: salmon fishing resort
Post by: Spudcote on September 24, 2004, 09:30:19 PM
I know of guys who got $100 for getting a 6-pack of beer, another $100 for a cooler of ice, and another $100 for a final 6-pack...scary stuff.

I just got an envalope every few weeks with a few hundred in it. You can always tell who are the guys who just came back from a fly out back to vancouver (new clothes and everything).

Hey Marco, welcome home, I spoke to you the other day, sounds like a good season. I've had days similar to the one you described. My favourite "quote" would have to be: "The fishing has really slowed down, we haven't had a hit for 30 seconds !!!". We could not feel our arms after that day of fishing !!!