Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fishing Reports => Members' Fishing Reports => Topic started by: gmoney on August 25, 2004, 10:08:56 AM

Title: Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: gmoney on August 25, 2004, 10:08:56 AM
went this morning with a friend, No bites, Only guys there, I think it was over fished by europeans,  They think its like total source of food or something.  They pile their car up with trout.  I reported it to the dfo but im sure they stopped by tim hortons before going there.  By that time they already had about 30-40 trout. Guess will wait till next season when they restock it again.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Sandhead on August 25, 2004, 10:22:20 AM
I've been to sasamat and seen people of ethnicities other than european catch and keep way more fish than the posted limit,  so I don't think the problem is limited to Europeans.

Were you using bait? I've seen lots of people use cooked shrimp there. I've always had more luck at buntzen than at sasamat.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: carpman on August 25, 2004, 07:12:47 PM
Stop being so fucken racist ppl.  Don't start generalizing.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: gmoney on August 25, 2004, 08:21:29 PM
I just use good old plastic pink worms, and cast and reel. Only caught 1 trout there in my 10  trips i have been there.  Next time I will take my camera so how the proof to everyone.....  I know the dfo does go there, I got checked there once before.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Jonny 5 on August 25, 2004, 09:33:32 PM
Yeah, and one time I saw a lawyer a social worker and a priest fishing there.  Then the dock started to sink, and the social worker yelled "SAVE THE CHILDREN"  Then the lawyer screamed "F**ck the kids" and you all know the rest.  ;)

Jon out.

PS, lots of ethnicities fish there, and some keep more than they are supposed to, but instead of brooding about it on the internet, try talking about it with them.  It may work some times.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Ed on August 26, 2004, 07:33:01 PM
I bet most of them don't even know the limits of fishes allowed to be caught there. Especially if they are foreign. so i don't know why all the hate.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: otto on August 26, 2004, 09:18:59 PM
used to hand out a piece of paper with the regs for Sasamat printed on it, in 12 different langauges. Most people were very receptive to it and ceased fishing (over the limit). the one guy that threatened me with a knife ended up with a broken arm, fishing rod, no knife and a bath in the water.

people just dont give a s*** anymore.  >:(
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: aquaboy24 on August 26, 2004, 10:18:46 PM
Otto.....I like your style! You and me need to hang out in the Vedder parking lots sometime...... ;D
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: carpman on August 26, 2004, 10:39:20 PM

Assault ain't something to joke about.  If you really did break that guy's arm, then you did something way worse than overfishing.

People get killed over more trivial things.  3 Guys from my high school days got murdered because of stupid confrontations.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: habzrule on August 28, 2004, 10:30:01 AM this sentence:
"the one guy that threatened me with a knife ended up with a broken arm"

sounds perfectly reasonable to fact a broken arm sounds like a light punishment but props to Otto anyways for showing restraint.  Ever been threatened with a weapon?   Kicking the sh*t out of someone may be over reacting to someone overfishing, but it's not an over reaction to being threatened.  
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: otto on August 28, 2004, 07:16:53 PM
i do not like violence. but i also do not like people getting in my face with a weapon because they do not like someone telling them the regs. for the record, the individual i dealt with had been approaced by three other persons and told to stop fishing with illegal gear, and to stop retaining over the limit.. each time the guy was verbally and physically aggressive. the broken arm happened when i spoke with the guy about the regs and he erupted in rage and pulled out his fillet knife, waving it at me and screaming obscenities. the dock is narrow and not much room to step back. I side stepped and slammed his knife hand onto the metal bar at the side of the dock, to disarm him. then he got a bath when another individual stepped in to help restrain him. police were involved and i received thanks from the people on the dock and the police.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: dead head on August 28, 2004, 10:09:30 PM
good for you otto there sure is alot of people there take over there limits.I remeber when you could get fish there at anytime of the year and get  alot of son and I went there today in the afternoon just for a sort time it was raining we got skunked but saw sum nice jumpers They sould have signs there saying 4 fish limits only not sure why they dont..anybody no why they dont they have them at buntson lake...
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: carpman on August 29, 2004, 09:20:37 PM
I should clarify what I meant.  Defending yourself when someone comes at you with a knife is certainly ok.

However, I think that the situation may have been avoided and didn't have to escalate.  You don't have to badger someone to the point where they would threaten you.  He may have just wanted to be left alone.

Just hope people don't take matters into their own hands. Thats all  ;)
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Ed on August 30, 2004, 01:25:23 AM
lol if you try to break people arm's that threaten you then good thing you did it to someone who can't do anything about it after. I woudln't recomend you doing it in the cities you might just be digging a grave for yourself.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: The Gilly on August 30, 2004, 09:06:06 AM
Anyway, back to fishing at Sasamat L.  I prefer to assume that gmoney had a little TIC going on his Whities comment.  Nobody can deny that orientals get a bad rap from us Whities.  Once again, a few bad apples...
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Yopesco on August 30, 2004, 04:57:13 PM
So, what is happening at Sasamat these days?  I'm taking three co-workers to do some easy fishing next Friday, and I desperately need some good advice as where to go (the closer to Vancouver the better). These are all fishing virgins, so I want to do my best to get them hook into fishing. Thanks, and HELP!!!!!!!

Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: otto on August 31, 2004, 05:30:01 PM
lol if you try to break people arm's that threaten you then good thing you did it to someone who can't do anything about it after. I woudln't recomend you doing it in the cities you might just be digging a grave for yourself.

yea do not know who i am or what i do for living or what training i have received. I would rather break someones arm who IS ATTACKING me with an edged weapon than end up bleeding. As for the "cities" comment, i have never been threatened in the city, even on the DTES. most of the idiots i deal with are out the rural areas.

Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: carpman on August 31, 2004, 06:44:35 PM
I thought this thread wuz bout fishin  ;D

Just think what he meant was just because you have martial arts training, doesn't mean you should always use it.  Its kinda disturbing when someone says "people I usually deal with are in rural areas".  Kinda makes it seem like you look for confrontations.  :-\

Personally I like martial arts.  I have been taking karate, judo and boxing.  I could have gotten into numerous fights a month. The reason I didn't is because I exercised restraint.  Just walk away.  To answer someone elses question, I have been attacked with a knife (2 guys) and a gun once.  

Sometimes we just gotta let the other guy go.  Even if he is talking cupcakes etc.  Leave it to the DFO or police.  
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Ed on September 01, 2004, 12:41:15 AM
lol no matter what training you got or what martial arts you got, it won't mean much when you got 10 50 guys in your face. But yeah rural areas probably different then in the cities. btw i didn't post that meaning anything offensive so don't let anybody get in your way jet li ing people that threaten you lol.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: DragonSpeed on September 01, 2004, 07:21:48 AM
OK All - one last chance for this to return to a fishing thread...then it's topic lock, since we've hit some serious topic drift. :(
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: The Gilly on September 01, 2004, 08:25:39 AM
Thanks, DS.  I tried to get them to do that 5 replies ago ::)
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Joe Fish on September 02, 2004, 12:01:26 AM
So, I take it from all the other talk about Sasamat that fishing's been slow?!  Not much fish action to talk about, but it sounds like the docks are lively.  I've been out of town a lot this summer on family vacations, am finally back and looking to fish some local lakes.  Sounds like Sasamat's been cleaned out. :(
Oh well, there's always Buntzen....
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: carpman on September 02, 2004, 12:20:12 AM
got 2 the other day at buntzen....never had much luck at sasamat for some reason.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Zaphod on September 06, 2004, 10:31:06 AM
Are the regs for Sasamat any different from the regs for any lake in region 2?  As far as I know, they're the same, except for a regulation against gas boat motors all year, and electric boat motors part of the year.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Joe Fish on September 06, 2004, 11:12:17 AM

Limit is 4 trout per day.  As for boats, it is from May to September there's a complete motor ban (people swimming too much).  After that, I'm pretty sure it's electric motors only.

By the way, was talking to a guy at Sasamat yesterday (Sunday) and he mentioned that there's a complete motor ban on Buntzen year round now.  Anyone know about this?
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: The Gilly on September 06, 2004, 11:21:52 AM
I thought electrics were OK on Buntzen?
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Joe Fish on September 06, 2004, 11:27:18 AM
I thought so too, but he's insisting it's a ban on all motors now by BC Hydro.  They changed their regulations or something.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Rodney on September 06, 2004, 11:36:04 AM
This is interesting, I just went into Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis 2004 - 2005 ( (weird, at the top it says Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis 2002), and couldn't find specific regulations on Buntzen Lake unde Region 2 section (
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Rodney on September 06, 2004, 11:49:05 AM
Ok, found it. This information is from the BC Hydro website.

Under "Visitor Information Specific to Buntzen Lake":

"The use of power boats is prohibited on Buntzen Lake. Small battery-powered electric motors are allowed. While boating observe all water safety regulations."
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Zaphod on September 06, 2004, 02:31:43 PM
Joe - OK.  I'm pretty sure that the limit for trout is 4 per day in any lake in region 2 though.  Strange how they have signs posted to that effect in some places (e.g. Buntzen) and not others (e.g. Sasamat).  I think a little signage would go a long way towards people following the regs.

On topic, I've fished Sasamat sporadically throughout August and no luck.  A few nibbles, that's it.  You get some fish jumping about 1/2 hour before sunset, and that seems to be when the nibbles come.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: oddjob on September 06, 2004, 07:02:57 PM
the ban is for gas powered motors only. i have seen electric motors on the  lake up to last weekend.
Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Jonny 5 on September 06, 2004, 07:13:50 PM
Hey sasamat fishers, from my experience at sasamat (which includes skipping out of work many times and fishing till sunset) the best still fishing in the fall is to get the bait very deep ie 20 - 40 feet using a very sliding bobber setup.  Some days worms, some days shrimp worked best.  it also helps to have a very light line, and a very tiny bobber (I actually used a corkie).  Using to this setup I would easily out fish my friends (right yopesco?)

Good luck

Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Yopesco on September 06, 2004, 08:18:22 PM
Hey Jonny5, I'm going to send your post to your ex-boss (and I wasn't there ;D). I have to grant you the outfishing us with your ninja set-up, still a pain to cast and to see the bite (at least for me 8)). Otherwise I do totally agree with you.
By the way, got my first trout ever in Buntzen last Saturday, fishing from the bridge in the spot we went the first time  ;D ;D ;D
Let me know how you do in your new local lakes (no fishermen stories please).

Title: Re:Sasamat lake. no fish August 25th
Post by: Joe Fish on September 07, 2004, 12:31:27 AM
Thanks for the update, Rod.  I had a feeling that electric motors were still allowed.  The guy was very insistent on this point, and wouldn't hear anything to the contrary, so I thought I'd check it out here on the forum.  I knew this guy was blowing smoke! :o :D