Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mickyireland on July 21, 2021, 08:34:48 AM

Title: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 21, 2021, 08:34:48 AM
Hi everyone! Greetings from Ireland 🇮🇪 I am looking some information about fishing the vedder this fall. All information is very welcome. I am a fly angler but also fish bait when necessary. Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Wiseguy on July 21, 2021, 08:57:30 AM
The Canadian border is currently closed to international travellers. There痴 talk of opening the border to American travellers that are double vaccinated next month. If your allowed to travel and coming to fish the Vedder in the fall for salmon expect large crowds of anglers. Float fishing roe on a short leader is your best bet to entice a salmon to bite.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 21, 2021, 09:00:58 AM
Yes the Canadian government announced yesterday that international travel for double vaccination people was allowed from 7 September 2021. Hence the information requested. Is the river water dependent? Thanks for your reply
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Ambassador on July 21, 2021, 12:33:15 PM
Yes the Canadian government announced yesterday that international travel for double vaccination people was allowed from 7 September 2021. Hence the information requested. Is the river water dependent? Thanks for your reply
If you can get into the country and make your way into the Vedder, you will be fine. September and October are  awesome on the river. Bring waders and be ready to hike a bit to get away from the crowds. Rent a car too as there are other great fishing opportunities nearby if you are not feeling the Vedder.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 21, 2021, 01:11:06 PM
Thank you so much for your reply. Is it necessary to hire a guide or can it be done self guided. I am a very experienced angler,
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Fish Assassin on July 21, 2021, 02:44:22 PM
Thank you so much for your reply. Is it necessary to hire a guide or can it be done self guided. I am a very experienced angler,

No need for a guide. If you're experienced, you will have no problem getting into fish
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 21, 2021, 03:45:14 PM
Thank you so much ! Have a great day
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 21, 2021, 04:11:29 PM
What痴 vehicle access like around the river? Is there parking restrictions or closures ?
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Wiseguy on July 21, 2021, 05:12:27 PM
Vehicle access is good all along the river. Parking however is at your own risk. Do not leave anything of value in you car. Crackheads make the rounds in all the parking areas looking for a quick break and enter.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Old Blue on July 21, 2021, 05:47:32 PM
Rod has lots of YouTube videos providing excellent information and techniques.  Lots of other rivers to try such as the Stave.  There's endless info if you spend the time researching and less snarky responses than an open forum which the same questions have been asked hundreds of times before. 

The search option is your best friend on here
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: danielk on July 21, 2021, 10:02:46 PM
If I知 not hunting I would be happy to take you. I have a spare bait caster you could use also.   I want to get back into salmon fishing on the vedder. I致e been spoiled and go on the ocean.  The past few years.  And I知 sure many others on here would be more them happy to take you along.   Most of us Canadians are very nice.  Hahaha     And there vedder isn稚 a secret spot soooo no one would be giving up there spots hahahaha.     

And lunch at the pub.   Is a must. They used to have killer nachos. 
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: clarki on July 21, 2021, 10:12:04 PM
Is the river water dependent?
Hey Micky, we hope our first international trip to be a visit to your island so maybe you can return the favour! :)

Yes, the river is quite water dependent. Prior to the the first autumn rain fall, the river runs low and clear. There are salmon present but you have to adapt to the conditions, Typically, but not always, fishing is best in the the lower river and paying attention to the tides can be beneficial. It's generally assumed that bait and the dawn bite is most effective in these conditions. (speaking about coho here.)

After a rain, the fish will migrate more readily upstream and spread out through the system and typically become more bitey.

After a significant rain, the river will "blow out" and become difficult to fish due to the high murky conditions. Typically it drops back into fishable shape within a day or two of the rain stopping.

You'll notice I used the work "typically" a lot. Everyone's mileage varies and everyone has a story that will contradict everything I said! So take them as rules of thumb...

Old Blue's suggestions to watch Rodney's videos is bang on. Rod has a lot of instructive video content about the fall Vedder River salmon fishery.

Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 22, 2021, 04:25:05 AM
Wow ! Thank you so much ! Anytime you need to know anything about Ireland drop me a message. I知 a guide over here! So I知 thinking 3-4 hours after high tide in Vancouver the canal would prob be a good starter. Is the canal section tidal? Not sure with the distance. Also I知 thinking start of October? Not sure what way the coho runs starts. I知 primarily looking coho but any fish would be a lot of fun. I知 guessing float fished roe is the vedder standard?
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: wildmanyeah on July 22, 2021, 07:48:06 AM
I would hire a guide for a walk and wade.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 22, 2021, 07:49:09 AM
Thank you my friend for your input ! Much appreciated
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: RalphH on July 22, 2021, 09:12:51 AM
Wow ! Thank you so much ! Anytime you need to know anything about Ireland drop me a message. I知 a guide over here! So I知 thinking 3-4 hours after high tide in Vancouver the canal would prob be a good starter. Is the canal section tidal? Not sure with the distance. Also I知 thinking start of October? Not sure what way the coho runs starts. I知 primarily looking coho but any fish would be a lot of fun. I知 guessing float fished roe is the vedder standard?

Base tides on New Westminster which is on the river. There is about a 2 hour delay. Tide predictions are on line:

The Canal section to about the Keith Wilson road area is affected by tides though tides will affect fish numbers in the lower river as they come up river on a rising tide. In the canal you can see them move upstream as the river starts to rise. My experience is fishing is best in the first period following the ebb and the river starts to rise.

the level of the Fraser river can also impact water levels in the canal. If the Fraser is high perhaps after rain storms up north the canal will be high and fishing not so good  there.

The Coho run usually peaks about mid October though fishing stays good till month end. This is also a pink salmon year and they will be in the river at that time and possibly spawning. You need to avoid them. Chinook and chum will also be in the river in numbers by then. All these species will take flies readily if you want to try that. Most of the local shops carry appropriate patterns. Casting lures specifically spinners and spoons is also effective as are jigs which has become very popular in the last several years.

The fishing is very crowded basically 7 days a week and something of a gong show. Compared to what you might be use to in Ireland and Europe, you might be shocked.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 22, 2021, 10:22:42 AM
Thank you so much for you detailed reply. Just fantastic. Is the start of October to early for coho ? I was thinking oct 1st to approx oct 12th. Thanks again
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Wiseguy on July 22, 2021, 05:45:30 PM
Wow ! Thank you so much ! Anytime you need to know anything about Ireland drop me a message. I知 a guide over here! So I知 thinking 3-4 hours after high tide in Vancouver the canal would prob be a good starter. Is the canal section tidal? Not sure with the distance. Also I知 thinking start of October? Not sure what way the coho runs starts. I知 primarily looking coho but any fish would be a lot of fun. I知 guessing float fished roe is the vedder standard?
The entire month of October is a great time for coho. The run usually peaks around the middle of October. Another method of catching coho is chucking spoons at them. I have had a lot of success spoon fishing for them the last couple of seasons and don稚 have to put up with using messy roe. They will smash a spoon and usually jump out of the water when hooked making for great sport.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 23, 2021, 01:21:04 AM
Your the man ! Thank you kindly. Have a great day bro
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: spoiler on July 23, 2021, 10:11:05 AM
Vedder River Coho are very good salmon for fly fishing. I have had many days where fly fishing out-performed all other methods.
Generally think small and sparse when it comes to flies and fish back waters with little or no current with a stripping retrieve.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 23, 2021, 11:08:40 AM
That you kindly! Is it the same sort of patterns as Alaska ? Leeches etc
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: RalphH on July 23, 2021, 12:21:02 PM
That you kindly! Is it the same sort of patterns as Alaska ? Leeches etc

No smaller flies. :

Mickey Finn:


Rolled Muddler:


Coho Dart


Olive wooly bugger


The KCK:

there are others such as the Christmas Tree, also called the Flash Fly and the #9 have become popular lately

the #9 -

Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Wiseguy on July 23, 2021, 12:40:59 PM
Check out the Jolly Miller pub for lunch which is very close to the river on Vedder rd. A Steamworks Flagship IPA and a plate of wings goes down good when taking a break from the river.
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Knnn on July 23, 2021, 12:41:08 PM
Depending on your means of transport, you may wish to consider other river systems.

The Stave River is a lot of fun if you want to try catching Chum, which are very willing and eager bitters in the second week of October.  You would have to be very unlucky not to catch chum at this location.  Note, you will need bigger gear though as they can be rod breakers.  A Spey rod can be a lot of fun.  You can also catch coho on this system, but like the Vedder it is a first light fishery because of the fishing pressure.  Access is reasonable and you can walk and wade most of the two shorelines.

For the sheer epic experience, it would be worth trying to arrange a trip to fish the Harrison.  Big Chum and decent coho runs.  This would be worthwhile organizing a guided trip.  Spectacular scenery and fishing.  There maybe people on this forum who would be willing to take you in their boat.  I have a small 10 footer and 6 hp motor that puts puts up the river slowly, but I will probably do a few trips and you are welcome to join me if the timing works out and I'm solo.

There are lots of Youtube videos on both systems, to get the juices flowing.

If you are not looking for retention and happy to catch and release, there are other systems worth experiencing, however you would need a means of independent travel.  PM me for more information.

Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 23, 2021, 12:44:23 PM
Absolutely fantastic response! Thank you so Much !
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Roderick on July 23, 2021, 01:05:35 PM
October 1st is close to the average date that the rains arrive here.  If the rain hasn't arrived and the river is low, the fish still slowly make their way up river.  This is the time when small presentations like flies or single eggs work.  You may find it starts raining once you get here. When the river goes up (and the water clarity goes down) the fish shoot up river very quickly and it's time to change to larger presentations like flashy lures or larger chunks of roe. 
Title: Re: Vedder river fishing
Post by: Mickyireland on July 23, 2021, 01:20:50 PM
Thank you my man ! Fantastic!