Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: casinoJim on July 30, 2004, 10:01:24 AM

Title: Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: casinoJim on July 30, 2004, 10:01:24 AM
Any opinions ?

I want to bonk my socks at one of the Chili bars and then if I am lucky early enough I want to pack them on ice and goto the upper Vedder to try for a spring.

Am I setting myself up for grief if a DFO Officer were to see Sockeye in my cooler... in my truck...  by the Vedder. As we all know Sockeye are nonretention in the Vedder.


Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: chris gadsden on July 30, 2004, 10:14:04 AM
 If you did and got stopped you could always ask for a DNA test to determine where they are from. ;D ;D
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: dennisK on July 30, 2004, 10:14:54 AM
Geeze what's the world coming to - even if you are honest the fear of enforcement creeps in?

You know what, just do it.  Your defence will be the truth and there is not a court in the land that would convict you. I'm a law school drop out so for what it's worth, I'd represent you for free in that case. But if you can, take a digital camera with you and try to take a pic of the fish with the fraser R. and you somehow in the background. Be creative, you'll be okay.

Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: mooch on July 30, 2004, 10:20:55 AM

Any sensible person would go to the Vedder first and get a spring first before going to the fraser for Sockies, not the other way around. You're just asking for some major whop-my friend. Also, why not stay at the Fraser for both spring and sockies??
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: dennisK on July 30, 2004, 10:31:41 AM
I think I would do it the same way as Jim. Go to the Fraser to get some eating socks and then the vedder for springs on account I know the river better.  The priority is obviously on tasty food socks. Makes sense to me.
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: Fishin Freak on July 30, 2004, 11:16:14 AM
In the Fraser you get springs and socks, unlike the Vedder!
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: BIG T on July 30, 2004, 11:23:59 AM
i will stay in fraser to get both,cause those fish are much fresher,i think it makes more sense.but it s just my thought
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: Fish Assassin on July 30, 2004, 11:24:15 AM
What about getting names of witnesses certifying you caught them from the Fraser ? I wouldn't imagine that would be too difficult.
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: The Gilly on July 30, 2004, 11:40:27 AM
Why bother?  Think of the hassel factor involved if you get stopped.  It's not worth it.  They'd probable take your fish anyway, and that will be the least of you worries.
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: Skunked Again on July 30, 2004, 01:17:53 PM
I actually called and asked that question a few years back.  Basically what it came down to was you had to have some sort of proof of where you caught it.  They were very iffy on there response so I decided it wasn't worth the possible hassle as they said it would probably end up in court.  I guess it would depend on who stopped you and how honest you looked :).  They suggested that if you did try that you tag the fish with the location you caught it and the time.    Hope this helps.
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: mooch on July 30, 2004, 02:24:16 PM
Grumman and dosmond are right on, man. Just think of the headaches. The fisheries is trying to revitalize the sockie run in the Vedder and if you show up with your sockies from the fraser you're gonna look like a poacher, no matter how honest you look. Hehehehehe.
This is one where the old cliche that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" really applies.
Title: Re:Sockeye to the Vedder?
Post by: JP PATCHES on July 30, 2004, 03:32:57 PM
Interesting question....But no need to be a martyr.....too much hassle no?