Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: dave c on April 18, 2014, 01:48:52 PM

Title: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: dave c on April 18, 2014, 01:48:52 PM
Hi Guys; Hopefully someone can shed some light on this topic.  Last week while at work i was rushed to hospital in excrutiating pain.  They suspected kidney stones.  Since then pain is minimal, went for a CT scan yesterday.  Still have not passed any stones.  Should get results of scan late next week.  The downside is that the wife and i are planning a trip to Mexico mid-May but are holding off booking until this situation is resolved.  Is it normal to have all the symptoms then not pass any stones.  How long does one usually have to wait until stones pass.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: bkk on April 18, 2014, 02:10:24 PM
May not be kidney stones but gall stones. Same bad pain and it can last for 12 - 24 hours then go away.Pain seems to radiate from mid back area and go thru various levels of intensity. To intense to sleep without medication. May not return for months or days. You do not pass stones and diet may set off  the episodes. All this from personnel experience and since the episodes were fairly infrequent it took a couple of years to track down the problem. Hot spicy foods(jalapeno poppers )were a no no for me as they seemed to cause a attack. All I can say is thanks god for Morphine.

This would be worth asking you doctor about.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: dave c on April 18, 2014, 02:46:06 PM
. All I can say is thanks god for Morphine.

This would be worth asking you doctor about.
Tks bkk amen to the morphine
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: chris gadsden on April 18, 2014, 02:51:45 PM
My wife just went through this, sounds the same as her symptoms. She spent a week in hospital and it was gall stones and they recommend removing gall bladder. Has been contolling it by diet until that time before surgery but you donot want it to come back thats for sure.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: CohoMan on April 18, 2014, 10:20:34 PM
Had it a few years back. Felt like someone kicked me in the groin area.

The pain can be excruciating. I was scheduled for a "scope" to remove it but passed it after I think a week.

Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: Fillibert on April 18, 2014, 11:05:48 PM
No idea about kidney stones sorry but gall bladder yes. It stores extra bile for when your liver can't make enough fast enough for some types of food (usually fatty foods). So if watch your diet your gall bladder is idle and there is no pain even with stones inside
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: Danny Coombs on April 19, 2014, 11:45:26 AM
Had stones twice. First time I wanted to die. The "passing" is when the stone moves from the kidney to the bladder and it can be excruciating. I was so jacked up on morphine don't really know if I peed it out. Went drinking that night even and was fine. The second time I started getting the same symptoms, went to hospital, gave a pee sample and the pain was gone. Went home. The stones can be so small you don't even even them getting peed out but from kidney to bladder, the path is so small that the stone shreds it up. Hope this gives some insight.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: redtide on April 19, 2014, 09:52:24 PM
you'll know if there kidney stones. the pain is so bad you cant stand or sit down. Its the worst pain ever imaginable. mine were very tiny but had jagged edges( i named mine spikey ) so every time it moved down the kidney you felt the path of destruction it left behind. Never physically saw my stone but it passed by in a few days while at the hospital. Get inthe habit of drinking plenty of water every day to help prevent it.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: RalphH on April 20, 2014, 08:53:24 AM
Once my doctor suspected I had gallstones - turned out to be a kidney tumour which was removed no problem but he told me kidney and gallstones can be treated with ultrasound. I have heard of this before so it might be worth looking into and a better alternative than surgery.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: leadbelly on April 20, 2014, 12:01:59 PM
after my attack, slowly worsening paint that ended up with me crippled on the floor, kidney stone blocking my tube, ouch
I think it took a week or so of using a coffee filter in a new way to pass the stone.
after that it was diet controlled.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: sugartooth on April 20, 2014, 01:12:07 PM
Lack of calcium in your diet is a contributer to kidney stones
Sound waves are used to breakup stones that are too big to pass. But you still need to
pass the smaller fragments.
There are pills to enlarge the pathways to help pass stones.
The pain you felt is the stone passing from kidney to bladder.
Symptoms of it passing thru the urethra is frequent urineation. A feeling of not completely voiding the bladder. Burning or pain during urination.
Sometimes none of these symptoms are felt. All depends on the size of the stone and how your body reacts to it.
There is no general timetable as to how long it takes to pass.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: island boy on April 20, 2014, 09:00:10 PM
lack of calcium? my dr told me that i had double the normal calcium intake and have the amount of acid intake that caused mine.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: sugartooth on April 20, 2014, 10:56:46 PM
Who is at risk for getting calcium stones?
Several factors can increase your chance of getting calcium stones, including:

Not drinking enough water
Not getting enough calcium in your diet
Eating or drinking calcium-rich foods does not increase your chance of getting calcium stones. In fact, a diet too low in calcium can actually increase the risk of getting calcium stones.
Eating a lot of foods high in oxalate (for example, spinach, rhubarb, nuts, or wheat bran)
Consuming a lot of foods or drinks high in fructose (for example, soft drinks, fruits, ketchup and other condiments, and many canned or packaged foods)
Having family members who have had kidney stones
Having had kidney stones before

Copied and pasted from here (
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: Chehalis_Steel on April 22, 2014, 12:56:52 AM
Kidney stones sound like the worst pain most people will ever experience. I know everyone who I've talked to describe it like that. Can't imagine what it would be like if you got them in a place where you couldn't get access to pain meds like in a remote fishing location.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: dobrolub on April 22, 2014, 08:55:04 AM
A stone can get lodged along the way and not bother you for a while. Stones can dissolve is a special protocols are followed. When I have k-stones I'll research cleansing protocols, such as water mellon cleanse, etc. is generally a good site to start the research. BTW, cleansing can dislodge the stones causing pain as they move.
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: jettabambino on April 25, 2014, 01:16:30 PM
I just went thru gallstones.   I am telling you right now DO NOT go to mexico until you get it looked after.    Its not fun and if you are drinking booze or have any fats in your meal it will come back.     The pain can be killer... ( you wont die but its flipping hardcore).   Also if you have your bile duct blocked it can be really hard on your kidneys.   

You need to get a ultra sound.   

Thankfully I had my Gall Bladder taken out and I feel great. 
Title: Re: NFR Kidney Stones
Post by: wormz on April 28, 2014, 02:01:30 PM
   This site has been my go to site for the best of fishing info over the years. Many thanks to all.
My number one site for health information has been and continues to be for mainly natural health cures. Take some time to peruse the site.
When I looked up gall and kidney stones I was a bit surprised myself.
I hope this helps