Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: jacklam999 on October 31, 2013, 02:53:50 PM

Title: spinner vs spoon
Post by: jacklam999 on October 31, 2013, 02:53:50 PM
What is your favourite lures? I found i catch more fish on a spinner than spoon, what are your opinion. And what are the favourite colour for catching chum and coho in the lower fraser? :)
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: MoeJKU on October 31, 2013, 03:26:12 PM
spin n glo green and silver, purple and silver(i usually paint this one), spotted ones in pink, green, or orange, and blue and orange. hole punch the wings to add some more motion. and make little holes in the top to absorb scent. (when applicable). never used spoons or spinners i have lots though.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: canso on October 31, 2013, 05:51:25 PM
 Gibbs koho spoon and  blue fox spinners. I alternate, sometimes fish are looking for somthing faster so I chuck spoons. Slower retrieve for spinner. When they are off the bite try twitching a blue black 3/8oz jig.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: sugartooth on October 31, 2013, 07:28:48 PM
I've caught coho on both spoons and spinners this year. I find that coho are more likely to bite a spinner more than spoons. Perhaps because I've used spinners more. 
My new favorite are the trophy tackle casting spinners and spoons. The 50/50 silver and gold spoon got me into several coho on my last outing on the vedder.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Long_Cast on October 31, 2013, 07:53:55 PM
I've caught more species of fish on spinners than any other lures I've used. Spinners are better because they emit more sounds and vibrations.

Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Chuck on October 31, 2013, 07:54:53 PM
How do you use the spin-n-glos?
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Ian Forbes on October 31, 2013, 11:17:43 PM
I've caught way, way more summer-run steelhead on a spinner than a spoon. But, I've caught more big Chinook on a spoon. Spinners are probably the most deadly lure there is and just a spinning blade on the line will attract more fish than most other lures. A lot depends on the water depth and the current speed. But, why restrict yourself? Jigs in all their various forms are deadly as well. The beauty of spinners is you can make them yourself for half the price of bought lures.

A tiny thumbnail spinner on your leader ahead of a bucktail fly will improve its results by at least 70%. I've got many tests to prove that.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: banx on November 01, 2013, 06:52:02 AM
I have to agree with most of what's been said.  Had more fish on spinners than spoons.... except chinook.

definitely like spinners in slower or still water as opposed to spoons.

colorado blades are probably my favourite and my 'go to' lure when hitting new water.  you can literally catch every species of salmon and trout on a colorado blade.  including steelhead.

Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Pin-nook on November 01, 2013, 07:42:43 AM
It all depends, I've had a more success with a spinner for sure but that's because I use a spinner more but growing up in the Bulkley Valley in the 80s spoons were used more for sweeping big runs(like bottom bouncing a spoon) and I can recall 1 day I could do no wrong that literally every cast you made you hit a coho at the end of the swing.

I think its all about confidence in what you are using and also how you use it and most only know the cast and retrieve method so it would be hard to argue which one is more effective. I seen guys during steelhead season go through a run behind a bunch of guys floating different kinds of bait not touching a fish and yet the spoon guy managed 4 hits with 3 landed.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Ian Forbes on November 01, 2013, 09:30:28 AM
It all depends, I've had a more success with a spinner for sure but that's because I use a spinner more but growing up in the Bulkley Valley in the 80s spoons were used more for sweeping big runs(like bottom bouncing a spoon) and I can recall 1 day I could do no wrong that literally every cast you made you hit a coho at the end of the swing.

I think its all about confidence in what you are using and also how you use it and most only know the cast and retrieve method so it would be hard to argue which one is more effective. I seen guys during steelhead season go through a run behind a bunch of guys floating different kinds of bait not touching a fish and yet the spoon guy managed 4 hits with 3 landed.

There are valid reasons for what you just wrote. The Skeena rivers are fast and deep and a spoon sinks quicker to the salmon and steelhead's level. Also, Skeena system rivers are mostly summer-run fish and they are far more aggressive towards lures and flies. That is why that area is a mecca for fly anglers. It is later in the winter that mature steelhead start choosing bait in preference to lures.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: bigblue on November 01, 2013, 09:48:13 AM
Spinning for coho using light tackle is one of my favourite methods to target summer run cohos. In that case I carry both spoons and in-line spinners and have caught many using both methods. Which method is more effective really depends on the type of water being fished as they are equally very effective tools. When I am float fishing, I always carry a few Colorado spinners as cohos also love hitting these under right circumstances. Also in beach fishing for coho, both spinners and spoons are very effective. However, details are very important in this case.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Outdoorsman on November 01, 2013, 10:24:57 AM
I've been fishing with spinners and spoons the last couple weeks after work, when I don't have time to use the drift rod. Just in my personal experiences this season, I'm having way more action with my spoons than spinners. Blue and silver crocs seem to be working great lately for me, as I've hooked tons of coho this season on them, and only fishing for an hour after work. Rob your piggy bank, hit the tackle store, pick up both and try them. You will see which you like to use better, and it also depends on conditions, water flow, etc! Get out there and just try, it's the best method to find out!  ;)
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: liketofish on November 01, 2013, 11:18:20 AM
For those of you fishing spinners, do you find spinning without the float produces better than with the float? I often think fish will get spooked by the float especially in low clear water. If you fish with the float, do you find dead drift better than slowly reeling in or vice  versa? I have seen guys at the lower canal with a deep float setup. They cast across the river and they keep reeling in slowly so the float points back to them and the spinner sweep through the river in an arc. They fish it like searching the river and making a few steps after each cast. I have done similar thing during steelhead season to search out a large run but interesting to see the same done for coho.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Kever on November 01, 2013, 11:21:47 AM
Spoons all the way for me. Not sure why but I catch more and bigger fish on them.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: sumasriver on November 01, 2013, 11:32:33 AM
Some general rules that work for me.

High flow  - use spoon or float spinner
Low flow  - spinner

High Vis  - use spinner
Low Vis  - use spoon

These are only general rules and i tend to go back and forth but the rules would be what i would start with.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: fishbandit66 on November 01, 2013, 01:56:05 PM
I find I can cast spoons much further and more accurately. Sometimes this means more fish on the beach, sometimes it doesn't  ;D
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: fisherforever on November 01, 2013, 02:55:12 PM
Targeting coho, I use spoons 90 percent of the time and for the other 10 I use Colorados. I've had good luck for chum using hammered brass Colorados but mainly use jigs I tie myself.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: DC1980 on November 01, 2013, 04:54:01 PM
When float fishing with a spinner, Is is better to use weighted spinners or just a few beads and a blade?
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Every Day on November 01, 2013, 05:19:34 PM
Depends what you are fishing for, and what the water is like, AND what river it is.

Coho I generally do better with spinners under all conditions. I can do equally as well with spoons some days, but coho don't seem to like a single action on the spoon (ex cast and retrieve). I like to jig the spoons back in to get more action on them and it works wonders.

If you're fishing the vedder, stick with spoons. R&B silver/brass 50/50 spoons and gold hammered crocs if the water is low and clear will be all you need. I have caught very few coho on spinners in there for some reason, and I have given both equal effort. Spoons out fish spinners probably 10 to 1 for me no matter what I have tried.

Honestly, there is no definitive answer for your question, as I said, it all depends on species, the specific river, and water being fished. I have learned a heck of a lot sight fishing the past 2 years on the island, figuring out what jigging methods work, and what gets coho to bite under different circumstances. My advice is don't just stick to one thing, if you want to pack light, take a spinning rod with spinners, spoons and jigs. If you don't get a hit in the first 5 casts and you know there are fish there, switch up to something different or a different method. If they are going to bite, coho bite fast.

Steelhead are another story, they are all about spoons, summer or winter run fish, on any system I've been on. They like the wobble. They like spoons on the swing or a slow cast retrieve. They will occasionally go for a jigged spoon too, especially if they have been flogged and are gun shy a little bit. Winter run fish will hit metal like crazy despite what most people will tell you...
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: fisherforever on November 01, 2013, 05:25:55 PM
With regular weighted spinners I don't use a float or weight. When using Colorado spinners I'll set up with a float on the mainline then slide on the appropriate length of pencil lead (appropriate to balance the float) then slide on a small bead (to act as a bumper so the weight isn't bumping into the knot I tie), next on is the swivel. Next tie on a leader normally about 16" and then tie on the Colorado.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: DC1980 on November 03, 2013, 06:21:35 PM
What do you find better for floating? I have made some colorado spinners with a couple beads on either side of the blade and I am also made a couple with just a swivel, snap ring, blade, swivel another ring then a hook.

Also the weighted spinners I have made for casting are on the lighter side, maybe 1/4 oz at most. I need to add a couple split shots to be able to cast. I find i don't have much success when fishing spoons or spinners with any weight added. Any advice?
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: fisherforever on November 03, 2013, 06:43:52 PM
What do you find better for floating? I have made some colorado spinners with a couple beads on either side of the blade and I am also made a couple with just a swivel, snap ring, blade, swivel another ring then a hook.

Also the weighted spinners I have made for casting are on the lighter side, maybe 1/4 oz at most. I need to add a couple split shots to be able to cast. I find i don't have much success when fishing spoons or spinners with any weight added. Any advice?
Up to you which style of Colorado you prefer, I have tried both and only use the ones I make without a bead now. I use RVRFSHR Rvrwhirler spinners which are quite heavy and never used any weight with them (I'll have a large variety of them for sale at the used tackle sale on Nov.09/13). Spoons, I never use weight as it detracts from the action of the spoon.
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: Spawn Sack on November 03, 2013, 08:21:45 PM
Depends what you are fishing for, and what the water is like, AND what river it is.

Coho I generally do better with spinners under all conditions. I can do equally as well with spoons some days, but coho don't seem to like a single action on the spoon (ex cast and retrieve). I like to jig the spoons back in to get more action on them and it works wonders.

If you're fishing the vedder, stick with spoons. R&B silver/brass 50/50 spoons and gold hammered crocs if the water is low and clear will be all you need. I have caught very few coho on spinners in there for some reason, and I have given both equal effort. Spoons out fish spinners probably 10 to 1 for me no matter what I have tried.

Honestly, there is no definitive answer for your question, as I said, it all depends on species, the specific river, and water being fished. I have learned a heck of a lot sight fishing the past 2 years on the island, figuring out what jigging methods work, and what gets coho to bite under different circumstances. My advice is don't just stick to one thing, if you want to pack light, take a spinning rod with spinners, spoons and jigs. If you don't get a hit in the first 5 casts and you know there are fish there, switch up to something different or a different method. If they are going to bite, coho bite fast.

Steelhead are another story, they are all about spoons, summer or winter run fish, on any system I've been on. They like the wobble. They like spoons on the swing or a slow cast retrieve. They will occasionally go for a jigged spoon too, especially if they have been flogged and are gun shy a little bit. Winter run fish will hit metal like crazy despite what most people will tell you...

I like Every Day's idea to jig the spoon a bit when retriving - I'm gonna try that! Recently when I've gone out coho fishing with my spinning rod I've brought a good selection of spoons and spinners. I find unless the water is supper slow it doesn't seem like my spinner is getting down enough. Overall I haven't had a lot of luck tossing Blue Foxes, etc. However with spoons I've done quite well. On most runs a 1/2 oz or so seems to get down enough. I'll either just let it swing through the current like a fly or reel in ever so slowly. Often WHAM coho on a soon as the spoon hit the water and starting fluttering. I'm going to try jigging my spoons a bit to give them a more erratic action. Good tip Every Day!
Title: Re: spinner vs spoon
Post by: RyanB on November 03, 2013, 10:53:26 PM
I find unless the water is supper slow it doesn't seem like my spinner is getting down enough. Overall I haven't had a lot of luck tossing Blue Foxes, etc. However with spoons I've done quite well. On most runs a 1/2 oz or so seems to get down enough.

Spinners have a natural depth they run at based on the type of blade on the spinner.  Changing your retrieve speed doesn't affect a spinner's depth as much as a spoon.  A slower retrieve on a spoon will keep it lower in the water.

Usually a spinner will have it's depth marked on the package.