Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: bunnta on October 21, 2013, 12:25:58 PM

Title: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: bunnta on October 21, 2013, 12:25:58 PM
I know we are getting the left over pink fishermen but please be aware and think about your own life. Yesterday on the vedder canal I witness a total green horn fisherman who happened to not understand english almost drown. He was very fortunate that a fishermen on the otherside reached out his rod for him to hold on his dear life. He was literally seconds away from not making it because his head went under. He did not heed the fishermen who were warning him that he was walking too deep to try and free his snag up. 5$ spoon or spinners is not worth your life, neither are fish. Thank you to the noble fisherman who saved him.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: Suther on October 21, 2013, 12:31:07 PM
I know we are getting the left over pink fishermen but please be aware and think about your own life. Yesterday on the vedder canal I witness a total green horn fisherman who happened to not understand english almost drown. He was very fortunate that a fishermen on the otherside reached out his rod for him to hold on his dear life. He was literally seconds away from not making it because his head went under. He did not heed the fishermen who were warning him that he was walking too deep to try and free his snag up. 5$ spoon or spinners is not worth your life, neither are fish. Thank you to the noble fisherman who saved him. Yes, group of chinese fisher who did not respect other people on the river and not fishing properly.

If a lure is that important, strip down and go for a swim. Some days I feel like you should need a special license to buy waders
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: zap brannigan on October 21, 2013, 12:53:44 PM
Natural selection.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: liketofish on October 21, 2013, 01:04:49 PM
"Yes, group of chinese fisher who did not respect other people on the river and not fishing properly.   "

I applaud your writing to warn others with danger of what this silly guy did. But why take a shot to the Chinese fishermen as a whole with the last comment? What has that to do with a silly and ignorant guy risking his life for a lure? You took a shot at Chinese fishermen without even mentioning anything they did and seemed to imply all Chinese fishermen do that. That doesn't reflect too well with other Chinese fishermen and many of them are very skilled as well as ethical fishermen.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: Long_Cast on October 21, 2013, 01:23:22 PM
"Yes, group of chinese fisher who did not respect other people on the river and not fishing properly.   "

I applaud your writing to warn others with danger of what this silly guy did. But why take a shot to the Chinese fishermen as a whole with the last comment? What has that to do with a silly and ignorant guy risking his life for a lure? You took a shot at Chinese fishermen without even mentioning anything they did and seemed to imply all Chinese fishermen do that. That doesn't reflect too well with other Chinese fishermen and many of them are very skilled as well as ethical fishermen.

I agree with liketofish. Prejudice is not cool and they almost resulted in deaths in Ontario from it.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: troutbreath on October 21, 2013, 01:57:02 PM

You can't be careful enough when wadding. I almost bit it once, wear a inflatable lifejacket now when it looks dicey.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: bunnta on October 21, 2013, 02:13:04 PM
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: HOOK on October 21, 2013, 03:23:30 PM
Bunnta - I am going to assume that you may also be an immigrant by how badly your written English and grammar are. It reads as though you were speaking to us in person in broken english. It looks badly when people call out other races here or anywhere else. I would assume there is a chance it may have been done to you at some point in your earlier fishing years as well, which is wrong.

I will personally call out individual people/persons but not because of their race but because of their actions. If I was ever to refer to them on a public forum such as this race would never cross my mind to add into it. There is just no need for it  ::)

When you post in public places you need to be tolerant to everyone whether it be their race, age, sex..........etc.

have a good one
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: fic on October 21, 2013, 03:27:04 PM
Geesh, first it's Chinese, this and then that, than those people, now it's any new immigrants.  So B.C. born people are perfect law abiding citizens according to your arguments.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: HOOK on October 21, 2013, 03:36:54 PM
Geesh, first it's Chinese, this and then that, than those people, now it's any new immigrants.  So B.C. born people are perfect law abiding citizens according to your arguments.

I hope your not referring to me with this statement. I never once said anyone was perfect now did I ?

I am trying to get it across that you need to think before you speak, especially on public forums. I have known several people over the years that have flamed someone here or another site only to have major issues out on the river because they were unaware the person/people knew who they were.

Were we not all taught "think before you speak" by our parents ?

Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: bunnta on October 21, 2013, 03:42:32 PM
Noted hook. Let just get the topic back on point. Hope rodney delete unnecessary stuff. I will remove the last part.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: fic on October 21, 2013, 03:55:32 PM

I hope your not referring to me with this statement. I never once said anyone was perfect now did I ?

I am trying to get it across that you need to think before you speak, especially on public forums. I have known several people over the years that have flamed someone here or another site only to have major issues out on the river because they were unaware the person/people knew who they were.

Were we not all taught "think before you speak" by our parents ?

I hope your not referring to me with this statement. I never once said anyone was perfect now did I ?

I am trying to get it across that you need to think before you speak, especially on public forums. I have known several people over the years that have flamed someone here or another site only to have major issues out on the river because they were unaware the person/people knew who they were.

Were we not all taught "think before you speak" by our parents ?

I wasn't referring to your comments Hook.  I know that there is bad behavior by all races but singling out 1 race and then calling out all immigrants is just dumb and racist.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: HOOK on October 21, 2013, 04:01:28 PM
true enough.

in regards to river drownings I have been on both sides of the coin. I have witnessed one guy jump off the KW bridge but trip as he went to jump and landed flat on the water knocking himself unconscious, he was lucky there was about 20 people fishing in shorts that ALL jumped in to help him. the very last guy just happened to bump into him underwater and saved his life. He was on the phone 5 mins later telling a friend and laughing about it, what a moron !!

I was also at Lickman the day the older gentleman fell in near Peach road and was pulled out there at Lickman. That was my very first taste of a drowning on the Vedder. extremely terrifying !

the other two were both my own. one was me jumping into water deeper than I thought to try chasing a hot Red Spring on opening day. I went over my head twice before hitting solid ground.

second one found me waist deep in heavy current trying to traverse my way under a log that lay across the entire run we were fishing. it was Feb 2nd and I have a very large steelhead on. As I was going under the log my main line blew up sending me crashing into the frigid water over my head and quickly downstream. Had my dad not been there with me to help grab me as I jostled my way toward shallower water I probably would not be here. I did however know how to deal with the situation and knew to go feet first and keep my head above water, I did not however toss my rod to give me to free hands but instead relied on using my feet to kick against rocks sort of jumping myself to shore rather than back swimming.

Every single one of these events were different for a multitude of reasons. I know lots of other guys that have gone in doing even dumber things and even some of the simplest things. watched a guy jump in after a fish that slipped from his hands in the Fraser, crazy ! 

I now will not wade past my waist in medium current and nothing over my knees in heavier current unless there is 2 or more of us to lock together. I have learned a few lessons the hard way and I can guarantee my lessons are not over

We all need to be aware the river is unforgiving and will grasp your life from you given the chance. be smart out there and learn what to do if you do find yourself in over your head or going downstream.

If you can then wear a PFD at all times or at the least in areas you know could get out of hand fast. A vest that auto inflates is best because even if you smash your head on the fall it will still inflate

keep yourselves safe out there
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: bigblockfox on October 21, 2013, 04:10:05 PM
normal i wont touch this topic with a ten foot pole but i think he was just calling it as he saw it. would it be any different if it was a group of any other race? no it wouldn't. their is people who do stupid cupcakes no matter what race. easy on the racist card.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: Jeff_ on October 21, 2013, 04:21:09 PM
I think it's also a good time to remind everyone to keep your wading belt on tight, it may not prevent your waders from completely filling up but it will definitely slow the rate water comes in if you take a swim. Stay safe out there everyone, a fish or lure is never worth risking your life.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: liketofish on October 21, 2013, 05:35:57 PM
normal i wont touch this topic with a ten foot pole but i think he was just calling it as he saw it. would it be any different if it was a group of any other race? no it wouldn't. their is people who do stupid cupcakes no matter what race. easy on the racist card.

But this is a public forum where people can easily start stereotyping based on what is written. Complaining about a group of people's behavior without mentioning exactly what they do is not being fair, and mentioning their race which has nothing to do with the topic of this thread is uncalled for. This only leads to stereotyping. How sure are we that the group is Chinese anyway? There are many Vietnamese and Koreans fishing the river now. Unless you are Chinese yourself and can discern their spoken language, there is very little to tell from facial feature that they are this group or that. How many can tell the difference between Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Malaysian, Singaporeans, Vietnamese, etc if you can't differentiate their languages?
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: bigblockfox on October 21, 2013, 06:39:34 PM
Fair enough, he did say that they weren't respecting other people and not fishing ethically. I think I missed a post that got deleted.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: leapin' tyee on October 21, 2013, 09:11:18 PM
Bunnta - I am going to assume that you may also be an immigrant by how badly your written English and grammar are. It reads as though you were speaking to us in person in broken english. It looks badly when people call out other races here or anywhere else. I would assume there is a chance it may have been done to you at some point in your earlier fishing years as well, which is wrong.

I will personally call out individual people/persons but not because of their race but because of their actions. If I was ever to refer to them on a public forum such as this race would never cross my mind to add into it. There is just no need for it  ::)

When you post in public places you need to be tolerant to everyone whether it be their race, age, sex..........etc.

have a good one

Hey James .  You said it right buddy
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: corgi on October 21, 2013, 10:02:38 PM
This is my first salmon season and finally got waders a few weeks ago. 

I didn't realize how scary it is walking through current even though it's only knee high! My breathable wader isn't super tight so it causes drag that adds to the current.   

As I'm starting to get more curious to explore new rivers and fishing spots, I read about a sad story on this forum about a drowning at cable pool on the capilano a few years back.  Slippery rocks and tree roots/trunks, etc...

It made me start looking for one of those auto-inflatable collars that was mentioned in the thread.  If you're spending $ already on all of the tackle and gear, it's really not that much more to get the extra safety net.  Or you could potentially help if you're at the site of someone falling in...
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: CohoMan on October 21, 2013, 10:09:30 PM
I think most of us who had fished more than several years have experienced or seen something like this.

Hopefully, we all learned ( including the person who almost drowned ) from our experience and never have to be put into that position again.

As for me, I would never put myself in a dangerous situation.

Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: sugartooth on October 21, 2013, 11:37:15 PM
If a lure is that important, strip down and go for a swim. Some days I feel like you should need a special license to buy waders

Saw this on the vedder today. A guy stripped down and went for a swim through a slow deep pool to retreive something.
On Sunday i watched a guy cross a side stream. There was quite the elavation drop so the current was moving fast. Water was just above the knees. He went face down into the water got up and started moving only to go down again. He made it across after going down 4 or 5 times. My friend,who was there earlier than I was,said he did the same thing earlier when he crossed heading the other direction.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: HamidSeshadri on October 22, 2013, 08:37:48 AM

If you can then wear a PFD at all times or at the least in areas you know could get out of hand fast. A vest that auto inflates is best because even if you smash your head on the fall it will still inflate

I think it's also a good time to remind everyone to keep your wading belt on tight, it may not prevent your waders from completely filling up but it will definitely slow the rate water comes in if you take a swim. Stay safe out there everyone, a fish or lure is never worth risking your life.

It made me start looking for one of those auto-inflatable collars that was mentioned in the thread.  If you're spending $ already on all of the tackle and gear, it's really not that much more to get the extra safety net.  Or you could potentially help if you're at the site of someone falling in...

after seeing two people almost drown this season, and not being able to help because the auto-inflatable life jacket I had was in the trunk of my car, I've started wearing it all the time now, even when i feel ridiculous.  And I also carry a rope in my backpack, and a wading stick with me, and I wear a wading belt of some sort.
a little bit more bulk, but the peace of mind is so worth it.

Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: bigblockfox on October 22, 2013, 11:23:25 AM
common sense goes a long way with wading
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: HOOK on October 22, 2013, 12:56:30 PM
if you take ONE STEP into current that makes you think twice then your better off to just back out and try crossing somewhere else or not at all. This is what I use to gauge where I will and wont wade unless I know its only 1-3 steps of stupid then I might go for it which could turn out badly of course. My friends and I will lock ourselves tightly together to cross heavier current because it helps in overall body mass (weight) and cutting the current for the shorter or weaker wading people. we may look like lovable morons but at least we are not swimming for our lives.

I have been locked to a shorter buddy of mine many times where we are crossing and I can feel his feet literally float off the bottom. This is counter productive because now he is weight being pulled in the current not through the current which could pull us in extremely easy, thankfully its only a couple steps usually and he warns me ahead of time that he is losing his footing so im prepared. I did the same with a buddies gf taking her to some good fly water a couple weeks back, she didn't warn me when she broke free and we almost went in because I wasn't ready for it and it happened while I was mid-step.

if your wading with other people communication is huge. If you don't feel comfortable following your friends across then say something. either they will leave you behind to fish somewhere close-by on your own, help you cross or leave and fish somewhere else with you.

tip - if you do get into current to heavy and need to turn around. always turn INTO the current not with it. also you should always be walking against the current when wading. yes there are times you need to wade with the current and the key then is to keep yourself moving slow enough you can control your step distance and traction. I have seen many people go down wading even in ankle deep water going downstream with decent current

be careful out there guys/gals
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: milo on October 22, 2013, 04:50:29 PM
I have been locked to a shorter buddy of mine many times where we are crossing and I can feel his feet literally float off the bottom. This is counter productive because now he is weight being pulled in the current not through the current which could pull us in extremely easy

Here's some golden rules of wading C&P-ed from a post written by a friend of mine on another forum. I am sure he won't mind having them shared here.

Rule: strong wader on the up stream side, arms linked across the shoulders firmly grasping shoulders or arms or low on the waist, with the idea that if one guy slips the other can hold him without getting blown over. Two men linked this way can cross really insane water, three or more gets you into some unfished water.

Rule: always try to go with the current, no stopping and turning around. Expect to get wet, make sure you can drop gear from your body or hands from the down stream side. Wading Staff on the up stream side of the up stream wader, down stream of the down stream guy. Wear a tight fitting wading belt. Place the wading staff, take step with up stream leg. Check footing, move downstream leg into the lee of up stream leg. Check footing, Move staff. repeat.

Rule: learn what cold water response is, always wash your face with the water before making a crossing.

Rule: never, cross above log jams or other obstructions like sweepers etc. Pick tail outs in deeper water that is moving slower than the fast riffle water, take high angle routes downstream rather than trying to cross 90 degrees. Choose your route and expected landing point, making sure you have lots of room for a long down stream slog. Make sure you can make a similar high angle crossing back, going with the current rather than against it. beware of landings near cut banks, as the water tends to be deeper against a cut or high bank.

Rule: If you go down, dont panic. Its only water. Drop gear, drop vests, packs etc. Try to get your feet pointing down stream and get on your back if you can, or try to swim with the current downstream but try getting to the side as you are moving down stream. If you go under try to relax and breath when you can. Dont panic.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: Whopperman on October 23, 2013, 06:59:31 PM
common sense goes a long way with wading

"Common" sense is not that common anymore. I've seen some very crazy stuff this year. All I say whenever I see something crazy is 'Darwin'. Race has nothing to do with what I've seen.
Title: Re: Please becareful out on the river.
Post by: Ian Forbes on October 23, 2013, 10:00:26 PM
The crabs and crustaceans have to eat, too! They get tired of just dead salmon carcasses.