Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: yakideath12 on June 25, 2013, 09:30:14 PM

Title: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: yakideath12 on June 25, 2013, 09:30:14 PM
Well..short and long story,

me and my friend hit the one of famous combat fishing river in lower mainland

we already saw bunch of guys were fishing  at famous spot.

So we went to check other spot

Of course 7 people were fishing shoulder to shoulder aka combat fishing

Luckly, no one was fishing otherside. So me and my friend decided to fish at otherside.

Well, fishing was good. We limit out in a hour and kept fishing.

All the sudden, this guy who was fishing otherside came to our spot, asked us " Do you guyz even

have fishing license?"

I was like ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :o

and he started to unpack his gear where my friend was fishing ( my friend was having smoke break at that time)

I kindly told him that my friend is fishing over there so If you fish there ,you basically taking over

my friend spot?

He said: So?

My friend didnt want to argue with this guy so He packed his gear and decided to watch me


and then, as usual , this guy kept casting over my line, tip of rod pointing right in front of my face 

and  etc.

Also, I noticed that he kept getting close to me inch by inch. 5mins later, guess what?

Distance between me and him was 30cm away. I was like WTF?? now you try to take over my


From that point ,I had to express my feeling to this guy. Well as usual, he doesnt give a F about

what he was doing.

Well, no point to waste my valuable time with this jerk, we had to finish our fishing unfortunately.

I understand there is lots of pressure in local rivers but at least I wish some people know basic

manner .

PS, If you see this guy, better give him your spot,otherwise he will bark like crazy


Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on June 25, 2013, 09:36:26 PM
2 of you and one of him? If so what were you doing allowing him to bully you? Either put him in his place or make him go for a swim!!!!
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: yakideath12 on June 25, 2013, 09:49:15 PM
I hope that water was low so that at least he can swim out for his life when I kick him in water
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: kalex60 on June 25, 2013, 09:57:15 PM
Is he in yellow or grey
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: yakideath12 on June 25, 2013, 10:02:06 PM
me in white hoody
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: leapin' tyee on June 25, 2013, 10:08:11 PM
Hey  yakideath12.  Are you worry because he dress like BRUCE LEE ?
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: yakideath12 on June 25, 2013, 10:10:57 PM
Hey  yakideath12.  Are you worry because he dress like BRUCE LEE ?

good one dude!
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Fishawn on June 25, 2013, 10:13:20 PM
Maybe this guy was choked because you had already caught your limit, but were still fishing?
Who knows...
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: leapin' tyee on June 25, 2013, 10:18:29 PM
Maybe this guy was choked because you had already caught your limit, but were still fishing?
Who knows...

No excuse , that location is  first come first serve.   Too bad, may be next time MR. BRUCE  LEE should get there at 4 o'clock in the morning.   :P
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: yakideath12 on June 25, 2013, 10:23:18 PM
Maybe this guy was choked because you had already caught your limit, but were still fishing?
Who knows...

By the way, Bruce Lee was already fishing the pool at other side of bank, we hit there around 4pm

Next time when I see him , I should ask him to teach me how to famous " One inch punch "
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: BCLAX on June 25, 2013, 10:54:35 PM
Should have asked him if they had that yellow jump suit in a men's size.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Dennis.t on June 25, 2013, 11:20:42 PM
Maybe this guy was choked because you had already caught your limit, but were still fishing?
Who knows...
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: chronicfisher on June 26, 2013, 12:00:00 AM
2 of you and one of him? If so what were you doing allowing him to bully you? Either put him in his place or make him go for a swim!!!!

X2 if that was me and my buddy......Mr Bruce lee would been swimming if he was lucky.I'm not one for physical altercations but I'm no stranger to one and I have no problems letting a bully getting a taste of his  own meds
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: zap brannigan on June 26, 2013, 12:37:03 AM
thanks for deleting my post.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: silver ghost on June 26, 2013, 12:55:29 AM
Im just confused why you would block out his face and not yours?

I have fished that river for some time and am now curious who it is - if I recognize him, or if its a new guy... then again, based on the yellow rain gear and attitude, probably a new guy.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Pin-nook on June 26, 2013, 08:07:19 AM
LOL...Love hearing all the tough guys coming out and saying "Well if it was me and my buddy the guy would be going for a swim"! Good luck with that, if that guy can't swim the RCMP will be coming after you for more than assault.

I learned my lesson with that river a long time ago and I'm not the kind to let a fool that I don't know crowd me. I beat the tar out of a older drunk fool that tried to beat me over the head with a rock saying I was using a circle hook( ???) and that I should hand over my license. Anyway, long story short I left after and called the cops and when they came the guy was still fishing and the Cops got his side of the story and since he had a damaged face I would have been charged with assault but lucky for me I had a witness down river. can also be arrested for threatening people as well as I found out ;D :D ;)

It's just not worth it! That river especially the busy spots will always be full of idiots and the funny thing is that I've seen Banana Suit fishing the 2 popular upper river spots and yeah he's pretty persistant(all about the meat...) but the are a lot more than just that guy. Personally I think the crowding and new personalities is spurred on by people that boast and have to report all the success they are having on the Cap. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.... stop whining!!! 

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: BIG T on June 26, 2013, 08:09:19 AM
Looks like he had his survival suit on already. So bright  8) 8) :..
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Pin-nook on June 26, 2013, 08:11:32 AM
Big T are you doing that same thing you do on Sundays?
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Fishawn on June 26, 2013, 11:27:38 AM
Look, at least for me, fishing is supposed to be relaxing.  Cable pool is a high traffic area where you will encounter all types of fishermen good and bad.  Forget about booting people in the river, if you don't like the stuff that can go on there-Don't Go.  I would much rather fish in a quiet spot and not catch a thing than get all worked up over the actions of 1 or 2 idiots. But that's just me...
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Fish Assassin on June 26, 2013, 11:28:49 AM
LOL...Love hearing all the tough guys coming out and saying "Well if it was me and my buddy the guy would be going for a swim"! Good luck with that, if that guy can't swim the RCMP will be coming after you for more than assault.

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: jimmywits on June 26, 2013, 01:15:10 PM
Look, at least for me, fishing is supposed to be relaxing.  Cable pool is a high traffic area where you will encounter all types of fishermen good and bad.  Forget about booting people in the river, if you don't like the stuff that can go on there-Don't Go.  I would much rather fish in a quiet spot and not catch a thing than get all worked up over the actions of 1 or 2 idiots. But that's just me...
x2 well stated!
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: flyrabbit on June 26, 2013, 02:34:53 PM
after fishing that river, and that particular spot for a couple of times, I decided not tor fish that river again there...Not worthy and there are always other options...
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: CohoMan on June 26, 2013, 03:19:34 PM
I guess if you are fishing in that kind of environment, be ready to accept that kind of behaviour.

People just don't give a hoot and fishing etiquette is almost non existence nowadays.

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Damien on June 26, 2013, 03:43:07 PM
I would have been all, "Hey Buddy, the Jerk Store called, they are running out of you."

That'll learn'm.

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Drewhill on June 26, 2013, 04:12:33 PM
I'm glad he didn't block his face. Next time I see him catching fish I'm going to take his spot  ;D
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: HOOK on June 26, 2013, 05:55:02 PM
OMG this sh* is funny !

just one of the compounded things that have made me avoid that river since trying it a few times many many years ago.

HOOK - don't piss me off though because I WILL push your my friend in  :P  and without warning !!!
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: X-timber-X on June 26, 2013, 08:17:20 PM
I would feel like a dog, and somebody is slowly inching there hand toward my food in that situation...  I would have probably told him to go fly the f**k somewhere.. 
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: bigblue on June 26, 2013, 08:50:36 PM
Both Cable Pool and Dog Leg are well known for foolish fishermen of all stripes.
When salmon are running, I rarely if ever fish there any more due to abundance of ill mannered fishermen.
If you don't enjoy combat fishing, best stay away from those two spots.
There is still another 5~6km of river remaining to explore.  :)
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: HKSR on June 26, 2013, 09:35:08 PM
You get em everywhere.  Just this evening, my wife and I were fishing off the dock at Lafarge Lake.  3 Persian guys and a girl all came onto that tiny dock and decided they were gonna fish on the dock as well.  One or two more would be ok, but they ALL started casting their lines.  My wife and I moved to a different spot, but man, was I ever close to losing it on them. 

IMO, it's just not worth my time.  There's stupid people everywhere in this world.  You'll never change that.  Just walk away, find another spot, and enjoy what nature has to offer :)
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Spawn Sack on June 26, 2013, 10:25:52 PM
LOL...Love hearing all the tough guys coming out and saying "Well if it was me and my buddy the guy would be going for a swim"! Good luck with that, if that guy can't swim the RCMP will be coming after you for more than assault.

I learned my lesson with that river a long time ago and I'm not the kind to let a fool that I don't know crowd me. I beat the tar out of a older drunk fool that tried to beat me over the head with a rock saying I was using a circle hook( ???) and that I should hand over my license. Anyway, long story short I left after and called the cops and when they came the guy was still fishing and the Cops got his side of the story and since he had a damaged face I would have been charged with assault but lucky for me I had a witness down river. can also be arrested for threatening people as well as I found out ;D :D ;)

It's just not worth it! That river especially the busy spots will always be full of idiots and the funny thing is that I've seen Banana Suit fishing the 2 popular upper river spots and yeah he's pretty persistant(all about the meat...) but the are a lot more than just that guy. Personally I think the crowding and new personalities is spurred on by people that boast and have to report all the success they are having on the Cap. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.... stop whining!!!

Well put. My thoughts exacty. If you are willing to toss someone in the water or beat them up over a fishing spot then you are from the same shallow end of the gene pool as they are. If you are attacked, that is differnet and you should defend yourself. Although there is nothing worse than having some guy(s), without asking, cram in on your spot and violate evey rule of fishing etiquete know. I've been there dozens of times and yes it sucks, especially when you were there are first light and some ignoramus showing up at noon thinks he can just shoehorn himself in where there is no room. That being said, it's just a fishing spot!

Also for bbronswyk2000, yakideath12 and chronicfisher, as Pin-Nook alluded to...unless you are one bad a** dude and can be confident that you can take just about anyone, do you really want to pick a fight with a stranger??!!??!! You have NO idea who this guy is. Is he a trained fighter? A kung-fu master? Or maybe some some joe blow who has never been in a fight. Maybe he is a nut bar and has a knife. Perhaps you will go to lay a beating on him and he will lay a beating on you, and your buddy, and throw you both in the river!

I work in law-enforcement and I could not tell you how many times I've seen a big tough guy mean looking guy get destroyed by someone 1/2 his size who didn't look tough at all. But he was trained fighter. The bottom line is unless you have to fight - don't! And if you do get in a fight, as an old Krav Magra instructor of mine used to say "hit first and hit hard, and if that doesn't work, go for the ballsack."

My rule of thumb is if someone is being rude, confront them and say something. Maybe they are ignornat of the unwritten rules. After that if they just don't care and are clearly just a jerk, then I leave. Maybe I'll walk the dog and come back later.'s just a fishing spot.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: noobfisher on June 27, 2013, 01:00:30 AM
Why is his face blocked out? I think people wanna see who this guys is.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: TayC on June 27, 2013, 01:15:25 AM
Most ridiculous thread ever, complaining about combat fishing the just add to the equation pal.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: chronicfisher on June 27, 2013, 02:45:15 AM
Wow are we at the point where you either watch ppl get bullied and letting these guys just take over? And just rather watch and do nothing is better then not stepping up helping your fellow fisherman out? is there no way of getting rid of these jerks?
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Shawn6o4 on June 27, 2013, 05:52:00 AM
Just cut his line, the end.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Spawn Sack on June 27, 2013, 07:52:08 AM
Most ridiculous thread ever, complaining about combat fishing the just add to the equation pal.


Such behavior is, unfortunately, to be expected during "combat fishing" and if you can't deal with it then you should probably just not fish such spots where you know the yo-yos will gravatate to.

I've learned over the years to just go for a few hours at first light during the "combat season" before all the obnoxious people start to show up. After that I ask I really need more fish for the freezer??!! Probably not. Rather than get stressed out over fishing, which to me totally defeats the point of going fishing, I just do something else like go for a hike or bike.

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: mvelasco on June 27, 2013, 10:36:45 AM
fishing the hot spts on the ched allowed me to cope with such fishermen. most of the I will stand my ground and post up.kind of like who will leave first.its kind of a funny situation though, if im not getting a sniff I'll just move on down the run.
like alot of you are saying there is a ton of people who have no regard for ethics. sometimes its better to bite the bullet once in a while and move on. you cant let such people ruin your "escape". "real recognize real"  and sometimes if this occurences happen other fishermen will look at me and mouth "wtf" and vice versa.

 once again, at the end of the day dont let this behaviour ruin your day, the river is long enough where you have to trek many minutes to find "salvation" .those people arent willing to do so.

(sorry for what may an incoherent thought process...)
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: cutthroat22 on June 27, 2013, 11:04:26 AM
Non-violent solution -> empty 3 ketchup packets into mouth, proceed to start coughing/gagging while spitting out ketchup.  Betcha the jerk will leave.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: The White Indian on June 27, 2013, 11:33:19 AM

Such behavior is, unfortunately, to be expected during "combat fishing" and if you can't deal with it then you should probably just not fish such spots where you know the yo-yos will gravatate to.

Theres combat fishing tho, and then theres just plain out a**hats which seem more abundant on the cap then elsewhere. Was just out on Sunday with a friend who decided to climb down to the pool below Dog, was down there for about 45 mins before some a**hats leaving the lower side of the Dog who decided they didnt think anyone with more balls then them should fish down there and proceeded to start throwing rocks at him. Hope their aim gets better before we see them again.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: tworivers on June 27, 2013, 11:53:51 AM
Wow... is that a centerpin? 8)
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: StillAqua on June 27, 2013, 12:16:47 PM
Non-violent solution -> empty 3 ketchup packets into mouth, proceed to start coughing/gagging while spitting out ketchup.  Betcha the jerk will leave.
That's the creative spirit cuts!
Or keep a small whoopee cushion in your side pocket if they get too close.....
Or start talking about Jesus and salvation when they slide in next to you....
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: zabber on June 27, 2013, 01:01:03 PM
Sucks that you guys let him ruin your day and, affectively, encouraged his behavior. Oh well, we can't all be heros :P

Thanks for the report; glad to hear there are loose lipped fish in there! Looks like you guys were fishing well after first light too! :) :)
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: zabber on June 27, 2013, 01:07:09 PM
Or keep a small whoopee cushion in your side pocket if they get too close.....
Or just start hitting the gym and eating a lot of protein. Not only will you become more intimidating to the average joe, but your farts will become more frequent and smell HORRID. ;D ;D

Or start talking about Jesus and salvation when they slide in next to you....
"Ah, a follow fisherman! How are you today brother?! Fine day to be out enjoying the Lord's wonderous creation isn't it?! Say brother, remind me, what did the Lord say about the fishes and salvation? What? You haven't heard of the Lord and his good word?! Why brother, you simply must hear the Good Word!! ... .... ..."  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: yakideath12 on June 27, 2013, 07:27:19 PM
Most ridiculous thread ever, complaining about combat fishing the just add to the equation pal.

Im just qqing behind keyboard
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: Silex-user on June 27, 2013, 09:29:18 PM
Best to walk away...... life is too short.

Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: urbanflyfisher on June 27, 2013, 10:14:35 PM
Ive gotten close to throwing a few "people" into the river.. had quite the argument with a russian snagger there 2 years ago.. i was ready to kill the fool.

I will still fish cable when i can. since moving to whistler.. im enjoying all the small trout i can catch in the corridor.. havent had a need to go to the cap since 2011 8)
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: bbwong on June 27, 2013, 10:18:42 PM
I saw this guy before and he is one of those regular snaggers in the pool. There are always a group of snaggers show up almost every evening, harassing other fishmen out and start their business. I called DFO last week. If you guys saw a group of age 20s. A blonde super short flat top, a chubby guy...  Pick up your phone.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: urbanflyfisher on June 27, 2013, 10:45:37 PM

I remember back in 1998/1999 groups used to show up after 10pm and fill garbage bags full.. usually redneck kids. That used to really piss me off.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: bbwong on June 27, 2013, 11:49:01 PM

By the way, Bruce Lee was already fishing the pool at other side of bank, we hit there around 4pm

Next time when I see him , I should ask him to teach me how to famous " One inch punch "

Next time when you see those snagging losers, just pull out your phone. Tape their face and what they have done. Call DFO. They will do what The cops do it for the riot.
Title: Re: Be aware Jerk alert!!
Post by: silver ghost on June 28, 2013, 12:42:41 AM
I saw this guy before and he is one of those regular snaggers in the pool. There are always a group of snaggers show up almost every evening, harassing other fishmen out and start their business. I called DFO last week. If you guys saw a group of age 20s. A blonde super short flat top, a chubby guy...  Pick up your phone.

I think I know who you are talking about. One of the members of that group of young guys was the same guy whose picture of him mishandling a steelhead on the same system caused uproar on here and another site.

While I dont support poachers and snaggers, many who fish without a float at the cable pool are simply new, inexperienced and lack the knowledge and expertise many of you guys are gifted with. although its hard to change those habits of people who are well aware that what they are doing is unethical/illegal but continue their ways anyways, i feel that guys like this just need to be shown the way in a polite, non-threatening way.

Use your discretion when out on the water with questionable anglers and offer friendly helpful hints whenever you can - that's my motto.