Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: arimaBOATER on November 23, 2012, 04:33:46 PM

Title: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: arimaBOATER on November 23, 2012, 04:33:46 PM
Maybe some of you fishing the shores of the lower Fraser R around Richmond have experienced some unique smells & sounds lately.

In Richmond on some days & nights depending which way the wind is blowing there is a foul strong "smells".
It smells like if a neighbour put manure in their flower garden ( or all over their yard ) .

As for "sounds" ; lately heard like 6-8 loud bangs.
Thought it was firecrackers but it is shot guns blasting away.

Smells = are coming from a waste recycle plant. It is the dumping area for the compose /tree & grass cuttings/ food wastes that are being picked up curb side weekly.
As all this stuff rots it is producing a really foul order that many Richmond folks are noticing.

Sounds = Bird hunters blasting away at the Canada goose / ducks & possibly some natives also shooting the snow geese.
99% think natives are allowed to kill snow geese.

Som are calling for a thinning of the snow geese population as many are saying the geese are too populated at the moment & leaving dung on school yards etc..

Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Noahs Arc on November 23, 2012, 05:18:40 PM
Not sure what you're trying to get at here.
There is a 10 bird daily bag for snows in the lower mainland right now and a
daily limit of 5 in the rest of region 2.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: arimaBOATER on November 23, 2012, 07:39:52 PM
After reading your post "I'm also wondering what I'm getting at ?"

Not a bird hunter as I just could not pull the trigger on a bird.
But sure will eat a nice cooked one.

Thought ( assumed ) I read some article in our freebie newspaper a few years ago about some bird that migrates to the Richmond area as they fly either north or south & that their numbers were low thus they were protected.
If I remember correctly in that article the " whatever bird it was " migrates " to a northern lake.
My mistake as I thought the bird was this snow goose.
White coloured bird with black wing tips.

Live & learn as thy say.

As for the bad " smells " seems to be bad only during evening hrs on some nights.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: kid fisherman on November 23, 2012, 08:17:09 PM
First off the bad smell is from the harvest energy groups bio gas plant.  They take garden waste and turn it into a fuel sorce, it cool to see. And the bangs are probobly from the hunting that is going on like you said. The only thing is the snow geese are open now for all groups not just natives.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: canso on November 23, 2012, 09:13:57 PM
There is a gun range on Sidaway or close by, I hear it year round.
I'm sure the smells are coming from the Triangle area.
I guess it needs to be done somewhere, and it’s mostly agricultural in that area.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Sam6140 on November 24, 2012, 04:09:08 AM
Not sure what you're trying to get at here.
There is a 10 bird daily bag for snows in the lower mainland right now and a
daily limit of 5 in the rest of region 2.

Sorry, but I have to chime in here.  My opinion, but regardless, who cares what the limit is on any bird or animal.  Doesn't mean it's ok to kill a single one!  Human beings as a species are so self-absorbed, that's it unreal.  We are overpopulating, yes perhaps.  But you don't see a "limit" or a free hunt on us?  I know it sounds ridiculous.   But reverse the situation and give it a thought.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: DanJohn on November 24, 2012, 05:38:33 AM
Sorry, but I have to chime in here.  My opinion, but regardless, who cares what the limit is on any bird or animal.  Doesn't mean it's ok to kill a single one!  Human beings as a species are so self-absorbed, that's it unreal.  We are overpopulating, yes perhaps.  But you don't see a "limit" or a free hunt on us?  I know it sounds ridiculous.   But reverse the situation and give it a thought.
The entire existence of predatory animals are what says its ok. Its a part of nature, deal with it. Now within our society, we have rules, and limits, which we abide by to try to ensure the survival of what we are hunting. If you do not wish to take part in something we have done for thousands of years, no one will stomp their feet and whine about it, yet you feel the right to complain when others who are within their rights choose to do so. Go start a petition, or mail your local MP, dont crap on folks on a fishing forum. You have the right to your opinion, but you tactlessly threw it in everyones faces simply because you were compelled to let everyone know how self absorbed we are. Classy.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: gman on November 24, 2012, 08:21:42 AM
Juast adding a bit to this.

The smells from the recyle plant are a new thing. Recycling the green waste is a few years old in Richmond, but just recently kicked in in Surrey. The Surrey green waste now comes to that Richmond site too. So that site may be a bt overwhelmed, or need to get better procedures to limit the smell. Hopefully they manage better and limit the smell more in future.

The shotgun blasts have been aorund forever. I live in Steveston and hear the shotguns from the Ladner marsh area very clearly in the fall. Too me this is part of the sounds of being close to the river, along with the ship horns when  it is foggy, or the sounds of the geese flying over. There are lots of geese, especailly snow geese - more than I can ever remember in my 40 something years living here. Its great if someone can enjoy hunting them, eat them, and reduce the overpopulation a bit. They are relly making a mess of the school fields in recent years.

Nowadays most hunters use a boat to get to the legal duck and goose hunting areas - mostly the marsh are between Steveston and Ladner. I remember when hunters would just walk into the marsh off the west dyke to set up and hunt, or walk out to shady island,  but thats not open anymore. I have seen the odd hunter in fields in east richmond.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Noahs Arc on November 24, 2012, 08:31:51 AM
Sorry, but I have to chime in here.  My opinion, but regardless, who cares what the limit is on any bird or animal.  Doesn't mean it's ok to kill a single one!  Human beings as a species are so self-absorbed, that's it unreal.  We are overpopulating, yes perhaps.  But you don't see a "limit" or a free hunt on us?  I know it sounds ridiculous.   But reverse the situation and give it a thought.

And I bet all the meat you eat comes nicely wrapped in plastic on a shelf that way you dont have to think of the brutal life and horrible ending that animal had.  At least I know where my meat comes from...
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: brownmancheng on November 24, 2012, 08:41:02 AM
Sorry, but I have to chime in here.  My opinion, but regardless, who cares what the limit is on any bird or animal.  Doesn't mean it's ok to kill a single one!  Human beings as a species are so self-absorbed, that's it unreal.  We are overpopulating, yes perhaps.  But you don't see a "limit" or a free hunt on us?  I know it sounds ridiculous.   But reverse the situation and give it a thought.
Is it ok to kill fish? Poor indefensible fishies???
O Nooooo .....    NEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Damien on November 24, 2012, 02:39:28 PM
Actually clown fish (Nemo fish) have been overharvested because of that movie and are facing regional extinctions. 
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: buzzbomb on November 24, 2012, 03:01:02 PM
Snow goose limits were raised all over years ago because up north in their nesting grounds they became overpopulated and were eating all the groundcover so they were in danger of starving.  So we had to kill more of them in order to save them, and it worked.  Strange but true.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: brownmancheng on November 24, 2012, 03:28:15 PM
Actually clown fish (Nemo fish) have been overharvested because of that movie and are facing regional extinctions. 

They are not that funny anyways

In fact, Clownfish are no more humorous than any other species. It's a common misconception that has lead to this unfortunate stereotype they have to deal with every day of their lives. 
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: arimaBOATER on November 24, 2012, 04:09:28 PM
It was communicated to me that the snow geese were protected here in Richmond thus thought they were protected everywhere.
The truth of the matter the birds are protected only because people are not allowed to shoot them in Richmond.
Too populated thus the danger someone may get shot plus shot guns make loud bangs ( noise pollution )

Do remember doing a slow cruise on the Fraser R in our boat over by Westham Is area & to my big surprise went past two guys with shot guns who were on a rock jetty.
Must of been only 15 ft from them & yep never seen them.
2 minutes later BANG BANG BANG.
Nearly  jumped out of the boat as I got spooked so badly.

Trumpeter swans eagles buffalo etc were nearly killed off so it's nice they have made a good recovery.
Snow geese are over populated so they should be thinned out.

As mentioned in earlier posts they create problems in our grassy fields at parks & fields.

Birds tend to mate for life so I'm not about to make widow birds   ;D

Hey if the Good Lord in the gospels told the apostles to drop their fish nets at that location & the nets got full , then that tells me God gave the birdies moose deer fish on the earth so we could kill & eat them.

I will not hunt myself but am not against hunting.
What really bugs me are some who go nuts & shoot anything that moves in the woods or ponds etc only for the sake for target practise.
News reports of 100's of birds killed / wounded by such types. BOO !!!!

Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Electroman on November 25, 2012, 06:20:40 PM
Too populated thus the danger someone may get shot plus shot guns make loud bangs ( noise pollution )

Haha and an international airport is not?

If there is an open season and I carry all the proper licenses (migratory bird, Fraser valley special area, etc) as well as follow all applicable regs including distances off dykes and roads then I have the right to hunt. Snow geese, canada geese, brant, mallards, teal, widgeon, etc are not protected and have open seasons.
I like my free range organic meat that does not live life penned up.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: kid fisherman on November 25, 2012, 07:51:11 PM
X...2 on that. I am the same way!
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: arimaBOATER on November 25, 2012, 10:28:09 PM
From my understanding bird hunters could do their thing in Richmond in the past as it was legal to shoot.
Not the case now I believe 99.999%  that it is now against the law to bird hunt in Richmond.

If so WHY ?

Is it the fact where large fields were now there are homes & tons of people walking on dykes.
Or is it people living in 2 million $$$ homes ( many homes are worth that in today's market ) do not want to hear BANG BANG BANG.

The plane noise is for the Bridgeport & Cambie home owners & where homes cost less too.

Or maybe if bird hunters shoot the geese in West Richmond then too many flocks will set off & make a B line towards the airport.
There are some grassy areas there too.
Flocks of birds & planes do not mix.

Was it Bush who shot his VP in the butt with a shot gun ???
Maybe most are safe shots but if I'm walking along the dyke & a flock of low flying birds go by & some guys start blasting away with their shotguns 30 yds away I just may want to hit the deck ( ground )   :D

Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Noahs Arc on November 25, 2012, 10:49:09 PM
 :D Well you can relax friend, because those men should be at least 100m from the dykes edge. If they are not I would call them in as that is definitely a major safety issue. Bird shot is really quite harmless after 40-50 yards. 
As for the hunting in Richmond I believe there is still some land where it is legal to hunt but by permission only.
I'm not current with that as Ive got close ties in Ladner.
If you're interested I would suggest going to a hunting store and picking up a "special area" hunting map. This will show you public, permission only, agricultural protection, and closed areas in Richmond to Chilliwack. I believe it also explains the rules about dykes on it somewhere.
Hope this helps somewhat.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: buzzbomb on November 26, 2012, 05:01:34 AM
Major airports use some sort of noisemakers like carbide cannons they set off by remote control to scare birds off the runways.  Could you be hearing those?Farmers use the same thing to try to keep them out of their crops but I wouldn't imagine it's growing season now even in sunny BC is it? 
Dick Cheney was Bush Sr's Sec of Def in Desert Storm then later Vice-Prestdent under GW Bush, first reports that the hunting accident (2009) victiim suffered only minor injuries were false, and he actually had a heart attack due to a lead pellet lodged near his heart.  First reports also said they were friends, also not true.  Shooting a lawyer probably boosted his popularity! 
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: arimaBOATER on November 26, 2012, 03:13:25 PM
The "bangs" were not from the Sidaway area of Richmond ( that's way over to the 99 hwy ) as Canso mentioned & nope to buzzbomb to your sujj. that it may be "noisemakers" to spook birds away from the airport. ( definitely not bangs from farmer fields; but your right in the summer there are a lot of bangs from fields to chase away the birds from eating crops. )

Both good guesses but as I live in south west Richmond & the 5-6 quick loud bangs were from the south east direction.
As the land is flat the noise travels quite far.

I'm convinced it has to be hunters shooting birds as they flew overhead.
 3-4 hunters could pull the trigger & make these rapid shots.

Gee my memory has been jogged as another day I heard a lot of bangs as well ; more so than the bangs mentioned.
Around Oct 31 I think  ;D

On a serious note, one of my past jobs was being a floor waxer.
Did that job for 8-9 yrs & was at a dif building every night. North Van ,downtown,Burnaby, New West. Poco Delta Richmond on & on...but one night as I was getting my equipment from my truck ( floor machine,wax ,mops buckets etc ) a very very loud bang went off which seemed within a block away.
Just one loud bang.
This was just over near #6 just south of Bridgeport.
In that case I called the RCMP & told them about it.
I assumed they sent a car to check it out.
Later I seen a mobile security car & I told the guard about the "bang" & he responded that he heard it too.

Ya just never know, I mean a guy could of been shot in a drug deal gone wrong or "whatever".
In Isreal they get small missiles sent over from Gaza so this one loud bang I just mentioned would be small "potatoes".
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: gman on November 26, 2012, 06:35:35 PM

This map shows where you can hunt in Rchmond. You can hunt in the Ladner march area south of Steveston (you need a boat) and that is the main area nowadays. Also some hunting the large farms areas in south and east, but you would need the landowners permission.
In Steveston you hear lots of shots from hunters on the river between Steveston and Ladner. Some of them launch small boats at the launch near the end of 2 road near the east end of shady island.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Tex on November 27, 2012, 10:16:31 AM
Thought ( assumed ) I read some article in our freebie newspaper a few years ago about some bird that migrates to the Richmond area as they fly either north or south & that their numbers were low thus they were protected.
If I remember correctly in that article the " whatever bird it was " migrates " to a northern lake.
My mistake as I thought the bird was this snow goose.
White coloured bird with black wing tips.

Whooping Cranes are an endangered bird which are white with black wing tips, perhaps you are thinking of this species?

Unfortunately I don't think they are seen in Richmond all that often - or at all.  lol

Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: arimaBOATER on November 27, 2012, 08:39:04 PM
Thanks for your info Tex.

Honestly am not sure as I cannot remember the name of the bird.
Whooping Cranes population are very low that's for sure.

If I remember that freebie newspaper that comes to our home 2x week in it's article it told of some flock of birds that was in the marshy area off Richmond's west dyke.
Think it said that their numbers were very low at one point but was increasing well.
In the summer IF I recall another fact of the article it said something about the flock goes to some lake up north.
Inland somewhat.
Northern BC or NWT ( ???? )

What I read on the web it does not mention that the whooping crane migration route is anywhere  near Richmond.
Title: Re: Smells & sounds in Richmond BC
Post by: Derek Mcl on November 27, 2012, 10:13:34 PM
When I was a kid, my Dad used to take me duck hunting in Richmond on the foreshore just off the end of Runway 26 at YVR.  The jets passing overhead seemed so close.  I wondered what the people in the jet must have thought of two guys packing 12 gauge shot guns off the end of the runway.

You used to be able to walk in along the dyke from the dirt bike pit at the bend in the road before it heads over to the poo pipe (Iona Sewage Treatment Plant).  I imagine there are land mines and attack dogs there now.