Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: oscar on October 09, 2012, 05:14:15 PM

Title: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: oscar on October 09, 2012, 05:14:15 PM
Heading over tomorrow to fish the Stamp/ Sproat / Somas for a couple days.... any reports? It's obviously been low and clear on the island as well...
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: ByteMe on October 09, 2012, 08:32:12 PM
I live here in Port.Honestly,it's a waste of time til we get some rain.You will prob be the only one on the river.Water is ankle deep at the Park and not much higher upstream.Best to delay till next week after the rain if possible
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: oscar on October 09, 2012, 10:39:14 PM
Bummer.... Kind of committed at this point.Couple days booked with Murphy.... will make the best of it.
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: dereke on October 10, 2012, 06:01:48 AM
The fish will start to move with the rain I would say (forecast for friday) even with water levels low. In my experience with the stamp after it has been dry even an overcast day with just a sprinkle of rain can cause an exodus like I've never seen with fish on the move all day. The fish are unfortunately lock jawed when this happens. After the rains if the river isn't blown out causing the fish to shoot through they might get a little more aggressive. All that being said there is always days and conditions that you wouldn't think you'd get into fish and it happens so good luck...
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: ByteMe on October 10, 2012, 07:49:48 AM
Bummer.... Kind of committed at this point.Couple days booked with Murphy.... will make the best of it.

u will be ok if yo're on a guided trip,be tough if u were a bank fisherman
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: Every Day on October 10, 2012, 10:52:55 AM
I was up there last week and the upper stamp is so low you can wade it.
If any one has ever been to the upper stamp, and can imagine it knee deep (which is what it was) you know we badly need rain out here.
Cowichan was also expected to dry up... this rain is definitely very much needed.

On the side of fishing the stamp...
There were lots of old springs around, and a few coho starting to show in the upper.
Also a few steelhead where we were, but most of them will be way up river by this point in the season.
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: jump14 on October 13, 2012, 10:11:59 AM
Its low and slow. Took a drive out today, took some more sips of coffee and turned around
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: IronNoggin on October 13, 2012, 12:09:09 PM
Damn Low and Warm! You'll need some Luck to tag anything. Seen quite a few dead fish littering the river bed - not spawned out - likely due to heat exhaustion.
The rain hasn't come on as hard as predicted - will need many days of it at this rate to make any difference.

If you do go, please AVOID killing any springs! We are NOT going to make the escapement this year due to a HUGE over-harvest by the local FN's. Every single one of them are now damn important for the future!

Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: oscar on October 13, 2012, 10:46:53 PM
Was able to bail last minute, and head in a different direction up to White lake to enjoy some trout fishing on the fly.(Slow fishing, but a great trip). Murphy was more than happy to re-shedule a trip once river levels are back where they should be...already looking forward to chasing some winter steelhead.Thanks all for the input...
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: rhino on October 14, 2012, 12:30:58 AM
Was able to bail last minute, and head in a different direction up to White lake to enjoy some trout fishing on the fly.(Slow fishing, but a great trip). Murphy was more than happy to re-shedule a trip once river levels are back where they should be...already looking forward to chasing some winter steelhead.Thanks all for the input...
i love dec steelhead fishing on that flow! ;D
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: oscar on October 14, 2012, 11:53:11 AM
Cool shot of White lake at dusk....

Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: IronNoggin on October 16, 2012, 11:04:57 AM
The Conveyor Belt for Coho has kicked in... BIG TIME that is  ;)

Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: dereke on October 16, 2012, 07:06:51 PM
I can just imagine Matt, have fun buddy...
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: 4TheKids on October 21, 2012, 11:21:31 PM
Just got back from an amazing weekend with Murphy's on the Stamp. But I am surprised there are very few posts about fishing with guides in either General or Reports. The numbers you get when you are with a guide on a jet boat is out of whack with most bank fishing. I willing to post some details unless it is frowned upon.
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: ByteMe on October 22, 2012, 08:54:24 AM
Just got back from an amazing weekend with Murphy's on the Stamp. But I am surprised there are very few posts about fishing with guides in either General or Reports. The numbers you get when you are with a guide on a jet boat is out of whack with most bank fishing. I willing to post some details unless it is frowned upon.
Why should it be frowned upon?If it's all done wthin legal limits and ethics,and if some people still have a prob. with it,it's their problem,not yours.Please share
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: IronNoggin on October 22, 2012, 09:29:45 AM
... The numbers you get when you are with a guide on a jet boat is out of whack with most bank fishing...

That often depends on the Bank Angler, how well they know the system and just where to intercept the fish  ;)
But that aside, the local guides here REALLY know their stuff!

So, post away. Let's here it!!  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: Stratocaster on October 22, 2012, 09:35:44 AM
The Stamp is one river where having access to a guide and or a jet boat is much more advantageous.  Also having access to fish runs that border on private property is helpful as well because spots with public access are rather limited.
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: lapa on October 22, 2012, 09:51:11 AM
Why should it be frowned upon?If it's all done wthin legal limits and ethics,and if some people still have a prob. with it,it's their problem,not yours.Please share
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: 4TheKids on October 23, 2012, 08:20:12 PM
In two days we had 34 steelies on, and by on I mean the float was down and there was a head shake. It is easy to tell the difference between a stealie take, a cuttie take, and a spawned out spring take. We only had 12 to the boat but that was mostly operator error. My son and I have only been fishing for 2 years but we have been pushing the learning curve as hard as we can. All fish were caught using a coloured bead and a bit of wool. The biggest was 14 lb according to guide but I think that was conservative. This fish was 1 of 4 that were sight fished. When it took the hook my son nearly pee'd his waders. Interestingly, all four that we saw take the hook let it float past then swam down river for the take. Nothing compares to fishing from a jet boat on the river. You can see everything and nothing gets in your way. You can perfectly work your way down the run. I am certain that people like Mr. Noggin can give the boats a run for their money but he has to work hard and has to know his stuff. We had an amazing time thanks to Murphy's and his crew.
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: greyghost on October 24, 2012, 03:25:43 AM
How many coho did you get? Nice job on the summer-runs though.
Title: Re: Anyone been fishing the Stamp?
Post by: KLX on October 24, 2012, 04:19:15 PM
i was on the stamp saturday and yesterday the 23rd. at the bucket, moneys pool and the ash river. water is clear. only boot springs around or steelies. Very poor coho run this year.

Ran into a momma and cub on my walk back to the truck. they were about 12 feet away but paid me no bother. cub got on her hind legs and tried to act tough and big. momma just ignored it.

put the rod away then went hunting. found a small doe deer a few bear but only shot a couple ducks...