Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: urbanflyfisher on August 09, 2011, 11:41:33 PM

Title: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 09, 2011, 11:41:33 PM
Well i decided to hit the cable pool after work today, got there around 5.20 pm, two fly fisherman were just leaving and i had the place all to myself, a friend of mine was fishing the adjoining rocks, 4 casts later fish on! nice 3lb coho female, ten minutes later another fish, but it spat the hook within the first minute, then nothing for about an hour, then another fish! but it broke the line as i was climbing down, few minutes later after retying a i watched a large coho follow my fly up and hit it right by the surface, when i tried to set the hook the fly came out, half hour later bam another big fish, this one was a hell of a fight, it ran up river to the bridge and into most of the backing on the reel... before i got thing under control, was just about to land it when it freaked and broke the line, i was choked :'( then around 8.55pm another fish on, managed to land this one, so six fish in 4 hours, 4 lost, 2 landed. Got my limit.

Gear used, my 9ft 5wt fly rod, full sinking line, 9 foot 4lbs leader, size 14 olive wooly bugger, my best day yet in the last few years on the river ;D

I normaly do C&R, but my parents are in town and asked me to bring them a fish, i brought them two.

I got an iphone  pic... but its not the greatest quality, was shot at my parent's place. but i cant figure out how to upload it using this type of forum software...

A great day on the local river. ;D

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: silver ghost on August 09, 2011, 11:47:46 PM
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 09, 2011, 11:53:46 PM
Well i do prefer when its low, when it was running around 3 on the river gauge, i couldnt get anything, for the last two weeks its been incredible, nine last week in 3 days, 3 in 45 minutes on thursday, most take it on the way up and you could see them come up and strike, i started flyfishing the cap as a kid in 97, been there on and off since then. but today was rather spectacular, the water level was dropping today, when i left the bottom of the stairs was dry.

Lost a nice 7lbs+ coho on sunday due to too low of drag and the reel freespooled, got a loop in caught in the reel and broke the leader.

But today made up for that lost fish ;D

so how do i upload pics?
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 09, 2011, 11:57:59 PM
which river were you fishing today?
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 09, 2011, 11:59:09 PM
The cap ;D
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 10, 2011, 12:05:51 AM
oh wow, I never have any luck on the cap. good job!
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 12:13:52 AM

As i tell people, its the equipment most of the time, try to keep your presentation super small,(i fly fish only) 4 lbs leader and size 14-16 green wooly's and leaches, olive green has been the hot color for as long as i can remember, keep your drag quite loose, if fly fishing use a full sinking line, sink tip works but i prefer full sinking level line.

Same could be done with a spinning rod with a fly and split shot, i helped this one guy last week set up his rod, and sure enough it worked, and he got a beautiful 4lbs female within the hour.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 10, 2011, 12:35:54 AM
thanks for the tips, well I am new into fishing. so far I have a baitcasting set up (convergence with abu 6500 c3) and a spinning setup. when are you heading there again? maybe you could help me out ha.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 12:43:17 AM
Will be there tomorrow, after work, after 5pm, always glad to help new fishermen :)

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 01:06:16 AM
( figured out how to do it, thanks youtube ;D they were both ok the second is quite silver still, not spoiled yet. there are a few blue backs in there now, but since the water level is low not much running through.

The big one i lost today was a real chromer.. Saw her take the fly near the surface and set the hook... what a fight on a 5wt :o Got a nice line burn on my right index finger... ;D
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 10, 2011, 08:43:59 AM
Will be there tomorrow, after work, after 5pm, always glad to help new fishermen :)

thanks, but I will be working late today(wednesday)
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: cutthroat22 on August 10, 2011, 09:05:51 AM
I think I recognize you as the guy who pinched a kids barbed treble hook down a few days ago..??
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 09:27:26 AM
That was me, i was going to break off the other two points, but decided to just change his hook to a single.

Fishheadsoup, i might go there on the weekend, was thinking of hitting the lakes around whistler... but havent decided yet.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 10, 2011, 09:41:18 AM
Fishheadsoup, i might go there on the weekend, was thinking of hitting the lakes around whistler... but havent decided yet.

Thank you so much, but I will be leaving on saturday to my 2 weeks fishing trip to sunshine coast/ Vancouver Island.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: JAwrey on August 10, 2011, 09:46:34 AM
Hmm...a 5wt?  I had put off flyfishing the cap due to the fact that I opted to turn my 2-piece into a 3-piece asymmetrical pack rod  :'(

Will have to get out there and give it a shot.  What's the technique for flyfishing cable pool?  Down and across, or just retrieve?

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: cutthroat22 on August 10, 2011, 09:52:07 AM
That was me, i was going to break off the other two points, but decided to just change his hook to a single.

Well thanx for doing that and I think the good karma got you into some extra fish   :)
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 10, 2011, 10:16:13 AM
sorry newbie question: what is 5wt means?
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: JAwrey on August 10, 2011, 10:40:04 AM
sorry newbie question: what is 5wt means?

A 5 weight fly rod - the typical "starter" size.  Good for trout, pinks, (apparently  ;D) cap coho, grayling...medium duty fly rod.

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 10, 2011, 10:56:11 AM
Thanks for the info. as I am a newbie I want to learn spin casting first, mainly I think fly setup is quite expensive for a good setup on a newbie point of view ha.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 03:35:00 PM
JAwrey, the technique is quite simple, first off when the water is low and slow this time of the year go small, size 14-16 flies, cast across and let it sink, then retrieve in fast 2 inch pulls, some do it in fast jerky 6+ inch pulls, most likely you wont see the fish strike, but you will get some following right to the surface, and at times (although rare) they will strike right at the surface, keep your drag quite loose, but not so loose that it freespools.

Make sure to have a good long net, telescopic preferred, unless your comfortable climbing down,(not really recommended)
Thats pretty much it...

Fisheadsoup, i might be there tomorrow or friday, i normally come after 5pm on weekdays.

My 5wt is a medium action, and im pushing the limits with it, yesterday i was quite sure that chromer was going to snap it, but it held together ;D

Well i get off work in half hour so im off to the river :)
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: JAwrey on August 10, 2011, 04:01:15 PM
JAwrey, the technique is quite simple, first off when the water is low and slow this time of the year go small, size 14-16 flies, cast across and let it sink, then retrieve in fast 2 inch pulls, some do it in fast jerky 6+ inch pulls, most likely you wont see the fish strike, but you will get some following right to the surface, and at times (although rare) they will strike right at the surface, keep your drag quite loose, but not so loose that it freespools.

Make sure to have a good long net, telescopic preferred, unless your comfortable climbing down,(not really recommended)
Thats pretty much it...

Fisheadsoup, i might be there tomorrow or friday, i normally come after 5pm on weekdays.

My 5wt is a medium action, and im pushing the limits with it, yesterday i was quite sure that chromer was going to snap it, but it held together ;D

Well i get off work in half hour so im off to the river :)

Email me the results...very much interested!

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 11:15:24 PM
It was fairly slow today, nothing but two that came up and kissed the fly but didnt take it in the first 3 hours, then around 9pm i hooked into one.. gave a very good fight, gently landed it and released,  small but lively silver female.. about 2lbs, then ten minutes later bam another one, but the fly came out... not too bad, i had fun :)

Two other people also hooked into some fish but they lost them, using a spinning rod with a green wooly bugger and split shot.

I will be there  again on friday, i will most likely be working late tomorrow.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: SteelHunter on August 10, 2011, 11:38:28 PM
Really a wolly bugger with split shots?? How in the heck do you fish that efficiently??
How far would you put the splits shots away and wouldn't you get snagged alot doing this?

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 10, 2011, 11:45:24 PM
First time ive seen this method used was over 10 years ago on the cap, this one guy was getting one after the other, basically you tie a 9ft 4lbs leader to your main line with a green wooly, first split shot about 12inches away, and two more at 8 inches(Fairly small split shot) cast out let it sink and retrieve, twitch the rod a bit to give it some action, works almost as well as fly fishing, this is the setup i normally tell people to use, it works! Poor mans flyfishing without the expensive equipment, dont know how well it works in other areas... but when the cap is low and slow its the way to go :) every year it been consistent from what ive seen.

And yes you do get snagged on the rocks at times. Trick is to not let the fly hit the bottom, time it, and retrieve.  Use small split shot.

Thats basically it.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: JJJ on August 11, 2011, 02:10:34 PM
Would very like to learn from you on how to do fly fishing with spinning rod. Hope to see you there on Friday.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: ihatefisheadsoup on August 11, 2011, 03:52:11 PM
First time ive seen this method used was over 10 years ago on the cap, this one guy was getting one after the other, basically you tie a 9ft 4lbs leader to your main line with a green wooly, first split shot about 12inches away, and two more at 8 inches(Fairly small split shot) cast out let it sink and retrieve, twitch the rod a bit to give it some action, works almost as well as fly fishing, this is the setup i normally tell people to use, it works! Poor mans flyfishing without the expensive equipment, dont know how well it works in other areas... but when the cap is low and slow its the way to go :) every year it been consistent from what ive seen.

And yes you do get snagged on the rocks at times. Trick is to not let the fly hit the bottom, time it, and retrieve.  Use small split shot.

Thats basically it.

wow you are awsome! I would love to learn that technique.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 11, 2011, 03:53:04 PM
I would be glad to show you guys how its done, make sure you have fairly thin main line 6-10lbs, since you wont be using alot of weight casting might be difficult with thicker line.

Every year i seen people doing it and they are more successful  than the people with their gaudy crocodile spoons, large foam floats and wool, not that there is anything wrong with those methods, they just don produce very well when the river is low. if i didnt have a fly rod, id do it that way.

I should be at the cable pool just after 5pm tomorrow.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 12, 2011, 10:33:40 PM
Lost a biggie today :'( spat the fly after a few minutes, this thing was a rocket, a real jumper, what a fight!, 7lbs easy, i did not think i could land it it was just too big, we all thought it was a steelie, but no just a very large coho, by around 8 pm there were 6 people fly fishing the cable pool, 3 of us hooked up, but only one was landed.

Not going to whistler this weekend, staying put on the cap for now ;D
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: JJJ on August 13, 2011, 10:58:48 AM
Thanks urbanflyfisher for teaching me the techique of "fly fishing with spinning rod" yesterday. It worked well I saw a few fishes chasing my fly and got a big bite but did not set hook properly. Will definitely come back and try again this weekend.
The big Coho you hooked in @20:15 was such a strong fighter :o . Hope you land one biggie very soon :D.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: Sandman on August 13, 2011, 12:28:24 PM
Lost a biggie today :'( spat the fly after a few minutes, this thing was a rocket, a real jumper, what a fight!, 7lbs easy, i did not think i could land it it was just too big, we all thought it was a steelie, but no just a very large coho, by around 8 pm there were 6 people fly fishing the cable pool, 3 of us hooked up, but only one was landed.

One of those fishing was me, after my day of battling pinks in the chuck, but I was not as successful down below you, had only one bite that snap the fly clean off when I set the hook.  I promptly switched back to my 5 lb tippet but had no bites after that.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 13, 2011, 11:05:49 PM
No problem JJJ, today was slow as molasses ::), hooked into one around around 1pm and came right off, next one was at 4.30 and also came off :( the magic hour was a dud also... hope that rain tomorrow brings more fish.
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: FlyFishin Magician on August 15, 2011, 07:57:03 AM
First time ive seen this method used was over 10 years ago on the cap, this one guy was getting one after the other, basically you tie a 9ft 4lbs leader to your main line with a green wooly, first split shot about 12inches away, and two more at 8 inches(Fairly small split shot) cast out let it sink and retrieve, twitch the rod a bit to give it some action, works almost as well as fly fishing, this is the setup i normally tell people to use, it works! Poor mans flyfishing without the expensive equipment, dont know how well it works in other areas... but when the cap is low and slow its the way to go :) every year it been consistent from what ive seen.

And yes you do get snagged on the rocks at times. Trick is to not let the fly hit the bottom, time it, and retrieve.  Use small split shot.

Thats basically it.

Sounds like a great alternative when there's limited or no backcast room for a fly rod... ;)
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: marmot on August 15, 2011, 09:13:57 AM
Sounds like a great alternative when there's limited or no backcast room for a fly rod... ;)

that's one of many situations where a good roll cast will save the day
Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 15, 2011, 11:55:26 PM
Indeed, thats all you do there is roll cast, the spinning rod method is a great way to fish if one does not have a fly rod, and its been very productive for the people who employ the technique.

Well i finally landed a fish today, after days of loosing them, a nice silver estimated 4lbs coho ;D i decided to keep it, since i gave the other two away to my parents, good eating!

Quite a fight it put up, got half way into my backing ;D, lost one earlier.. so was quite happy to land this one.

Title: Re: A great day
Post by: urbanflyfisher on August 16, 2011, 11:33:03 PM
Had another awesome day ;D got there around 5pm, first two were foul hooked, first of the year for me... usually that never happens, all released safely without coming out of the water, then around 8pm it really picked up, they were striking right near the surface, lost the first one as i was climbing down, took my fly with it, then around 8.45pm i hooked into a real beauty, about 5lbs id say, a real chromer. watched it take the fly a foot below the surface and it was fish on! awesome fight ;D another fisherman helped me snap a pic of it... nicest fish of the year on the cap for me so far.
