Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: tumbleweed on March 04, 2010, 08:07:05 PM

Title: cultus lake pikeminnow
Post by: tumbleweed on March 04, 2010, 08:07:05 PM
Maybe a stupid question....are pikeminnows active at this time of year. I like taking my boys to catch them because the action keeps them intrested.
Title: Re: cultas lake pikeminnow
Post by: rides bike to work on March 04, 2010, 08:12:10 PM
Im not sure abou tthe pikeminows but I saw alot of jumping at cultus  the other evening rainbows and cutties chasing salmon fry I figure.Ive done very good trolling through the schols of jumping fish with a wedding band.Just make sure you release the sockey and coho smolts.
Title: Re: cultas lake pikeminnow
Post by: Dave on March 04, 2010, 08:59:07 PM
With this warmer weather Northern Pikeminnow fishing in Cultus Lake should improve.  These fish are very temperature oriented for sexual maturity and increased metabolism;  yeah, now is a good time to target these fish.
Because of the PM removal program in recent years there is speculation other predators of sockeye (Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout, Charr) may increase.
Could be a good time to try Cultus.
Title: Re: cultas lake pikeminnow
Post by: Every Day on March 04, 2010, 09:57:48 PM
With this warmer weather Northern Pikeminnow fishing in Cultus Lake should improve.  These fish are very temperature oriented for sexual maturity and increased metabolism;  yeah, now is a good time to target these fish.
Because of the PM removal program in recent years there is speculation other predators of sockeye (Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout, Charr) may increase.
Could be a good time to try Cultus.

I would say these speculations are fairly accurate.
I have seen a lot more of the cutties and rainbows cruising around and rising in the early spring.
Have also heard of quite a few more of the big dollies being caught.
I might have to give it a try when I am home in April  ;D
Title: Re: cultus lake pikeminnow
Post by: wizard on March 05, 2010, 12:49:14 PM
Actally I fished Cultus yesterday.  I started on the Chilliwack River up by Tamihi, but I got bored of trying to go for steelhead. so I headed up to Chilliwack lake and spin fished from the rocks on the shore from the east side.  I was hoping a cutty or something would be hanging around but I got no action and saw nothing.  But man was it beautiful up there, worth the drive just for the scenery.  The logging on the way up in chilliwack river valley above the hatchery sure is getting extensive.  but that's a whole nother subject.  After Chilliwack lake I headed over to cultus as I haven't been there in a couple of years.  I spin fished off the docks by the boat launch and from the shore alongside the road with a small blue fox.  No hits or bites or anything.  Did notice a couple risers further out.  They were probably feeding on chironies as there was actually a nice hatch of small size 16/18's coming off.
There was also two department of fisheries and oceans canada big boats out on the water in the middle of the lake.  It looked like they were trolling. dunno what they were up to...