Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: SpringMaster on August 17, 2009, 10:49:49 PM

Title: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 17, 2009, 10:49:49 PM
I'm quite novice to fishing, and the only thing I learned to do on Fraser for fishing for salmon (mainly springs) is to do bottom bouncing; I'm not even quite sure if I do that correctly either  ???

Anyways, I was wondering is some you more seasoned fishermen/women could tell me what is an other alternative to bottom bouncing and bar fishing to target only the Springs on the Fraser?  I'm more curious about this now that the DFO has put a restriction on BB'ing to save Sockeyes. 

I really want to help Sockeyes survive and repopulate so that we can do some sockeye fishing in the future.  I have done my part by letting each sockeye off my hook as quickly and as gently as possible even if I had to cut my line off to do this.  I've noticed some other fishermen are so keen to save their 10Cents hooks that poor fish just floats away; and I've run to one of these guys and cut his line off before I see another fish get victimized!  Luckily he was understanding enough that no friction took place, but I was really concerned about the fish.  :'(

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: Youngin on August 18, 2009, 03:12:50 AM
Easy.. You could fish with a float :)
Instead of the leader flossing a fish (as it happens with bottom bouncing), you get the fish to actually go for your bait by float fishing.
You use a shorter leader and adjust the depth to the right level and you're set!
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: jon5hill on August 18, 2009, 09:57:23 AM
Pick up a fly rod and start fishing for capilano coho. Land one from cable pool and you're a better fisherman than 95% of the people on this forum :)
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: alwaysfishn on August 18, 2009, 10:11:55 AM
Pick up a fly rod and start fishing for capilano coho. Land one from cable pool and you're a better fisherman than 95% of the people on this forum :)

Jon5hill, Just so we know are you in the 95% or the exclusive 5% club?
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: dereke on August 18, 2009, 03:38:42 PM
Jon5hill, Just so we know are you in the 95% or the exclusive 5% club?
I'm guessing the 5%, my hero. ::)
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: colin6101 on August 18, 2009, 04:22:28 PM
Another way to get springs is to chuck spoons and spinners into slower moving channels on the fraser (also works in the Stave,Vedder, Harrison and Chehalis when they are in there). Float fishing these other rivers is also extremely popular. To increase your chances on the fraser look for areas where streams enter the river and you can often find springs passing by to clean out their gills.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: adriaticum on August 18, 2009, 05:12:28 PM
Pick up a fly rod and start fishing for capilano coho. Land one from cable pool and you're a better fisherman than 95% of the people on this forum :)

Ha ha yes, good luck with that!
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: hue-nut on August 18, 2009, 07:21:53 PM
If you actually want to get a springer on the Fraser you most likely will be bottom bouncing or bar fishing. Float fishing the Fraser? haha good luck buddy, everyone seems to think that bottom bouncers don't know how to fish but most I know are out there float fishing on every other river because that is the best way to target the fish, Fraser in my opinion is BB, plain and simple. With so much water to cover, most other methods will just waste your time.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: Sam Salmon on August 18, 2009, 09:05:02 PM
If you actually want to get a springer on the Fraser you most likely will be bottom bouncing or bar fishing. Float fishing the Fraser? haha good luck buddy, everyone seems to think that bottom bouncers don't know how to fish but most I know are out there float fishing on every other river because that is the best way to target the fish, Fraser in my opinion is BB, plain and simple. With so much water to cover, most other methods will just waste your time.

float fishing-for those that can read the water-is both easy and quite effective.

Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: Scott on August 18, 2009, 09:55:58 PM
Not with less than 12 inches vis imo. 
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: hue-nut on August 18, 2009, 10:28:30 PM
float fishing-for those that can read the water-is both easy and quite effective.

sam just curious but when was the last time you took a spring float fishing the fraser, or anyone that you know for that matter?
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: GoldHammeredCroc on August 18, 2009, 10:32:51 PM
I think Chris Gadsen fishes them this way in addition to bar fishing.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: jon5hill on August 18, 2009, 10:42:30 PM
No I've never got one from the pool, but I have spent a lot of hours fishing there in the past 2 weeks and have only seen 1 person who can consistently pull them in. I've got lots of the smaller ones, biggest being about 11 inches.. but no good sized coho yet. My point was meant as an alternative to bottom bouncing, and i figured by the tone of the post it would be recognized that i dislike bottom bouncing and find it unethical and not what i would define to be fishing. The polar opposite would be the finesse and skill necessary to fish the cable pool properly as it's literally fill with fish yet so few are capable of hooking them consistently. I had no intent of sounding pretentious, rather I was pointing out how stupid bouncing betties are to begin with.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: dereke on August 18, 2009, 10:53:23 PM
No I've never got one from the pool, but I have spent a lot of hours fishing there in the past 2 weeks and have only seen 1 person who can consistently pull them in. I've got lots of the smaller ones, biggest being about 11 inches.. but no good sized coho yet. My point was meant as an alternative to bottom bouncing, and i figured by the tone of the post it would be recognized that i dislike bottom bouncing and find it unethical and not what i would define to be fishing. The polar opposite would be the finesse and skill necessary to fish the cable pool properly as it's literally fill with fish yet so few are capable of hooking them consistently. I had no intent of sounding pretentious, rather I was pointing out how stupid bouncing betties are to begin with.

 I hear you on these thoughts but an effort to not seem like a pompous fisherman goes along way when trying to get a point across. Telling someone how wrong they are is not the way to try and change the way they do things but offering good alternatives is...good on you for caring though.

Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: Rodney on August 19, 2009, 01:09:03 AM
Let's not derail from the main subject by getting into the same debate again please, or we'll clean the thread up to keep it going.

Barfishing can be quite slow, but for this time of the year, tie some roe onto the hook below the spin n glow and you might consistently get bites from jack springs because they are quite abundant during this time of the year.

Float fishing for chinook salmon on the Fraser River is typically done at creek mouths where water clarity is better.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: eddy on August 19, 2009, 08:12:51 AM
And to reach these creek-mouth hot spots you need a boat, now that DFO has closed the river above Agassiz. >:(
If you don't have a boat, you are screwed.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 19, 2009, 10:21:41 PM
lot of good information from everyone; I really enjoy reading.  I just hope that I haven't hit on a really touchy subject here; I'm just simply curious to know.
My main concern is when the DFO says don't bottom bounce in order to conserve sockeye, then what should one do instead?  I don't like bar fishing and I don't like fly fishing.  I'm not into finesse, otherwise I would become a wedding dress maker, and I'm not into sitting and waiting for hours and just drinking beer to pass time.  :D  I really enjoy the active fishing of bottom bouncing, but I never realized it was "unethical" either.  I just always saw everyone doing it and I thought it's the only way to catch fish!  ???
Oh, ya, and I don't have a boat, so the creek mouth might be hard to reach for me!
If the methods that have been suggested here already, are the only possible methods, is it safe for me to assume that I can only catch springs using bottom bouncing? (assuming I'm on foot, and I don't like bar fishing)

Is it possible to float fish with roe for jack springs?

Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: Eagleye on August 19, 2009, 10:29:01 PM
I don't see why it wouldn't work but the river is quite murky for this time of year.  Wait till the Pinks arrive and you can target them with many methods because there should be lots of them and they are eager biters.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 21, 2009, 04:06:02 PM
now I'm just really curious to know: where do people who do not like bb fish for springs? and what method do they use for that?
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: colin6101 on August 21, 2009, 08:38:55 PM
As mentioned previously there a few different ways to do it if you have access to a boat (back trolling, and trolling spoons at creek mouths), personally I only have my kayak so I usually just spincast from shore with spoons but only really have success with Jack Springs. Bar fishing is by far the most popular way of catching springs without a boat besides bbing. There are still some accessible bars open right now but a lot of the most popular ones are closed at the moment (above Agassiz bridge). When barfishing is slow with spin and glows you can add roe to it and you tend to catch more jack springs, and I have also caught sturgeon on that setup which is always fun.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 22, 2009, 09:38:46 PM
Thank you for good information colin.
I think I have to look into getting a boat next year :)

Are there still any Springs or jacks in the Fraser?
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: chris gadsden on August 22, 2009, 09:47:12 PM
Thank you for good information colin.
I think I have to look into getting a boat next year :)

Are there still any Springs or jacks in the Fraser?
The river is full of them and will get better over he next few weeks.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 23, 2009, 12:06:47 AM
where is a good place to bar fish - for a novice like me - so that I don't get tangled with others?  Just so that there is enough room for me to play a bit and get hang of it? ???
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: Gaffer on August 23, 2009, 10:32:38 AM
Pick up a fly rod and start fishing for capilano coho. Land one from cable pool and you're a better fisherman than 95% of the people on this forum :)
Nice shot ! So you'd be including yourself in the 95% Right Mr. Perfect?
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: jon5hill on August 23, 2009, 03:46:44 PM
Nice shot ! So you'd be including yourself in the 95% Right Mr. Perfect?

As of lastnight, I am! lol

But seriously, scroll up and read my last post. Then read Rod's afterwards ;)
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: rides bike to work on August 23, 2009, 09:35:14 PM
Ive gone out with guides that wouldnt let us bottom bounce but let us float fish with roe it was actually very effective we caught many jack springs and a couple in the teens.I personally dont feel bad about bottom bouncing. Its not illegal .I dont have a boat so my shore fishing options are limited.I only get out a few times a year and I find the most effective way to bring home a couple of fish to feed my family is bottom bouncing.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 24, 2009, 09:15:23 AM
Ive gone out with guides that wouldnt let us bottom bounce but let us float fish with roe it was actually very effective we caught many jack springs and a couple in the teens.I personally dont feel bad about bottom bouncing. Its not illegal .I dont have a boat so my shore fishing options are limited.I only get out a few times a year and I find the most effective way to bring home a couple of fish to feed my family is bottom bouncing.

Ok; this is interesting to know. 
When you float fished for jack springs, was it in creek mouth or just on the river somewhere? 
Did you need a lot of weight to hold the line down (Fraser has strong current)?
Was the tackle set up similar to float fishing in Vedder or different set up?

Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: rides bike to work on August 24, 2009, 10:33:02 PM
just like fishing the vedder  a dink float, pencil lead,swivel,leader and a hook with row.We fished normal large water  and caught fish in water only 5 or 6 ft deep.just adjust your float  so your about a foot above the bottom.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: SpringMaster on August 27, 2009, 08:19:26 AM
just like fishing the vedder  a dink float, pencil lead,swivel,leader and a hook with row.We fished normal large water  and caught fish in water only 5 or 6 ft deep.just adjust your float  so your about a foot above the bottom.

Thanks for the tip.  I'm goning to try this method next season on upper Fraser.
Title: Re: Effective Alternative to Bottom Bouncing and Bar Fishing?
Post by: mikeH on August 28, 2009, 12:47:19 PM
I have a question the sockeye being closed to us,is it the same for the natives?if not then whats the point?I think its a double standard that needs to be changed if you want fish numbers to be high.I think we have to work together.