Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: chris gadsden on October 15, 2008, 01:22:59 PM

Title: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: chris gadsden on October 15, 2008, 01:22:59 PM
Most of us have left their fishing rods behind sometime in our fishing careers, I know I have and have been lucky to get them back. We hear and read all the time of people losing theirs.

A tip worth considering. I use it all the time now, I put my rod on the hood of my vehicle, across the windshield so if I donot put it in the vehicle when I am ready to drive off I see it there right away when I slip into the drivers seat.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 15, 2008, 02:35:31 PM
Also a good place to put your car keys while you're changing out of your waders.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: funfisher on October 15, 2008, 03:06:44 PM
a few years back I left my shimano convergence rod reel combo down at the scale bar.  because I was carrying out my catch I didn't realize that I had left my rod down on the bar.  I went down to get it and it was gone.  200 bucks down the drain.  I was a little upset with myself to say the least. 
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: cohojoe on October 15, 2008, 04:59:08 PM
thanks for the advice,   I now clip my car keys to my pants even when not fishing.   That way if I lose my pants I know I lost my keys .    Rods across the windshield sounds good.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: tyee35 on October 15, 2008, 09:56:53 PM
great tip Chris!...keys almost lost many time...
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: shoreboar on October 16, 2008, 04:26:05 PM
I've lost 3 rods this year while loading stuff in the truck and/or camping, so the "windshield" tip is certainly a good one. Certain types of beverages have been a factor in 1 of the situations, and perhaps old age in the other 2 situations.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: chris gadsden on October 16, 2008, 06:25:05 PM
thanks for the advice,   I now clip my car keys to my pants even when not fishing.   That way if I lose my pants I know I lost my keys .    .
;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: yakideath12 on October 16, 2008, 06:39:33 PM
I lost my rod last week and a nice guy called me on thanks giving day and found my rod!

worth to try put papers about lost things at where you lost . This will help alot.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: BigCoho on October 17, 2008, 01:07:15 AM
a couple years back my buddy drove off and left his center pin behind in Chehalis. His day got even worse when he threw a rod in his engine on the way home :P
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: cohojoe on October 17, 2008, 06:28:55 PM
I normally forget my gear in the dark.    So I have now got a light color tarp and lay out my gear when I am ready to load up.   And you would be suprised at all the things you see on the tarp.   Your net,  your hat,  gloves,  whatever else that is small and attached to you or your tube.    Then when everything is loaded;  both of us walk around the site with those new bright flashlights and make sure we have not left anything for the next angler .

Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: speycaster on October 17, 2008, 09:18:54 PM
Gees Chris at your age can you even see the hood of the leaf mobile from the drivers seat. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: armytruck on October 17, 2008, 09:27:31 PM
My last experience losing my rod was at the chehalis in the canyon . The springs were in full force that year and so was the rain . I was half asleep , my hands were all pruned up , all soapy from the borax roe . WHAM a smack from a huge spring hit the roe and B4 I reacted the rod torpedoed right outta my hands and shot down the river , the spring in tow leaping down river with the rod  :-[ .
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: David_R on October 18, 2008, 07:26:05 PM
Yup, had shaky hands and was excited leaving a spot from an encounter with a steelhead, put my fly rod on top of the roof. Got distracted watching another fisherman playing a trout and then got in the car and drove away. Realized half way home that I left my rod up there. Turned around and found a broken piece of the blank but someone had since stopped and picked up the reel :(

Windshield tip is definitely a good idea
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: chris gadsden on October 18, 2008, 10:25:16 PM
Good thing I took my own advice yesterday as I got talking to a fellow board member about the serious gravel issue on the Fraser River. We talked for some time and by the time I got ready to drive away it was nearly dark. I had forgotton about my rod and there it was where I said to put it, on The Leaf Mobile's windshield.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: bigguy on October 19, 2008, 08:05:08 PM
shoreboar and a few others... Where are you oing to fish next, I need to replenish my supply of rods that I have lost. ;) ;)  Actually mine were stolen out of the back of the truck when we stopped at Timmy's for an early morning coffee.  Learned our lesson to always use drive thru or leave someone in the truck.  Couldn't believe it though.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: ColinB on October 20, 2008, 03:52:12 AM
A friend of mine lost his rod and reel overboard on a 1500 acre reservoir.  He and his boat partner spent a hour or so dragging the area [50' deep] to no avail.
He was out again the next day and well away from the area the rod was lost in when his partner dredged up the lost rod, hooked neatly in the top rod ring?? ??? ???
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: mojoman on October 20, 2008, 07:15:16 AM
I've left my rod on the shore after helpin' a fellow load his aluminum boat... returned the next day and there it I have a routine...if I'm packin' up to leave the lake I'll not be very good company till I'm done...not rude....just bizzy...I have a routine and I stick with it...after I'm all loaded up a beer and a chat is more than welcomed...get a routine and stick with it!!!

Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: scute on October 27, 2008, 02:38:57 PM
Found fly set up at small interior lake launch.Was returned to owner 2 days later ;when offered reward refused but ended up with priceless advice on lake and"secret" selection of flies "priceless" ;D
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: 3/16ths on October 27, 2008, 03:13:30 PM
I just about had a heart attack this weekend.  My buddy and I fished a spot on the upper river.  I had my backpack with me.  Its a custom made Kifaru (pricey) and contained my HD Camcorder and my Simms wading jacket.  I took the backpack off and placed it on the bank behind me.  Nothing was biting so we split and drove back into town to check out centerpins at Dart and Tackle.  Only after I got back in the car did I realize I left it.  That fact, and the fact that there was numerous people around just about made me physically ill.  I made it back to the hole in about 2.5 minutes (hope Chilliwack has no photo radar). 

The pack was right where I left it:)  From now on, once its on my back, it stays on my back.

Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 27, 2008, 04:22:29 PM
You're a lucky dude.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: 3/16ths on October 27, 2008, 04:31:57 PM
Tell me about it.  I should've bought a lottery ticket.
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: e36blue on October 27, 2008, 05:25:01 PM
I lost the tip on my sage z-axis when I got pushed into the weed beds with strong wind - my rod was in a holder but the tip and line dipped into the water and got pushed into the weeds and tangled. The wind blew us further away and when I tried to pull my rod out the end popped out :(

Luckily it was replacable by Sage.

Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: BooBooBear on October 28, 2008, 01:52:02 AM

Another item to always pack is a flash light...  Especially when you are having lots of fun and forget it is past dusk... These days - with the LED flashlights so cheap and small - using AA or AAA batteries - should not be a big deal leaving one in the back pack... and very handy if you just happen to drop your car keys on the rocks..:P
Title: Re: Losing Fishing Rods, Have You?
Post by: mojoman on October 30, 2008, 07:33:11 AM

Another item to always pack is a flash light...  Especially when you are having lots of fun and forget it is past dusk... These days - with the LED flashlights so cheap and small - using AA or AAA batteries - should not be a big deal leaving one in the back pack... and very handy if you just happen to drop your car keys on the rocks..:P

or you could mount working lights on the rear of your boatloader....turns night into day...;)))

mojo keepin' the dark at bay... ;D