Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fly Fishing Cafe => Topic started by: square tail on May 13, 2008, 11:37:59 AM

Title: springs on the fly
Post by: square tail on May 13, 2008, 11:37:59 AM
looking to tie tubes for springs and my favourite colours for them are blues and greens any other good colour patterns or comboniations would help will be using spey rod with tips for these  on the veddar when it reopens and on the fraser will be using 8wt and 9 wt rods will these be strong enough rods. have cnds and loomis
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: newsman on May 13, 2008, 06:12:27 PM
A 9wt works just fine. I have had no problem landing them in the Tyee category with my single hand 9wt.
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: David_R on May 21, 2008, 10:19:11 PM
What weight in pounds are you talking about? Is a 60lb spring salmon do-able on a 9-wt ?

Do you have more details on the setup or links to informational articles, I tried some searches but didn't come up with any good links.
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: dennyman on May 21, 2008, 11:10:02 PM
If you are talking  a single hand 9 weight it would be doable on the Vedder. Your rod will be taken to the max with a fish that size and if it is a fresh fish, on the Vedder you may still  end up waving good bye to it. As far as the Fraser, if you are targeting Springs on there, I would stick to the spey rod and  use a 10 or 12 weight. The current is much stronger and you will have your hands full for sure trying to control that big of a fish.
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: David_R on May 21, 2008, 11:43:02 PM
Just thinking about skeena river fish actually, I need to buy a salmon rod and I am contemplating whether I should get a bar setup or venture into big game fly fishing(or spey?)
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: marmot on May 23, 2008, 12:35:31 PM
Its amazing what you can bring in on a light rod, provided you have enough reel for the job.  I've brought in springs in the 20lb range when I was a kid on my grandads old trout rod with a big surfcasting reel stuck on it.....

so....just get a big reel with a good drag and LOTS of STRONG backing.  You will need it!
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: newsman on May 23, 2008, 05:17:02 PM
Don't go too light. It over stresses the fish which causes either death or brain damage, okay if you intend to keep the fish but a waste if you are releasing it to spawn. For those Skeena brutes, 10+ for sure.
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: marmot on May 23, 2008, 09:16:02 PM
Ya I was commenting on the original post, I think a 9 would be fine with a decent reel for fraser or vedder springs.

Sometimes a lighter rod with more give will work well...I lose less of the bigger fish I catch and more of the smaller fish for this reason I believe.  Less spring in the rod, less herky jerky action.  I will always prefer something a "little " lighter for that reason. I still bring the fish in quickly, I am not one to play a fish until its on its side gasping.
Title: Re: springs on the fly
Post by: slurpie on May 26, 2008, 10:36:24 PM
I've brought in 20+ lbs springs on the veddar with 9 wt.  It is also doable with an 8wt it takes some doing and may over tire the fish.  Very low water conditions are even more doable...but the fraser or skeena?