Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fishing Reports => Members' Fishing Reports => Topic started by: chris gadsden on January 08, 2008, 05:36:01 PM

Title: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: chris gadsden on January 08, 2008, 05:36:01 PM
After yesterday's all day hunt for my second steelhead of the season, I, against better judgment because of a bad cold headed out once again this am.

Once again a very warm welcome to The Journal on FWR your top fishing web page in the Northwest for fishing information, tips, tall tails, video clips and much more.

After a restless sleep because of a bad cold most likely made worse by yesterday's trip I awoke to a fresh blanket of snow, should I or shouldn't I was my first thought of the day. As I wonder what to do the phone rings, and in my early morning stupor I can not find the phone, it was not but on the cradle last night. I know it will be The Master and after finally finding the hiding phone I dial him back.
He is looking for the RCMP phone number as he wants to report a burnt out vehicle he has found on his way to the river, I hunt the number up for him. He asks me my game plan for the day. I say "I am unsure at this time, you go ahead". I know he will be going to his "hot spot" where he hit 3, landing two yesterday afternoon. ;D

I decide to make a coffee at home instead of the usual trip to Tims. Maybe I will feel better after the coffee. As it brews I fiddle around, looking at the snow falling turning the yard into a Winter wonderland as the media like to call it. Those that have to commute to work in it I am certain think differently.

With the now hot brew in my new Maple Leaf travel mug I am feeling better already, after looking at the large logo on it. ::) I think with the snow maybe the river will not be as busy and if the rain comes  the river may not be ideal in a day or so, so the decision is made "WE ARE GOING.

I quickly add the newly procured shrimp to my bait box, I made them a little lighter in color this time, less double red hot mixed in with them.

The road are not too bad as the snow plows have been working the main roads and the Leaf Mobile has no trouble reaching the river, 5 minutes away.

When I arrive one angler is getting ready at his truck, when he sees me he seems to rush a bit ;D, no worry as I am in no hurry. I sip the remainder of the coffee, look around at the runs and see a lot less than the last few days.

I see the angler that was in a hurry is up to a run where I had planned to go so I decide to go to another spot that when I reach it I see no footprints in the snow.

I put on the shrimp, lets try it today after using roe bags for most of yesterday, they look good. I work the run fairly quickly and move on. Taking about moving, I must move to the supper table, back shortly.
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: chris gadsden on January 08, 2008, 08:05:51 PM
Part two now.

My next spot to try is near were I pulled the fish to the top the other day. It is a very small slot, not much bigger than being able to hold a fish, well a little bigger. ;D Experience over the years has told me a spot like this has and does hold steelhead. Many anglers will just walk by them. ;D

Anyway this one is a bit of a boil too and sometimes the turbulence pulls your float down so it can be hard at times to sense a take. On the first drift the Maple Leaf Drennan goes down, is it the boil or not, I pull all too gently. I think I feel a bit of a head shake, not sure. I quickly recast, the float makes the same maneuver I donot pull, it does nor stay down, it's red head pops to the top. As I wind in the hook is bare, except for the tuff of pink wool, shrimp is gone, must be a fish, I now feel the excitement.

I decide not to re bait as this may be an aggressive steelhead, the wool may do it. I am correct, the same movement is made by the MLD and boy I set the hook this time, yep it was a fish as it quickly vacates this little holding spot, heading to some fast water. I charge after it having to cross a side stream to a small gravel bar. The problem now is I am hembed in, no way to follow it. :'(

I apply a little pressure to try and bring it back, it co - operates and races back to where it was laying before I interrupted it's rest, I see it briefly, a fish not that big maybe 8 pounds or so. More trouble though, it has taken my line under a bare submerged log that is maybe 10 feet long. Its sits for a bit in the slot, my next choice, the only one I have is to try and pull in back, from under the log. I hold the rod low, in the water and apply some leverage. The fish comes towards me a bit but it feels like it may be hung up, then it comes towards me, I feel a bit of slack, darn gone but no it is still there as I feel it twisting and turning, good I still have a chance. Those thoughts are then quickly dashed.

The steelhead that is still full of energy says, I am out of here and heads down stream like it did at the start of the struggle. I try the original trick but it is to no avail, I have to tighten more, too much as pop goes the line, its gone, Maple Leaf Drennan is also disappearing, floating away, for some lucky person to salvage from some log jam. :'(

 I stand there with the limp line dangling, a bit dejected as my record is now 1 for 4 (counting actual fish on).

So back to the Leaf Mobile I go, might as well be warm as I retie. Just then Terry arrives from fishing higher up in the flow, "no luck there" he says although he was still pleased from his success of yesterday. ;D

I point out a spot he might want to try, he heads to it.

I am lucky that I have another MLD with logo attached in my bag, it goes on as does a number 2 hook and that tuff of pink wool. I then head back to the same spot but nothing more there.

I cross the river to try where I had pulled the fish to the top the other day, nothing there either however there is another small slot similar to where I had lost the first fish. First cast float down and yes another steelhead is on, well now, maybe I am into 20 minutes of actual fishing time and I have been into two fish. Who says miracles do not happen. ;D

 This fish too has a mind of its own and is heading down through the swift water that helped cost me the earlier fish. It is taking line off the reel all too fast. ::) I have a choice this time, let him go, as I race upstream to cross another side stream keeping as much tension on the Avon as I dare. I donot even look at how much line is left, I could panic. ;D As I prance through the water like a fleeing deer I am thinking, I am glad I loaded up the reel the other day. As I gain the other side of the stream I feel the fish still there, I start to gain line. Two anglers just leaving the area stop to watch the action, just as I catch up to the fish. I get a glimpse, it looks hatchery, not sure thought. The fish has some energy left and heads back down again, that is after it went up stream a bit.

I am now gaining and winning the struggle, I now see it is indeed a hatchery fish and as I am not feeling all that great I decide to retain it s o I have to go home. :-\ As I slide it up on dry land I notice it is like my first fish of the season, another chrome beauty, not a mark on it (when I get home it tips the scales at 10 even). I am now pleased. After I mark my license I phone The Master, he has none so far. ??? Maybe his spot is not so hot after all, we decide to meet at Cookies for lunch, I phone Terry to join us too. He is not that happy that I sent him to the spot he had just fished after I told him I had got one. ;D

Another enjoyable lunch with good friends is the the end of a perfect day for me as I head home to rest my cold.

Later in theday I got a call from the Master and he got nothing all day but a friend who joined him got one around 16, a hatchery too.  Well Nick you can not get them every day and a tip for you and others, don't forget to fish those small spots, they can be a gold mine, I mean a STEEL mine. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: Geff_t on January 08, 2008, 08:18:17 PM
Great read as usual Chris. Congrats on the fish. I plan to head out tomorrow but not to the Veddar. I plan to try another system a little closer to home.
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: Steelhawk on January 08, 2008, 10:26:40 PM
Great read. Thanks Chris and congrats to your wonderful day out. I like those small pocket water too. Leave some pocikets for us town folks.
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: BigFisher on January 08, 2008, 10:35:03 PM
Come on Chris put some of those hatchery fish back, for the rest of us to play with!  ::) good report.
The only fever you caught was a fever for more steelhead
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: mastercaster on January 08, 2008, 10:58:08 PM
Chris, not that you have a horseshoe stuck somewhere in an unmentionable body part, but I can't believe how many chances you get at a fish's like the fish wants to be on your line to see if he can take you on.  You're becoming a LEGEND!  Most of us get one shot and if we blow it...that's life. 

You obviously have good karma! I'm going to have to get to those garbage bags first and start changing them before you can to them, not to mention all the other things you do for the river. Good on ya.

Too bad good karma only works on the river for you and not on Leaf Nation . ;D
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on January 08, 2008, 11:29:39 PM
Very enjoyable report! should write a book! ;D
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: younggun on January 09, 2008, 01:59:44 AM
wow chris, u've been out alot lately and its paying off way to go, and ya when is your book coming out.

Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: kellya on January 09, 2008, 08:26:41 AM
Chris, not that you have a horseshoe stuck somewhere in an unmentionable body part, but I can't believe how many chances you get at a fish's like the fish wants to be on your line to see if he can take you on.  You're becoming a LEGEND!  Most of us get one shot and if we blow it...that's life. 

I find that i ushually get 2 or 3 chances on steel especially with bait i love that because the next drifts exciting. Even when i sting them they sometimes hit them next cast.  Anyone else?
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: firstlight on January 09, 2008, 09:56:29 AM
Great stuff again Chris. ;D
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: Athezone on January 09, 2008, 07:02:31 PM
Hi everyone, sorry for the late response, but hey. Better late than never. Was out yesterday fishing the lower sections and hunting some steel in a winter wonderland. Arrived at the river about 10:30 and first spot I went to had about 5 guys fishing it already so off I wander off to spot number two. Actually I had no idea where spot number two may be but as I walked and searched I eventually found fishy looking water and thought I'd give it a go. First cast using a roe sack my drennan goes down, caught off guard its coming up before  I can do much. The roe bag is thrashed so I excitably put on another with fumbling hands. Next cast I'm ready but the fish is'nt. In fact for about ten casts the fish is'nt interested but on the eleventh she perks up and wham, fish on. I know its a good sized steely and I play it patiently as it takes me a good fifty feet down stream but after five solid minutes of a fine fight she knocks me out with a straight upper-cut and breaks my 12LB. Maxima. Adrenaline coursing through my body I look over at the other fishermen that were watching, a huge smile pasted to my face, happy to of had the opportunity. Back to fishing I went and over the next hour and a half a virtual fence post I had become, content to fish the same water. I found in this environment mud and snow would stick to my Hodgemans and make walking difficult so I stayed put. I had also seen a one steely jump and I had another close miss so I knew there had to be at least one in there. I tried pro-cured shrimp, some beauty spring roe and of course roe sacks and finally my patience paid off as my float went down again and this time I was on top of it. This steely gave as good a fight as the first but I could feel that she was'nt as big and after a hearty 6 minute battle she slowly torpedoed to shore and into my waiting hands.
A very nice chrome doe about 12LBs. or so. It was my first trip out for steelies this season so a happy man I was. I can't wait to get out again, Good Fishing All.  :)



Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: Steelhawk on January 10, 2008, 01:17:52 AM
That is a great fish, Athezone. What a day you had. Congrats. Still waiting for my first hatch.
Title: Re: It Can Be Easy, The Journal For The 8th Of January, 2008, On The Vedder
Post by: Buck_wife on January 18, 2008, 10:54:57 AM
Nice Chris!  ;D Still love your stories!

(I'm here now, you were second on my list, unfortunately I can't pm you back, something about subscriber nonsense...)  :D