Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: chris gadsden on January 02, 2008, 06:22:42 PM

Title: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: chris gadsden on January 02, 2008, 06:22:42 PM
Starting a new thread on this what was being discussed on the Vedder River 2008 conditions thread.

I was asked by Fish Assassin how we were making out trying to get some type of bait car out there so we can attempt to catch those that are spoiling so many of our fishing experiences on the Chilliwack Vedder River.

I had not followed through which I said I would try to do, that was to set up something with the Chilliwack RCMP, I apologize for that as I always try to follow through with what I say I am going to do. Up to tonight all I had done was talk about it. :-[

Anyway I have now made a phone call to my contact there and will see if they can do something as they will know of the latest rash so it may be a good time to try to get their cooperation. I have left a message with him to call me.

Please post here when you hear about or see a car break in that has been committed. Thanks.
I believe in the last few days there has been about 6 that I have been told about plus one car stolen.
Title: Re: 2008 Vedder River conditions
Post by: Xgolfman on January 02, 2008, 07:31:07 PM
Set up a bait car...hide up in the bushes with a wrist rocket and steel shot...when you see someone trying to break in, smack um....they won't hear it till it hits them...I've heard about this from a fellow fisherman...Excellent idea, hurts like hell and once you put them down, don't let them run to their mommies....Just try not to laugh to hard...
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: thor on January 03, 2008, 07:40:59 AM
On Sunday Dec 30th,  I was fishing mid river and when I returned to my truck I found that some bottom feeder had broken out my passenger window, punched my passenger door lock and tried to pry up my passenger door handle. Mr. Bottom Feeder took my tire chains and my insurance papers. After I cleaned up the mess and looked about it the bushes for my belongings - which I did not find - I report the incident with the Chilliwack RCMP.

I would love to have 5 minutes to speak with person who did this.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: coryandtrevor on January 03, 2008, 08:13:12 AM
Starting a new thread on this what was being discussed on the Vedder River 2008 conditions thread.

I was asked by Fish Assassin how we were making out trying to get some type of bait car out there so we can attempt to catch those that are spoiling so many of our fishing experiences on the Chilliwack Vedder River.

I had not followed through which I said I would try to do, that was to set up something with the Chilliwack RCMP, I apologize for that as I always try to follow through with what I say I am going to do. Up to tonight all I had done was talk about it. :-[

Anyway I have now made a phone call to my contact there and will see if they can do something as they will know of the latest rash so it may be a good time to try to get their cooperation. I have left a message with him to call me.

Please post here when you hear about or see a car break in that has been committed. Thanks.
I believe in the last few days there has been about 6 that I have been told about plus one car stolen.

Are there any stretches that are more prone to break-ins than others ? Is there any info on the perp's at all ? I would love to ambush someone trying to break in to my car.  >:(
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on January 03, 2008, 12:19:45 PM
THe other day some guy got his car stolen right out of "on the way" parking lot :-\
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: coryandtrevor on January 03, 2008, 01:30:12 PM
It sounds too easy for them and they are geting more brazen by the day . Untill someone gets busted or beaten to a pulpy mess, the criminals will continue to do these things. All it would take would be one little bastard to go screaming to his rodent friends that he was busted or mauled by rabid Steelheaders and it would trickle off a bit. ;D
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: BigFisher on January 03, 2008, 02:02:10 PM
On Sunday Dec 30th,  I was fishing mid river and when I returned to my truck I found that some bottom feeder had broken out my passenger window, punched my passenger door lock and tried to pry up my passenger door handle. Mr. Bottom Feeder took my tire chains and my insurance papers. After I cleaned up the mess and looked about it the bushes for my belongings - which I did not find - I report the incident with the Chilliwack RCMP.

I would love to have 5 minutes to speak with person who did this.

Thor, what kind of truck do you drive? I found some things scatterd along the chilliwack R rroad.
Oh yeah there was a suspecious grey honda civic hatchback a couple days ago, believed to be involved with some of the break ins. Looked like an older model, I heard.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: thor on January 03, 2008, 02:16:39 PM
BigFisher...I drive a 99 F150. They took my truck, boat trailer and rec trailer papers. I now keep photo copies in my truck with the originals at home. They also took a set of keys that belonged to my fishing buddy.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Terry Bodman on January 03, 2008, 02:40:02 PM
In response to Cory and Trevor's question, it seems there is no part of the Chilliwack/Vedder system immune from the sewer rats responsible. The most recent was right at Tesky Rock ( 2 incidents) which is in plain view of high traffic on Chilliwack Lake Rd and easily seen by those fishing below the rock. Some suggestions from yours truly:

1. Those with pickups and a canopy should back in so that tailgate and canopy door is against bushes.
2. Leave nothing in site (and that means absolutely nothing). These guys (or guys) will smash a window for 25 cents left in an ashtray.
3. Be vigilant. Any suspicious cars in parking area with people sitting in them? Write down licence number and description. Any suspicious guys hanging around parking lots. Stay until they disappear or go ask them some questions...are they really fishermen???
4. Report to RCMP even if you think it's a lost cause. This is important. RCMP need to know of any suspicious activity as well as knowing that we are concerned. They know the concern by the number of complainst generated. Chilliwack non-emergency number is 604-792-4611. Ask for COMPLAINTS DESK. Don't simply leave message with whoever answers phone.
5. If you are lucky enough to see some action going down, I would suggest you phone the same number (604-792-4611) rather than 911 and ask for DISPATCH.

Let's be proactive and not let these sewer rats spoil our outings. :-*
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Fish Assassin on January 03, 2008, 02:45:18 PM
THe other day some guy got his car stolen right out of "on the way" parking lot :-\

The gall of these guys. On the Way is not an isolated area. It's wide open and right next to a grocery store. >:(
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: coryandtrevor on January 03, 2008, 02:59:32 PM
THe other day some guy got his car stolen right out of "on the way" parking lot :-\

The gall of these guys. On the Way is not an isolated area. It's wide open and right next to a grocery store. >:(

Yeah thats brutal. We've parked there 3 times already. Most times in the late morning there are at least half dozen or more cars and lots of people milling around the shop.

Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: bentrod on January 03, 2008, 05:05:12 PM
Be nice if we could start a volunteer watch in certain parking lots.  If someone was willing to take a shift, write plates and just be observant, there'd be no break-ins here.  People are willing to volunteer their time for clean up, why not observation volunteers?
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on January 04, 2008, 08:41:14 AM
The average lifespan for these people breaking into your carwhen messed up on crack is about 8 or 9 years .So at least you know it will end sometime. We had one work our neighborhood for a few years but I think he's gone to "crack heaven".

Picture of 29 year old cracky

8 years later
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: coryandtrevor on January 04, 2008, 11:47:59 AM
WOW :-\  Thats a steep s**t slope she slid down.

The bottom pic looks just like Jessica Simpson.

29 years old ? Maybe 29 years of tippin' back pints at the Legion more like it.

Sad but true. 
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: penn on January 04, 2008, 05:34:57 PM
 Not to many who would spend many days waiting in the bushes .Trouble is you don't know where or when they are going to strike next.
 I heard reports of these scum scouting spots with a couple of guys , watch someone pull in and head to the river , one guy follows the fisherman spies on him with cell phone in hand while his partner performs the dirty deed .
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: chris gadsden on January 05, 2008, 08:26:12 PM
The idea of a Bait car there wont fly,  most of the times they are smash and grabs. Also to those who have said someone should wait in the bushes i have this to offer, name a fisherman that would wait in the bush when he would be dying to get on the flow??  We have postulated what to do for 20 yrs on the Chehalsi(original break in capital) but no one ever ponies up when a chrome bar could be in that run where you I was B&Ed at the Chehalis and obviously i would love to had my way with them but ive never had the desire to sit in wet bushes with Louis the Slugger beside me....  one more thing,  if you catch them red handed, pummel them to a pulp as ive heard police say its the only way they learn
You are right Cammer, a bait car per say would not work but I would like to try and do something. If the RCMP thing does not fly we are in the final stages of setting up a Wilderness Watch program. Thanks to Terry we have got a truck donated and recently gas donated too. We hope to have the volunteers and training in place in a few weeks so we will try to address this problem along with the regular patrols somehow.

Something has to be done as it is spoiling many anglers fishing trips like you experienced as well.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: BladeKid on January 05, 2008, 11:02:26 PM
I saw two cars broken into while driving along the Vedder, both within a kilometer of eachother :(.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: BladeKid on January 06, 2008, 01:41:32 PM
I saw two cars broken into while driving along the Vedder, both within a kilometer of eachother :(.

Where abouts?

Mid river....not sure of the name of the run they were by though :-\.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: CohoKiller5 on February 26, 2008, 11:48:22 PM
Had my Car broken into in October 2007 while coho fishing.  I seen the guy who did it too!  He was probably 6 feet tall, heavy build, unkept looking, wearing plaid work jacket, had a rotty/pitbull cross dog with him.  Never seen him vehicle he was in.  Popped/broke my passenger door lock and stole my pocket change, packsack with all my clothes and my tool box.

this was right before you get into yarrow in cottonwood parking lot (right by where they layed down new ashphalt road)
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on February 27, 2008, 04:09:18 PM
Had mine broken into two weeks ago. The fifth time no less in the last seven years :-\ Soon it while be a bi-annual event. They just trashed the lock on the driver side. So instead of doing the $300 deductable I bought a used lock and had it rekeyed. They made off with nothing of much of value as I don't leave anything worth much in the car. But it sure makes you irked especially when they could have went to the passenger door thats still screwed up from the last break in. I wish them a speedy trip to crack heaven if they can't look after themselves or get help.

Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Bobber on February 27, 2008, 10:15:40 PM
  Yeah had my truck broken into while at Allison Pools, on the turn while I was down below. One guy watching while the other made a mess of my locks to the Dodge, 2000 dollars damage. A couple of trips later made the mistake of taking the kids dodge with a canopy to the canal dyke on spring break, little buggers shot out the tinted windows of the canopy with a pellet gun??? 700 hundred dollars later. Couldn't give up the fishing so invested in a older car, now I leave it unlocked, empty of anything what so ever and enjoy my day fishing. That is what it has come to just to get a day of relaxing on the flow.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Trout Slayer on February 27, 2008, 10:30:42 PM
Had my truck window smashed last sunday while fishing my local river. Crackers stole my bare kodiak jacket and buddies camo hunting one, left my islander setup that was hidden on the side and buddies drift rod, took a couple cds and nickles though. @#^$%@^$@ $300 deductible for the window. Told my old boss at Riverside to keep a look out for a junkie trying to flog my jacket, later that day jacket was found down at labour unlimited. What a joke. Atleast i got my jacket back. Police are trying to track down who it was.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on February 27, 2008, 11:49:06 PM
It really bugs me because right now it's never been easier to get a job. Even if you can't keep "regular hours". Even if you haven't been in the job market for years. :-X

I was in Coquitlam last time fishing, and the other ones were right in front of my "stop by and b.&.e. bouquet, on the way to the crack shack" house. :(

I'm a recovering victim of theft and my name is troutbreath. :-\
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Rodney on February 27, 2008, 11:51:18 PM
Are break-ins only happening to cars without alarms or it does not make a difference anymore?
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on February 28, 2008, 12:02:36 AM
Your alarm might end up costing having your widow smashed, battery cable cut, etc. Thats OK if you know how to fix it, but if not it means extra cash for paying for help and expenses. Probably smarter to be dropped off in some area's rather than risk getting broken into if the losers are on the loose. :-\
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: CohoKiller5 on February 28, 2008, 12:32:04 PM
YES, alarms do make a difference.  I bet the people that got broken into did not have a alarm.  Even a blinking LED on the dash willl deture most thiefs trying to decide which vehiicle to break into.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: nosey on February 28, 2008, 12:58:03 PM
I don't even leave my doors locked, why bother with a canvas top, I leave as little as I possibly can in my vehicle and hope the fact that anyone poor enough to drive a POS vehicle like mine doesn't have much to steal registers on some part of the damaged brain cells these thieves possess.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Toprod on February 28, 2008, 04:16:54 PM
Back to the ever popular and always controversial Riverside Boxing Lesson theory...... :) :)
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Colorado Grinner on February 28, 2008, 08:52:56 PM
I put in an after market alarm system and feel a "little" more relaxed when I'm way down river from my truck.

Some of you might want to check the specifications on security system if you have a factory alarm.Until I looked into these things I thought my wifes car was secure,it beeps with the remote and honks if you open the unlocked door with out using the remote first,but if you want in simply smash the window or drive a screw diver though the lock.Most factory systems are designed to prevent theft of the vehicle only not to protect the contents of the vehicle.A good after market system has shock sensors that are triggered with a slight tap or jar on the vehicle and door pins so the door cant be opened with out setting off the alarm.If you don't already have an immobilizer get it linked to your ignition or fuel system as well.One more thing is an actual LED light linked to the system,Scum test those lights with a quick knock on your window,no warning cherp means its a fake.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Rodney on February 28, 2008, 09:26:54 PM
What about car registration document? Do people leave that in the car, or carry it while fishing since quite a bit of information is on it.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on February 28, 2008, 09:56:24 PM
They took my registration and probably went to my house to break in. I've known some people who had that happen to them. While your busy they know theres a few minutes to rip off whats in your house. I have a pit bull on the other side of the door, who sounds vicious anyway :)

My new set-up:

Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: firstlight on February 29, 2008, 04:57:07 PM
We need a shuttle service on that river.
Park your car in a secure manned lot.
A van drives up and down the river x amount of times during the day picking up and dropping you off wherever you want.
I bet it would work.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: BIG T on February 29, 2008, 05:17:50 PM
This is from this morning newspaper;
 Chilliwack RCMP are telling people to take their auto insurance paper with them when parked for an extended period of time after a family papers were stolen and their home torch and robbed.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Fish Assassin on February 29, 2008, 07:55:45 PM
Another point regarding your insurance/registration papers, never leave the original copy in your car - make a photocopy and use that one. If the originals are stolen someone can transfer your vehicle into their name and you are SOL. ICBC will not transfer ownership if the papers presented are a photcopy.

Excellent advice
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Geff_t on February 29, 2008, 07:58:16 PM
What if you get pulled over by the police and all you have is the photocopy will you get a fine for that. Also does anyone know if you are allowed to black out your address on the photocopy.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Colorado Grinner on February 29, 2008, 08:29:02 PM

I know that in the past we used to do alot of boat access only camping on Alloutte Lake.We would launch the boat and then park the truck and trailer in the parking lot for the night sometimes two.I always took my papers out of the truck because I herd story's of people coming home to finding their entire home cleaned right out.You figure that gate to the park locks you in every night and they know your gone for the weekend they've got quite a bit of time.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: c-pin on March 01, 2008, 12:10:12 PM
Here is the idea with the ICBC Insurance & Registration papers:

1) While at the Insurance place, get a photocopy.

2) Keep the originals at home.

3) Hide the photocopied Registration / Insurance papers somewhere in your car. Only you and your family will know where they are. Therefore, when you are stopped by the Police, the papers are readilly available.

4) Only keep property in your vehicle that, if stolen, will not be missed, or expensive if needing replacement.

I won't give suggestions as where to hide them etc., as some criminals MAY be trolling this website looking for ideas.

FYI ... I can confirm that these people are working in "teams" on the river. They have cell phones and 2 way radios. One keeps an eye on you while you are on the river, while the other goes through your car. Be wary of very friendly "crackhead looking" people who want to engage you in conversation while you are on the river or either going to or from your vehicle. Oh .... also ... do you think that crackheads ride bicycles for exercise? No .... it's so they can make a quicker getaway. (Note: Many observed on the Railway Bridge Dyke last year).

Please be wary of any vigilante type action on your part. The Courts are getting (are) very soft on these people as drug addiction (Cocaine & Methamphetamine) is being thought of as more of a medical condition (due to the Mental Health deterioration), or at the very least a "nuisance crime", than a real criminal problem.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: testo84 on March 01, 2008, 02:58:43 PM
really have nothing to say in this matter

never really happen at place where i live : third world country ( indonesia ). I dont know whats going on through the thieves head
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Griz on March 01, 2008, 03:39:07 PM
You can also take photo copy your insurance papers and then white out your address on the photocopy and keep the originals at home. I have done this and I have been told R.C.M.P. Friends of mine about it and they said that was O.k. to do.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on March 01, 2008, 08:22:28 PM
If you have insurance and the decal on your license plate the "smells like pork" can tell you have insurance and are the registered owner. Only loser cop would hassle you these days with that kinda crap. ::) My friend got nailed to the cross for not having his license plate where the thieving crackies could steal it for the fifth time about ten years ago. I was incensed and said he has it taped inside his back window so that it doesn't get stolen again, as the cop wrote him a ticket and muttered just doin my job.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: coryandtrevor on March 03, 2008, 08:19:45 AM
This thread made me paranoid all weekend :-[

I carried all things of value on my back, even my street shoes  :D

Everybody was a suspect !
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: DionJL on March 03, 2008, 11:40:52 AM
I woke up this morning to find out that my truck had been broken into in a "secure" underground garage at UBC. Punched the lock on my door, ripped my sirius radio off the dash (didn't take it though), grabbed maybe 70 cents in change stole a cell phone charger and a pair of sunglasses. They left: insurance papers, a tool set worth ~$150, bear spray, and my river fishing vest. They also left behind the screwdriver they used to punch my lock, and they also spit on my door/driver's window.

anyone know what it costs to get a door lock fixed?
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: testo84 on March 03, 2008, 12:41:54 PM
I woke up this morning to find out that my truck had been broken into in a "secure" underground garage at UBC. Punched the lock on my door, ripped my sirius radio off the dash (didn't take it though), grabbed maybe 70 cents in change stole a cell phone charger and a pair of sunglasses. They left: insurance papers, a tool set worth ~$150, bear spray, and my river fishing vest. They also left behind the screwdriver they used to punch my lock, and they also spit on my door/driver's window.

anyone know what it costs to get a door lock fixed?

i'd say try to search in google for richmond stores.  They usually have good deals of fixing car. I chose them because some of them are really experienced ( 20 years+ ) mechanics and come here to start their own businesses. so yeah search for them cheaper and you are in a good hand
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: troutbreath on March 03, 2008, 03:55:40 PM
anyone know what it costs to get a door lock fixed?

Your dedutable and ICBC will in my case chip in $550. I bought used ($45,rekeyed$25) and saved $230 of my $300 deductable, to spend on beer and wings. Mind you you have to know how to put the lock in.  Or you pay to get that done would still probably be cheaper. Next time I'll use a hasp and padlock.My car looks like crap anyway.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: DionJL on March 03, 2008, 09:35:25 PM
Yes there is damage to the sheet metal on the door. And i don't have comprehensive so deductible isn't a worry lol.
Title: Re: Car Break-ins On The Chilliwack Vedder River
Post by: Colorado Grinner on March 04, 2008, 08:31:45 PM
When that happened to me I had to replace the entire door handle.
Couldn't find one from any parts store so I had to buy it from the dealership >:((always more money from any dealership)
saved a few bucks buy ordering the tumbler system separate through a locksmith :)

sorry to here about your bad luck Dion.