Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fishing Reports => Members' Fishing Reports => Topic started by: Big Steel on September 29, 2007, 02:41:07 PM

Title: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Big Steel on September 29, 2007, 02:41:07 PM
Hit the river this morning bright and early, figured I would get out there and get a good spot.....  until I realized that no one sleeps anymore!! :D  There was about 30 guys already there.  So I just wandered down river a bit to a spot that was much less crowded.  There were a lot of fish in the area.  Saw a couple nice Coho hooked, I myself lost a couple Coho and a Spring on Roe.  But I didn't have much and soon ran out.  So on to Blades, which actually worked nicely.  Wasn't really that nice of water for them, but for some reason I have something against wool.  Anyhow, hooked 4 more Spring Jacks and to many pink.  Kept a couple of Jacks, one of which was a Red.  Was a ncie day out and might even get back out there in the morning.  Here is a pic of one of the Jacks. :)

Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Hook Set on September 29, 2007, 02:55:25 PM
Nice fish. Nice to find out you got a red isn't it :) ;)

I was out today as well managed to hooked into a lot of jacks and a couple coho. Ended up keeping 1 big hatchery coho and 1 nice clean jack spring. Great day to be out.

Some pics to come later
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 29, 2007, 03:03:09 PM
This might be a rhetorical question but alot of people out ?
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Big Steel on September 29, 2007, 03:04:42 PM
This might be a rhetorical question but alot of people out ?
You would be correct in assuming that might be a rhetorical question Fish my friend. ;D
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on September 29, 2007, 03:46:13 PM
 Good to hear from you DMW! I was out yesterday. Was into 4 or so jacks and one hoe. Took a nice white jack home.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: DionJL on September 29, 2007, 03:50:53 PM
Bonked my second hatchery ho today. This one had some nice roe.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Big Steel on September 29, 2007, 04:00:32 PM
Nice Job guys.  Great job on the Ho Dion.  The Ho's haven't been nice to me in my 2 trips out.  They keep popping off at shore.  I am 0 for 4 on them so far... :-[ ;D
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: minnie-me on September 29, 2007, 04:18:44 PM
I did well myself landing a nice female Coho around #10 first thing, lost all my blades so went to pack it in and ran into DMW who was nice enough to lend me one, it produced a nice jack spring in short order. Good to see you out there Dave, maybe see you again in the AM.  ;D

Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: younggun on September 29, 2007, 04:20:49 PM
crome fish dave! wow, i love blades for coho but i guess they catch springs too!
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Big Steel on September 29, 2007, 04:21:23 PM
I did well myself landing a nice female Coho around #10 first thing, lost all my blades so went to pack it in and ran into DMW who was nice enough to lend me one, it produced a nice jack spring in short order. Good to see you out there Dave, maybe see you again in the AM.  ;D

Yeah that was a beauty Coho.  Buggar.  Nice seeing you out there again as well.  I will more than likely be back out.  Don't know if I will be at the same spot though... ;)
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Hook Set on September 29, 2007, 04:22:47 PM
OK heres the hatchery coho I got today  :)


 A nice big doe  ;D
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: minnie-me on September 29, 2007, 04:24:17 PM
I did well myself landing a nice female Coho around #10 first thing, lost all my blades so went to pack it in and ran into DMW who was nice enough to lend me one, it produced a nice jack spring in short order. Good to see you out there Dave, maybe see you again in the AM.  ;D

Yeah that was a beauty Coho.  Buggar.  Nice seeing you out there again as well.  I will more than likely be back out.  Don't know if I will be at the same spot though... ;)

Dave do you need to send me a PM? ;)
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: *Lil Fisherman* on September 29, 2007, 04:25:34 PM
Well well well...long time no talk DMW.
I see you have given up on the wool after too many....misses ;D
I was gonna head up to the chedda but dont know buddy has to get his truck fixed and wont be for a week or two. You think it would be worth going up there in two weeks? I cant remember how long it was good for ???

Keep those hooks sharpened ;)
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Hook Set on September 29, 2007, 04:27:09 PM
The big springers will be thick in a couple weeks, so it would be prime for them. Providing the water conditions hold up.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Geff_t on September 29, 2007, 04:27:22 PM
That's some nice looking fish. I will hopefully be out there in the morning. It all depends on the river. Then again if that one is blown then there is always the backup flow. I guess either way we will be somewhere and hopefully into some nice ho's
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: allwaysfishin on September 29, 2007, 04:45:09 PM
even though i swore i would NEVER fish the vedder again.... i broke down out of sheer boredom....  ;D screw that.... ineeded to catch some fish hehehe. waded around the canal, was gonna find merc and jetboat but.... that spot looked WAY too busy so i went away from all the crowds. first fish on roe about a half hour in after finding some water to flog.. spring jack 6lbs or so... release.... many pinks... on roe even..... then float down..... runty 4/5 lbs wild coho.... released..... 2 casts later..... 9/10 lbs hatchery doe..... schmack..... switched to blades to see if i could scare up her sister but nope.... pinks... pinks... and at about 11:30... float down.... 5/6 lbs spring jack... schmack..... went up river to check things out very busy up and down... but the fish (coho) are throughout the river now. will have to drag my *** out there in the a.m.   i just can't help myself  ;D
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: summersteel on September 29, 2007, 05:24:50 PM
It was crowded!! the spot where I was by myself at first light last week had 20 cars at 6:00am. me and Rob moved on and I killed a hatchery coho at 7:00am mid river. later Rob hooked two coho as well, one landed and released and one got away.

There was an ugly display of guts and thrown away roe on the beaches all over the canal.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: minnie-me on September 29, 2007, 06:36:21 PM
May be rethinking tomorrow, it is getting nasty out there and it isn't supposed to get any better tomorrow.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: testo84 on September 29, 2007, 08:02:51 PM
great report i am going tomorrow then go to clean up

see you there for anyone whose heading out
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: DionJL on September 29, 2007, 08:09:29 PM
There was a ugly display of guts and thrown away roe on the beaches all over the canal.

Might have to walk the canal in the afternoon to do some "Clean-Up" and gather some "garbage" to cure up.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: summersteel on September 29, 2007, 08:20:57 PM
There was a ugly display of guts and thrown away roe on the beaches all over the canal.

Might have to walk the canal in the afternoon to do some "Clean-Up" and gather some "garbage" to cure up.

ha! Good idea we collected some while we were there.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: searun17 on September 29, 2007, 11:02:59 PM
Nice fish Dave,i might be out tomorrow,maybe we will bump into you on the flow, :) :)
Title: Coho on the Vedder
Post by: Keen-an on September 30, 2007, 02:35:15 PM
Me, my borther and my dad hit the vedder saturday morning. Hooked 3 hatchery coho and 1 wild coho. Me catching the only wild one. My first Coho ever on the Vedder. We hooked acouple jacks as well                 (Here are the pics)  ;D
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: The_Other_Gman on September 30, 2007, 03:19:13 PM
Got to the river late...around noonish.  Fished for 4 hours.  Fished upper river in a little spot I know that's changed quite a bit since last year.  Landed and released a slightly coloured Pink moving up a travelling lane.  Moved up a ways to a nice deep pool (10'-12' deep), set my depth at about 7 feet.  First cast, float takes a dive....15 minutes later landed a 26 lb Buck Chinook with just a touch of red on the sides.  Left just before the rain started.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Rodney on September 30, 2007, 06:51:09 PM
Very good weekend reports and photos.

Normally I do not fish the Chilliwack River on weekends because my work gives me the flexibility to fish during the week. Thinking that the river may not be fishable next week, I accompanied Mark for an afternoon outing. To avoid the crowd, sometimes an afternoon outing can be much more pleasant since everyone focuses on the morning bites. We arrived at a spot where Chris and I have been getting fish at around 1:00pm. To my surprise, I was delighted to find no one fishing at our spot. :D We quickly geared up, headed down there to dip our floats. Chris showed up soon after and joined us for a few drifts. Action was slow. I missed a few. Mark managed to hook and lose a coho salmon. His excuse was a poor hookset due to slippery fingers on the centerpin reel. ;)

While we didn't fish with anyone, it was good to meet some readers who came by for a quick chat. :) Thanks for the kind words.

After two hours of trying, I decided to take Mark to mid river and fish another spot where Luke and I had some success on Thursday. Shane also decided to meet us there after his mushroom picking trip. We arrived and were once again excited to find no one fishing at our spot on a Saturday! :) My first drift through the productive spot with a big piece of fresh pink roe sent the float diving. I set the hook but after a few kicks it swam away freely. Mark was also into a fish minutes later. It fought like a jack chinook, but we never found out as it also fell off after a minute or two of tugging. ::) After drifting all of our gear through there for another hour, we headed to another spot nearby.

The walk down there was rather eventful. First I fell onto a blackberry bush, cutting my fingers, maybe waders too. I still have to check. A couple of minutes later after emerging from the bush, I walked down a hill, fell head first and performed a faceplant in front of Shane because I had my rod in one hand while holding a water bottle in the other. Shane was laughing pretty hard, as was I. "Normally people slip and fall on their butt when coming down the hill.", he said. The first thing that came out of my mouth after digging my face out of the mud was, "I hope the rod isn't broken!"

Our attempts at the third run were a bit more successful. The tailout seemed to be stacked with coho salmon. I decided to swing my spoon through it. On the first cast, one coho attacked it hard halfway through the retrieve. It exploded on the surface just like Thursday's fish when hooked. Unfortunately, once again, it too came off near shore! It's becoming a bit frustrating with so many coho salmon lost in one week. :o Mark managed to land a jack chinook salmon, which he kept. A few more jacks were landed before dark. Shane hooked nothing, this river hates him. ;)

Our good day ended by having dinner with Chris, Buckeye and Buckwife. :D Thanks for dinner Chris. ;)

Although most sections of the river on the weekend are occupied with large crowds, there are definitely spots where good fishing can be hard without many anglers around. Let's hope this rain will ease off soon so the river will be back in shape for more good coho fishing before the season ends.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Taboo on September 30, 2007, 07:38:35 PM

Although most sections of the river on the weekend are occupied with large crowds, there are definitely spots where good fishing can be hard without many anglers around. Let's hope this rain will ease off soon so the river will be back in shape for more good coho fishing before the season ends.

I ran into a fellow who worked for Fisheries on Saturday (not the same guys who check your licenses and gear), he was there to take scale samples from landed fish and do a count of anglers.  He estimated that the Vedder had between 800 to 1000 anglers on it....

Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: GoldHammeredCroc on September 30, 2007, 08:21:50 PM
Creel surveyor.  If they ask you for a couple of minutes of your time, please help out with any information and details.
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: Whitedevil on September 30, 2007, 09:16:10 PM
good report and I wish I can be there tomorrow...
Title: Re: Vedder Sept 29/07
Post by: chris gadsden on September 30, 2007, 09:59:04 PM
Thats why I bought dinner Rodney as you were so badly injured I felt sorry for you. ::) Start using a walking staff like me, O, you are not 64 yet, sorry. ;D