Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fly Fishing Cafe => Topic started by: Ed on August 14, 2007, 12:00:13 PM

Title: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 14, 2007, 12:00:13 PM
In the past most my fishing has been done on a casting rod/reel setup but now I am hoping to try out some fly fishing. I've heard some great things about fly fishing and have seen many fly fishermen around. To me Fly fishing looks really fun but is more difficult to learn.

Lately I've been looking at Berrysbait, Pacific Angler, and Reactionbait and found that fly fishing set up can be costly. I was just wondering roughly how much should i spend if i'm looking for gear that will last me not just as a beginner but later on in my fishing ventures. I was hoping to use fly fishing for some trout, steelhead, and smaller sized salmon fishing.

I've read a lot already from different websites and was hoping if I could get any suggestions from you pros out there. Thanks.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Rodney on August 14, 2007, 12:14:08 PM
Dragonfly products are excellent entry-level equipment. Perhaps talk to the staff at the above mentioned stores, explain your circumstances and have them fit you with the proper gear.

I would perhaps invest more on the rod and start with a cheaper reel. A reel is mostly used to hold line anyway when flyfishing.

That's just my opinion from an entry-level point of view, perhaps other pros will provide some feedbacks. :)
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 14, 2007, 12:22:56 PM
Thanks Rodney! Yeah i was thinking the same. Maybe spend a little more on a better quality Rod and move up on reels as I get better at fly fishing. I was just wondering for you and other fishermen, was fly fishing a good experience?
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: dennyman on August 14, 2007, 01:04:47 PM
Hi Ed: my answer to you is that you will probably end up buying two rods. The reason I say this is that for trout, you will probably buy either a 5 or  a 6 weight fly rod. This will allow you to feel the fight of the trout, and after all that is  one of the main incentives for getting into flyfishing. As for the salmon,  I would purchase either an 8 or 9 weight fly rod and a matching disc drag fly reel. Salmon are much stronger than trout, and hooking into one will really test your angling skills.  You could certainly go the inexpensive route, but a rod that works well on the trout, will probably make you feel undergunned when you tie into a salmon. And you want to get the fish in to you in a reasonable amount of time without overplaying it. But go to your flyfishing shop, explain what you have in mind. Ask them if you can do some drycasting with a fly rod so you can pick the rod that works best for you. Getting into flyfishing can be very enjoyable, but it can also leave more than a small dent in your wallet at the end of the day.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Rodney on August 14, 2007, 01:21:04 PM
I was just wondering for you and other fishermen, was fly fishing a good experience?

On the most part, it has been fantastic.

Other times, it's like this:

I've enjoyed the indicator fishing for a few years now and it is still a rush when that red bobber goes down. This year I have spent more time on stripping a fly and feel that hard tug when the fish strikes, it is absolutely a blast. Your objective of the fishing outing becomes entirely different to other fishing methods. It's an ongoing learning process. When one technique is dialed up, you work on the next one, etc. Some claim to be therapeutic, but I wouldn't go as far as that, yet anyway. Some think it is above all other fishing skills, but Overall I just think it is a lot of fun! I will still bait fish, spoon fish, etc, this just adds another option to my annual routine.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 14, 2007, 01:21:47 PM
Thanks for the advice! If i ever planned on catching some bigger fish I will for sure consider a stronger rod. But in general for capilano coho and other lower mainland streams/rivers the salmons are usually quite small anyways. Would you think that a a #6 rod will do good for fish around the 5-10 pound margin?

I really hope I can get into fly fishing because I will be planning on getting a 4 piece rod so i can take it with me on my trips. Recently this year I went on a trip to Panama City, Panama and found the fishing to be pretty good but sadly I did not have my own tackle which sort of lessened the satisfaction. Thats why with a compact fly fishing set I will be more prepared.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 14, 2007, 01:25:03 PM
I was just wondering for you and other fishermen, was fly fishing a good experience?

On the most part, it has been fantastic.

Other times, it's like this:

I've enjoyed the indicator fishing for a few years now and it is still a rush when that red bobber goes down. This year I have spent more time on stripping a fly and feel that hard tug when the fish strikes, it is absolutely a blast. Your objective of the fishing outing becomes entirely different to other fishing methods. It's an ongoing learning process. When one technique is dialed up, you work on the next one, etc. Some claim to be therapeutic, but I wouldn't go as far as that, yet anyway. Some think it is above all other fishing skills, but Overall I just think it is a lot of fun! I will still bait fish, spoon fish, etc, this just adds another option to my annual routine.

Yeah as a child i was more used to bait fishing around the West Vancouver Piers and it was very exciting catching soles and etc. In general from what i've read fly fishing is really adaptable to most fishing environments and i was hoping to have a smaller fishing set to take around when I travel.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Rodney on August 14, 2007, 02:22:26 PM
It's definitely more convenient/easy when it comes to the amount of equipment needed for flyfishing. This has been good to me as I have a lot of camera gear to carry, which I don't usually bring if I am bait/float fishing. Preparation before the trip is also easier. The rod and reel are usually ready, just gotta pack the fly box, leaders, tippets.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Jamison Jay on August 14, 2007, 09:43:29 PM
If you are looking for a 4piece nice rod that won't kill your wallet, make sure to check out the Echo series one rods, they are great to learn on have full warranty, come with a nice sock and tube, they are a great place to start, they will last you into your intermediate level of casting. I thnk they go for about $150 Also a note, the boys over at M&Y in surrey have been great to me and my wife, spending the better part of an afternoon helping her choose the right rod for her, including casting out frt. to judge her preferences and style of casting.

If you decide to stay 2piece then I may have a 6wt dragonfly rod that I'm thinking of selling, drop me en email.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 14, 2007, 10:41:23 PM
Yeah I think I will stick on trying to get a 4 piece. I drive a small car so whenever i take my casting rods out to fish i end up having rods sticking all the way to the front seat.

and thanks for the suggestion on the fishing store. I was planning on heading to Pacific Angler, Berrys or Reactionbaits sometimes this week to check out some options. I would head out to Surry but i live in downtown hehe. Anyways i was going to head up to the capilano this sunday with a coworker to check out the Pink salmons and try his fly fishing tackle and see if I like it first.

Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 15, 2007, 01:34:53 PM
Well after talking to some people about getting a new fly set up I think i'm going to go with Redington. What do you guys think about the Wayfarer Series rod?

and CD series reels

Anybody have a rod from redington or have experiences with it ?
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Jamison Jay on August 15, 2007, 07:11:56 PM
Honestly, I know for myself I can make any rod work good enough to fish. Although there are definately some real nice rods and some real not so good, the rest just lay somewhere in between, it's all in what you like and what suits you, don't let prices fool you into thinking something is better just because it costs a bit more. What might be a better idea is to take a couple of lessons and then go out and find a rod that suits you, that way you will be better able to judge the rod itself, also you will be leaps and bounds ahead of those of us that tried to figure it out on our own.


edit: Forgot to add, reddington makes good stuff, haven't had a chance to cast the multy piece set-ups though.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 15, 2007, 09:36:26 PM
yeah i was thinking of the 4 piece now not the 6 piece. had a friend tell me that it's not as durable
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: BladeKid on August 16, 2007, 02:30:52 PM
I highly reccomend fly fishing. Once I started and got the hang of it, thats the only type of fishing I wanted to do. There's nothing like a fish on the fly rod. ;D
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 16, 2007, 04:03:43 PM
Yeah I hope i learn to love fly fishing. Heading over to Reaction Baits after work so I can see if I can get a relatively cheap fly fish set up and some waders lol
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 16, 2007, 09:22:27 PM
Well I ended up buying an echo rod and a renington reel. Very good help at Reaction Bait. Hope to try this rod out soon!
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Jamison Jay on August 16, 2007, 10:35:16 PM
Did you go with the 6wt rod? The echo rods are a good buy, and are a nice package for the money. Who helped you out over there? they all good guys ;)
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 17, 2007, 09:12:22 AM
I went with a 8wt rod for more fishing in the Squamish area  and Cap river. Also bought a wading set. Overal very happy with the purchase and service from the store. Ferdie helped me at the shop very patiently took 2 hours to buy all that lol.

Yeah the Echo warantee is what got me, and Ferdie recomended me that rod for a beginner as i have yet to cast a fly rod.

maybe one day in the future I will upgrade my set as i fly fish more lol.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Jamison Jay on August 17, 2007, 07:52:53 PM
Cool, although I really don't think you'll have to upgrade for a long time, if at all. The 8wt is nice, you can hit steelhead, coho, chum, and even into some springs, not to mention pinks, and others. What line did they set you up with?
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 17, 2007, 08:59:05 PM
I'm not 100 percent sure what type of line it is but it was the custom ones that they had in the store. From how they explained it, getting the custom line would save me from getting too many spools.
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Jamison Jay on August 18, 2007, 12:28:00 AM
Nice, the boys there have a few different lines they can make up, if it's a bright sort of yellow, then it's a modified SA headstart line, which works  good when chopped and used as a shooting head, with tip system. If it is a head and tip system, then it will definately save you some bucks. ;D
Title: Re: Thinking about fly fishing for first time
Post by: Ed on August 18, 2007, 11:30:31 AM
yeah i think it's a head and tip system they gave me a little bag with couple tips and the line is green