Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: Steely on December 07, 2006, 07:57:18 PM

Title: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Steely on December 07, 2006, 07:57:18 PM
For me it's probobly because of the anticipation of a monster looking at your bait and exploring the river looking those silver bullets.  :o Not as crowded as well ::)
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: BIG T on December 07, 2006, 08:03:16 PM
More of a  challenge and no crowd ;)
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on December 07, 2006, 08:05:46 PM
all of the reasons above and Because they look magnificent and put up a great scrap!
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Hook Set on December 07, 2006, 08:46:29 PM
I'll be finding out soon, it will be my first year steelheading  :) ;D
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: kingpin on December 07, 2006, 11:04:56 PM
In the words of brett hull, " i don't like it, im just good at it" ;D
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Big Steel on December 08, 2006, 06:36:41 AM
More of a  challenge and no crowd ;)
  Ditto that!! ;D
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: TrophyHunter on December 08, 2006, 09:19:39 AM
About ten years ago, I made my first trip to the Vedder for Steel, I remember hiking up the river using all the tricks of the trade that had been shown to me, I remember it was a cold cold day and I was bundled up in my neo's and fleece and my balaclava...well I was having no luck so I was hiking the river and I ran into a few fishermen on the Dyke that used to exist just up from on the way.
As I approached this group one of them actually got a fish on  :o up to that point in my life I had never even seen a Steelhead in real life and now here I was actually witnessing someone fighting one of these mystical creatures !! well long story short I waded into the river and tailed this beautiful fish for the fisherman .. I mean I actually got to hold this beautiful bar of chrome in my hands  ;D ;D
After that moment in my life I was hooked , it was all I could think about !! I never did get to play one of these beauties that first year but I have shook hands with many since then and I still believe they are one of the most amazing creatures the river god's offer us  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: timbo on December 08, 2006, 09:33:43 AM
3 seasons ago I hooked a beauty, or should I say it hooked me. It was the unbelievavble the power and all the jumps that this fish displayed. it spit the hook after about 45 seconds and I've yet to hook another but because of that one I will definatly try again this year.

Cheers and best of luck
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: IronNoggin on December 08, 2006, 06:38:40 PM
I hunt for steelhead because the Voices in my head tell me too!  ;D

And that's something I simply can't ignore!

Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Matt on December 09, 2006, 12:45:28 AM
Its a relaxing way to get out there and enjoy the freezing rain and howling winter wind with the added benefit that in all likelyhood, you aren't going to have to over exert yourself with the bother of playing a fish.
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Ribwart on December 09, 2006, 01:37:00 PM
There are so many reasons...but for me it's that feeling you get when the float goes down with a good take, and you get that first feel for what the fish has got...I don't know how many times,regardless of the size of the fish, I have thought to myself...Holy crap! That's a strong fish. You can feel it in the rod bent over with a bright bar of chrome on the other end. The powerful headshakes, the weight of the fish...there's nothing like it...
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Steely on December 09, 2006, 02:13:42 PM
 A men ;)
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: DanTfisherman on December 09, 2006, 07:36:19 PM
An interesting post!!!

I fish for them because when they are there and you know where to look, they are fairly easy to catch.

Steelhead are not too picky and a variety of items can be used and met with success.

Many an outing I have hit the river to find a 100 springs, 50 Coho, whatever number in a pool and be met with little to no success.

I have many outings where I hit the river and see a steelhead in a pool and am successful in enticing it to bite within 5 casts (not every time, though).  Or I hit pools/runs where I see nothing (like "no hope clause") and a Steelhead flies out of nowhere to take my gear.

Vary rarely do I have outings when targeting Steelhead that I do not catch a fish.  I do have the odd outing where I can see many of my intended "salmon species" and go home without a hit.

Just my take.

Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: stryker 07 on December 10, 2006, 07:46:04 PM
Just to get out of the house and clear my head from work .......aahhhh  fresh air,yeah thats it.....well maybe the chance of hooking a fish or two also... ;)
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: Matuka Jack on December 10, 2006, 09:49:25 PM
Just to get out and enjoy nature, cool fresh air, the sound of the river...etc.etc.  As a bonus, I usually never have to clean the fish. :P
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: firstlight on December 10, 2006, 09:53:54 PM
There isnt many and its more of a hunt.
If i caught 10 Steelhead everytime out i would have probably quit fishing them by now.
Or had a lot of people following me from my driveway. ;D
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: mastercaster on December 11, 2006, 05:09:10 PM
I was fortunate enough to grow up the son of a obsessed stealhead fisherman who grew up being the son of an obsessed steelheader.  When I started walking  he felt I was old enough to start fishing. From the time I was nine years old my dad would take me out of school every year for a week around Rem. Day to fish the Thompson and every summer we fished the Skeena, mostly the Copper and other tribs so catching 10 fish a day was not uncommon even though there was no such thing as "hatcheries". I have been fishing every year since for them and I'm not lying when I tell you are barely sleep a wink the night before I go.  My wife just shakes her head but for me fishing is just like Christmas morning to a kid.  Sleep is over rated anyways. Seeing that float go down, striking without thinking about it, and feeling those two or three monster head shakes is right up there with good sex.  And the nice thing about it is it is often more than once.  The other thing that totally amazes me, and I am not exagerating because I have seen it on numerous occaisions, is some of those Thompson and Skeena steelies are so strong that they are capable of running out 50 yards, will jump into the air, and your entire line comes out of the water!  I've never seen a salmon do that.
Title: Re: Why do you like Steelheading?
Post by: druid on December 15, 2006, 12:37:15 PM
Well, my preference is floating around a small lake in my dinghy, catching 'bows on a fly in the sunshine. But for the winter, we have two options (three if you count ice-fishing, but that's Just Silly ;) ): Cutthroat and Steelhead.

Now, the advantage of cutthroat hunting is I already have the license and the gear, and the spots are usually deserted (which may be a clue as to why I never catch one!). But muddy sloughbanks just don't do it for me, and chances are, there are no trout in the water anyway.

For Steel, I have to buy the stamp, which means I feel obligated to go out at least a few times, which puts pressure on me. BUT:
1. the river is beautiful, and there's always some places where there are no crowds (again, probably indicating I'm in the Wrong Spot to catch one, but still...)
2. Chances are pretty good there are at least SOME fish in the vicinity - so any cast COULD bag me a 10-lber!

So - another year where I buy the stamp and lose gear to the rock gods...
