Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fly Fishing Cafe => Topic started by: frenchy on October 13, 2006, 04:40:12 PM

Title: chum flyfishing
Post by: frenchy on October 13, 2006, 04:40:12 PM
In the river I fish, I know a nice spot with slow water, around 3 feet deep and holding a good number of chum. I would like to give a try flyfishing for these beats, but of course I would like to avoid foul hooking them. I have a multi-tips system, so I think I should use the floatting line to avoid snagging the fish, but what kind of leader? what length? Do I have to use weighted flies? Do I do a dead drift or do I retrieve? Do I cast a bit upstream, 45° downstream? What Kind of flies?...
I am mainly used to flyfish for brown trouts using dry flies, so this kind of flyfishing is really new to me.

Thanks for your help
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 13, 2006, 05:23:28 PM
If you are fishing slow water I would cast and retrieve a Popsicle.
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: newsman on October 13, 2006, 06:09:51 PM
I have been holding back on answering these post on Chum as I have been waiting to get my copy of "A Compendium Of Canadian Fly Pattens" because I wanted to see how my of my patterns made the cut. Just got my copy today and all six I submitted were excepted.

Okay in answer to your question: I am asuming you know your fly fishing, so what you want to do is use the short line nymphing tec drifting the fly through the Chum's line of vision. Don't yank your line if you feel it bumping along the fish's back or fins, just let it drift and it will roll of allowing you to pressent the fly again without snaging the fish. The right fly pattern in the right color will spark the Chum's aggression they will bite. I have watch aggresive males turn, chase, grab, and spit out my Mat Green (fly pattern) as many as three times in one drift.

You can find my two most successful Chum patterns the Mat Green & Dec 25 on pages 61 and 64 of the newly released "Compendium of Canadian Fly Patterns".
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: frenchy on October 13, 2006, 06:38:26 PM
And if you assume that I do not know my flyfishing... ::)
I mean, it is kind of clear, but not completely

and concerning the book, I just ordered "a passion for steelhead", so I will wait a bit for another one...  ;)

Anyway, Thanks
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: frenchy on October 14, 2006, 05:55:22 PM
any other trick?
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: dennyman on October 14, 2006, 06:06:24 PM
Flyfishing Magician under the flyfishing section has posted some patterns that look pretty good.  Remember the strikes you get will be because you have provoked the fish to strike. A fly with plenty of movement and putting it in the strike zone is key. Also, I would recommend using an eight or ten pound test leader,  this will allow you to break the fish off in case you hook into a real strong fish and prevent your rod from blowing up.
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: FlyFishin Magician on October 14, 2006, 06:32:50 PM
Thanks dennyman.  Hey newsman - congratulations on having your patterns published.  I'll have to take a look... :D.
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: frenchy on October 15, 2006, 04:22:46 PM
Thank you, I will try that soon and let you know
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: younggun on October 15, 2006, 09:06:37 PM
i was using my casting equipment and those big boys fight hard even in the slow water. Think i'll use my six weight! ;D
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: dennyman on October 15, 2006, 09:28:29 PM
Young gun, you would really be subjecting your six weight to a lot of stress. In addition, you would not be able to get the fish you are targeting  back to your hand in a timely manner. I myself use an 8 weight and find it does a real good job on the fish I have caught on the Vedder. I can bring the fish to hand in a reasonable time, and still get lots of enjoyment from  the fight of  the fish.
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: newsman on October 15, 2006, 09:32:59 PM
Hey young while you could land those Chum on your 6w you would be putting undue stress on those fish and likely cause them brain damage from oxygen depleation. Not really sporting.
Title: Re: chum flyfishing
Post by: younggun on October 15, 2006, 11:04:58 PM
just joking guys i wasn't serious, if i was to fish for any salmon with my six weight it would be pinks and cohos only! Those chums put up such a fight it would take me a good 30 minutes to bring one in!